User talk:KalChoedan

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Revision as of 11:03, 3 July 2007 by KalChoedan (talk | contribs) (→‎Barricade Plan: added phone mast)
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Contact Me

If you need to contact me, please leave a note here. --Kal 17:42, 9 October 2006 (BST)

Brainstock forum is down, but I've found another building with a Chinese tag I wanted to share with you: the Rush Building [54,29]: Somebody has spraypainted [Free Chinese Lesson]retard=低能(di neng) onto a wall. Unfortunately, no spraycans left ;) --Soccerfan667 MFD | RCS 21:44, 9 January 2007 (UTC)

Niiice. --Kal 23:51, 9 January 2007 (UTC)

Re: Grievance Regarding Apparent USIT Policy Toward One EH

I can't confirm or deny what you're talking about, Kal, mostly because I don't know what you're talking about. There are " stories" purporting that Eric Harris has been pulled into a rather nasty USIT black op, but those are stories unless someone can come up with actual surveillance screenshots putting me, Mr. Kamino and Eric Harris alone in the same facility at the same time. While I am the most public fact of USIT, I can't claim knowledge to the actions of every USIT operative, especially freelancers. My "supervision" generally consists of handing them envelopes; and more often than not I don't know what the contents are.

Further, as intelligence operatives, we know not to take too much stock in radio transmissions, but use them as one element shaping an intelligence assessment. In plain English, do you believe everything you hear on the radio? Last I checked in, it looks like the 'Malton Rangers' and Army Control Corps are going to go toe to toe in Shearbank over the guy ... right. We've seen the graffiti smearing USIT and other groups in Shearbank, do you believe everything you read too?

OOC: I agree with Ranahan's policy though. Yeah, EH's original effort was a bit crass, but if the gates of hell are rejecting the dead, who's to say a lost soul like EH couldn't slip through the cracks? Dunno if you ever read Harlan Ellison's "Hitler Painted Roses"; but a sort of fiction pushing the despicable as all too human is what Kamino and I are trying to pull off in the never ending deposition / vapor ops story, with a nod to something like | this (link may not work).--The Envoy 14:06, 29 January 2007 (UTC)

Hey Envoy, good to see you again :) Needless to say, I do take transmissions over the radio with a pinch of salt, but as I was actually in Ranahan at the time the transmission was made and verified it was indeed a USIT person making the transmission (I do apologise, I didn't note the name!) I am personally certain of it's veracity - although of course there is always the possibility of renegade USIT staff.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this matter - from my point of view, Harris has been given endless second chances and has blown them all, and regardless of his support by otherwise well-respected groups, I simply cannot agree with any decision that allows Harris peaceful residence in Shearbank. While I am the MFD's representative in the Suburb, Harris will be persona non-grata and any citizen offering him succour will be publically denounced - although as I noted, no DEM staff will PK him while he has no outstanding bounty on the Rogues Gallery.
--Kal 14:55, 29 January 2007 (UTC)

Barricade Plan Project

This is an area where I am working on revising or at least reformatting the barricade plans for the DEM's NE suburbs.

Raines Hills (Implemented)

Executive Summary

This plan was created using the generator in Template:BarricadePlan, which itself is linked from the Uniform Barricading Policy. The Lime Brigade made strategic changes, with deviations from the template noted by labels in the plan. It was then further edited by the DEM, again with notes in the plan, primarily to add a few extra entry points on the west side which was severely lacking.

Barricade Plan

Raines Hills Barricade Plan
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
10 Sch Mot NT Build Chur FS PD Ware Hosp
11 Hosp FS Bar Build Club Chur
12 Chur NT Chur Lib Build FS
13 Chur Chur Chur Build NT Sch RP Chur
14 Build Club Build Mus Fact
15 Bar Fact Build Cin Chur Build Build
16 Club Bank Lib RP Build
17 PD Bar NT Mus Sch
18 Club Rail RP Build FS Auto
19 Auto Bank Build Bank Rail Bank Sch

Unenterable Buildings
Extremely Heavily Barricaded Phone Mast
Enterable Buildings
Auto Shop Fire Station
Hospital NecroTech
Police Department School
Other VSB Buildings Unbarricaded Buildings
Other Locations
Street Monument
Cemetery Revivification Point

Shearbank (Implemented)

Executive Summary

  • Every Fire Station, Hospital, Church and Museum in the suburb should be accessible from the street. If you get into trouble outside, head towards any one of these buildings and you should be able to get indoors.
  • Owsley Crescent and Lessey Lane Police Department's should both also be accessible from the street and safe to head to in an emergency. However, Borrer Street and Farrant Crescent PD's will both be extremely heavily barricaded as they are both very close to the other PD's.
  • All NT buildings are EHB except Gabe in the NE. If you are a new Necrotech Employee without Free Running and you need access to Necrotech facilities, head to Gabe. The more experienced survivors can gain access to the other NT facilities via their adjacent buildings.
  • All other buildings in the suburb should be barricaded EHB with only two exceptions:
  • Leigh Library in the SE corner where an active lending service is being maintained even during the crisis
  • Holroyd Bank in the NNE where you can still apply for a very low-rate loan (offer open to brand new customers only)

Barricade Plan

Shearbank Barricade Plan
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
20 FS Cin Hosp Bank Club Junk
21 Ware RP Lib PD Fact Junk NT
22 Mot Junk NT Chur Junk Bank Club
23 Cath Mus Mall Mall PD
24 Cath Mall Mall Sch Mot Chur
25 Build Build PD Hosp Mot
26 Build FS Bar Sch Fact
27 Hot PD Auto RP Mot Club
28 Auto Build Mot NT Chur
29 Hosp NT Fact Build Hot Ware Build Lib

Unenterable Buildings
Extremely Heavily Barricaded Phone Mast
Enterable Buildings
Auto Shop Fire Station
Hospital NecroTech
Police Department School
Other VSB Buildings Unbarricaded Buildings
Other Locations
Street Monument
Cemetery Revivification Point

Roachtown (Implemented)

Executive Summary

Barricade Plan

Roachtown Barricade Plan
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
30 Build Cin Lib Rail Hosp Mot Mot
31 Ware Build Cin PD Club Hot Build
32 Build Tow Build Chur Ware Mus
33 PD PD Chur Fact Fact Cem Junk
34 Build Junk Cem Bar Hosp RP NT Bank
35 Build Auto Chur Cem Tow Auto
36 Mans Mans Sch Mot Bar
37 Mans Mans FS Build Build
38 Build Club Cin Rail Sch Rail
39 Rail Club Tow Build Junk PD

Unenterable Buildings
Extremely Heavily Barricaded Phone Mast
Enterable Buildings
Auto Shop Fire Station
Hospital NecroTech
Police Department School
Other VSB Buildings Unbarricaded Buildings
Other Locations
Street Monument
Cemetery Revivification Point


Executive Summary

In brief: All Police Departments, Cinemas and Schools in the suburb are VSB. St Columbanus' Hospital (61, 31), Littlehales NT (63, 30) and three of the auto repair shops - Chiles (67, 30), Chaldecoot (64, 34) and Balwill (68, 39) are all VSB. Finally, there are entry points at the Edmonson Building (62, 37) and the Roberts Building (65, 37). All other buildings should be barricaded to EHB. There is no point in the suburb where any survivor should require more than 3AP to get indoors, and there are both safehouses and resource buildings available to non-freerunners. There are 15 entry points which represents just over 1/4 of all buildings in the suburb.

Barricade Plan

Randallbank Barricade Plan
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
30 Lib Mot Junk NT Auto PD
31 Junk Hosp Hosp Lib Club Rail
32 Junk Pub Cin Build Cin Lib
33 Hosp Build Pub Chur Sch Lib Fact
34 Lib PD Auto Auto Chur Cin
35 Mus Junk Junk
36 Fact Rail PD Tow
37 Pub Build Build Build Mus Build
38 Build Build Ware Ware Build Fact Bank
39 Cin Ware Build Build Auto Auto Bank

Unenterable Buildings
Extremely Heavily Barricaded Phone Mast
Enterable Buildings
Auto Shop Fire Station
Hospital NecroTech
Police Department School
Other VSB Buildings Unbarricaded Buildings
Other Locations
Street Monument
Cemetery Revivification Point


Executive Summary

Barricade Plan

Ridleybank Barricade Plan
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

Unenterable Buildings
Extremely Heavily Barricaded Phone Mast
Enterable Buildings
Auto Shop Fire Station
Hospital NecroTech
Police Department School
Other VSB Buildings Unbarricaded Buildings
Other Locations
Street Monument
Cemetery Revivification Point


Executive Summary

Barricade Plan

Pimbank Barricade Plan
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69

Unenterable Buildings
Extremely Heavily Barricaded Phone Mast
Enterable Buildings
Auto Shop Fire Station
Hospital NecroTech
Police Department School
Other VSB Buildings Unbarricaded Buildings
Other Locations
Street Monument
Cemetery Revivification Point