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While i strongly believe Scinfaxi shouldn't be punished for the below case, i too strongly believe it is time for him to leave this wiki. Anyone that keep track on all the Zomg Amazing Drama !!1! will find Scinfaxi helping in one way or another to further any drama already settled, if not responsable in creating them.

Looking at his user contributions page one can easily see that Scinfaxi latest edits were all related to Amazing, probably to attack or tease him. The only contribution i see was his first edits on the Crossman Groove PD location page, but this page eventually grew up to an edit war between Amazing and Scinfaxi.

For his poor behaviour in this wiki in the latest months, and his lack of will to improve the wiki, i ask this wiki community to vote him out. --hagnat mod 03:59, 10 May 2006 (BST)

Ban Vote 2: This time it's personal! I'd like to see this, (only fair since it happened to me) but of course I'm the LAST person who would be taken seriously, now. I doubt anyone else will set it up in Policy Discussion. -- Amazing 04:02, 10 May 2006 (BST)
I'd be happy to get rid of him, but only if amazing goes as well. It seems that if both of those people left, there would be little to no drama left.--Bermudez 04:03, 10 May 2006 (BST)
There is already a vote on me in progress. You might want to voice this there, since your personal problems with me aren't the point of the post. -- Amazing 04:05, 10 May 2006 (BST)

First off, let me suggest you move this to a "Ban Scinfaxi" type of petition page, as this is all completely unrelated to moderation. Now, on to the banning me part. First off, Amazing has many fueds currently active and I'm simply one of them. Do you think banning me would be a solution? Let's be honest, for maximum drama elimination you'd ban Amazing. Also, most of my fueds with Amazing can be easily avoided. It's either kept on his talk page or under sections with my name in the title. Yes, I like to ridicule him in talk sections where he is being rude of disrespectful. I'm generally a reasonable person though. I've repeatedly offered CDF members a chance to avoid being PKed (but that's really a non-wiki issue) and attempted a diplomatic solution. Here's the problem with that, Amazing has no interest in being diplomatic. Every comment he makes is laced with an insult. Hell, he's even being a dick to hagnat, and hagnat's on his side! If you want to compare our behavior with other wiki users, go right ahead. While I disagree with a lot of wiki users, and am SLIGHTLY disrespectful in some cases, I'm not nearly as bad as Amazing. Amazing's behavior is a lighting rod for people like me, and banning me would not solve anything. The problem lies with Amazing's behavior. Is there ANY wiki user that has been involved in as many disputes as him? No. So why does the moderation team waste their time settling these disputes? Can we not agree that either Amazing treats others with respect OR he remains an object of ridicule on the wiki? Scinfaxi 04:31, 10 May 2006 (BST)

The fact that I offered you a "treat me civilly and I will do the same for you" olive branch, and you refused/ignored it, shows your statements to be hollow. Aside: His offered solutions are idiotic demands that are impossible to follow - or in most cases - things he has no right to demand and does not seriously expect. -- Amazing 04:36, 10 May 2006 (BST)
You see, i already told amazing this, and it is something i try to follow as hard as possible. People can treat you like shit, but this doesnt give you the right to treat them like shit. Reply politely to this kind of people, and sometimes sense grows inside this people's head, and they will no longer be an ass with no one else (well, atleast with you). Even though amazing was "a dick" with me during the wikigate drama, i remained as neutral as possible and tried to solve things out in the most inpartial way. It didnt work, but atleast *I* was doing my part to try to solve things out. Picking fights with other people over the internet is not something i consder fun.
While i follow this policy, you seem to walk the straigh opposite, and always seems to look to places where you can create more and more drama, expecially when it is targeting Amazing. That is why i started this. That is why i believe you should be banned. --hagnat mod 04:48, 10 May 2006 (BST)
As someone with actual authority, you're falling down on your responsibility here hagnat. You should not allow poster to treat the wiki user base with the disrespect that Amazing does. Damn man, just look at how many disputes he has IN ONE FUCKING DAY, and you want to single me out? Scinfaxi 05:02, 10 May 2006 (BST)
Well, that assumes that the wiki is a fair soft-plastic jungle for soccer moms to unleash their broods upon without having to put a lawyer on retainer; Yes, marginalizing Amazing would eliminate a huge faction of the drama on the wiki, but what would happen after that? You all would either A- fade away or B- choose someone else to pick on. I can't give you any credit for doing ANYTHING of ANY importance on this wiki, because the only peice of original work you've created is a group commited to PK'ing a user- not exactly something that holds up over time.
So, you and much of your fellow "Amazing-Trolls" are, for the purposes of discussing a wiki, useless. Amazing, as annoying as he is, as much of an ass-hat he is, for whatever freaking reason he chooses- he actually contributes, and I'd rather drink a beer and have a conversation with Amazing than stand in line at a McDonalds behind you and the rest of y'all.
So, yes, eliminating you wouldn't stop all the drama around Amazing, but I don't like you, what you stand for, or anything you have ever done. Therefore, I'd rather have you be punished for being a useless douche than having Amazing be punished for being a raging A-hole, because I don't care if you think its "zOMG unfair", because I'd rather have a better wiki than a fair one. --Karlsbad 08:00, 10 May 2006 (BST)
Wait, wait, wait. What is this "especially when the target is Amazing"? When is the target not Amazing? Just because I don't let Amazing walk all over me AND I ridicule him for doing that to other people does not mean I troll the wiki harrassing other users. Scinfaxi 05:16, 10 May 2006 (BST)
Thing is that ALL of the folks I'm dealing with (Scinfaxi being the most obvious and the one who covers his ass the least) have no interest in doing anything but antagonizing me and those who support me. -- Amazing 04:55, 10 May 2006 (BST)

So we're respecting majority votes to ban people now? --Punchkin 04:53, 10 May 2006 (BST)

I think this falls under "What's good for the goose is good for the gander". -- Amazing 04:55, 10 May 2006 (BST)
You're happy to be banned if the same ban is applied to Scinfaxi? --Punchkin 05:25, 10 May 2006 (BST)
You'll jump to call "bullshit" on this, but considering the large number of votes cast, I don't really think 4 in favor of banning me constitutes enough of a majority. The required number should have been stated in the first place (simple majority, percentage of votes, etc.) but it wasn't. -- Amazing 18:42, 10 May 2006 (BST)
I thought the whole vote was meaningless, just as much as this one is (which doesn't seem to have any required numbers stated in the first place either). There are hundreds of wiki users who have no idea a vote is even happening. Given the backlash against an attempt to introduce specific policy against flaming (perhaps we should automatically add all the against votes from that?), attempting to enforce it anyway seems badly misguided and a terrible precedent. --Punchkin 03:52, 11 May 2006 (BST)
Don't take this as my movement to get Sci banned (or my rallying people to do so) instead look at it as my personal satisfaction in seeing the tools used to aggitate me being fairly applied to someone else, since it was accepted as 'fair' when done to me. Know what I mean? -- Amazing 06:30, 11 May 2006 (BST)

A Vote opposite of what Amazing does is a GOOD THING --Technerd 04:54, 10 May

If you are going to remove a comment from the Article, please move it to the talk page Amazing. – Nubis NWO 04:59, 10 May 2006 (BST)
Sorry. It's in my clipboard as we speak. Got side-tracked, figured I could post, then come back to it. Promptly forgot. -- Amazing 05:06, 10 May 2006 (BST)
I know this might sound peevish, but why is a moderator starting a petition to ban someone? If there is already a rule existing allowing scinfaxi to be banned, they ban him. If not, then he shouldn't be banned. I think the real problem is a lack of clear rules with enforcable consequences. Some people will just not behave civily, and I think scinfaxi is just one of many who fit this description. However, we can't turn this into a petition based banning system. The people most likely to vote on these issues are the ones either causing the drama in the first place, or those exacerbating it. Most other users probably aren't even aware of the petition in the first place. Scinfaxi should not be banned under the exisisting rules. We need new rules, and if he doesn't follow those, then he should be banned. It goes without saying that Amazing should not be banned either.Jjames 08:34, 10 May 2006 (BST)
I realize the above may sound hypocritical considering I voted to ban Amazing. I did however change my vote. My intial vote was out of frustration to what I considered his abuse of the arbitration system. I changed it for two reasons. One we made an agreement to act civily towards each other and I beleive he understands that I am not a troll now. Secondly, and most importantly, the wikigate drama made me realize that trying to vote people out would only cause more vendettas and drama. Once again, I beleive we need new rules, not mob rule.Jjames 08:34, 10 May 2006 (BST)

In my opinion both are equally guilty and both should go. As such i had to vote that he stays until such time as a petition is made to get rid of both of them. --Grim s-Mod 10:21, 10 May 2006 (BST)

Maybe you could hop in the boat with us. -- Amazing 19:39, 11 May 2006 (BST)
Nay, i'm a Pirate. I wont be sharin' a dingy with ye two scurvy lubbers. --Dread Pirate Grim s 19:45, 11 May 2006 (BST)
I question the true swashedness of your buckle. I will be filing a misconduct report concerning the occasion wherein ye grabbed me booty. -- Amazing 20:09, 11 May 2006 (BST)
Arr... this be embarrassing. I mistook ye posterior for that o' th' tavern wench. It must have been the dress ye was wearin, ye scurvy crossdresser! --Grim s-Mod 21:44, 11 May 2006 (BST)
Ach!! Dinnae ye evar hear o' a kilt, me laddie?? (war of the stupid accents!) -- Amazing 22:13, 11 May 2006 (BST)
A kilt ye say? http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/9300/amazingdress37hv.gif That thar be th' most dress-like kilt me have ever seen! --Grim s-Mod 23:41, 11 May 2006 (BST)
Grim s tries to antagonize Amazing into flaming dispite his engaging Grim in humorous banter. Grim s fails. Film at 11. -- Amazing 00:51, 12 May 2006 (BST)
It be lookin like some lubber cant take any good natured ribbing. You have to admit ye walked right off the plank thar. --Grim s-Mod 01:04, 12 May 2006 (BST)
Aye, but I be thinkin' ye wouldnae be so jovial were it you being mocked. 'Tis probably a fact I'd be recievin' a metric ton o' profanities. -- Amazing 01:21, 12 May 2006 (BST)

Not Vandalism

If Scinfaxi is banned through this kangeroo court, then why the fuck should anyone bother with this wiki? Why should Amazing require a goddamned petition to have him removed, which in all likelihood will fail due to it not being "official", yet Scinfaxi has to hope enough people see through this application of double standards?

If x wants y removed, x should use the appropriate channels to do so. This is not an appropriate channel. There is simply no other way to put it, while Scinfaxi's edits are clear cut case of wikistalking, using the Vandal Banning proceedures is preposterous.

Other users have dodged a bullet for the same offence because there is no clear cut definition of harassment, and no policy for it. Amazing has dodged this bullet before. So have others. These cases have been consistently dismissed before, and I see no reason why this one should be any different. –Xoid STFU! 05:52, 10 May 2006 (BST)

No one said he should be removed because of vandalism, (though that's a part of the overall case, admittedly.) just like no one said I should be removed because of vandalism. Hey, doesn't it work both ways, or just against me? heh. :) -- Amazing 06:18, 10 May 2006 (BST)
This is under Moderation/Vandal Banning/Scinfaxi, or did you miss that part? Any discussion of having him removed here is bullshit, plain and simple. Frankly, I'm tired of seeing this crap left, right and centre, as is everyone else who didn't have the time to cook up a batch of popcorn so they could watch the next bout of dumbarse vs. moron. –Xoid STFU! 07:13, 10 May 2006 (BST)
I believe it was moved here since it was mentioned on the Vandal Banning page. I don't think this is simply about vandalism. (and you know that.) And as for your insults - Nice to see yet another UD Wiki user incapable of resisting the transformation from otherwise reasonable person to red-ass baboon, flinging his shit all over. Congrats, you just joined the drama machine. Hope you can jump back out quickly enough. -- Amazing 07:18, 10 May 2006 (BST)
Meh. I was already sucked into it. It's like a vortex, or maybe that shark from Jaws. The shark sounds better. Okay, here I go: "The drama is like that shark from Jaws; the moment you go near it consumes you". Hey! I was civil again. Sorry for insulting you Amazing, Scinfaxi. Should I go for the hat trick, or by apologising to you both have I already gotten it? –Xoid STFU! 13:50, 10 May 2006 (BST)
I'm perfectly fine with it working both ways. Let me just check your votes. Scinfaxi 06:56, 10 May 2006 (BST)
I wonder if 4 votes constitutes enough of a majority. Hmm! --Amazing 07:05, 10 May 2006 (BST)

See the thing is that Scinfaxi's incessant ridculing was extremly uncalled for, it was made worse by many actions Scinfaxi took up against Amazing, which were unjust and definetly not cool, so I applaud how you have signed your own removal, I must say it's a relief to see some justice being done, I'm not sure if this is the proper action to take against Scinfaxi, as much as I may loathe his uncivilized behavior, and rather unsettling crude remarks, I honestly think there might be a better way to solve the situation, but meh, That's why I'm not an Arbitrator or a Mod...--1 4 of CDF 19:31, 11 May 2006 (BST)

Scinfaxi isn't any more likely to be banned than Amazing was when there was a similar petition to ban him.--The General W! Mod 20:33, 19 May 2006 (BST)