Guides:kiZombie-English Dictionary/N
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This page lists all of the entries from the Dictionary's N section. Other letters can be accessed from the above navigation template, or from the complete listings included in the full dictionary. This is simply a dictionary listing - for a grammatical overview of Zamgrh please see the lexicon. To find a specific word, use your browser's find function, generally by pressing Ctrl-F.
Note that some zombies disregard use of "!" as a vowel, but words that use it are listed for the general purpose.
Nahm-nah (noun)
- Cookies.
Grahm-nah (noun)
- Crackers.
- Night.
N!ngah (noun)
- Ninja.
- Trenchcoater.
Na (article)
- No.
Na (interjection)
- No.
Na (verb; imperative)
- Don't.
Na- (prefix)
- Not. A prefix that is frequently used in kiZombie.
Na-ahn (preposition)
- Without (location).
Na-ahnna (preposition)
- From.
- Out of. Brang mah zambah brazzahz na-ahnna bang bang man
Na-ann (preposition)
- Under. (not on)
Na-Z (adjective)
- Invisible.
Naagz (noun)
- Note.
Nab!g (adjective)
- Small.
Nabah (adjective)
- Good.
Nabah-ahnran (interjection)
- Welcome.
Nabarh (adverb)
- Never.
Nabarmang (noun)
- Nevermind.
Nabarn (noun)
- Open land. (No-building)
- Street.
- Wasteland.
- Monument.
- Carpark.
- Park.
Nabarzarazz (adverb)
- Nevertheless.
Nabgaz (adverb)
- Although.
- While.
Nabra!nzbarg (adjective)
- Vegetarian. (Mah zambah nah barg bra!nz. Mah zambah barg babaghanaazh. Mah zambah am nabra!nzbarg.)
Nabragh (adjective)
- White. (not-black)
Nabrazzaz (noun)
- Enemy. Mazzaham-am am barhahbra!n g!az gab mah ambrangamz amarh mah nabrazzaz.
Nag (noun)
- Horse.
Nag (verb)
- To pester.
Naga (noun)
- A mythical being, half-man and half-snake.
Naggah (noun)
- Friend.
Naghan (verb; auxiliary)
- To be unable to. (Harmanz naghan barg bra!nz.)
Nagrabz (interjection)
- Please.
Nah (verb; auxiliary)
- Doesn't. (Mah zambah nah harmz azarh zambahz.)
Nah (adverb)
- Not.
Nahaarh (adjective)
- Away. (Ran, harmanz! Ran nahaarh arh mah zambah brazzarz am ganna barg gaa!)
Nahabbah (adjective)
- Unhappy.
- Sad.
Nahabbah-gab (noun)
- Complaint.
Naharman (noun)
- Immortal.
Nahgh (verb)
- To knock.
Nahgz (verb)
- To need. (Mah zambah nahgz marh bra!nz!)
Nahh!gh (noun)
- Peace.
- Submission.
Nahh!gh (verb)
- To make peace.
- To submit.
Nah-haarh (adverb)
- Nowhere.
Nah-namrh (adjective)
- Undead.
Nahran (adjective)
- Restricted.
Namannah (adjective)
- Few.
Nambah (noun)
- Number.
Namrh (adjective)
- Dead.
Namrh (verb)
- To die.
Namz (noun)
- Name.
Nanagrab (verb)
- To reject.
Narh (noun)
- North.
Naran (verb)
- To stay.
- To remain.
Naz (adjective)
- Nice. (Mah zambah am an naz zambah.)
Naz!ng (noun)
- Nothing.
Naz!zm (noun)
- Nazism.
Na-zhanna (adjective)
- Dark. (not shiny)