User talk:DarbyCrash

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Lieutenant-General Deathnut
Sergeant Jack Well
Sergent Heckkk
Corporal Ash Riot
Corporal Maskull
Private Giorgio Slump
Private Prof Semaj

Message Format

Put your messages in this format, and in the appropriate slot:

=== TITLE ===

Send cipher entries here:

MSGs from LT.Gen. Deathnut-

Me A Mod

Help spread the word I am trying to become a moderator.


c_njq[k(b^njq[k(b[b[k(k&n/n8n?q[n8n?q[b[b/n&q[n<k(b(boq[n^b^n&n(q[n?n&b/h^q[b[n[n8boq[b/n8n_n_q[k?njq[k(q[non&b^n8n_n_k(q[b[k(k&b[n8k&q[k(b[b[k(k&n/q[bon&q[n?n&q[njb_k(k&b[q[b[n8n(njboh^q[n<n&q[b/n[k(b[q[b(n&b8q[k&k(n?q[k(n?n<q[nonjb[q[n&b8b[q[bon&b^b[k(q[b[n[n8n?noh^ Spread the word. also we need a few to keep the revives goin. --RAF Lt.G Deathnut 14:35, 12 Feb 2006 (GMT)

Your recient revive

What happened? how were you killed and do you need help with something? BTW I just revived you and used my last AP gettin back to the NC. --RAF Lt.G Deathnut 07:20, 12 Feb 2006 (GMT)

Our Attack Zone

l?q[k?k(b^b^n8k&k(n<njn<q[b[n[njq[b<n_k(k&njq[b[n&q[l^h^l<b[b^n&n?noq[k?b8b[q[n_njn^b[q[bon8n?k&njq[l?q[b/k(boq[k(k&b[n8banjn_b(q[k?k(b^b^n8k&k(n<n8n?noq[k(nok(n8n?bob[q[k(q[n^njb/q[k(k&b[n8banjq[b?n&n(k?n8njboh^q[l?q/n(q[k(b[q[l(n&b(n?njb^q[b/n8b[n[q[n?n&q[;aloh^ --RAF Lt.G Deathnut 05:21, 18 February 2006 (GMT)

MSGs from Sgt. Jack Well-

Not much fun in Malton - eh? Check on the cipher I sent to you. - Sgt Jack Well 09:24, 27 February 2006 (GMT)

MSGs from Sgt. Heckkk-

MSGs from Corp. Ash Riot-


Sorry about the lack of contact recently. Anyways, I've gone and gotten myself zombiefied a few days ago, so am just waiting at a revive point. Looking forward to being among the living again and figting the good fight. ---Ash Riot 07:36, 27 February 2006 (GMT)

MSGs from Corp. Maskull

Leaving Malton

I got a ticket out of Malton, I'll be leaving UrbanDead for the forseeable future. It's been fun serving, hope the RAF continues to kick zombie ass! -Cpl Maskull (retired), 15:17, 20 February 2006 (GMT)

Got myself killed

Hey man, I seem to have gotten myself killed in the Amis Building. Gonna head to Turpin Rd and wait for a revive, sure would appreciate it if you could show up with a syringe! -Cpl Maskull, 01:22, 19 February 2006 (GMT)


Hey man, I think the Zombie Tracker was wrong about zombies in NE Roftwood. I went all through the area, only two zombies (both outside) and no building below QSB. Maybe you chased them off before I got there?

Anyhow, I've just been gathering ammo after I blew it all away defending Joyner and Grimshaw. I agree with what you said to Ash Riot about helping to secure the Nichols mall, that would kick ass! There's a group I overheard earlier basing out of the Amis Building with that goal, I don't know if they're still around anywhere...

My cool hack of the week: The map of all revive points in Malton. Sweet, eh?

- Cpl Maskull, 11:55, 12 Feb 2006 (GMT)

I'd like to know what's up with the current operation, I'm not exactly sure what we're supposed to be doing right now. I have some more recon:
-Cpl Maskull, 10:52, 16 Feb 2006 (GMT)
I recommend that while we pursue this operation, we stay in the same building as that other group I mentioned, since they're providing good intel. Here's the latest update:
-Cpl Maskull, 20:21, 16 Feb 2006 (GMT)

Join backlog

Hey Sarge, there's a bit of a backlog of people wanting to join the RAF. Some of them aren't following instructions and have no wiki user page, but Ory'Hara and Saskia look like they'd be valuable additions. Permission to welcome them to the group?

Status report: l8n8k&n[n&n_boq[lak(n_n_q[n[k(boq[n&n?n_b(q[k(q[n^njb/q[b?njn<boh<q[n(n&n<njb^k(b[njn_b(

Cpl Maskull, 00:10, 15 Feb 2006 (GMT)

MSGs from Pvt. Giorgio Slump

MSGs from Pvt. Prof. Semaj

right im back with a vengence against all undead. Numbers at the revive point were 70 last count and im out of syringes. lets show these zombie scum the power of the raf

MSGs from Pvt. Scudo

Bit it at a Factory

Got careless and couldn't make it all the way back to Hildebrand; a zombie caught me outside, one block west of St. Arnold's Church outside of a factory. At least I took one down with me. Will be heading to Turpin Road once I get back on my feet. --Scudo 23:10, 21 February 2006 (GMT)

Current Status

(sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, weird frosty weather here means my internet connection has been flaky all day)

I'm currently holed up in the SE corner of Hildebrand Mall [67,56], I just gravitated there thinking with the idea of "safety in numbers" in mind. As far as what I see myself contributing to the squad...well, up until now I've primarily been getting the skills needed to help myself survive, things like hand-to-hand combat, free running, etc. However, as I get more experience I plan to take more support skills such as first aid (I've already gotten construction) so that I can help out where need be. I'd love to meet up with the rest of the squad ASAP, though for tonight it looks like my AP are spent. Hopefully I will be on more tomorrow once my internet connection decides to stay up. --Scudo 07:49, 19 February 2006 (GMT)

Scudo, wanting to join

Hi, sorry if this is the wrong place to put this, Maskull told me to contact you here once I had made my wiki page and this seemed to be the most relevant place. I read the join instructions wrong, sorry about that, but now I have a wiki profile up User:Scudo and some basic background character info and stuff. I'll update it as need be to meet the requirements if that's not enough. Sorry about the messup, and thanks for taking the time to read this. --Scudo 00:57, 17 Feb 2006 (GMT)

How ya Doin?

how ya doin teammate lol this is Joey Donuts here newest addition to the RAF sayin hello. i read your backround story very well typed and very discriptive and i was thinking if you like text based RPGs i'm an admin on my username on that site is General O'Neil so come on by if you like it stay if you dont thats cool too. see ya on the streets

Joey Donuts

Was told to report

Hi, it's Saskia here, newly signed up for the RAF and I was told to report to Sergeant DarbyCrash. Unfortunately I got myself killed while to busy to check in on Urban Dead. Anyway, I'm now standing on Turpin Road awaiting orders and a revive.


New Recruit

I just recently signed up and have been looking for some orders. Some other new recruits are here, so I figured I can ask you what the RAF wants me to do. I'm alive at the Grimshaw Police Dept. Also, is there a forum all of the RAF guys go to?


Your Characters

Please do not place articles about yourself or your characters in the main namespace. If you wish to write about yourself or your characters, the correct place to do it is in your User space (ie User:DarbyCrash). The pages you have created have since been moved to their correct places. –Xoid STFU! 17:09, 12 May 2006 (BST)

Addendum: I've moved the content from another pair of your characters here. The content from all three can be found between the comment (<!-- and -->) tags. –Xoid STFU! 08:54, 24 May 2006 (BST)