Ars Requiem
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Historical Group |
This historical group is no longer active. However, its wiki page is preserved to reflect the group's significance in Urban Dead history. |
When not actively terrorizing the not-undead, the members of Ars Requiem are often found resting around a campfire singing "kumbaya", though slightly off key.
"I have a dream that one day this city will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created edible." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Lerwill Heights former humans will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood and dine upon it. I have a dream that one day the whole of Malton, a desert city, sweltering with the heat of injustice and zombie hunting, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and dining. I have a dream all zombies will one day live in a city where they will not be judged by the decay of their skin but by the contents of their stomach. I have a dream today." -Hungers fo Knowledge
Ars Requiem is the kinder, gentler zombie horde in Malton. With a
stated objective "to nurture the growth of corpselings into
full-fledged death dealing dynamos," Ars Requiem puts its own young
first in a spirit of Barhah. With several group policies to encourage the decay of the newly
dead, Ars Requiem has enjoyed a steady increase in the number of its
following. The most attractive policies are:
- Corpselings without Ankle Grab are excused from tearing down
- Corpselings about to level are encouraged to nibble on their elders.
- Doors to buffets are constantly kept open by any senior member who
notices it shut.
- Each day has a new Designated Bringer of Death (DBoD). The DBoD is a younger corpseling whose sole purpose is to deliver the fatal blow on each target, and net the +10xp as many times as possible. The DBoD is rotated daily in order to give all corpselings a fair chance at leveling. Previous DBoD's have reported earning an entire level solely via killing blows. You will level faster with Ars Requiem than you thought possible.
Ars Requiem does not have a rigidly defined leadership structure. Indeed, all members from the most senior to the youngest are strongly encouraged to offer ideas for upcoming menus. Despite its largely egalitarian nature, Ars Requiem's eldest serves as the coordinator who maintains the messaging system, and offers the final judgment on operations. His real name can obviously not be divulged as it would pose a security risk to Ars Requiem as a whole, but he often goes by the codename "iconmaster" whilst back at GESC headquarters.
- 02/24/2006: - A survivor bearing the affiliation "Anti-Ars Task Force" is discovered, and eaten. Was he embellishing a personal vendetta? Or have the Requiem's activities finally necessitated an organized response...?
- 02/23/2006: Ars Requiem members reported inside the Latrobe Building near Caiger Mall.
- 02/16/2006: Strange, flickering lights and eerie noises reported emanating from the Herman Building in Darvall Heights. Merely a fluctuation in the city's ever-tenuous power grid? Or something more ominous...?
- 01/31/2006: East Becktown is rapidly crumbling under assault from the Mall Tour. The Requiem intends to do its part to support the overthrow of Caiger Mall, and has changed gears to Operation Orange Julius for the duration of the siege.
- 01/30/2006: The Requiem was rumored to be in attendance at Ackland Mall for several days. Now that the mall has fallen, small groups of zeds have been seen shambling back toward the Becktown area. Some sort of field trip?
- 01/17/2006: Zombie gatherings occured in the graveyards of Greater Becktown. Members of Ars Requiem, Zombie Inc, The Revenants, The Wild Hunt, SPTE, and the Brute Force Committee were reported to be in attendance. While appearing to be a bake sale, some speculate something more sinister was afoot...
- 01/16/2006: Operation Cookie Monster begins....stay tuned for our latest concoction!
- 01/15/2006: Operation Smorgasbord declared a resounding success, and is officially ended. Post-Op map and analysis available there for your perusal.
- 01/12/2006: Rumors abound of talks between Ars Requiem and Zombie Inc. The combination of the major Malton property holder with the city's premier dining powerhouse could be a force to be reckoned with, providing increased value for shareholders and additional gourmet food outlets for zombie customers.
- 01/11/2006: East Becktown defenses collapsing! Hospitals and Necrotech buildings are being sacked across the entire suburb. What has happened to PLEB?
- Zombie Inc :: They were our first affiliates, and remain our dear friends. We actively coordinate meals together, and enjoy the witty banter of some of their more gregarious members. Their leader can add a charming atmosphere to even the most dingy of eateries.
- Pwotters :: A fellow band of zombie brothers. We eat together whenever we get the chance, but don't closely coordinate any meals.
- People's Liberation of East Becktown :: Largely devoured as of January 2006, thanks to the success of Operation Smorgasbord. Their own Operation Tumbleweed apparently did not receive broad support from suburb residents.
- The Gingerbread Men :: Upon visiting the Billet Road School 1/16/2006, we seem to have discovered a tasty surprise! Gingerbread men, all lined up and ready to eat! Operation Cookie Monster was activated in response!
We realized we were hogging all the best tips on where to go for good eats in East Becktown. We're now sharing our recommendations with you, the feral zombie in search of a hearty meal!
Note: East Becktown is overrun and we're helping out the Mall Tour efforts. We'll get back to updating this map once the mall has fallen.
Recent notable achievements include:
- Repeatedly disabling the East Becktown mobile phone tower. All that cell phone chattering really disturbs the dining atmosphere.
- Holding an extended banquet at the Percival Building.
- Taking over the Dinmead Lane revive clinic. Fresh food for us every day there, very thoughtful!
- Repeatedly grabbing a bite to eat at the NecroTech laboratory at The Daubeney Building.
- Swelling from a dozen members to over 75 members, affiliates, and zombie refugees.
- Feasting upon every last survivor in Billett Row School, while leaving holiday messages which capture the spirit of the season.
- Infiltrating the heavily-fortified Latrobe Building adjacent to Caiger Mall and turning Au Jus, hated member of the PLEB, into something more befitting his namesake. Horseradish with that?
- 11/29/2005: The Percival Building
- 12/01/2005: The Dimond Motel & adjacent Warehouse
- 12/05/2005: Billett Row School
- 12/06/2005: Gomm Auto Repair
- 12/07/2005: Warehouse south of The Daubney Building
- 12/08/2005: Devoured The Percival Building for dinner, and joined Church of the Resurrection (we think) at St Eleutherius's Hospital for dessert.
- 12/14/2005: The Atwell Building was made safe for zombiekind.
- 12/15/2005: Club Bragge is moving to a different beat...sounds like "Thriller".
- 12/16/2005: Lush Auto Repair. We only rate this as a 1 star establishment, but we did leave some nice body work.
- 12/17/2005: Preston Arms. When we stopped in, we found more than just arms. Legs, torsos, brains, and more! This place really sells itself short.
- 12/18/2005: Pikes Towers. An eatery with a view!
- 12/21/2005: Factory next to The Kening Building. We had quite a crowd, and ate the place clean outta food in 15 minutes.
- 12/28/2005: The Malton Fire Department hosted a cookout at the Mitchell Drive Fire Station, with plenty of BBQ legs and breasts for us to munch on. Yummy! Better look in the classifieds for a new District HQ, guys!
- 12/30/2005: Apparently the Mitchell Drive Fire Station cookout was such a success that the humans came back for second helpings. Or, more accurately, to be second helpings. Shall we make it a trilogy?
- 01/06/2006: The PLEB recommended folks stay away from the hospital and sleep in Moseley Library instead. Well, we made sure they slept alright. Then we collected overdue fines. Those can really cost you an arm and a leg!
- 01/08/2006: The Percival Building provided a nice weekend snack for the gang. The book club had a meeting afterward to discuss the classicZombie novel "The Dead Shall Inherit the Earth" at the Mosely Library.
- 01/09/2006: A nondescript warehouse near the Daubeney Building was raided for rations. There were none left when we departed.
- 01/10/2006: The Daubeney Building was the scene of the 2006 Zombie Eating Championships. The Harmanz lost.
- 01/11/2006: St Elisabeth's Hospital cafetaria staff was sacked...and distributed as a bag lunch.
- 01/12/2006: The Northup Place School offered up fresh young morsels of food for us to eat. The Sugg Building's meat was somewhat more stringy, but still edible enough for us to clean our plates off.
- 01/13/2006: Kids never learn...we attempted once more to teach them the parts of the digestive system by sending them through pieces. Will they come back to the Northup Place School for yet another lesson?
- 01/19/2006: Took a break from other operations to visit another PLEB-recommended safehouse: the warehouse south of the Daubeney. The Requiem and its associates moved serious inventory and produced an object lesson in supply-side gastronomics.
- 01/20/2006: TRIPLE PLAY! A three course meal consisting of Gomm Auto repair, the Daubeney Building, and the Berkeley Museum. Tasty!
- 01/30/2006: We had some guests over to the Loney Row Police Department, and booked a number of cardiac arrests.
- 01/31/2006: TRIPLE PLAY! The Pwotters and some ferals helped us clear out the warehouse south of the Daubeney yet again. Then we moved to Carritt Railway Station next door and cleared it out too. And then we ate up the north warehouse. We're a hungry bunch!
- 02/09/2006: The Fish Building is not actually a seafood joint. Nonetheless, it's a fine place to eat. And being right next door to the Sugg Building, we couldn't help but try them both.
- 02/10/2006: Okay, so we're the East Becktown chapter. That doesn't mean we never branch out, and as part of Operation Orange Julius we've been doing a lot of just that lately. Today we made quite a splash at Perram Avenue School in Darvall Heights -- I really think that was the best show-n-tell those kids had ever seen -- and then headed back to Gadd Motel for a breather. Or maybe it was to eat some breathers. It was kind of a long day.
- 02/16/2006: The Herman Building I can see, but how does a building get to be named the Chubb Building? Did the owner go with his childhood nickname? Anyway both provided several tasty morsels.
Ever keen to further the cause of quality cuisine, the Requiem decided to expand its franchises into West Becktown.
- 02/01/2006: West Becktown NT buildings sacked as part of Operation Orange Julius. Curle Street Police Department banquet begins...these survivors will never make it to Caiger Mall. Alive, at least. They are free to join the Mall Tour though!
- 01/17/2006: A copy of the Lerwill Heights chapter newsletter found...amongst the BBQ recipes is an announcement that the chapter is relocating...the mammoth AR horde was spotted heading to the NorthWest, away from Lerwill Heights...
- 01/16/2006: A number of Ars Requiem members in East Becktown were spotted packing their lunch pails and heading south toward Lerwill Heights. Simultaneously, Lerwill Heights sent members northward...
- 01/10/2006: The mighty Lerwill Heights chapter of Ars Requiem has struck fear into the hearts of the citizenry! This huge mob of zombies seems to be everywhere at once, and panicked harmans are fleeing before their might! Their victims continue to be piled in massive heaps upon the streets!
-It has come to our attention that the Molebank Citizen Volunteers are gathering an unwelcoming committee in our honor. But we will not waver in our support of the right to dine!
- 12/29/2005: The Morrish Motel was actually our second stop, and offered us reasonable accomodations. The less said about the food served in St Columbanus's Hospital cafeteria the day before, the better...
- 1/4/2006: We stopped by the St Columbanus' Hospital to volunteer and help out some poor survivors. We helped cure them of a bad case of breathing!
- 1/5/2006: Bence Auto Repair was our next stop. A surprising number of people need their cars worked on in Malton these days...but now they are going to need Memories of Life to drive them!
- 2/3/2006: Hope nobody sets the mall on fire, 'cause we just leveled Whippey Place Fire Station.
- 2/10/2006: Uppill Library just opened a new section for Mauled Human Remains -- it's near the children's reading area. And Piegsa Police PD had a poster hanging inside that read "Wanted for Murder in Every Degree: Malton Zombies," so we figured we were being formally invited.
- 2/16/2006: Couldn't leave the rest of West Becktown's law enforcement officers out of the fun. Curle Street PD was our next stop, right after tidying up the warehouse east of Tiplot Museum.
Some have accused Ars Requiem of the use of zombie spies in the pursuit of its goals. The Requiem can neither confirm nor deny such reports. However, we can confirm that we do not discriminate on the basis of heartbeat. It may be better to think of the Requiem as a clearinghouse for a variety of pro-zombie activities, rather than as a single zombie horde. We maintain partnerships with a variety of organizations in Malton and work together with the living and dead from all walks of life in order to further our corporate mission of Carnage, Panic and Terror. We ask that you remember we are highly loyal to our cause, and cannot be expected to give up on our vision for Malton just because you stick a needle in us.
Any committed zombie can be said to become a "zombie spy" upon being revived. We feel this distinction is artificial. In Malton, your goals are your own. Work with whom you please, and against whom you please. And run when you see us coming.
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