Guides:kiZombie-English Dictionary/G
A • B • G • H • M • N • R • Z |
This page lists all of the entries from the Dictionary's G section. Other letters can be accessed from the above navigation template, or from the complete listings included in the full dictionary. This is simply a dictionary listing - for a grammatical overview of Zamgrh please see the lexicon. To find a specific word, use your browser's find function, generally by pressing Ctrl-F.
Note that some zombies disregard use of "!" as a vowel, but words that use it are listed for the general purpose.
G!az (pronoun)
- Which.
G!b (verb)
- To kill. (from the gaming slang term "gib") (Ah g!b abara harman Ah z.)
G!bz (noun)
- Kills. (Mah zambah haz mannah g!bz.)
G!gagram (noun)
- One million kilograms.
G!zz (noun / verb)
- Kiss. (G!zz mah azz, harman!)
- Jizz. (semen)
G-zazbarn (noun)
- Church. (Jesus-Building)
Ga!n (verb)
- To gain.
- To join. (Ga!n an gang an gaa am ganna ga!n. - Join a group and you will profit.)
- To profit. (Ga!n an gang an gaa am ganna ga!n. - Join a group and you will profit.)
Gaa (pronoun)
- You (singular). (Gaa am gamma namrh, harman!)
Gaam (noun)
- Game.
Gaaz (noun)
- Cow.
Gaazarz (noun)
- The Florida Gators basketball team.
Gab (noun)
- Language.
- Text.
- Talk.
Gab (verb)
- To talk. As in the zombie joke, "Gabbah gabbah, BANG!"
- To give. G-Zaz gab gargazz.
Gabba (noun)
- Chapter.
- Gabber music.
Gabbah gabbah (verb)
- To gobble up. Gabbah gabbah gargazz!
Gabbahgabbah (noun)
- Speech.
Gabban (noun)
- Discussion.
Gabgab (noun)
- Language.
Gag (verb)
- To be quiet
Gag (noun)
- Joke
Gaga (adjective)
- Infatuated.
GaGab (noun)
- Worship.
- Prayer.
GaGab (verb)
- To worship.
- To pray.
Gagarah (noun) see also Graggrag
- A duck. (from russian)
Gagzarh (noun)
- Doctor.
Gahhahngg (verb)
- To defend.
Gahn (adjective)
- Gone.
Gahzazambah (noun)
- Zombie linguist.
Gam (noun)
- Gem.
- Stone.
Gamahnran (adjective)
- Next.
- Coming.
Gambag Raza!b (noun) see Hambagh Rar!b
- Combat revive.
Gambarman (noun)
- Compartment.
- Section.
Gamma (noun)
- A letter of the Greek alphabet.
- A type of radiation.
Gamz (noun)
- Time.
- The ages.
Ganarazharh (noun)
- Generator.
- Power.
- Machine.
Ganarazharhbarn (noun)
- Factory. (generator-building)
Gang (noun)
Gangbang (noun)
- Feeding frenzy.
- Orgy.
- Sin.
Ganna (verb; auxiliary)
- Going to. (Mah zambah am ganna harm harmanz.)
Ganzgrabh (noun)
- Conscript.
Ganzgrabh (verb)
- To conscript.
- To draft.
Garaz (adjective)
- Coolest. (In either the literal sense or the connotation of "neat." Also Garh (cool), Gararh (cooler).
Garh (noun)
- Car.
- Cool. (See Garaz)
Garagz (noun)
- Crucifix.
- Cross.
- Garage.
Garb (noun)
- Clothes.
Garbahz (noun)
- Garbage.
- Junk.
Garbahzbarn (noun)
- Junkyard. (junk-building)
Garhbarn (noun)
- Auto Repair Shop. (car-building)
Garbh (noun)
- Golf.
Gargazz (noun)
- Dead body. (G-Zaz zah-- am mah gargazz.)
- Carcass.
Garghan (noun)
- Guardian.
- Protector.
Garn!zh (verb)
- To decorate, esp. food
Gaz (noun)
- God. (Aaah mah gaz.)
Gazga (noun)
- Cat. (from Russian koshka)
Gazh (noun)
- Gash.
Ghaarh (verb)
- To care. (Mah zam nah ghaarh - 'I don't care')
Gham (verb)
- To rise. Mazzah am gham! (probably from the Arabic qam)
Ghan (verb; auxiliary)
- To be able to. (Mah zambah ghan barg bra!nz.)
Ghazh (noun)
- Money.
- Cash.
Ghazhbarn (noun)
- Bank. (cash-building)
Ghanghz (noun)
- To thank
Gnazh (verb)
- Gnash.
GNN (noun)
- CNN. (Mah zambah mmmm GNN. - I like CNN.)
Graagh (verb)
- To test.
- To talk.
- To speak
- To pontificate.
Graang (noun)
- Ground.
Graan (adj)
- Green.
- Safe. (R!gh H!hhz am graan. - Wyke Hills is safe [for survivors].)
Graanbarn (noun)
Grab (verb)
- To grab. (Zmazh an grab!)
- To attack. (Grab arm, harm man!)
- To take.
- To get.
- To acquire.
- To buy.
- To purchase.
Grag (noun)
- Clock.
Graggrag (noun)
- Duck.
Graham (noun)
- Cracker.
Grahm (noun)
- Crom. Some zombies worship Crom because they know what is best in life.
Grahm (verb)
- To come. (Grahm arrang! - Come along)
Grahn (verb)
- To groan. (Mah zambah grahn - I groan.)
Gram (noun)
- A unit of measurement
Gramma (noun)
- Grandmother.
Grammar (noun)
- Grammar.
Granba (noun)
- Grandfather.
Granraba (noun)
- Whisky. (Glenlivet)
Grarrah (noun)
- Glory.
Grazz (pronoun)
- You. (pl.)
- Y'all.
- You'uns.
- You guys.
Grazzaz (noun)
- Glasses.
Grazhaz (adjective)
- Gracious.
Graz!ng (verb)
- Grazing.
Grh (preposition)
- With.
Grh!mm!zh (noun)
- Grimace.
gRNA (noun)
- Guide ribonucleic acid.
gzhaah (greeting)
- Ciao.