The Colbourne Arms
The Colbourne Arms |
the Colbourne Arms
Dentonside [99, 59]
Basic Info:
The Colbourne arms was build in the early 1920s by a Russian entrepreneur to serve Dentonside with the best Russian Vodka that could be found. This bar would be open for over 80 years before the zombie outbreak and still serves people today. Legend says that in the 1930s a Russian Mofia boss was murdered while sitting at the bar in this establishment. It was a hangout for the workers of the Tolman Power Station after they worked their shift. To serve these clients the Colbourne was open for twenty four hours aday. After the big layoffs in Tolman, many of its clients kept going there to eat their full English a drink a Colby Headbash, a pint of lager spiked with Russian vodka.
Barricade Policy
According to the current Dentonside Barricade Plan this building is to be kept at EHB levels!
Dentonside Regulars
The Colburne arms became the Dentonside Regulars secondary Headquarters due to it’s strategic placement to the power station. This HQ allows the Dentonside Regulars to quickly move to the power station if it falls under a zombie attack. They request that this building stay at EHB.
- Gathering place for the Dentonside Regulars
- Free beer and liquor as long as its in stock
- Room and board to all survivors
Bulletin Board
- Watchout for Zombies moving around the city
- Dentonside Regulars are Recruiting
- Keep this building EHB