Lexicon:Kitting Museum

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This page is a part of the Infection Lexicon. The information here is fan-created and should not be considered in-game canon. Please do not edit this page unless you are certain that the Lexicon has been completed.

A tape with a faded label written on with black indelible marker: "SPARROWHAWK interrogation of Larry "Hutch" Hutchins." It lies beside a pool of dried blood and an old shoe.

Walker: This is Captain Richard Walker, interrogating Larry Hutchins about the Kitting Museum incident. Please tell me what you know Larry.

Hutch: Me and Julien had been staying at the Kitting Museum for about a month. There is a sort of factory district right east of it. So one night we were searching around for supplies at one of the factories, and we saw a military truck pull up. It wasn't that suspicious, despite the vehicles being all smashed, but it was the middle of the night. We hid behind some boxes so they wouldn't see us. I saw some special force unit hop outta the truck and cart some vials or something into a warehouse. There was a guy in a lab coat who oversaw the whole thing, even helped them a little. Whenever the soldiers jostled a cart, the scientist would flip out, yelling at them to be more careful.

Walker: How many were there in total?

Hutch: Soldiers? There were three, plus the lab tech, so that's four. When they left, me and Julien decided to take a look into the factory. Right on the door they had taken the carts through was written "Top Secret" in big, bold letters. Julien decided to wait outside as lookout.

Walker: So he saw nothing?

Hutch: Nothing in the factory. I found the warehouse they had loaded, didn't see nothing because there weren't any lights. I took out my matches, lit a match. Suddenly, someone rushed over to me and threw a knife. I don't know why he didn't shoot me because I saw a gun. He managed to smash one of the vials with the knife though. I tore outta there like a rabbit, and Julien ran after me. We hid in the museum.

Walker: Do you know what was in the vials?

Hutch: No. It was liquid though, and it smelt like shite. The next day a huge horde of zombies swarmed the damned museum and most everyone was killed. I don't know why they swarmed like that, but they had a purpose...maybe it had something to do with that vial.

Walker: What happened to Julien?

Hutch: He's probably still in the city somewhere. We split when everything went to hell, he went one way with his guitar and I went the other. You SPARROWHAWKs...you're yanks aren't you?

Walker: Our accent? Yes, we are an American unit. Back on track, no one else knows what's in the warehouse?

Hutch: No one. Do I get to get out of this damned city now? I heard a helicopter flying around a while back.

(The sound of a chair grating against a floor is heard. The click of a safety, then a gunshot rings out. A shell casing falls against the floor.)

Walker: Throw him back outside.

End of recording


--Gobbleykins 23:25, 18 June 2007 (BST)