Red Rum/News
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Current Events2011True Creedy Defenders!Coupled with help from zombies and other PKers, Red Rum took and held Fort Creedy for a few days, locking in numerous trenchies before overcading and leaving the area in a puff of rainbow dust. The Big Red Vasectomy TourWith the Red Ranch completed, Rummers wondered where they would head next. This could have been a time of turmoil, trouble and tarnations, if a member of The Big Prick hadn't come by to tell them about a Mall Tour! Delighted, Rummers packed up a satchel of triangular sandwiches, jam and butter and headed on their way, advancing into the Big Red Vasectomy Tour. (Started in 2010, predominantly 2011) 2010Red Ranch MK IIAfter a fortunate series of events, the Rummers have descended upon Brooksville to make an outdated, fun and traditionally American past time available to all. Survivors are encouraged to come and join in Hunting Season. Dia De Los MuertosIt was that time of year again; the time for Red Rum to rise up and unleash its most infamous weapon; the Tommy Gun. Ashley Valentine, the groups ineffectual pair of pants, raked in 17 kills at Marven Mall, and has since been seen howling naked in the moonlight.
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