Club Cummings

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Club Cummings
--VVV RPMBG 07:13, 21 May 2024 (UTC)
Club Cummings

Shackleville [52,63]

wasteland Milne Library Club Vicary
the Stanbury Monument Club Cummings Potter Park
Grizel Plaza Rodgers Boulevard Dinsdale Auto Repair

Basic Info:

  • Clubs are Dark buildings.
  • The usual internal description of a Club reads as follows:
    "…in the near-darkness of the main dancefloor."
  • When powered by a portable generator, the internal description changes to the following:
    "Coloured spotlights highlight an empty stage, and distorted music echoes over the speakers."
  • Clubs can be barricaded normally.

Under Protection
This group is under the protection of the Malton Mob

The Club

Club Cummings was Maltons first and most popular pker orientated Club, run by the Malton Mob it provides a safe haven for pkers and Co with a specialized revive point, healing center and resupplying area. In late 06 and early and central 07 it was a highly popular visiting location for the pkers of Malton. However in later 2007 it experienced a long slow period caused by the Mobs tour of Malton and The Zombie occupation of the Club for several weeks caused by the city's great destruction period of 2007, however Club Cummings is yet again steadily regaining popularity with more and more people visiting it yet again. The Club usually has several residents, mostly of a pker nature but more and more pro survivors have been taking residence as of the regaining popularity. The Club is also a popular destination for members of the Group the Fortress

Club Cummings was the Malton Mob's HQ. It first opened in the late 40s. Club Cummings was always known as Malton's club for high society. The founder, Michael Shadows, had his first Crime family experience here. When the Violi family's Don demanded protection money, Michael shot the Don and his henchmen. Soon after he took charge of his own crime family, the Shadows Family, otherwise known as the Malton Mob. The leaders frequently met in the Club in a private back room. In the late 50s they built Club Vicary which is located next to Club Cummings.

When the Mob became too decadent, Club Cummings became less than friendly. It became a PK haven with a specialist PK'r revive point next door and other services between PK groups for several months. The Mob and associated PK groups, which numbered too many in Shackleville at one point, were attacked by some locals for getting a little too bold in the area including many Pk's, the revive point, and threatening DEM emergency staff

The Mob,for a long period of time took a neutral status in the Suburb. As they were before the First Shackelville uprising and the The Christmas Rising. They helped build up the suburb and kept it safe, Both Mob and local DEM got along. However, in more recent times after 3/4 of the city were in ruins when the Mob returned form various tours and trips there have been slow reports of people being killed in Cummings once again. With the Clubs regaining popularity more people have been seen visiting and taking residence in the Club.

The Christmas Rising

During The Christmas Rising Club Cummings became the campaign in game HQ with dozens of pkers sleeping and visiting the Club daily. It acted as a information hub and healing center with the speckled PKRN and other pker healers and reviver's working round the clock to heal those in need. As of this there were several strike on the Club. The First attacks were led by the Fire Marshal of the time with squads of MFD attacking the Club killing as many as they could, a small controversy was brought up when they attacked as well as zombies. The second strike was a CDF led one with the CDF's special Pker hunting unit, this also brought some controversy as they used The Fortress tags instead of CDF. MCDU squads also attacked with plans for their former special ops unit M.A.C.H. to strike. Along with the group strike some Bounty Hunter also gathered together to form strikes as well as solo players attacking. Each attack was reprise by a populated buildings in the suburb being wiped out.

Long Term Residence

Mr (Don) Shadows[1] - Don of the Malton Mob and Owner of Club Cummings. If not hunting or resupplying he can usually be found in the Club sitting in his large leather chair by the Fire place enjoying a pint of Guinness. If very drunk can be seen dancing on one of the tables doing the Chicken dance followed by streaking through potter park with only a top hat on.

Exploiter[2] - The alcoholic Bartender of Club Cummings. He looks similar to the famous pker Headless Gunner,being the fact that he is older brother, less successful brother weigh 30 pounds more in weight and a large scar on his temple which he tells people he got it from fighting an escaped Malton City Zoo lion when in fact it was gained when he tripped over a mop in the Club. Usually can be found behind the bar counter in the Club or else randomly ranting at the zeds in potter park.

Fighter 22[3] - Resident Doctor providing revives for residence when they die of alcohol poisoning and come back as the undead. A very tall clean and well dressed man in his late 20s seems to be a very nice and calm man but first impressions tend to be inaccurate or just plain dead wrong, like in this case. Is usually found sitting on a barstool in Club Cummings manufacturing rez syringes while drinking unrecommended amounts of Vodka. Also can be found in potter park stabbing zombies in the head and sneaking up on a drunk Exploiter.

Club Cummings and Fortress

As a right of passage, The Fortress me members travel to Club Cummings once they have completed their training and say

"A toast to the Fortress and Club Cummings"

Barricade Policy


Current Status

Actively defended