Cemetery 87,57

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a cemetery

Pegton [87, 57]

Glynn Bank St. Martin's Church St. Elisabeth's Hospital
the Paviour Building a cemetery Weatherhead Park
the Rosser Museum the Downes Building a carpark

Basic Info:


Nothing to crow about.

The cemetery attached to St. Martin's Church is a sombre place, inhabited by large numbers of crows and occasionally by those who do not yet wish to join the ranks of the dead.


This cemetery actually pre-dates the neighbouring church, and is reputed to have been an Indian burial ground of sorts since time immemorial. Attempts to develop this prime land by building houses on it, and in one instance even a fairground, all met with weird and tragic disasters: residents would suffer nightmares, psychotic episodes, and murderous sprees before deciding they would never spend another night here.

Eventually even the most rapacious rack-renter lost interest and the area was cleared in the 18th century, to make way for a cemetery for the newly built church. Nonetheless, it remains a haunting place, and one where horrible atrocities continue to be perpetrated on the unwary visitor. Rumours also claim that even before the outbreak, the dead were known to have risen again at this spot, and locals complained of hideous blood-curdling screams in the night and loathsome, inexplicable smells outside their houses.


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