Biertag/Biertag '10

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– Biertag –

History of Biertag - What is Biertag? - Celebration Locations
Drinking Toasts, Songs & Jokes - Beer Pledge

Guests of Honor - Those Who Rallied to the Call of BEER!
Beer Pledge '10 - Pub Banter

Biertag '10


It was that time of year again and the Burchell Arms Regulars (B.A.R.), who annually sponsor the Biertag event, once again gathered themselves up and took the day off from their usually zombie slaying and drinking to attend the celebration being held at St. Arnold's Church in their beloved suburb of Rolt Heights. In an odd turn of events, this year Biertag was opened up to zombies, although not without some initial conflict to the contrary. It's unclear whether this was decided beforehand or whether the zombies simply appeared of their own accord/reasons (see Marihuanatag '10), regardless of survivor intentions. Whatever the case may be, the end result was that the zombie group known as the Angry Vaginas decided to hang out inside the church to celebrate.

As with previous years, noted NecroTech scientist Caleb Usher, who contributed to the creation of the Biertag event, was not present. Rumor has it he sleeps within Treweeke Mall and has been there since he was last spotted back in 2005, although his efforts to assist local survivor groups in northeast Malton are still well known. How he actually manages to accomplish these feats is unclear, but maybe a couple of beers will provide some answers...

Guests of Honor

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While its generally considered that anyone who shows up at Biertag is considered "special", if only for their ability to drink epic quantities of alcohol that would kill a lesser man (or woman), there were still a few notable individuals who attended Biertag '10 that should be mentioned because of one reason or another. Those individuals were:

Special Guests Who are they...? Famous for what...?
Leo Leonardo III Co-Owner of the Burchell Arms Regulars It's said he once proposed the age old question: "If a bear and a deer ever had an offspring, would that make it a beer?"
MrGomez Co-Owner of the Burchell Arms Regulars He's been known to cure narcolepsy, just by walking into a room.
Yonnua Koponen Leader of Dead vs Blue It's said that even his enemies list him as their emergency contact number. He's that well respected. Honest engine.
Bane Croooow Representative of the RCDC If he punched you in the face, you would have to fight off the strong urge to thank him.
HiteiKan Platoon Commander, Earletown Rangers If he punched you in the face, you would have to fight off the strong urge to thank him.
Ed Zeplin Platoon Sergeant, Earletown Rangers If he's shot, he never bleeds. He doesn't have time to bleed. He does, however, have time to drink, and hence his attendence at Biertag.

Those Who Rallied to the Call of BEER!

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In addition to the guests of honor, there were survivors (and zombies) from a variety of groups which showed up at the Biertag beer festival to celebrate. Listed are the group they were affiliated with (at the time at least), and thus, showed their group's support for the holiday. It should also be mentioned that there may have been other groups present that might have been overlooked, which is a serious possibility as most of the people there were blitzed out of their minds, but here are the groups who we know had representatives (and yes, we use that term loosely) at the various festivals:

Groups Home Suburb(s) Affiliation
AVsymbol.png Angry Vaginas Zombies
BAR small.jpg Burchell Arms Regulars, The
DeadvsBlue small.jpg Dead vs Blue Survivors
EarletownRanger sm.png Earletown Rangers Survivors
NoGroupIcon.jpg Hellsing Corporation
  • Nomadic
KNW sm.png Kempsterbank Neighbourhood Watch Survivors
Kilt Store logo.JPG Kilt Store, The Survivors
RCDC logomini.jpg RCDC Survivors
DeadvsBlue small.jpg RHVP Survivors

Beer Pledge '10

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Biertag '10, as the Biertags before it, has now passed in Malton's history books, but these are the people who originally planned to drop by and join in the celebrations. This sign-up list was considered extra important for those survivors who happened to have a murderous background, as it would have allowed others to recognize that they were at the church to kill a few beers, not people. Later this offer was extended to zombies as well, and it so happens this year was the first that they actually took us up on the offer:

Sign-Up List for the Rolt Heights Party

  1. Caleb Usher - NecroTech - "Science is about harvesting 45 million year-old yeast and then turning it into beer. That, my friends, is science." --Mobius 15:05, 28 August 2009 (BST)
  2. MrGomez - The Burchell Arms Regulars - "Biertag, it's like a Regular day at the 'Burch, except it's in a church. That rhymes, so you know it's true. With only 365 days a year to party, we gotta to make this one special!"--Mrgomez 17:58, 4 June 2010 (BST)
  3. tyx94 - The Burchell Arms Regulars - "Beer? Partying? A chance to launch my vomit at new, unsuspecting victims? How could I possibly pass that up???" --Tyx94 02:14, 5 June 2010 (BST)
  4. DanceDanceRevolution - The Kilt Store - "You know I've signed up for this every year for 3 years straight and never attended. Fuck that shit, I'm coming this time no matter what. -- 07:21, 5 June 2010 (BST)
  5. Leo Leonardo III - The Burchell Arms Regulars - "It is my duty to show up for Biertag as the leader of the B.A.R." Leo Leonardo III 18:11, 5 June 2010 (BST)
  6. Jesus Sante - The Burchell Arms Regulars - "The real meaning of Biertag is to try to live every day like its Biertag." --Jesus Sante 13:38, 6 June 2010 (CST)
  7. Bane Croooow - RCDC - "Now I only have to decide whether or not it's appropriate to drink Dead Guy" --Bane Croooow 15:51, 7 June 2010 (BST)
  8. Officer Murphy - Dead vs Blue - "You had me at Guinness." --Officer Murphy 19:45, 7 June 2010 (CST)
  9. father o keefe - The Burchell Arms Regulars - Father O'Keefe has announced his intention to attend Biertag. Lock up your daughters. --Jesus Sante (for Fr. O'Keefe) 7:32, 8 June 2010 (CST)
  10. Ed Zeplin - Earletown Rangers Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan: [as Herger offers a mead horn] I can taste neither the fermentation of grape, nor of wheat. [Herger laughs]Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan: What? Why do you laugh?Herger the Joyous:HONEY! It's made from honey! --Belisarius17
  11. HiteiKan - Earletown Rangers Did you say beer?!--HiteiKan 03:54, 2 July 2010 (BST)
  12. A Stoned Hippy - The Burchell Arms Regulars - "Sign me up too! I lost my copy of Idiot's Guide to Wiki." --A Stoned Hippy 16:20, 6 July 2010 (BST)
  13. Scott Albom - The Burchell Arms Regulars - "It's gonna be hard to find a date in the wake of Big Bash... at least one that doesn't smell rotten." --Albom 16:20, 6 July 2010 (BST)

Pub Banter

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Thanks go out to the Angry Vaginas and Tyx94 who provided the photos (and some say video) from this year's event. However it yet remains to be seen how many people woke up the next day to nurse hangovers and regret this fact...

Advertising for Biertag '10 started a good month in advance. You really have to get the word out there or because survivors in general are often more concerned with other things, like say, not dying. Anyway, MrGomez and Tyx94 posted their latest advertising efforts on the BAR forum:
Biertag10 01.png
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Advertising was not just limited to the survivor forums, but to building tags as well. While word of the celebration had been known to spread far and wide, Old Arkham may be a bit much...:
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Who wouldn't want to party with the BAR?:
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Biertag is open to all who love beer, even murderers, so long as they avoid violence inside the church. However I highly doubt even the power of beer could keep these two from killing each other:
Biertag10 05.png

And the festivities at the church begin bright and early on July 8th, with both survivors and zombies having come to a somewhat uneasy truce over sharing the building. Most of the unease appeared to be with the survivors, and some might say with good reason considering the notorious reputation of the Angry Vaginas:
Biertag10 00.png

Suzie Squirts, an aptly named member of the Angry Vaginas, has decided to attend Biertag this year. Or Marihuanatag. Take your pick, as both involve drinking and that's all that matters here today. Father o Keefe (BAR) shows up and promptly takes a nap, no doubt conserving his energy for the festivities ahead:

Jesus Sante (BAR) shows exactly why he was promoted to the rank of BAR Manager in record time:

Jesus Sante and Ed Zeplin (Earletown Rangers) show they are skilled in the art of wooing women. And put enough liquor into them and apparently zombie women fall into that category too:

Uhhh, what can we say? Killswitch Mitch (RHVP) is obviously a very angry man when it comes to members of the Angry Vaginas:
Biertag10 09.png

Father O'Keefe awakens to find himself surrounded by naked women. Shockingly, this is inside a church. Less shocking they are zombies. More shockingly they haven't eaten him. No wait, is that more or less? Anyway, he decided to rectify the situation with liquor and we're sure everything worked out for the best in the end:

Not every photo needs a caption...:

It would seem that tyx94 (BAR), who prefers drinking his beer alive, finally managed to get a revive and joined the celebration. While A Stoned Hippy, formerly of the ELT and now a card-carrying BAR member cranks up the music, during which Mistress Mandy (Angry Vaginas) makes some saucy comments that are best left untranslated:

Leo Leonardo III (BAR Co-Owner), surprised by the influx of zombies inside the church, and fearing the worst possible outcome (as experience has taught him), voices his concerns. MrGomez (BAR Co-Owner) though takes a more "laid back" view on the whole situation while Sister Slitstainia (Angry Vaginas) does some preaching. What do you expect? It is a church after all:

HiteiKan (Leader of the Earletown Rangers) shares some deep thoughts with everyone in the church. On the flip side, su1cidal freaks out... only to return when he's calmed down. I'm not sure if drugs were involved in this reaction or what:

Bane Croooow (RCDC) dropped by to chat. Things happened. What? You want me to explain everything? Just look at the photo:

This is the text book definition of "drunk and disorderly conduct":

Rotten Ray of the D.I.T.P.S is mentioned here. Not sure if he was actually at the event. He's learned over the years to stay out of "sexual harassment" (read: mauling) range when it comes to the ladies of the Angry Vaginas. He likes to think it's due to his manly aura. But I think it's his hat... he always wear a fine hat and ladies love sexy hats. Prove me wrong ladies, prove me wrong:

No wait, Ray apparently did show up at the party... This can't be good for his hat!:
Biertag10 06.png

Sorry tyx94, but odds are there isn't enough gin in the world to wipe your memories clean of what happened at Biertag this year:
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And tyx94 wonders how he keeps remembering what happened. One usually doesn't take photos when one wants to forget something:
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With maybe a touch of sadness, Biertag '10 wraps up. Well, at least there's Biertag '11 to look forward to:

The next day it's business as usual, what with the zombie killing and all:
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