This User is American, and will say, "Happy 4th o' July!" to all survivors he meets on July 4th, even in the middle of a Mall Siege.
Description and/or Story
A Military chef, sent in with the Scouts. Currently a member of The Malton Milkmen .
Driaquer has always been somewhat of a... loose cannon, often directly disobeying orders in interest of either self-preservation, or what was happening in his region. By the second time he didn't go where Short commanded, he was able to bring up the fact that all members there were killed, and that he was alive (and not there). Adding to the problem, he refused to budge from his safehouse inside a PD (the Waterlow in Hollomstown) when the order to move came again. However, he finally agreed to head to the Mall in Roftwood after some... Negotiating with Karlito (and his Zed).
As time goes on, he proves to be rather useful. Now that he (generally) follows orders, he can be used for various crucial operations. Planning a route and then selecting potential and scouting those candidates for use as safehouses is one of them.
Becoming trenchcoaterish in recent times, he enjoys the plentiful supply of Zeds in the mall. However, many have seen him healing people like a madman. What is the cause of his erratic behavior and rapid changing in activity styles is known only by him.
Moving on to Greener Pastures, he has arrived in Bale Mall, aiding Survivors interested in Bale Mall.
Due to the recent disappearance of the Milkmen, Driaquer is the sole active member in the group. Having fled Lamport Hills, he has found himself in Dowdney Mall, and has been a little jumpy, what with the amount of PKers and over-zealous Trenchie Bounty Hunters. His attempts to re-establish the Milkmen have had no effect.
Profile link: Driaquer
You Will Bring Me A Taco
A Rant on the RG
I would like to know why "Killed for Association with Red Rum" (like this ) still can get you on RG, since Red Rum has actively expressed that their goal is to kill EVERYONE...
Stats (Human)
- 42 Zombies Annoyed`
- 03 Humanitarian Services Performed (PKers, GKers, RKers, Zpys, Asshats, n00bs, etc.)
- 04 Players Revived
- 10 Times Asked "Really Die?" (09 Times Responded "n")
`Actual number is probably waaaay higher.
Stats (Zombie)
- 05 Zeds tenderized (dropped to <10HP)
- 02 Zeds cannibalized
- 00 Survivors chewed
- 00 Electronics Smashed
- 00 Times Headshoted
Please shoot/hack/maul/chew on sight:
- Betaguy. He is an annoying GKer and PKer, and now a member of Red Rum (apparently, he never left (Correction, he left and now claims DARIS as his home)). I suggest you kill him on sight in interest of public safety... Oh, and yes I do see how this could be considered a whinny vendetta. But frankly, I don't care.
PKers I've Identified
SpankyMalone (screenshots were lost; Sorry)
Shiv Jones (IWitness)
Betaguy (Nuff Said)
KyIe the Feared (damn Cap'i... screenshot )
Zpys I've Identified
The Award Short gave me.
Important Templates
This user is male.
This user is a Republican.
This user supports the addition of cows to the game, because drinking condensed milk is getting old.
This user or group supports the distribution of dairy products for all of Malton's Citizens.
Project Evil Member
This user is part of Project Evil, and is plotting to destroy you and everything you hold dear, unless you pledge your loyalty to them.
UD Mod Conspiracy
This user is onto the Mod Conspiracy, and we've got our eye on you too!
... Wha?
This user just doesn't care.
Sorry, what was that first part again?
This user has ADD, so don't expect them to pay much attention to anything.
Centers Of Learning Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Centers of Learning Policy & acknowledges that all libraries, schools, zoos, and museums in the city of Malton are considered safe places. No survivor in one of these locations may be killed for any reason unless that survivor is a specified enemy of this user or group.
This user thinks that adding 1 AP to the revive cycle is pointless.
Mr. Rogers Style!
This user or group plays as Mr. Rogers would. They are non-violent as long as there is peace. Start something, however, and expect the wrath of Mr. Rogers and his whole neighborhood.
This User or Group supports the No-Tolerance Policy, and does not tolerate PKers, GKers, or zombie spies under any circumstance, and will attack them on sight. You have been warned.
Urban Dead
This user plays Urban Dead. Wow, what are the odds?
No More Wiki Drama
This user or group is fed up with never-ending wiki drama.
Drama Levels
No drama around? Are we still in the Urban Dead Wiki ?
There is little drama. Slow mondays ?
Situation normal. There is some drama, but no one is going to die.
Misconbitration! Drama all around the wiki!
Drama levels not seen since Wikigate!
This user is going to Hell.
This user hates Zergers but hates paranoid chickenshits more.
Firing Squad
This user thinks we should just shoot everyone who uses a capital "i" instead of a lowercase "L" and get it over with.
The Ropes
This user thinks we should show everyone who uses a capital "i" instead of a lowercase "L" the ropes.
Driaquer wants everyone who uses a capital "i" instead of a lowercase "L" to die.
Rictor Stilwell has given Driaquer a cookie for having a nice stealable navbar.
Visited Bale Mall
This user has visited Bale Mall.
These have been moved to their own page.