Biertag '11
While each passing year may be slightly more disorganized than the last, the Burchell Arms Regulars (B.A.R.) are doing their inebriated-best to gathered themselves, and other celebrants, to attend the celebration held annually at St. Arnold's Church in their beloved suburb of Rolt Heights.
In what has now become a tradition, noted NecroTech scientist Caleb Usher signed up on the Biertag '11 attendee roster, but was not actually present "in body" at the event. Only in spirit. This is mostly due to the fact that Caleb escaped Malton back in 2005. Some say though, that when they get really drunk they think they can see him hovering over the celebration hall. Of course that's probably just the alcohol poisoning talking.
One of the key differences between this year's celebration to those of the past years is that after July 8th had passed the celebration continued unabated for FIVE MORE DAYS! Now how is that for dedication to drinking? The BAR led the way, promising revives to any survivor who fell while defending the church and it was only after an overwhelming wave of zombies crashed the party that it finally ended. One can only wonder if the celebration next year will be as interesting, or last as long.
Guests of Honor
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While it's generally considered that anyone who shows up at Biertag is considered "special", if only for their ability to drink epic quantities of alcohol that would kill a lesser man (or woman), there were still a few notable individuals who attended Biertag '11 that should be mentioned because of one reason or another. Those individuals were:
Special Guests
Who are they...?
Famous for what...?
Jesus Sante
Co-Owner of the Burchell Arms Regulars
In the Bible, Jesus Christ could turn water into wine. But only Jesus Santa can turn wine into beer.
father o keefe
Manager, Burchell Arms Regulars
It's said he can eat hops, barley, yeast, and water then piss out Russian Imperial Stout in a matter of minutes. Now that's a miracle.
Yonnua Koponen
Leader of Dead vs Blue
Yonnua is rumored to have a 6-pack every night... a six pack of beer kegs.
Representative of the Dulston Alliance
Known as the fabled "Dulston Alliance Janitor", the forum title became the man. Now he cleans up everything.
Leader of the Pescodside Defense Alliance
Ottari once had an alcohol problem, but more alcohol solved it.
Those Who Rallied to the Call of BEER!
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In addition to the guests of honor, there were survivors (and zombies) from a variety of groups which showed up at the Biertag beer festival to celebrate. Listed are the group they were affiliated with (at the time at least), and thus, showed their group's support for the holiday. It should also be mentioned that there may have been other groups present that might have been overlooked, which is a serious possibility as most of the people there were blitzed out of their minds, but here are the groups who we know had representatives (and yes, we use that term loosely) at the various festivals:
Beer Pledge '11
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Biertag '11, as with those Biertag celebrations that came before it, has now passed in Malton's history books. However provided below is the original sign-up list which shows who originally planned to drop by and join in the celebrations. As always, the sign-up list was considered extra important for those survivors who happened to have a murderous background, as it would have allowed them to be recognized as being at the church to kill a few beers, not people. Later this offer was extended to zombies as well. So without further delay, here's the list:
Sign-Up List for the Rolt Heights Party
- Caleb Usher - NecroTech - "Remember people, it's 'I' before 'E', except in Budweiser." --Mobius 18:49, 23 November 2010 (UTC)
- Yonnua Koponen - Dead vs Blue -Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 20:03, 23 November 2010 (UTC)
- Jesus Sante - Burchell Arms Regulars - "I pledge to drink myself blind at Biertag." -- Jesus Sante CFT 03:15, 24 November 2010 (UTC)
- Officer Sheaffer - Burchell Arms Regulars - "You glance at the literature critic. Before you say anything, he says 'Yes'."
- tyx94 - Burchell Arms Regulars - "I pledge that this year, I shall personally make sure Jesus' pants stay on for no less than 70% of the party.--tyx94 05:25, 24 November 2010 (UTC)
- father o keefe - Burchell Arms Regulars - "(rolls ciggy... drinks from hipflask) I still haven't found my pants from last year!!!
- Jaydepps Dead vs Blue --Jaydepps 23:46, 24 November 2010 (UTC)
- Scott Albom Burchell Arms Regulars - "I pledge that this year, I shall encourage Jesus to drink 70% more tequila, just to see what he'll do." Albom 05:49, 2 December 2010 (UTC)
- HiteiKan Atlas - "I pledge not to make any other pledges than drinking."--HiteiKan 21:25, 20 December 2010 (UTC)
- Met Fan - FOXHOUND - "I pledge." --Met Fan F 02:49, 21 December 2010 (UTC)
- Mikhos - Rogue Agency - "6 years after the quarantine and Malton still has beer left over. No reason to save it for later!" Mikhos 00:38, 11 April 2011 (BST)
- Rockefella Plaza - Burchell Arms Regulars - "I, your name here, do hereby solemnly pledge to take you, Tyx94 to be my lawful wedded wi... Hang on Dinger... That's not the right bloody document you berk!" --Rockefella Plaza 16:51, 15 May 2011 (BST)
- hector malo The Burchell Arms Regulars"see ya there for the 5th time!" --Hector malo 23:46, 7 July 2011 (UTC)
- Mortenmensch Burchell Arms Regulars"Several hours behind but many drinks ahead ... I'm there." Mortenmensch 21:51, 8 July 2011 (GMT)
Pub Banter
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- Due to fighting against The Dead the BAR did not get much of a chance to advertise for Biertag '11. In fact, the first mention of the event appeared on the BAR forum on July 4th! On a religious point, it should be noted that any reference to "Jesus" does not in fact refer to "Jesus Christ", our Lord and Saviour, but rather to Jesus Sante, who is anything but holy, as can be inferred by the blatant comment below:

- Party time is now time:

- Here we see that the festivities have proceeded along their due course, but not without its share of death:

- Who says the party ever has to stop...? Not me:

- When you're drunk there's always the chance this kind of mistake might happen, am I right?:

- Well at least someone had the sensibility to record what was happening at the church, even if it was five days later:

- Yet another victim of "Extended Biertag", Officer Sheaffer, as he is better known to the public, makes a tempting offer:

- And so on the 6th day after Biertag officially ended, the party finally comes to its natural conclusion... with zombies devouring everyone inside the church:

- Naturally the very first thing to do after Biertag '11 ends is to reminisce about Biertag and dream of Biertag '12:
