The Defense Security Service is a division of the Malton Department of Defense. The DSS is a multi-mission, all purpose unit dedicated to serving and protecting the citizens of Malton. DSS personnel have been well trained in the ways of warfare. DSS members are organized into strike teams (primarily based on members' timezones), and launch synchronized assaults on Zombie infested territory. Two DSS agents surveying a possible recon point.
Division Commander
The DSS is commanded by (TBA).
Organizational Structure
The DSS ideally consists of a number of 5 man fireteams each assigned a DHHS medic. Each fireteam is equipped to work cohesively together to accomplish goals in isolated areas, away from other MDD backup personnel. DSS fireteams can also work together during larger, full operations, where they will be supported by DHHS personnel and possibly the NSA.
Please visit the MDD's wiki page for details.