Bug Reports/Archive

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This is where old, useless reports go. Feel free to organize if you want. Please.

Feeding groans

Timestamp: He didn't place a timestamp. Real helpful there bud.
reported by
Lord Evans
Current Status: Not a bug?
Severity: unassigned
Description: As I was wandering around an area looking for some zombies to kill, I heard 2 feeding groans, I ran over to the buliding i heard them in, and there were no zombies inside or outside, and yet feeding groans had come from it.

the zombies could have moved. Not entirely out of the realm of possibility Ybbor 02:34, 5 June 2006 (BST)

  • As it happens, zeds tend not to stay where they have groaned and people know where they are, just as survivors do not often stay right where they have fired a flare. And few humans or zombies stay in one place very long after revealing their position. So I doubt it's a bug. --V2Blast P! 01:51, 9 June 2006 (BST)
    • I'm of the opinion that this isn't a bug, but if Kevan wants to take a look at the code there and confirm that, I'd be a happy man. –Xoid 05:20, 13 June 2006 (BST)

Zombie attacks zombie, can't attack self?!

Timestamp: 21:19, 22 April 2006 (BST)
reported by
Lou Garou
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: As a zombie who had recently died, (http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=383359), i went to go attack another zombie. the only options in the attack dropdown were barricades and a zombie, however when i chose a zombie, it told me I couldn't attack myself. This happened upon subsequent attacks too.

edit: moved to top of section. sorry bout that. --Lou Garou 22:22, 22 April 2006 (BST) http://i3.tinypic.com/w7kk04.jpg

Strange, that's never happened when I've been killed and subsequently went after other zeds. --V2Blast P! 01:53, 9 June 2006 (BST)

Zombie Contacts

Timestamp: 18:58, 21 April 2006 (BST)
reported by
Krazy Monkey
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: I run a small group called the Randoms. All of the members have other members in their contacts so we can easily find each other when revives are needed. One of my members told me of a zombie who had broken into one of our safehouses. He had been killed the previous day and had lowered the attckers HP.

I went over to the building to check it out. I recognised my friend and selected attack "a zombie" from the drop down list. Without realising it, I was attacking my friend and not my intended target even though he was separate from the other zombie in the attack list.

I put a suggestion on the suggestions page on the 18th April [1] and several people who voted say it might be a bug so I decided to post it here.

My Characters name is Cheeseman Muncher [2] and my friend is Stephano2

Comments here

AP going

Timestamp: 15:10 GMT 13/4/06
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: when i was waiting for my AP to recover i refreshed page and my AP went down from 6 to 4 or somthing like that everly time i refreshed it went down more causing me to loss AP from doing nothing.

You prolly did one action over and over again that costs AP. Are you sure you weren't Searching before you pushed the refresh button? It's wise to go to your Profile, then Back to City, and then refresh.. I don't think it's a bug but a simple error on your side. ;)ps. i found out what was happoning it was walking me closer to were i was going when i refreshed. --Vykos 15:29, 13 April 2006 (BST)

  • Check the URL before you refresh. If there is anything appended to the end of map.cgi (like ?searchg or something) then you will keep trying to perform that action. So yes, it's always good to go to a different page and then click "Back to the City". --V2Blast P! 01:55, 9 June 2006 (BST)

Tangling Grasp Doesn't Tangle

Timestamp: 19:06, 12 April 2006 (BST)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: annoying
Description: When using firefox, the tangling grasp skill doesn't work. It says something like "You maul AngelOfMeep for 3 damage, and grab hold of them. They drop to 30 HP." , but the next attack doesn't register as a tangled attack. So instead of something about crushing, grabbing and biting, or the person squirming or breaking free, the next attack either says "You maul AngelOfMeep for 3 damage, and grab hold of them. They drop to 27 HP." or "You attack AngelofMeep and miss".

user: emhwa April 13 (PST) I am experiencing the same issue using internet explorer, on multiple computers and at different times (~22:00 and ~24:00 GMT). This issue is occurring with both my zombies, PooPoo2U and Barney The BDP. In addition, I do not believe that the first several attacks (ie until a hit) are being calculated at the correct percentages.

user: bearda May 22 (PST) Same issue here with both Firefox and Safari. I've grabbed and grabbed and grabbed, trying to line up for a bite + infection but it doesn't seem to work 90% of the time. I have had the occasional crush on Firefox (not sure about Safari, have to pay better attention), but it's definitly not working like it used to.

Multiple Headshots

Timestamp: 03-26 00:11 GMT
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: minor
Description: Logged in to find this has happened to my zombie, Kurdt Cobain
  1. dancer attacked you for 5 damage. (03-26 00:11 GMT)
  2. Blue Demon attacked you for 5 damage. (03-26 00:11 GMT)
  3. You took a Headshot from Blue Demon the Zombie Hunter! You will need to spend an extra 5AP to stand up. (03-26 00:11 GMT)
  4. dancer attacked you for 5 damage. (03-26 00:11 GMT)
  5. Harry Callaghan attacked you for 5 damage. (03-26 00:11 GMT)
  6. You took a Headshot from dancer the Zombie Hunter! You will need to spend an extra 5AP to stand up. (03-26 00:11 GMT)
  7. You took a Headshot from Harry Callaghan the Zombie Hunter! You will need to spend an extra 5AP to stand up. (03-26 00:11 GMT)

Strange... Wouldn't you be dead after the first headshot? Weird... --V2Blast P! 01:56, 9 June 2006 (BST)

Unskilled Firepeople

Timestamp: 11:27, 19 March 2006 (GMT)
reported by
Pvt Joke
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: I noticed this sooner, but didn't think to mention it until I was reading about the bug reports here. Both I and a friend had made Fireman characters to see if we liked playing them, and we found it a bit difficult to level, primarily because we only had a 10 percent chance to hit with the fire axe. Since Firemen don't start off with the hand to hand combat skill as a prereq for their axe proficiency skill, neither character was recieving the +15 percent to hit with their axe. Since then we both leveled those characters and aquired the hand to hand combat skill, and immediately recieved the benefit to our axe use from both hand to hand combat and axe proficiency, but it may still need to be fixed for future firepeople so they don't get discouraged, since anyone can walk into a fire station and get a fireaxe.


  • Note: Was originally posted with nowiki tags around the timestamp and signature. Added them in manually when I fixed the template. — g026r 21:11, 20 March 2006 (GMT)

2 Characters suspected of Abuse?

Timestamp: 12:00am, EST, March 11, 2006
reported by
Jolly Rancher
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: I have two characters and both are having exceptionally low success rates for attacking and searching. I've used up 3 days worth of AP each and have only successfully attacked 3 or 4 times. The characters are "Jolly Rancher" currently in Huntley Heights, and "WhiteVeins" currently in Dartside. The two have never interacted.

The two suburbs are far too far apart for the two characters to normally be suspected of cohesion and having the zerging measures activated. Bear in mind that you may just be having a run of bad luck, getting a 10 1's on 10 dice rols is inprobable, but still can happen. If the bad luck run continues for a very long period of time, then there may be a bug, but you cant really tell after only 3 days worth of AP. Post again if it continues. Also, what skills do your characters have? If you dont have very good fighting odds due to lack of skills, this may be contributing.

Where are you accessing the game from? If you are using a shared computer used by other players to play the game, then you may be near to one of their characters and not realise it. This is covered in the FAQ on the wiki and the official game FAQ. --Preasure

Unable to attack zombie after standing up

Timestamp: 15:20, 28 February 2006 (GMT)
reported by
Methnar Hammerhand
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: I logged on to discover my zombie (Meat Pudding - http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=361749 ) had been killed by another zombie (W T Sherman - http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=383316 ). I stood up and added him to my contacts, so that I could recognize him out of the 11 zombies at the Oxley Building in West Becktown, then tried to attack him. My initial hit percentage was only 25% with claws, and 10% with bite (the same as a starting zed, which I am not). I attacked once, and received no message on the result, and did not use an action point either. I then tried attacking the barricade. I did receive a result, and my hit percentages went back to normal; it also cost me an AP. I attempted to attack W T Sherman several more times, without receiving combat results, and without using action points! I logged on and off twice, trying the attack W T Sherman again each time, and used no action points, plus received no combat text results. I then attacked a zombie which I had not added to my contacts list, and received combat results, plus was charged an AP. Another attack on W T Sherman resulted in no AP lost and no text results for combat.

Comments here

Headshot, then killed an hour later

Timestamp: 11:32, 16 Feb 2006 (GMT)
reported by
Grim s
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: I got attacked inside Calvert mall by a human, and after several shots, i was apparently headshot by this person, despite the fact i was not dead at the time. Almost an hour later another person finally killed me, but i recieved no Headhot from him, despite him having the skill.

Screen shot of the incident.

The character in question is my main account, Gorbonzo.

Somewhat like the repeated headshots received by another user above. --V2Blast P! 02:11, 9 June 2006 (BST)

Site hits for non-gameplay-related actions

Timestamp: 03:38AM EST - 02-12-06
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: While I understand and even appreciate the necessity of having AP limits and the 160 hit limit, should the 160 hits be for actual game moves and not ANY hits in the game. What I mean is, I have four characters. I play three of them a day. Sometimes, I meet 160 hits on the server while I still have MANY AP left because I've done things like peruse the wiki, look at profiles or even situations where I've had to log out and back in multiple times because of this and that. I understand the need to limit hits to help the server and I know that surfing the Urban Dead site also puts strain on the server... I understand that. But it still doesn't seem right. Not reall a bug, per se, but something I've noticed on EVERY computer I've ever accessed UD from.

I'm not a coder so I'm not certain how this effects coding and what is required to fix it. I also can't be the first person to notice this but I couldn't find mention of it anywhere and I did try.

Wiki doesn't count towards IP hits, not sure if profiles do. Logging in and out should count towards the limit, though, otherwise players could log in and out endlessly (perhaps with a script) to keep watch on a safehouse. --Spiro 14:00, 12 Feb 2006 (GMT)
From FAQ: Players of Urban Dead are limited to hitting the main game script 160 times per day
As I understand this, it means the map.cgi page, the actual game. So, re-loading the page, checking profile and coming back, and indeed, logging out and back in, cost one IP hit. Just opening profile, checking wiki, news, stats, FAQ or similar don't cost hits. --Brizth 14:14, 12 Feb 2006 (GMT)

As far as I know, the whole point of site hit limitation is that it's not just the game - which includes any hits on profiles, logging in, and all that jazz (not the wiki, though). If you really must play four characters, all I can suggest is donating for at least one of them. -pinkgothic 18:30, 12 Feb 2006 (GMT)

As I recall, other documents on this wiki say that you score 1 IP hit every time you ask the server for the map.cgi page. Any time you refresh the page, access the page, or perform an action on that page contributes to your hit limit. Concieveably, you could exhaust your IP hit limit by just refreshing the map.cgi page 160 times, since each time it requests an update from the server in order to show an up-to-date picture of the area and check for events that have occured. Thus, looking at someone's profile does not count towards your limit. However, clicking the "back to city" button does contribute to your hit limit, because the map has been updated. So you could play three characters a day if you were careful and didn't perform too many non-actions like refreshing the page or looking at profiles. If you must play three or more characters, I'd advise that you donate some cash to lift the IP limit on some of them.--Quilan 20:42, 5 June 2006 (BST)

Unable to stand up

Timestamp: 09:02, 3 Feb 2006 (GMT)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: I have a character (http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=127909) that died as a zombie, I logged in to find him dead about a week ago and decided to let him stay down for awhile until I had more time to play and just focus on my current main.

In the meantime my other (main) zombie (http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=123435) moved a little too close for my liking and I decided to log into the idle character and move him to another area to avoid any problems with the zerg countermeasures (I dont know if idle characters would affect it but I decided to be safe)

When I logged onto the idle character I found him still dead and laying in front of the PD I would no doubt be hitting soon with my main as I made my way through the burb. I clicked "stand up" and was booted to the login page. I repeated this several times with no changes.

I cannot stand up to move away.

Right now my main is about 4-5 blocks from where the formerly idle character is. I would have moved him sooner had I realized how close my main actually was.

I have tried clearing both my cookies and my cashe. I have tried standing up by entering "map.cgi?rise" on the url. I tried using both Firefox and Internet Explorer. Nothing seems to work.

Update- I went to visit my parents and trid to move and it worked... I dont know why, it must be my connection. I use the public library's connection and have to use a proxy page to get to urbandead.com, for some reason the library has filters preventing me from getting to urbandead.com any other way. I don't understand why I can only use 2 of my 4 characters (3 are paid for, 1 of the paid characters is the one above I cant use.) Any help anyone? I would like to play with all my characters, especially the paid one. 14:23, 11 Feb 2006 (GMT) -Ramerez

Level 10 Military transforms into Level 3 Scientist

Timestamp: 18:18, 3 Feb 2006 (GMT)
reported by
Nairod 2
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: My Military character, Nairod 2, was located in Caiger Mall. I came out after getting amo, I left via cross Cinema and attacked a Zombie. A Zombie came out of nowhere and the battle started. Being low on HP, I decided to retreat to the Mall and look for FAKs.

Next thing you know I appear in Sixtus General Hospital in Heytown. My characteristic were changed to Level 3 Scientist. I have no idea how that could have happened but it did. If any one knows what the hell happened and how I could get my Level 10 Military characteristic back, I would really appreciate it!!

Do you perhaps have any other characters? Perhaps you did not log out/clear your cache or something of the sort? Or was this while in the middle of going about your actions?

AP Problems

Timestamp: 05:31, 31 Jan 2006 (GMT)
reported by
RAF Lt.G Deathnut
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: My character Deathnut for almost a whole days time would only gain to a max of 25AP. It seems to have fixed itself but if this happened to me it may have happened to others as well.

Did you have an alt nearby him? If so you may have caused the anti-zerging measures to go on unwittingly which i believe (not sure) slows regain of ap. Hamster Ninja 1:38 (GMT), March 22

Race condition on simultaneous attack/heal

Timestamp: 03:35, 24 Jan 2006 (GMT)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: I was trying to get some brains out of a survivor in the mall just a few minutes ago, beating him with my hands. Someone was actively healing him at the same time. I managed to crack him down for the kill, and get awarded the XP for the kill -- but he was still on the list of survivors in the mall. I went to my buy skills screen and then back to the city. Sure enough, he was still there. I resumed attacking him and killed him in two hits after a couple of misses. Either: a) he died the first time, stood up, immediately got stabbed with a revive syringe, stood up, and got wounded down to the point where two handstrikes could kill him (in the time that it took me to go from the buy skills screen and back to the map) or b) There's a race condition that allowed me to "kill" him and get the XP for the kill but he didn't die because of concurrent use of a FAK.


Skill Buying messup when changing chars

Timestamp: 13:57, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: I wouldnt really call this a severe bug, but its a nasty one none the less! I play a Zombie & a Survivor character. Today I first played my Z char and checked the buy skill page. I did this in another browsertab. While I was thinking what to do I logged out my char in the former window & logged in my Survior. (who is waiting for a revive atm :/) I then proceeded to buy a skill for my Zombie char. "Neck Lurch" to be precise.

I soon realised that I had ben very stupid as the skill was bought for my survivor characyer & not for my Z character (as all the info on the buy skills page indicated - which is very logical, it was all my own dumb fault). I was quite surprised by this because my "Surviver character doesnt have the lower skill needed for neck lurch.

So, I now have a character with only one zombie skill "Neck Lurch" and none other; so no vigour mortis. I bought a skill I dont yet have acces to! The skill doesnt work, so at the moment I have a Z skill which doesnt do anything! My Profile (I wouldnt mind having this buy undone :s)

...And that's why you should close all related tabs/windows when logging out. --V2Blast 12:56, 8 June 2006 (BST)

No XP for actions?

Timestamp: 17:10, 16 Jan 2006 (GMT)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: Today I woke my newbie character up, shot a couple zombies, healed a couple people - and stayed at 46 XP! The character is Melvil Dui [3], it happened just now, and it's a bit... distressing. I'm using Firefox.

11:10, 1 Apr 2006 (GMT) This happened to me (Bonefiver [4]) too. I shot with a pistol at a zed who was wearing flak jacket several times and dropped him from 60 to ~30 HP and my XP was standing still at 46 XP. After I refreshed the page and then carried on with the killing the XP updated normally (I now have 85 XP which is somewhat short of what I should get from killing a 60 HP character from full health). 46 seems to be somekind of magic number.

Item Search Bug

Timestamp: 06:48, 15 Jan 2006 (GMT)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: This has happened to me a few times, but if I ram the 'search' several times (sending several presumably simultaneous requests), I get the exact same thing each time. In this case, I burned 10 AP in one go and got 10 Pistol(6) in a mall. Not related to timing searches, I imagine, but it's still kind of off.


It just happened again - burned 6 AP in one go and came up with 6 Shotgun (0). Less useful of course, but it's still intriguing. FireballX301 06:52, 15 Jan 2006 (GMT)

Negative Zed AP

Timestamp: 5:41, 9 Jan (GMT)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: I was making my way to a revive point and I ran out of AP one block South of it. I had 1 AP left. I logged out, used my other characters, and logged in again. All of the sudden, I had -1 AP. I began monitoring my screen. It set to 0 then it went back down to -1 again. I can't move and I've lost 4 AP (So far) on this.

Confirmed: 3/29/2006 2:20 PM PST and a picture to go with it -labalicious Ud-negative-ap-bug.jpg

I've been able to use this to get 51 AP/day out of this. As long as you don't have Lurching Gait and move when you have 1 AP left, you can spend more time away from the comp before you make your day's actions. Almafeta 23:39, 11 May 2006 (BST)

  • If you have an odd number of AP and don't have Lurching Gait, and since you use 2 AP for each move, you will become "asleep" when you get to -1 AP. It's happened to me before. Also, check the command line and see if any action is specified after map.cgi (e.g. "map.cgi?searchg" or something of the sort). If so, you are repeatedly performing some action. --V2Blast P! 02:21, 9 June 2006 (BST)

Large Building CSS Errors

Timestamp: 04:58, 9 Jan 2006 (GMT)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: I noticed the problem when my item sorter greasemonkey script stopped working inside Caiger. As soon as I left the mall it started working again. I checked my Java Console and I got a lot of reports of these two forms:
  1. Error: Expected color but found 'raised'. Expected color but found 'raised'. Expected end of value for property but found 'raised'. Error in parsing value for property 'border'. Declaration dropped.

Source File: http://urbandead.com/d.css Line: 24

  1. Error: Unknown property 'backgroundx'. Declaration dropped.

Source File: http://urbandead.com/d.css Line: 65


Mobile Phones Disappearing Issue

Timestamp: 22:29, 6 Jan 2006 (GMT)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: I checked my Mobile Phone for messages. (Character name: monreau.) It said that I had neither messages nor users on my contact list. And then my mobile phone disappeared!


Checked again, my phone reappeared. 01:17, 7 Jan 2006 (GMT) (I checked it twice when it was missing, grepping the page for the word "Mobile"--so it was not an oversight on my part.)

Free Running Mall Search

Timestamp: 09:58, 1 Jan 2006 (GMT)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: If you enter a mall from a non-mall building then you don't see the store search options, even if you have the shopping skill. Refreshing or moving to another part of the building will return the options to you.

I just came into a mall from a non-mall area, and I was able to search the stores (got quite a lot of useful stuff, too). So I don't know. --V2Blast 22:41, 6 June 2006 (BST)

Large Building Message from Free Running

Timestamp: 14:49, 31 Dec 2005 (GMT)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: When exiting a Large Building directly into a non-Large Building via Free Running, the Large Building Message You make your way through the building. appears. It shouldn't.


Healing Zombies

Timestamp: 05:40, 26 Dec 2005 (GMT)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: I was walking around with about 20 FAK's and couldn't find any survivors on the streets. I was just finding large groups of zombies. So eventually curiosity got the best of me and I attempted to heal one. To my suprise it worked, and I got the 5 xp for it. Not that I dont like XP, but with this, you could attack a zombie and have an alt heal it so you could farm it for more xp... which could become an issue. Not to mention, it never misses, and always gives 5 hp, so just going into a zombie infested town would be quite profitable. I saw some mention of this being changed so you could only heal other "players" which zombies are, but I was still unsure about this... So after being unable to find a clear yes or no, I posted this.

Yes, it can be done (I just did it today) but I don't think it's a bug.--The General 17:38, 14 Feb 2006 (GMT)

  • I doubt it's a bug, but attacking a zombie and having an alt heal it (working together) would be zerging, and, as such, be cheating. I don't think it's a bug. --V2Blast 22:42, 6 June 2006 (BST)

Received Headshot and Lost XP

Timestamp: 08:39 Dec 2005 (GMT)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: I noticed this morning when I logged in as my character Tal Hawkins that I'd received a Headshot. Whilst all the messages informed me it had happened, and that I'd have to spend an extra 5AP to stand up, that wasn't the case. I payed the 10AP to stand up, and I'd lost all my XP. Don't know if this is a bug, or just bad timing having received a Headshot around the skill effect change over point.


Revification Syringe doesn't work

Timestamp: 04:08, 20 Dec 2005 (GMT)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: This bug has been encountered by a friend, Pere Tremblay, who tried to ressurect a schoolmate, Jean-Guy Tremblay, in Inder Park (Roywood), 3h40 GMT, December 20th. Everything was okay, the usual message displayed (Following standard procedures, you press the syringe into the back of the zombie's neck and pump the glittering serum into its brain and spinal cord. There is a thin pneumatic hiss, and the zombie staggers forward, limbs shuddering, before slumping to the floor as if dead. Jean Guy Tremblay's skin shivers for a moment, and the contents of the syringe begin their slow, molecular work.) He even got the XP for that. But Jean-Guy Tremblay is still a zombie.

- Just as a little side note, my character Dayos was recently combat revived today in Roftwood. I received the message that so and so had revived me with a Necrotech syringe and thus was rendered "dead" for the time being. I still had the option to take an action, however, so I let out a feeding groan before I collapsed to the ground, just to punish them for combat reviving... But when I stood up just a few minutes ago I was still a zombie. With full hp, which is nice, but still one of the dead. I don't have brain rot, what gives? --ScottyD 01:45, 8 Feb 2006 (GMT)

- I had the same problem. I got revived, stood up, but i was still a zombie. This is a very annoying bug/error and i would very much appreciate if someone done something about it. If it helps, i'm standing in Peppe Street in Huntly Heights. (same place i got revived). --RWXSM 16:03, 4 march 2006 (GMT)

"Enter" from the inside?

Timestamp: 06:31, 19 Dec 2005 (GMT)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: Short -

You are inside (building). The building has been extremely heavily barricaded - you can see no way to enter.
I can see no way to enter it from the inside?

It's strange that you even have the option to enter it (as a button). --V2Blast 22:44, 6 June 2006 (BST)

Ammo to flak jackets

Timestamp: 02:37, 17 Dec 2005 (GMT)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: I logged into my account today(Dan Wan), and I seem to have lost a lot of ammo and/or weapons. I'm not sure how much I've lost, but I know that a good deal of my primarily weapons-filled inventory has been changed to flak jackets. I usually try to only carry 1 flak jacket, and I always start dropping jackets when I have maybe 3 or 4. I logged in to see 10 jackets.


Scent trail remains active if you use ?rise in url to refresh

Timestamp: 08:34, 5 Dec 2005 (GMT)
reported by
Grim s
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: If a person is refreshing with ?rise at then end of the UD URL (Basically the command for them to stand up), they will retain the scent of the people who interacted with them before they died. This is probably due to the fact it doesnt load up a screen when you are dead. I was divided about reporting this, and ?rise is the only advantage we zombies have in sieges nowadays, and removing it would suck for us.


Here is an image of the bug. Eleven pistol shots and two shotgun blasts add up to 60hp, so you can be certain that i sustained a lethal amount of damage (And, as if that wasnt enough, I have 60 hp). --Grim s 13:39, 5 Dec 2005 (GMT)

Doubling spraycan?

Timestamp: 22:04, 23 Nov 2005 (GMT)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: I was playing as one of my characters, Osisiris, and I found a spray can and eventually went back to my safehouse, But when I logged in later I had two spraycans. What happened?

You may have either searched twice and found two and not realised it or had a spraycan from an earlier search and not seen it in the list. It easy to miss an item when looking through.

"It's looking very strong now" no longer shown?

Timestamp: 14:32, 23 Nov 2005 (GMT)
reported by
Current Status: new
Severity: unassigned
Description: Probably this isn't a bug, but I'm posting this in case it is: I just barricaded a building up to extremely heavily, and it did not say it was looking very strong now (It used to, although according to the barricades page the message is shown after reaching VS III rather than EH I. That page doesn't mention the previously shown message at EH I). Also, I tried barricading it more afterwards and successfully barricaded it again three more times (So it was at EH IV - It still said "extremely heavily"). Is it possible now to barricade buildings up to an indefinitely high level, given enough AP? (It wouldn't be cost efficient, of course, but could be useful still in some cases.)

The message should be shown (and always has been shown) at VS+2 (that is, the first time you reach very strongly barricaded, then two mroe times). --V2Blast 22:47, 6 June 2006 (BST)