Bridgewater Square School
Dentonside [98, 59]
Basic Info:
- Among the internal descriptions found in Schools:
- "Half-finished work is scattered across the floor."
- This building can be barricaded normally
Center Of Learning
This location qualifies as a Center of Learning & is considered a neutral zone for all the supporters of this policy. According to the policy, libraries, schools, zoos, and museums in the city of Malton are considered safe places. No survivor in one of these locations may be killed for any reason unless that survivor is a specified enemy.
The school before the outbreak
This school on the edge of the water next to the Tolman Power Station was notorious in Dentonside. The parents of the children mostly worked in the Tolman Power Station before the outbreak. They had the reputation to be ruffians. Part of this image was also caused by the fact that the dropouts of the Barnete Row School in North West Dentonside were sent there. It became somewhat of a tradition for the Bridgers to go to the Barnete at the last day of the school year, and cause a ruckus on the playground there. This would almost invariably end with several Barnetes getting beaten to a pulp. This fighting spirit came in handy by the time the Outbreak occurred.
Barricade Policy
According to the current Dentonside Barricade Plan this building is to be kept at VSB levels!