Auxunit 10/Archives

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The RRF DoHS GMT Breakfast Club The Constables Team America The Gore Corps Join AU10

Completed Campaigns

Below is the current standard of AU10. Our brave warriors are once more on the march and our pedigree is second to none.

AU10 WANTS YOU! Join Today!

The Battle Of Blackmore

The Battle of Blackmore From September 6 to October 13, 2006, Auxunit 10 laid siege to the Blackmore Building and other safehouses and resource buildings in the area. Though vastly outnumbered by the harman interlopers who flocked to Blackmore in droves in the hopes of attaining some small measure of glory, the courageous members of the strike team persisted, regularly ripping plastic trees and vending machines to shreds in order to reach the tasty brains lurking in the shadows of edifices like Blomfield Grove Police Department, Adalbert General Hospital, and Woodland Towers. When Blackmore finally fell at 2:50PM GMT on October 13, members of Auxunit 10 were on hand to mark the exact time and do the honors of ransacking the infamous building, thus rendering it fit for zambah occupation once more. After the fighting had subsided AU10 regrouped in Blomfield Grove Police Department and have used it as their base of operations ever since.

Members of Auxunit 10 who participated in this campaign received a Battle of Blackmore ribbon in a touching sunset ceremony in the lobby of the infamous building itself: Blackmore Campaign Ribbon

The Brain Sandwich

The Brain Sandwich After Blackmore fell, Auxunit 10 went on a 16-day operation that consisted of three distinct phases: Plan 10 from Ridleybank, The Tollyton Massacre, and the Nichols Mall Bonfire and S'mores Party. Collectively, this offensive is known as "The Brain Sandwich" since Tynte and Nichols served as tough, chewy slabs of brainbread for the meaty, thin-sliced deli-brains they found in Tollyton. The rapid-fire nature of the offensive tested the mobility of AU10 and led to greater coordination in intelligence-gathering, scouting, and planning. The campaign also saw the addition of several new members to the team and unquestionably left AU10 stronger, faster, and more deadly.

Members of Auxunit 10 who participated in this campaign received a Brain Sandwich Campaign ribbon in an early-morning ceremony in the food court at Nichols: Brain Sandwich Campaign Ribbon

The Second Battle Of Blackmore

The Second Battle of Blackmore Following the party at Nichols, a storm was brewing in Ridleybank and Auxunit 10 headed home to meet the challenge head-on. While the Ridleybank Invasion Coalition plotted in (what they thought was) secret and old enemies such as the C4NT and BBB started encroaching on our homeland, AU10 occupied the Blackmore building in order to keep it harman-free for as long as possible.

Members of Auxunit 10 who participated in this campaign received a Second Battle of Blackmore ribbon in a ceremony at the team's headquarters in Blomfield Grove Police Department: Blackmore2CampaignRibbon.jpg

The First Ridleybank Olympiad

Light The Barhah Within. January 2007

In January 2007, AU10 entered The First Ridleybank Olympiad. The theme of the 2007 event was Light The BARHAH Within and all of the competitors proved to be real Olympians, throughout the month long games. The Gold Medal was awarded to the GMT Breakfast Club who just managed to gain a late advantage while AU10 were on their way to Santlerville.

AU10 Narrowly Beaten By The GMTBC

AU10 came second, on the podium, with a silver medal. The Gore Corps came a narrow third for the bronze. The whole competition centered around fair play and BARHAH, this was in abundance during the games and was a credit to all competitors.

During the competition AU10 hit an all time record. The days strike team, of 12, were filmed breaking into a building that was extremely heavily barricaded. In the melee they killed 17 people, and issued several fixed penalty notices. The building was then smashed and ransacked in accordance with RRF Building Code. This has gone down in history as Bloody Wednesday and is marked, annually, by the proud members of AU10.

Members of Auxunit 10 who participated in the Olympics were awarded a Silver Medal by Papa Patrucio: OlympiadSilverRibbon.png

The Deakin Alley Raid

On Wednesday 21st February 2007, AU10's elite soldiers were once more called upon to tackle the harman menace. On orders from Papa Murray Jay Suskind a hand picked assassination squad steamed across Malton, to Nixbank, and the headquarters of the Deakin Alley Gang.

The strike team tore open the poorly defended structure and utterly destroyed it and its occupants, crushing the heart of the Deakin Alley Gang and killing them all in one swoop.

Members of Auxunit 10 who participated in the raid on Deakin Alley Police Department were awarded a ribbon by Papa Murray Jay Suskind: DeakinAlleyPDRaidRibbon.png

The St Patrick's Day Massacre

On Saturday 17th March 2007, AU10 were staging a St Patrick's Day party at the Younghusband Arms, in West Grayside. The only problem encountered was that is was powered, barricaded, and full of revellers attempting to keep Malton's finest strike team from their ample supplies of Guinness.

Talunex's invite read... Translated from Zombese... (Revellers are invited to drink to excess and trash the fucking place. While violence isn't mandatory it is kinda expected on this international day of drinking. If you wanna sing. Fine. If you wanna dance. Fine. If you wanna crush and maim, fine too. Dress casual!)

... within 15 minutes of AU10 forcing entry to the pub the current occupants were killed and their Guinness was stolen and distributed to AU10's thirsty celts. The feeding groans attracted feral zombies from all over the suburb and the party got very rowdy. The bar was trashed and the surrounding buildings were covered in piss and vomit.

Members of AU10 that participated in the raid were awarded the St Patrick's Day Massacre ribbon: StPatricksDay.png

The St George's Day Crusade

The St George's Day Crusade took place just before the RRF's big push into Santlerville. AU10's English Comrades felt that the day wasn't being marked correctly and decided to rectify the situation with a traditional English celebration.

The 15 strong strike team dressed in business suits, complete with bowler hats, umbrellas and briefcases. All strikers were wearing the traditional red rose on their lapels and looked damn-fucking-smart on their way to Club Hesse for some British style mayhem and drinking. Like all drink related events, this ended badly for the breathers. Club Hesse's security just wasn't prepared for the onslaught and fell within minutes. The aftermath was a surreal scene of a dozen zombies sat around reading The Times...

Members of AU10 that participated in the raid were awarded the St George's Day Crusade ribbon: StGeorgesDay.png

Excursion II

Excursion II was an extended campaign during which all medals from the Olympiad to the Battle of Santlerville were awarded. The RRF toured to South Blythville where it sacked Marven Mall with the help of MoTA. The fall of Marven Mall saw the rout of the rest of the southwest quadrant of the city, with AU10 leading the charge to the western edge and taking Nixbank.

The whole of the RRF regrouped to take Tompson Mall in Lockettside and proceeding east. The horde ate every suburb in its path until reaching Buckley Mall. After the initial GMT Breakfast Club strike was repelled AU10 entered and ransacked the SW corner. Throughout the day all the members of AU10 were killed at least once, but through sheer perseverance and vigilance were able to stand up again and re-enter. Though the force occupying the southwest corner was at one point down to just one zombie, AU10 held out and and the ransack was kept until the zombies were reinforced and the mall was destroyed.

The horde then destroyed much of West Grayside, Tollyton, and Roftwood. AU10 then moved west leveling Stanbury Village and Barhahville. In AU10's haste, to destroy stuff, they missed the horde which had changed direction heading out of Roftwood toward Heytown. Once in Heytown the horde was continually harrassed by the residents of Dowdney Mall and the horde was turned to face them, and thus the Battle of Santlerville began.

During the long period which comprised the Battle of Santlerville the homeland had been attacked by dirty humans. AU10 was sent to respond and combined with help from the MOB was able to regain control of the homeland. It was at about this time that the siege of Santlerville was called off and the horde began its march home from Excursion II.

Members of AU10 that served the RRF, during Excursion II were awarded the Excursion II ribbon: ExcursionIIRibbon.png

The Battle Of Santlerville

The Battle of Santlerville started off slowly. Excursion II had moved into Heytown and was making progress destroying it. Residents of Santlerville, primarily in Dowdney Mall responded and began taking back the ransacked territory for which the RRF had gained. Believed to be a soft target the RRF moved to engage the mall and eliminate its harassers. The RRF engaged the mall in bits and pieces, but the defenders proved to be much more alert than they had in the past. Both sides steadily escalated the engagement until epic proportions were reached. AU10 made efforts to take down the adjacent NT, the Dewes building, but met stiff resistance.

In an attempt to draw ferals from nearby suburbs a plan was put into effect called "Operation Pied Piper". Members of AU10 moved to the far side of Randallbank, and each day attacked targets closer to Santlerville. Through drags and moans they eventually brought more ferals into the fight at Dowdney Mall. Very soon most major zombie hordes were participating in the siege at Santlerville.

Despite incredible efforts and massive organized strikes (one strike getting over 65 zombies inside the mall in under a half hour), AU10 and the rest of the zombie attackers were repelled. Though ending in a defeat, it was an incredibly bloody battle in with a catastrophic damage toll.

Members of AU10 that served the RRF, during The Battle Of Santlerville were awarded the The Battle Of Santlerville ribbon: BattleOfSantlerville.png


Voice in the Wilderness

Long has the voice of the Hammar been silent; though it pummels the foes of the Front still, it has done so under guise of silence. The battle weariness brought on by the valiant duty during the Siege of Nichols laid low some of our zethren, while that Beast that lies in wait for all Maltonians, the vile and dreaded RL, has snatched the very unlife from others. The Beast has also claimed some only in part, leaving scars of various forms in its passing. Still others have departed our ranks, seeking other meaning in the chaos of the city. Our wounds were deep, we were decimated. Some feared (though others scorned that fear as baseless) that the Hammar had been wielded for the last time.

But the fears were indeed most baseless, zethren, the product of an overly concerned mind. The Hammar has returned anew once again, reborn in the deadly image of itself to bring the light of undeath to those ignorant of its glories. Many different types of zambahz have reforged the bane of harman mrhbarnz. A hardened core of soldiers remained from the days of Excursion 3 and the Nichols Siege. Heroes from AU10's own illustrious past returned in one of its darkest times to re-ignite the spirit that may lay quiet, but never dies. Many new faces, both younglings and veterans, have quickly become part of the team, as the bond between warriors grows. Our less recent babahz have taken to feeding their younger siblings, as they were fed in their babah-hood. Auxunit 10 considers this one of our most important duties to the babahz and to the Front. While on duty with us you may often read the message: "AU10 - We feed babahz right!"

October 2008

A Special Message to our Solitaires

Some dedicated troopers of the Hammar are operating on a read-only basis, due again to that evil monster RL. They cannot speak to us as they once did, their words appearing in front of us as if by magic. They may feel as if there are shadows cast across the light of their Barhah. But we say to them - Do not feel lost, zethren, because you do not have your full voices with us. Your sacrifices are not forgotten, as we read your messages of destruction and greetings, and hear the Rattles as we still stand and fight together. Remember also the shining example of Uncle Don, who has for a long time served us impeccably in this fashion. All the team thanks you for enduring with and for us; Barhah to you all! Tarman2007 06:57, 12 October 2008 (BST)

July 2008

The Pain of Rebirth

So it begins anew. A time of woe follows a trial by fire. We who have stood triumphant with all our city's zethren over the broken bodies of the harmanz of Nichols, we who could traverse the corridors of Went with our eyes removed, suffered not during our battles. The time upon the streets of Malton, constantly away from the Homeland, we have endured willingly. We knew the light of Barhah was always just ahead of us, calling us to battle. We knew our destiny lay in glory, for a champion called us to wield the Hammar. We were led always by the Chosen One, Cthulhu In Lingerie, known to us as, "Nellie".

She led us from our humble rebirth in the beginnings of the year, from a team of mostly babahz and former ferals learning to work together, into the premier strike force we are today. She led us during the Third Excursion across countless fields of battle as the Front's entire combat force was brought to bear in the pillage of the city in the early part of the year. Barn after barn fell before us as the map turned red in harman agony; each bastion lost to our successes brought her delight beyond measure. Nellie was our commander during the brutal months of the Crusade, as we sieged Nichols and the surrounding area. Our mark is upon Went NT - AU10 fought many a hard and gruesome battle there, against some of the harmanz moar competent warriors. Even at the lowest points of the siege, during times when the entire effort was grinding slowly or not at all, our tireless leader ensured not only our victory, but our sanity. We were kept from despair and defeat by her words and actions alike.

Yet, the foul, heartless creature that awaits us all, the dreaded and ever-lurking Beast of RL, has found our fearless commander. She goes to do battle with it, but first she must train! She leaves this shell to hone her mind and skills to enable her to better combat the evils of RL. She entrusts care of Auxunit10 in her stead to the assuredly capable ZEmil33 and the hopefully capable Tarman2007. They have made plans to ensure and continue the good example set forth previously - and to first and foremost promote "Kicking Serious Business In The Fish And Chips" as a leadership model.

Nellie's spirit will always ring true with the essence of Barhah. She has taught many zambahz the way to enlightenment, and her message and the method to her madness will remain a part of the Hammar long after her corpse covers with dust. And this is Malton; she shall never be truly gone from us, only resting - our Valkyrie, waiting for the cry of the Hammar to ring out and to answer it once more. Tarman2007 17:00, 11 July 2008 (BST)

May 2008

The Siege

Greetings from the front, my zethren. AU10 has been silent for some time now, as we have been operating in relative secrecy. Our hand has been shown now, and the entire force of Ridleybank is now brought to bear against the hated bastion of civilization that resides near our still-endangered Homeland - Nichols Mall.

We serve as we always have, and will do, with utter conviction and faith; not only in ourselves, but in our comrades and allies who struggle with us against the trappings and excess of the harman lifestyle. Know that no matter how we may suffer at the hands of such voluminous collections of harmanz, we shall defeat them. They cannot hold out against us forever, and we have not the cruel hands of time to reduce our alloted span. Yes, zethren, it is a bitter pill to swallow, being held up at the very gates of home. Yes, we all have some feelings of anger and resentment, the feeling that we should have destroyed these disgusting breathers long ago. Yet these feelings should not be turned back upon our own kind, or dissipated into malaise and defeatism, but rather used like a weapon against the harmanz who would attempt to delay our return. Focus your energies and feel renewed, and as you stand from another shot to the head, know that your sacrifices are not in vain.

For the Front exists for you, as you exist for the Front. The RRF rises each time you do; each harman killed or infected is another step towards victory. Every needle jabbed into you to force your lungs to move is one less for a harman who wishes to carry the vile burdens of life. Every ounce of lead that passes through you is one less level of barricading that another must claw their way through to feed. Every generator destroyed is another pleasantly darker step closer towards home. We shall defeat these harmans, though the struggle seems endless.

To warm your spirit, we offer you the image of the harmanz cowering in Nichols and the surrounding area. Dirty, sweating, and crowded together; all fearful of the next break-in to occur. Counting their clips and shells, nervously watching for attacks from without; and also attacks from within, for our death-cultists send fear into their hearts as well. Scrabbling through their hovel-like surroundings for battered supplies and equipment, hoping that their trinkets can buy them just a bit more time. Mistrusting even their own allies, for the harman has no faith in his own kind. Running fearfully from building to building attempting to thin our ranks, and failing as we rise and fight them another day. And knowing that the Front awaits them all, just a few boards and broken doors away.

Keep strong, zethren. We hold Barhah within ourselves, and our spirit shall sustain us as we fight here. For the fight for Nichols is also the fight for home. For Ridleybank. For us all. BARHAH! Tarman2007 16:46, 21 May 2008 (BST)

The Long Road to Ridleybank

We have been abroad for many a month now, zethren, and our task is not yet finished. Though we yearn for the cold, dark streets of Ridleybank, the harmanz have beckoned us to continue our Excursion. We do not begrudge our toil, endless though it may seem to the unbeliever. For with every death of our breathing foes, we have the potential to create another family member. For each mall and safehouse we decimate, we dim the hideous lights across Malton just that much more. Each and every action we take, we take in the name of all that is our evolutionary right. And not just for AU10, or even the Front, but for all who shamble across this fine city.

All zambahdom benefits when we crack open a nest of harmanity and feast upon the branz within. We save the future of some poor babah who would otherwise suffer at the hands of those less evolved; savage breathers who would rob the babah of even his very mobility. We make the streets and lanes less perilous for those zambahz who have no permanent homes. We cause harmanz to fear not only us, but our kith and kin. And we spread the word of Barhah to those who wish to hear its siren song.

Revel in these works zethren, for we have accomplished a mighty thing. We have shown that even in the face of adversity we can remain strong - nay, grow even more powerful. And this power is not only in our strength on the field of combat, which is prodigious, but inner strength as well. The Front has become mighty of spirit as the Third Excursion has wreaked destruction across Malton as and when we wish. Our main force has been blooded on the many bastions of harmanity across the south of the city, improving their ties to themselves as well as to the Front. Friendly rivalry between operational wings has not turned bitter in our mouths, but has strengthened our sense of community. Our collective mind grows as we accept new zethren into our fold. And as always, we think on our Homeland, infested with pitiful harmanz who believe they have upturned our place at the heart of Malton. We thank these harmanz, for they await to be the celebratory feast when we arrive home victorious. Tarman2007 20:36, 1 May 2008 (BST)

April 2008

Our Extended Family

The Ridleybank Resistance Front is more than a large collection of zambahz wandering the streets of Malton. Nor is it merely a finely-tuned war machine laying waste to endless harman endeavours. It is first and foremost a family. AU10 is part and parcel of the entire being, as are all the wings of the Front. The Gore Corps, GMTBC, TA and the DoHS - all zethren striving together to make the RRF the Glorious Entity it is today.

We thrive on our zethren's successes, and jest out of love at their failures. We hold tight the spirit of Barhah in all its many forms as we rampage about the city. We salute all those who make this experience what it is. From the upper reaches of the War Council to the lone near-feral who guards the Homeland, we are all together. We are all Ridleys. Graaaagghhhh! Tarman2007 19:55, 21 April 2008 (BST)

The Call of Home

The RRF nears the end of its Third Excursion, our traditional greetings to the harmanz of Malton. We have eaten branz innumerable, and pulled down entire suburbs of light-bedecked bastions of so-called safety. AU10 has been at the forefront of this engine of destruction, spearheading countless attacks on the harman menace, tearing apart their most precious resources, sacrificing themselves day after day to hold ground until the full force of the Front can be brought to bear. The Hammar is drenched in the blood of its foes, tempered with the crushing of all resistance, and infused with the very spirit of Barhah.

Now the time draws near, for the Hammar to return to its solemn and original duty - the protection of the Homeland. The deluded harmanz have convinced themselves that Ridleybank is no longer a haven for our zetheren, that they have a 'serious foothold' in our sacred land. They close their eyes and count themselves masters of all they survey. They believe they build barricades to keep us out - they have only built their own coffins and funeral pyres.

For the Hammar brings their doom. The pounding of our return heralds the arrival of Death itself, guised as a merciless weapon of war. Our tread is the harbinger of destruction, ours the first battlecry uttered as hundreds more respond. The Homeland shall be pure and wholesome once more, and the Hammar shall aid in this glorious work with its unyielding strength of arms and power of conviction. Fear and run, or fear and die, harmanz. The Hammar shall fall upon you! Barhah! Tarman2007 16:03, 15 April 2008 (BST)

Duty Versus Glory

AU10 is an elite grouping of unique individuals; a step above others in their performance, a leap beyond others in spirit. We are the Hammar that smashes the foes of the Front. We deal death to the harmanz day in and day out, smashing their 'safe' houses and killing their morale. We feed our babahz the warm pink brains of all who dare test our strength. Blood runs freely at our feet.

And yet we do not revel in our own achievements. We carry them proudly, yes, but we do NOT live for them. We do not slay our enemies simply to reap fame and fortune. The recognition of our zetheren is pleasing, but not driving us. We do not indulge in pride over ourselves. Glory such as that is for black-garbed harmanz. We have a sacred duty; our duty to the Front. We do our work in the name of all that is Ridleybank, for all that is Barhah. For our homeland. Our pride stems from the glory we bring to the people, not the glory the people would bring to us.

And we are a team, a single unit, a family within the greater family that is the Front. We do not ask for special treatment; we merely function within the purview granted to us by the masses. We enjoy the freedoms we have because the people wish it so, not because we have demanded it of them. Those that have never seen, or have forgotten these truisms, have lost their way to Barhah, no matter which paths they have trodden before. Pity a soul such as this, who has forgotten what family means. They may find their way; they may not - but the Hammar shall swing eternal, regardless. Tarman2007 01:17, 7 April 2008 (BST)

An Ocean of Barhah

The waning days of March have seen AU10 drift across the ruined suburbs south of our beloved Homeland. The detritus of harmanity has reinfested some of the areas previously cleansed of their taint. Disgusting lights and awkward barricades litter the once-beautiful landscape. But we are not deterred. We struggle onwards, pushing back the tide of life against our shores. The Hammar is ever vigilant. We all grow strong from the branz of our foes, feeding our young until they can in turn feed the next wave of babahz.

Though lesser dead may follow in our wake, and attempt to imitate their betters, we know that Barhah shall sustain us long after they capsize. Our guiding star, the light of Barhah, leads us beyond, to where these lowly creatures cannot follow. They have no soul, no homeland, no purpose. Even the vile Way of the Tartan would be preferable to the fate that awaits these floundering, pitiful dead, who need only the black leather harmangarb to reveal their true nature and intentions. These groveling creatures shall never know the glorifying light of Barhah as we know it - the beacon that guides us always to the shores of home.Tarman2007 03:19, 2 April 2008 (BST)

March 2008

Bounties of Barhah

The flames of our spirit have built a beacon for all Malton to see. Our long lost zethren continue to draw closer to its guiding light. Rumours on the wind bring us the return of Braggledorth. An unliving legend, he departed AU10 to follow the essence of Barhah with the MoB. While the purist beliefs of the MoB were sustaining for some time, Brags felt his true calling to be elsewhere, his talons turned to some other worthy cause. The spirit of Ridleybank, a spirit that he helped infuse into the cold flesh of the Front, told his unbeating heart where he truly belongs. The beacon that is AU10 shone out across the city, calling him back to the Front; back to Auxunit Ten. Back home.Tarman2007 18:09, 24 March 2008 (UTC)

The Spirit of Ridleybank

We approach the Homeland, zethren, and our wonders do not cease, for we carry Barhah in our hearts. The Pyromonkey has returned to us! He is weary from his journeys in Real Life, and needs much recuperation in the care of his Malton family. He leaves the guardianship of AU10 in CiL's capable hands, but he yearns to feast on much-missed harmanbranz. We are glad to have him back amongst the fold.

The cursed breather haven of Hildebrand Mall has become a mission of vindication for us and the entire Front. They dare to dwell in Greater Ridleybank! We shall tear down this symbol of harmanity, and barg upon the branz to be found inside. Though they may put up an uncharacteristically fine defence, we shall not cease until the harmanz flee or have joined us. This is not a boast - it is the way of the Front. We offer welcome death to all who wish it, and enforce it upon those who do not yet understand its joys. The Barhah will be spread. Take it willingly, for it comes regardless. Let the Hammar fall! Tarman2007 17:56, 21 March 2008 (UTC)

Zambah Ascendent

Wonders abound for the Hammar, as for all the Front. We have entered a time where our very past returns to guide and encourage us. Heroes known and secret have spoken to many Ridleys in recent days, on matters grave and light. These figures voice approval of their children and bring us tales and greetings from an earlier day. Truly the Front has been blessed with much Barhah recently. The beautiful skyline is nearly dark, and zethren congregate without fear of reprisal. We are in a golden age, zethren, wrested from the sweaty hands of barbaric harmanity.

This day we have been led to a bountiful feast, my zethren! Our shrewd and dangerous leader, CIL, brings us to where the harmanz have roosted in droves. Their beacons draw us to hunger - lights that whet our appetite. But we shall blank out their lights, and empty their brains. They may wield firearms and melee weapons to 'kill' us (as harmans tend to say), but we will rise as strong as before. We bring Barhah to them, and they have no choice but to accept it. Our destiny is the destiny of all Malton. AU10 is strong with past experience and future promise. We are the Hammar. We are the weapon of the Front. All Ridleybank is behind us, for we fight for them. For the people. Barhah! Tarman2007 07:39, 18 March 2008 (UTC)

The Mantle of Command

The winds of change blow across AU10. Old company parts ways, and new blood infuses us. Our Phoenix arises again, with Cthulhu In Lingerie in command. Our leader in the field has been recognised by the glorious War Council. That most esteemed of governing bodies have decreed that Aunt CIL shall have dominion over AU10 from herein. We rejoice at the glory that has been placed upon her head. Hail CIL, you are the fist that wields the Hammar Ah BARHAH! Let the Hammar fall!

The babahz hear the call to glory, and follow its siren to Auxunit10. Many young ones have come us, to lend their strength to the cause. We welcome them with open grasps. We care as much for the children as we do for destroying those who would harm children. We take great pride in the proper raising of young ones, for they our future comrades. They will one day pick up the mantle of command, and take AU10 onwards - as we have done, as was done before us. Tarman2007 19:16, 13 March 2008 (UTC)

Silent Blessing

Silent Sister, hero of legend, has graced us with her presence. Our eternal Founder has given us her unexpected blessings! We are fortunate indeed in AU10, to have such power of history. The soul of our Phoenix returns to whisper to us, to bestow BARHAH! upon the actions we undertake in the name of that which she began. Count yourselves fortunate, zethren... for the blessings of such a one can only mean glory for us all in the name of the Front. Let the Hammar fall! BARHAH! Tarman2007 09:01, 11 March 2008 (UTC)

Commander In Absentia - Pyromonkey

We are the new guard. We hold the banner of AU10 proudly and high. We clench it in the cold fist of undeath as we despatch the enemies of our people. And yet we hold it also for our lost leader, that waylaid victim of vile Real Life. He has been taken from us by forces unknown, to a realm where we cannot help him. Who knows what perils he may face in the depths beyond this universe; what terrors he may behold, in a world without zambahz. But we must hold fast, to light the way for his return. We must ignite a spark within each of us, an ember of Barhah. For the Pyromonkey will see the beacon that is AU10, feel the heat of our devotion, and he will return to us. Pyromonkey, we await you...

Declassified Combat Photography

AU10 - we don't report the news, we make it!

We fight for the people. We may tell of our success, but a picture says more than our words could offer. AU10 members are outfitted with the latest in photographic gear. Our glorious comrade Ironic Sponge Tissue, in particular, has begun recording our exploits for all to marvel and wonder over. While other members may snap the occasional shot, the amazing angles and action captured by Ironic's lens are truly inspiring. It is only fitting that a retrospective of AU10's declassified snapshots begins with a photo of Ironic himself. Here we see Ironic putting the combat in Combat Photographer, as he eliminates a suspected harman sympathizer. [Photo] An unofficial photo by AU10 operatives shows the inside action leading up to the execution, as the sympathizer is removed by other RRF elements who were attempting to properly ruin the building. [Photo]

Ironic's devotion to AU10 knows no bounds. While serving in active duty both as solider and photojournalist, he has made the time to indoctrinate another new zethren to the Front. Here is the photo of the babah's first kill - precious! [Photo]

Here we are treated to a group photo, highlighting the team effort and co-ordination that defines the Peoples' Hammar. The babah DIAB removes the pre-softened harman menace, while former CMDR Uncle Don gives tactical advice. Acting CMDR CIL and Spork Messiah set the proper state of the building, free from ugly harman trappings like lights and barricades. [Photo]

The team assembles on short notice, at half-combat strength. Still they breach the objective and find a veritable feast, while unexpected reinforcements bolster the AU10 numbers. Here amongst the unit are longtime veteran NWP Snatch, and Co-Comannder Zoey Zarg of Team America, joining in to eliminate the harman menace. Such inter-unit co-operation is a hallmark of the RRF, contributing to its continual successes in the field. [Photo] Another shocking image, collected by Commander Zoey herself, exposes the terrible addiction of the needle, and why we fight it so. The harmanz disgusting practices must be stopped. [Photo] In a sign of solidarity, TA Co-Commander Gus Thomas also joins the raid to provide combat assistance and feral calling support. [Photo] The cameras of the RRF are watching you!

Hildebrand Mall: AU10 Declassified

The attack on Hildebrand began quietly. The unit moved into position and breached the SW corner with only a third of its full roster [Photo] . The team quickly moved to sabotage the generators, plunging the mall into darkness [Photo]. AU10 then fought waking survivors in a skirmish of attrition, forcing the harmanz to repeatedly waste ammo and FAKs. Some harmanz were in awe even as they battled us [Photo]. Casualties were 100% as the actives defended their location, despite some timely ?rises. The Front was quickly alerted to the harman menace, and other RRF elements were directed to the target.

The next day showed AU10 the bodies of many zethren, both standing and prone, who had come to remove the harmanz. As their attack commenced [Photo], they again breached the barricades, and found the harmanz waiting ready this time. The lights were once more dimmed, but the harmanz fought desperately and well. They continued to attack and barricade, even after being repeatedly infected. AU10 was cut off from reinforcements, and was ejected again. Even the selfless help of TA Commander Zoey Zarg could not stem the tide of lead and FAKs. The mall held firm for another day [Photo].

AU10's orders for the next two days were to destroy Herbert NT, the life-factory just on the NE corner of Hildebrand. After cracking the barricades, the team discovered a veritable bounty of foodz. The harmanz of the Mrh-barn were very complacent compared to the mall defenders of the previous days, possibly due to low morale. KristiOTD, Chair of the DEM, was caught napping by our own leader, CiL, and was dutifully brought to unlife [Photo]. Our babah Felidae Mort, newly rejoined, feeds on the contents of the Mrh-barn in this shot during the fighting [Photo]. After the second day, as AU10 held the breach for reinforcements in the face of heavy gunfire[Photo] , weight of numbers and lack of harman replacements crushed the building, aiding in the destruction of the mall survivors.

The unit moved considerably in the ending days of March. Many targets in many suburbs were breached and eliminated. More suspected harman sympathisers were rooted out as the unit moved through the south of Greater Ridleybank [Photo1] [Photo2] [Photo3]. Good pictures were few and far between, however, as a number of targets were not worthy of the force that is AU10[Photo] . Little glory was to be found; only the sacred duty to the Front. The time changes affected the cohesion of the unit as members were lost to poor chronography, though the combat effectiveness of its members was hardly diminished [Photo]. Further, interference from non-aligned zambah forces hampered AU10's ability to feed its babahz, causing much animosity towards the snipers and thieves.

With the relative dispersal experienced after the Hildebrand siege, unit members were engaged in covert activities as well as regular combat service [Photo]. AU10's food fortunes turned as the month closed out; the zambah forces shadowing the unit faded back, even as the harmanz provided more branz. Babah foodz were again readily available, and AU10 made the most of its opportunities [Photo]. Pictures of the Whitenoll Building raid illustrate AU10's destructive powers [Photo1] [Photo2] [Photo3]. Its newest members grew rapidly in a short space, being fed even by those who were babahz themselves a short while ago. The new month shows AU10 again doing what they do best - eliminating harmanity [Photo].