Guides:kiZombie-English Dictionary/B
A • B • G • H • M • N • R • Z |
This page lists all of the entries from the Dictionary's B section. Other letters can be accessed from the above navigation template, or from the complete listings included in the full dictionary. This is simply a dictionary listing - for a grammatical overview of Zamgrh please see the lexicon. To find a specific word, use your browser's find function, generally by pressing Ctrl-F.
Note that some zombies disregard use of "!" as a vowel, but words that use it are listed for the general purpose.
B!g (noun)
- Pit. (Bragh ragh B!g - 'Black as the Pit')
B!g (adjective)
- Large.
B!gbarn (adjective)
B!gam!z (noun)
- To commit bigamy.
B!gharn (noun)
- Emergency Broadcast System (Big radio).
B!mb (adjective)
- Pimp. (Maarh b!mb hazz!)
B!rg (noun)
- Bird.
- Helicopter.
- Airplane.
B!rznah (noun)
- Birthday.
Ba (preposition)
- By.
Baa (noun)
- A sound made by sheep and Mrh Cows.
Baag (noun)
- Book.
Baagbarn (noun)
- Library. (book-building)
Baaggrab (verb)
- To read. (Mah zambah ghan baaggrab baagz. Mah zambah naghan baaggrab bra!nz.)
Baaggrabbar (noun)
- Literate. (book robber)
Baaggrab (adjective)
- To study.
Baaghazar (noun)
- Librarian.
Baamarang (adverb)
- Later.
Baamarang (noun)
- Boomerang.
Baamarang (verb)
- To leave with the intention of returning later.
Baarbaz (noun)
- Dolphin.
- Porpoise.
- Purpose.
Baarh (noun)
- Pole. (za Baarh ahn Baarh - 'from Pole to Pole')
Baba (noun)
- Father.
Babaghanaazh (noun)
- Baba ghanoush. (Mah zambah am nabra!nzbarg. Mah zambah nah barg bra!nz. Mah zambah barg babaghanaazh.)
Babah (noun)
- Baby.
- Low-level player.
Babba (noun)
- Lord.
Bag (adjective)
- Having or pertaining to doctors. Harm bag man!
- Big. This is more rare with the expanding use of the "!" sound, but some zombies continue to use this moribund form.
Bag (noun)
- Doctor's bag.
- Collection, corpus, or database.
Bagan (verb)
- Begin. Has began.
Baganz (noun)
Bagbagh (adjective)
- Famous.
Bagbarn (noun)
Baghgab (noun)
- Law.
Bag man (noun)
Bah (adjective)
- Bad. (Bah harmanz!)
- Evil.
Bah-a!r (noun)
- Malaria.
Bah-bah (interjection)
- Goodbye. (Bah-bah, mah zambah brazzaz. Mah zambah am ganna ganna zzzz.)
Bahbra!n (noun)
- Brain rot.
- A zombie with brain rot. (Mah zambah am an Bahbra!n. Gaa harmans na-ghan raabab mah zambah.)
Baghz (noun)
- Box.
- Generic object.
Baghzbarn (noun)
- Warehouse. (box-building)
Bahrang (adjective)
- Boring.
Bahrn (verb)
- To burn.
Bamb (noun)
- Explosive.
Bam-mahbam (noun)
Bambg!n (noun)
Banana (noun)
- Banana.
- Penis.
Bananabra!n (adjective)
- Stupid.
- Foolish.
- Crazy.
- Ignorant.
- Thoughtless.
Bananarama (noun)
- Rape.
- Sex.
- Sect.
BananaRaman (adjective)
Banazhm!n (noun)
- Punishment.
Bang (verb)
- To engage is sexual intercourse.
Bang-bahrn (noun)
Bang-bang (adjective)
- Pertaining to killing.
Bang-bang (verb)
- To kill.
- To shoot.
Bang-bang (noun)
Bang-bangbarn (noun)
- Police station. (gun-building)
Bangbangarh (noun)
- Shooter.
Bang bang man (noun)
Bangbra!nz (noun)
- Policy.
Bang-mahbang (verb)
- To masturbate.
Ban!zh (verb)
- Banish
Ban-hammarh (noun)
- Ban-hammer
Banzaz (noun)
- Flowers.
- Pansies.
Barb (noun)
- Knife.
- Thorn.
- Point.
- Joke.
Barbarh (noun)
- Barber.
Barh (noun)
- Bar.
- Baseball bat.
- Stick.
Barah (adverb)
- Very.
Baraz (noun)
- Paris.
Barbaga zaarz (noun)
- BBQ sauce.
Barbarh!an (noun)
- Barbarian.
Barg (verb)
- To eat.
Bargbarg (noun)
- Dog.
Bargahn (noun)
- Bargain.
Barggrh (noun)
Bargh (verb)
- To barge.
Barg z!ng (noun)
- Food. (eat-things)
Barhah (noun)
- Glory.
- Bliss.
- Nirvana.
Barhahmaz (noun)
- Christmas.
Barhahbarn (noun)
- Cathedral. (Barhah-building)
Barhahbra!n (noun)
- Religion.
- Weltanschauung. The system of beliefs through which a zambah sees the world.
Barhahrag (noun)
- Relic.
Barhahraz (noun)
- Heaven. (Barhah-kingdom)
Barn (noun)
Barnaaz (adjective)
- Bernaise. (sauce)
Barragazh (noun)
Barrag (verb)
- To barrage
Bazaarh (noun)
- Mall.
Baza (adjectve)
- Busy.
Bazg (noun)
- Dusk.
- Twilight.
Bazg (verb)
- To bask.
Bazgha (noun)
- Easter. (from the Greek Pascha)
Bazhan (noun)
- Vision.
Bazzang (interjection)
- A cry of defiance or joy.
Bgaz (conjunction)
- Because.
Bhang (noun)
Bhannam (noun)
- Phoneme.
- Letter (alphabet).
Bra (noun)
- Bra.
Braag (noun)
- Blood. Abzarb braag!
Braagh (adjective)
- Proud.
Braagh (noun)
- Pride.
Braaghrah (adverb)
- Proudly.
Braagzga!nz (noun)
Braam (noun)
- Broom.
Braambarh (noun)
- Broomstick.
Braaz (interjection)
- Please. (Braaz namrh mah zambah. - Please kill me.)
Brabag (noun)
- Breast.
Brabram (noun)
- Problem. (Nah brabram!)
Brag (verb)
- To brag.
Braggz (noun)
- Bridge
Bragh (adjective)
- Black.
Bragram (noun)
- Programme.
Brahman (noun)
- The Hindu concept of the supreme spirit.
Brahm!n (noun)
- A member of the highest caste.
Brahngagah (noun)
- Vendetta.
Brahzzaz (noun)
- Comrades.
Bran (noun)
- Bran.
Brang (verb)
- To bring. (Grab zam, anh brang zam haarh!)
- To give.
- To lead.
Brar (verb)
- To play.
Brarah (noun)
- Flower.
Bra!nbag (noun)
- Head.
- Hat.
Bra!nbarn (noun)
- School. (brain-building)
- University.
Bra!nbarnang (noun)
- Learning.
- Education.
Bra!nb!rg (noun)
- Owl. (brain-bird)
Bra!ngab (noun)
- Thought.
Bra!ngab (verb)
- To think.
Bra!ngrab (verb)
- To know.
- To understand.
Bra!nz (noun)
- Brains.
- Food.
Bra!nzbarn (noun)
- Restaurant. (food-building)
Bra!nz Rag (noun)
Bra!z!ng (noun)
- Braising. The act of cooking with low heat.
Brazzah (noun)
- Brother.
- Comrade.
Brazzan (noun)
- Present.
Brazza-habban (noun)
- Fraternization. (brother-having)
BRB (interjection)
- Be right back.
Brrrrh (adjective)
- Cold.
Brrrg!ng HARRRRR!!!' (explative)
- Bloody Hell!
- Fucking Hell!