Guides:kiZombie-English Dictionary/M
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This page lists all of the entries from the Dictionary's M section. Other letters can be accessed from the above navigation template, or from the complete listings included in the full dictionary. This is simply a dictionary listing - for a grammatical overview of Zamgrh please see the lexicon. To find a specific word, use your browser's find function, generally by pressing Ctrl-F.
Note that some zombies disregard use of "!" as a vowel, but words that use it are listed for the general purpose.
M!azma (noun)
- Miasma
M!bbarh (noun)
- Fiddle.
M!g! bagh (noun)
- Mixed-bag.
M!gran (noun)
- Migraine.
M!n!m!z (verb)
- To minimise.
M!n!m!zm (noun)
- Minimism.
M!rh (noun)
- Peace. (from the Russian mir)
M!rhazzan (adjective)
- Peaceful.
m!RNA (noun)
- Micro ribonucleic acid.
M!zarrang!ng (verb)
- Misarranging.
M!zra!z!ng (verb)
- Raising one's children in an improper manner.
M-ahhrr (noun)
- Cat.
Ma!gz (noun)
- Maid.
Ma!m!ng (verb)
- Maiming
Maag (verb)
- To make.
Maam (noun)
- Ma'am.
Maan (noun)
- Moon.
Maanz (verb)
- To moan. (nah maanz! - 'Don't moan!')
Maaz- (prefix)
- Most.
Maazmannah (adjective)
- Most.
Maganana (noun)
- Macarena.
Magaz!n (noun)
- Magazine.
Maggang (verb)
- To build.
Magma (noun)
- Magma.
- Lava.
Magrabhan (noun)
- Microphone.
- Person of North African descent. (pejorative)
Mah (pronoun)
- Possessive pronoun.
Mah zambah (pronoun)
- I.
- Me.
Mah zambah brazzahz (pronoun)
- We.
- Us.
- You. (pl.)
Mah zambah brazzahz ahn zazzaz (pronoun)
- We. (formal)
- Us. (formal)
- You. (pl.) (formal)
Mahgang gaar (noun)
- Mating call.
Mama (noun)
- Mother. (sometimes in figurative meaning)
Mamaaz (adverb)
- Almost.
Mamba (noun)
- A zombie dance.
- A venomous snake.
Man (noun)
- Human.
Mana (noun)
- Magical power.
Manag!ng (noun)
- The act of managing something.
Manbag (noun)
- Male purse.
Manbagz (noun)
- Testicles.
Manga (noun)
- Japanese comic books.
Mangah (verb)
- To munch.
Mangang (verb)
- To maintain.
- To keep.
Mannarz (noun)
- Manners.
- Etiquette.
Mannah (adjective)
- Many.
- Much.
- Very.
Mann!zh (adjective)
- Mannish.
Manzana (noun)
- Apple. (from Spanish)
Manzhan (noun)
Maranara zaarz (noun)
- Marinara sauce.
Mararana (noun)
- Marijuana.
- Drug.
Margarh!n (noun)
- Margarine, a butter substitute.
Margarh!za (noun)
- Margarita.
Marg!n (noun)
- Margin.
Marh (adverb)
- More.
Marharhahar (noun)
- Motherfucker.
Marh-z (noun)
- Mercy. (Nah marh-z, harmanz!)
Marh!mba ('noun')
- Marimba.
Marnang (noun)
- Morning.
Marrara (adverb)
- Merrily.
Marzan (noun)
- Malton.
Maz (auxiliary verb)
- Must.
Mazagaam (noun)
- Forum.
- UDWiki.
Mazagaam (verb)
- To metagame.
Mazah (noun)
- Mercy.
Maz hab (verb)
- To need.
Mazh (adjective)
- Much.
Mazhamarah (adverb)
- First. (from Amharic mejameriya)
Mazza (noun)
- Master.
Mazzagrh (verb)
- To massacre.
Mazzah (noun)
Mazzaham (noun)
Mazzaham-am (noun)
- Christianity.
Mazzag!ng (noun)
- The act of massaging.
Mmmm (adverb)
- Tasty. (Harmanz bra!nz arh mmmm...)
Mmmm (verb)
- To like. (not obligatory about food) (Zambahz mmmm bra!nz!)
- To enjoy.
Mrh (noun)
- Life.
Mrh (verb)
- To live. found mostly as the imperative, Live!
Mrh? (interjection)
- What?
- Who?
- When?
- Where?
- Why?
- Revive me, please.
Mrh-baggaz (interjection)
- Why?
- Wherefore?
Mrh-banana (noun)
Mrhbarn (noun)
- Necrotech building.
- Revive clinic.
Mrh-man (noun)
- Reviver.
Mrh-manz (noun, plural)
- Survivors with Revival Skills.
- Necrotech staff.