Talk:Assault on Stupid Survivors/Archive1

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I have an question that I'm sure will cross a few people's minds. Can other people report potential targets for ASS? I don't have any currently, but I'd still like to know. --Mia Kristos 04:04, 3 April 2006 (BST)

Yeah, on two conditions: One, you need some kinda documentation that the person in question really is a jerk/idiot (This doesn't have to be formal, but it does have to be convincing. Enough.). Two, any such nominations are only suggestions. We reserve the right to pass on any and all nominations with or without reason. Hope that answers your question. --Tehasskickars 04:40, 3 April 2006 (BST)
Thank you, I'll keep that in mind. --Mia Kristos 04:41, 3 April 2006 (BST)
No prob. When we're not being ASSholes, we're actually pretty nice guys. --Tehasskickars 04:42, 3 April 2006 (BST)
Edit: reworked main page to address the question raised here. --Tehasskickars 07:51, 3 April 2006 (BST)

Other groups

Hey guys. I'd like to extend a warm invitation for your group to be part of the Strike Breakers organization. We could work together. It would be beautiful in a really violent kind of way. --Zaruthustra-Mod 04:46, 3 April 2006 (BST)

Thanks for your invitation. At this point, we're not interested in affiliating directly with other groups, but we would be willing to consider carrying out proposed ASSASSinations of Strike for Syringes members or other whiners. --Tehasskickars 05:22, 3 April 2006 (BST)

Is there anybody left in Crossman? I killed Yelpish at the same time you were killing monkphin. If they're mostly dead I'm going to move on to Caiger and crush the rabble that is Final Resistance. --Zaruthustra-Mod 19:54, 8 April 2006 (BST)

There weren't any CDFers left in Crossman the last time I was there, but our list of members may be incomplete, or more may have come in after I left. Feel free to move on or not, as you see fit.--Tehasskickars 20:37, 8 April 2006 (BST)
How unseemly to have a Moderator in league with Griefers. -- Amazing 20:08, 8 April 2006 (BST)
I run a group that PKs strikers, and you run a group that strikes. And while I am conspiring against you, you might be reading a bit far into this. I guess moderators aren't allowed to play the game they enjoy now. And as you can see if you look about one paragraph up, we aren't working together. I'm just wondering if the area is clear so I can move on. --Zaruthustra-Mod 20:12, 8 April 2006 (BST)
Just shows the nature of your personality, is all. I run a survivor group. You run a PK group that allies with griefers. Says it all. You offered to have this group join yours, so really you need to read up there yourself. -- Amazing 20:24, 8 April 2006 (BST)

Oh amazing, I never said I didn't want to work with them. Would have saved me a trip to crossman. We all know I'm a jerk. I thought that was readily apparent since I got here. Maybe I'll see you at caiger. --Zaruthustra-Mod 20:31, 8 April 2006 (BST)

Whiney complaints

OMFG Teh Great Amazing!!1

Oh, PLEASE DON'T MAKE MY CHARACTER INTO A ZOMBIE FOR LIKE FIVE SECONDS!! I beg of you! :P Funny how anyone who takes time to write a little profile - no matter how outright silly it is on purpose - is labelled a "TRENCHKOATER ZOMG". LameASS. -- Amazing 05:03, 4 April 2006 (BST)

We're not telling you to let us repeatedly kill you inside Crossman Grove PD because we think it'll destroy the CDF or stop you in the long run. We're doing it because it's fun, and because you've earned it. The sooner you show up, the sooner we can stop killing CDF members. Or maybe we won't. It's so nice to pop in and say hello with the business end of a shotgun, you know. --Tehasskickars 05:41, 4 April 2006 (BST)
Eh, don't worry about it. PKing is just clicking a button - and so is standing up. Thing is, you'll probably never realize how truly laughable you are. Just like the other PKer/Griefers who make little games for themselves and think it's so hilarious. Well... people are laughing, yes, but it's not with you like your mommy always said. Targetting folks who took a few seconds out of their gameplay one day and wrote a profile is such a truly noble cause you've got there. Almost as noble as griefing someone for their opinions. ;) I don't think anyone on CDF actually has a trench coat, katana, or wind-swept hair... -- Amazing 06:48, 4 April 2006 (BST)~
And I don't believe you're still hyping that throwaway trenchcoat line. No, wait, it's you, isn't it - guess I do after all. Look, you guys aren't trenchcoaters because of your descriptions. You're trenchcoaters because of your painfully self-important, "bad-ass" attitude. Grow up and learn to spell. By the way, we notice that you are, as usual, avoiding the real issue at hand: your pathetic ineptitude at protecting the poor survivors inside Crossman. How many more of your failures must we add up before you submit to our terms? How many more comically inept "insults" are you going to hurl before you try something new and face the facts: WE PWN YOU. --Tehasskickars 07:10, 4 April 2006 (BST)
Edit: Also, we'd just like to help Amazing get used to those funny things we call "facts", and present him with this: Roybot's profile. Apparently, at least one of the CDF's so-called "Core Members" is in fact a bona fide trenchcoat wearer. The only question left now is: is Amazing a liar, or just painfully ignorant of his own organization? Then again, who says it can't be both? --Tehasskickars 08:21, 5 April 2006 (BST)
Oh noes! I have a trenchcoat in my profile so that makes me a trenchcoater. OMFG!!! I'm such a nub. KILL ME NOW!!! Seriously, people that take descriptions too seriously should be ignored. But hey, to each their own. I really wish people would find a better excuse for being a pker. Play a game that actually gives you something for killing other players like a FPS.--Roybot 22:49, 6 April 2006 (BST)
Quote: "I have a trenchcoat in my profile so that makes me a trenchcoater". Well, yeah, it does. If there were a dictionary definition of trenchcoater, that'd be it. Intuitive though it may seem, blatantly flaunting your idiocy will not, in fact, make it go away. And don't worry, we'll get around to killing your stupid, stupid ass again in good time. --Tehasskickars 02:51, 7 April 2006 (BST)
Awwww... Maybe I should be emo-sad for you. OH MY GOD!!! I'M AN IDIOT! PLEASE OH PLEASE PK ME!!! Oh wait, I hope you are able to track me down. Except for the part where no, you won't because you're *blanked out due to falsehood of statement*!!! I would also like to note that you need to use a dictionary because musculous is indeed an english recognized word. Anyways, happy hunting and whatnot, maybe next time I'll come back and haunt you with a.... BUSINESS SUIT LIKE DONALD TRUMP'S! Or maybe samurai garb, or goth clothes.... OH WAIT!! MY GOSH!!! EVERYTHINGS BEEN OVERDONE THERE'S NOTHING LEFT TO DO WITH A DESCRIPTION. La-dee-freaking-dah.... Get over yourselves. P.S. I'm one very poor trenchcoater because it certainly doesn't try to make me look badass. It's just part of my duties as a Longcoat Brigade Representative which is a group that was created by my IRL friend. We have no objectives as a group and it's intended to stay that way. If I were a true trenchcoater, I'd have all the qualities as listed here. --Roybot 10:44, 7 April 2006 (BST)
Actually, according to Oxford, "musculous" is anything but a word. Your infantile, caps-locked attempts to insult us are even more moronic than they are pathetic - and trust me, that's saying something. And by the way, being a part of a group that requires you to be a trenchcoater isn't exactly a defense against someone calling you a trenchcoater. You're aware that generally in an argument you want to argue against the other person, right?
Oh, and we'll kill you again on our own time. We're not going to have our schedule dictated to us by the eugenics poster child. --Tehasskickars 11:29, 8 April 2006 (BST)
Who said anything about arguing? You had the proof to label me as a "trenchcoater" and I had no right to deny it because it was true. And seriously, why should one single source dictate what the English language is? Oh, I'm sorry Webster does a better job of it and a bunch of other sources do because they accept that the English language changes just as fast as we do. Musculous is a word and you can't accept that with your singlemindedness. Next you're going to tell me "ain't" ain't a word.
And frankly, I wasn't insulting you. I was mocking you. There's a definitive difference. And you know? I can and will dictate when and where you pk me again. I will also dictate your retribution when I feel the need to. Of course, I would expect you to PMS again about being put on a pker list even though you freely admit to being a PKer group on your front page. I reason this because you were very quick to list me as an enemy for claims of zerging even though it was clear that I had my own doubts about such claims and asked for second opinions instead of outright saying that you indeed were one, period. Seriously though, your claims of a second separate person seem null and void to me when this other person himself can't speak up and defend such claims. But hey whatever right? Maybe you should look up the word discrimination. Let's single out only the people who have trenchcoat in their game profile and bash/thrash/Pk them until they quit the game or leave with your invalid attempts at being J/J/&E. So what do you hope to accomplish by labeling somebody stupid for one mistake? I'm sorry, if you were to judge every single living being for making a single mistake in life, then you're pretty unintelligent yourself. To think you are perfect, or that everyone else HAS to be perfect is rather retarded and egotistical. If everyone had to bow down to your ways, then I would kill myself because it would be a very boring existence to look forward to everyday.
Also, just because I'm not in Darvall Heights anymore with my main character, doesn't mean I've abandoned it or the CDF. I will always have that affiliation and will always aid them even if I'm not there personally to do it. I would like to ask you what makes an entire group trenchcoating? One person? Or the entire group? Because if I'm the one that is making the CDF being labeled as trenchcoating, then maybe you should recheck my profile... Not that you would do such a thing because I've freely admitted to having trenchcoat in my description. However, it is rather misleading to label the entire group instead of just the individual. Afterall, the wiki is all about the truth, and nothing but the truth. Is it not? Would you be kind enough to change this misleading information for me?--Roybot 01:33, 12 April 2006 (BST)
Holy crap. You take four days coming up with a reply and this is the best you can do? I'm not even going to bother responding to the bullshit you've got here. You've succeeded in proving your idiocy better than we could ever hope to. Congratulations. --Tehasskickars 03:01, 12 April 2006 (BST)
Did you miss where I said "I think" before saying there were no CDFers with a trench coat? No, you didn't miss it - you're just purposefully glazing over it. ;) Such childish games you're playing. -- Amazing 03:41, 7 April 2006 (BST)
Don't you mean that we're playing? Because I could have sworn you were involved in this somehow. Hey, look, you're actually half the conversation! Gotta say, little surprised you'd want to play that time-worn "OMFG TEH IMATURETY" card when it'd have to apply to you too. But then, never really accused you of anything resembling intelligence, did we? --Tehasskickars 06:26, 7 April 2006 (BST)
Simply to clarify, when I spoke of 'games' I simply meant misrepresenting what I had said and similar things, not this entire debacle. As I say, just a clarification of my point to prevent more misunderstandings. -- Amazing Mod SGP UDPD McZed's™ 06:31, 7 April 2006 (BST)

Hey, hey, hey. Amazing is doing a damn good job of protecting Crossman. Don't you get it, turning CDFers into zombies is part of his plan, it helps them ZK zombies and look out for Crossman on the OUTSIDE. HOW BRILLIANT! Scinfaxi 08:52, 4 April 2006 (BST)
I see your point and stand corrected. In that case, Amazing has been wildly successful thus far. That must be why he hasn't attacked us yet! He doesn't want us infiltrating his secret CDF zombie gestapo squad. Those of us at ASS are in awe of his clearly superior strategies.--Tehasskickars 16:53, 4 April 2006 (BST)
Well, I don't really think anyone in a game is my responsibility, especially when not associated with my team. I might as well shoot someone in Ridleybank and say OMG ASS DIDN'T PROTECT THEM!! - No player, especially unaffiliated, is the responsibility of any other player. - Also, PKing can't be stopped because you simply kill people when they're not online. It's not hard at all. But that's you - Doing things that are easy and cheap. I'll refrain from the comment about your mother. Really, saying you "kill" a video game character when its player is offline is sooper pathetic. But if that's how you want to be seen, that's all you.
The CDF, as well as myself - Are not overly serious in any way. Nor are we self-important. I dunno how you can think I consider myself a badass. Guess you're just going on what someone said as opposed to thinking for yourself? -- Amazing 01:53, 5 April 2006 (BST)

Gonna have all inflammatory comments about me and anyone else removed from your page - but willing to give you a chance to remove it yourself. You've got maybe a day depending on how I feel. -- Amazing 01:50, 5 April 2006 (BST)

Amazing, that Arbitration ruling was specifically for the GANKBUS page. --Lucero Capell 01:55, 5 April 2006 (BST)
I'd bring up a new case based on previous rulings, hanger-on. :P By the way thanks, Tehasskickars. See? Griefing doesn't have to be totally uncivil. :) -- Amazing 03:46, 5 April 2006 (BST)
The previous ruling was based on extenuating circumstances, namely, two people laying claim to the page. --Lucero Capell 04:11, 5 April 2006 (BST)
Wrong. The ruling specifically spoke to inflammatory comments and insults. Also, I have the ruling against WCDZ members from way back. Please don't try to make me look bad when you don't know what's going on. It just makes me seem like more of an asshole when I have to correct you. -- Amazing 04:24, 5 April 2006 (BST)
As a show of good faith, we decided to remove any possibly inflammatory comments. We have no intention of ceasing our ASSault on you and the CDF, however.--Tehasskickars 03:57, 5 April 2006 (BST)
Don't worry about it. Death means nothing in UD. Inflammatory behavior, however, makes Indians cry. -- Amazing 03:58, 5 April 2006 (BST)
Since death means so little in the game, should we take this as a sign that you're ready for your first ASSASSination inside Crossman Grove PD?--Tehasskickars 04:06, 5 April 2006 (BST)
Heh, not worth an answer. (Really, find a new line, that's pretty lame.) -- Amazing 04:24, 5 April 2006 (BST)
  • Just for the record, I'm laughing with the ASS, not at them. To his defense, Amazing, makes the game fun for me, god knows what we'd do without him. -Banana Bear4 01:57, 5 April 2006 (BST)
    • Get some sun? heh ;) -- Amazing 02:00, 5 April 2006 (BST)
      • OH SNAP! BURN BURN B'ZANG! Amazing sure got me us there. Good one zing11!!1 You clever lassy!-Banana Bear4 03:48, 5 April 2006 (BST)
        • HEE HEE I DO TRY. Shit, my monacle fell into my white wine. -- Amazing 03:57, 5 April 2006 (BST)

I think your monacle may have gotten lost in your beard. Anyways, I wonder if Amazing actually has the most disputes requiring moderation out of any UD wiki user. I think he does. Scinfaxi 06:48, 5 April 2006 (BST) I wonder if Amazing actually has the most traumatic childhood out of any UD wiki user. I think he might. Banana Bear4 07:00, 5 April 2006 (BST)

I think you're both obsessed with me. Hey, look - I'm right! -- Amazing 18:09, 5 April 2006 (BST)

Just wondering if you're enjoying your failure to meet your goal. -- Amazing 07:20, 8 April 2006 (BST)

Our goals are to have fun and to lay the smack down on jackasses like you and your lackeys, both of which we are succeeding at brilliantly, thanks. By the way, you might wanna rein in your lil' minion up there. In addition to embarrassing himself and the human race as a whole, I suspect he might be embarrassing you. Of course, that does assume that the CDF has any kind of good reputation to protect. Guess I should leave you something to pick at, though. --Tehasskickars 11:17, 8 April 2006 (BST)
Oh? You've laid the smackdown on me? I must've missed that. Do you mean PKing me once and being unable to find me though I'm right in Darvall? -- Amazing 18:26, 8 April 2006 (BST)
Has it ever occurred to you that we might not be searching for you? It seems to me that we're meeting our actual goal (PKing members of the CDF) quite well, thanks. Next time you try to insult us, try to make your idiocy less obvious.--Tehasskickars 22:15, 8 April 2006 (BST)
Killing me in Crossman PD is clearly shown to be one of your goals on the main page. :) So how does it feel to be a self-important griefer who can't attain his goal? I'm curious. -- Amazing 01:08, 10 April 2006 (BST)
You're correct that we'd love to have you submit yourself for repeated PKing. The operative phrase here, of course, would be that you have to submit yourself. Our goal is not, and has never been, to waste time searching for you. Why spend all of our AP hunting one childish prick when there are so many others just sitting around for us to stumble into? Please give our thanks to all the fine men and women of the CDF for lying around for us to kill. It's really thoughtful of them. P.S.: How does it feel to have "refuses to submit himself for ASSASSination and enjoys provoking flamewars" as your major accomplishments? Do you have anything to do outside of this game? We do. Nice talking to you.--Tehasskickars 01:41, 10 April 2006 (BST)
Yeah, that's a good question - why DO you spend all your AP being a childish prick? Oh, I must've misread your inane hypocracy. And yeah, I have plenty outside the game and the wiki. This is why you're still playing this game. If I was that dedicated to UD you'd be unable to stay alive for more than a few minutes. Having nothing else to do would mean I could constantly run a ton of alts and proxies. As it stands.. well.. look at my userpage and you'll see what I have to keep track of. (I guess asking you to... know something... before you speak was a bit much to expect.) -- Amazing 01:50, 10 April 2006 (BST)
First, LEARN TO SPELL. I promise you, it'll do you no real harm. Second, speaking of hypocrisy (note correct, English-language spelling), what about the inflammatory statement you've chosen to attach to your listing of our group on the CDF's page? Yeah, we noticed that. Third, congratulations on having the balls to admit that the only reason you're not zerging on a massive scale (as opposed to the more limited level you're at now, perhaps?) is that you don't currently have the time. Most non-clinically-retarded people wouldn't have the guts for an admission that mind-blowingly stupid. You've certainly shown you're able to live up to our expectations.
Oh, and before I forget - yeah, I noticed on your user page that you also have quite a few other things you do on the internet. Well done. You really (failed miserably to) make your point about having a life offline. --Tehasskickars 03:06, 10 April 2006 (BST)
I guess that's what a preteen on his dad's computer, trying to make people cry gets - total and complete disrespect of his need to have everything "PWOVEN" to him. As for spelling, hey - not everyone's an anal psycho with a severe inferiority complex like you. Prove to me that you have a life outside UD/The Internet! GO, NOW! DO IT! - See how that statement means nothing? You're a joke. -- Amazing 03:46, 10 April 2006 (BST)
We would like to take this moment to sit back and admire the enormous pile of steaming IRONY. Go ahead. Breathe deep. Thanks, to our very biggest fan!--Tehasskickars 05:38, 10 April 2006 (BST)
...Aaand confirmation. That's right, the illustrious Amazing ain't nothing but a cheating, zerging fuckwit. I know, I know, I should tell you something you don't already know - so how about some proof? Yep, Mr. Self-righteous is running two characters in the same group. Of course, this is less of a surprise than it might be, given that the ranks of the CDF leadership are riddled with similar cheats (Hi, Marco Exo Sanchez 2000!). Guess when you were futilely attempting to claim the "moral high ground" back there, the contrast you were actually drawing was "you run a griefing group" as opposed to "I run a cheating group". Gosh, I wonder why that attempt failed.
Might as well handle a couple other points as long as I'm back over here, too: To start, "anal psycho"? Try, "person without subnormal IQ". And as you've so ably demonstrated, that in fact does not describe everyone. Moving on, yeah, you're right that it's impossible to prove a negative. That's why it's so pathetic that you tried to in the first place ("inferiority complex" much?). Of course, what's even more pathetic is how when you were called on the utter uselessness of your feeble attempt to rescue your oh-so-fragile ego, you lashed out like the insecure little shitwad you are. Touch a nerve, did we?
And finally, take down the inflammatory crap already. Otherwise, the gloves come off. You won't like us when we're angry. --Tehasskickars 07:33, 10 April 2006 (BST)

Mwahahahahaha!!! I'm an insolent, vandalizing prick!!!

I noticed I've been added to your enemy list. I'd just like to wish you good luck in your hunting. You'll need it. --Cyberbob240CDF 08:56, 20 April 2006 (BST)

Who ever said we would waste time hunting your pathetic, whining ass down?--Tehasskickars 09:01, 20 April 2006 (BST)

Geez, I was just saying. Change that to IF you ever hunt, I wish you good luck. --Cyberbob240CDF 09:03, 20 April 2006 (BST)

Cyberbob240: any further edits to the ASS talk page will result in a vandalism report.--Tehasskickars 09:40, 20 April 2006 (BST)

Alright, alright! I'll stop. But as a friendly request, could you change it to "Good Luck" or something? Or even delete this section. --Cyberbob240CDF 09:43, 20 April 2006 (BST)

Should report them for editing your text in an attempt to alter your words. (Obviously written as if you had said it, though you obviously didn't. Vandalism.) -- Amazing 05:07, 24 April 2006 (BST)
Amazing, any further comments or edits from you on the talk page, unless invited, will result in a vandalism report for you. --Tehasskickars 05:21, 24 April 2006 (BST)

Toast is best with angst on top.

I noticed I'm on you enemies list as well! Good call! I love getting attention and I'd just like to thank you. I love you all so much <3 I also noticed that "Rotticus destroyed an angsty teenager called Toast Boy." It makes me cry when someone calls me angsty :( I think I'm gonna go cut now <333 P.S. Chekk out mi MySpAcE soo I cna hav even mor frends lolz!1! --Toast Boy 01:41, 24 April 2006 (BST)

Hope you also notice that you're now dead. Enjoy the kind of attention that the enemy list brings you. --Tehasskickars 01:54, 24 April 2006 (BST)
<333 omfg thx u! mor attention! i luv it! onlin attention is mi fav cuz i cna B whoevr i wnat!1! <3333 --Toast Boy 02:12, 24 April 2006 (BST)

I gave my friend Rotticus some well deserved bullet lovin' today <3 --Toast Boy 01:46, 25 April 2006 (BST)

BoB<3HaMmErO --Toast Boy 22:28, 26 April 2006 (BST)


We encourage members of ASS to sign our petition and link it from their frontpage if they agree with it.

Sgpicon1.gif Amazing should not be an arbitrator
This user or group believes that Amazing should not be an arbitrator. Click the link to sign the petition.

Rasher 19:27, 4 April 2006 (BST)

Actually, Jimbo Bob's already signed it. Bob Hammero likely would as well, 'cept he's new enough to the wiki he doesn't have his own account yet. We will most likely be looking into a frontpage link, though. --Tehasskickars 00:39, 5 April 2006 (BST)

Good news, thanks Rasher 00:44, 5 April 2006 (BST)

Odd, apparantly you don't exist.

Check the group page, you aren't on list of groups. How the hell do you fix that? Flareblade77

Fixed, thanks.--Tehasskickars 03:18, 21 April 2006 (BST)


Your presence and input is requested in a potential agreement that concerns the interests of your group. You will not be flamed nor will your posts be deleted. see Proposal If you have any questions or desire clarification, please contact me or post your question on the talk page

Re This concerns your conflict with Amazing.--Prosperina 4:45 24 April 2006 (BST)