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National Socialist Union/Union de Nazismo

A group called the National Socialist Union has decided to claim the Topleaf Building in your suburb as their home. They tried the same thing with Krinks Power Station and started a battle that drew the attention of the the Philosphe Knights, who intervened and killed the defenders of the station. The NSU is a group that endorses fascist ideology and is openly racist, nationalist, and authoritarian. If any aid is needed driving them out, The Black Flag and other groups who fought the Battle of Krinks will surely be willing to assist you.

En Espanol. No habla espanol. Mala traduccion:

Un grupo Fascista/Falange/Nazismo, el Union de Nazismo, es en su ciudad. Estan en el edificio de Topleaf. Estaban en la central electrica de Krinks. Lucharon el sindicato y a los izquierdistas. El Philosophe Knights notaron la bastalla y mataron a cada uno. El NSU es racista, nacionalista, y authoritarian. Se usted quiere lucharlos, El Bandera Negro y otros gruppa que lucharan los Battala de Krinks ayudara. --Fenian 15:12, 24 March 2010 (UTC)

El Question

What are you people up to? Just wondering.--ScouterTX 17:27, 17 March 2009 (UTC)

emm.. "El" isnt aplicable now for what u wanna say lol and.. what are u talking about? --Delta Nitroxs LP
Well you know, Mall Tour is coming soon...--ScouterTX 00:44, 18 March 2009 (UTC)
yep, we know, we are coordinating with the PMS to help in the mall tour :D. if u want more details ask in our frum, i wont say all those things here--Delta Nitroxs LP
Hello Scouter ...are you going to help in west grayside? --Alvaromesa 01:34, 19 March 2009 (UTC)


Delta vos que tenes mejor idea como es eso de los se vos pones para poder poner imagenes al costado y yo me encargo de poner buenas fotos que te parece?.--(x)AlvaromesaTalk | Bacardi |MPD | Malton Public Radio 19:04, 25 March 2009 (UTC)

weno dale, pero esto deberia ir en el foro no crees? awkjawkjaw dale empiezo al toke --DeltaMainTalk |Latinos|D.P|TF 141

NO DELTA PARA ESTO ES EL TALK ...Y SI PODES NO SEAS NOOB Y FIRMA TUS COMENTARIOS.--(x)AlvaromesaTalk | Bacardi |MPD | Malton Public Radio 23:34, 28 March 2009 (UTC) XUXA CALMATE WN no tenia tiempo y se me olvido baja las revoluciones, la idea es q lo mas que podamos lo tengamos en el foro, aqui nos deberian hablar gente externa --DeltaMainTalk |Latinos|D.P|TF 141 OK entendi lo que quiciste decir--(x)AlvaromesaTalk | Bacardi |MPD | Malton Public Radio 05:34, 1 April 2009 (BST)

Hello as the CO of Black Delta I understand you wish for us to change radio freq. and I understand why so on be half of Black Delta we will give up the freq. to your group and I would also like to wish you good luck on your group. --Sgt MacDonald 22:08, 30 March 2009 (BST)


por que o brasil tá listado nesta comunidade de españos ? shooo, shoo, nós fala portugues aqui fióte... já não basta o Average Joe achando que brasil fala espanhol, não preciso de um grupo reforçando este pensamento na udwiki >:( --People's Commissar Hagnat [talk] [wcdz] 01:00, 31 March 2009 (BST)

we accept brasilian people too, but for now we havent brasilians man, and the principal language in south america is spanish so that will be the dominant language --DeltaMainTalk |Latinos|D.P|TF 141

Hello if you want to joing you are going to be in the Latinos! but in a different group...what is the name of your group?...and we put brazil too because is from south-america(if you dont like brazil is south-america is your problem man i dont care what average Joe want to say about Brazil.)--(x)AlvaromesaTalk | Bacardi |MPD | Malton Public Radio 04:44, 1 April 2009 (BST)

Making group pages

Please do not create pages about your group in the main namespace. Please do so in your group space (such as Latinos!/YourPageHere). The page Latinos!/Canal has been moved to Canal Latinos!. Linkthewindow  Talk  00:40, 5 April 2009 (BST)

ok thanks was an error because i think i can create a canal station...(but is better is if into the clan) thanks for the idea ..--(x)AlvaromesaTalk | Bacardi |MPD | Malton Public Radio 14:46, 6 April 2009 (BST)

Recruitment Notice

Your advert: Latinos!/recruitment currently has a timestamp more than two months old. Please update it or the advert will be removed in two weeks. -- User:The Rooster RoosterDragon User talk:The Rooster 19:28, 29 June 2009 (BST)

dont worry, we still here lol, ill just add something to the advert ok? --DeltaMainTalk |Latinos|D.P|TF 141

I think you can remove it...the team was disbanded...thanks!--(x)AlvaromesaTalk | Bacardi |MPD | Malton Public Radio 20:48, 10 August 2009 (BST)

Grayside BoG

Hello! We are the Grayside Board of Groups, a peaceful organization created to help unite both East and West Grayside! You can join us by visiting our page!


Check-Mark-Reviewed.jpg Group Confirmed.
This group was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply.

For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 15:13, 27 January 2010 (UTC)
yes, as a clan, not a group. but we all still working together --DeltaMainTalk |Latinos|D.P|TF 141
Good enough for me. For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 16:25, 28 January 2010 (UTC)

Is your Radio frequency still in use?

Stop hand.png 2010 Group Radio Activity Query
In order to maintain the wiki as an up to date source of information groups are occasionally removed from the Radio pages when they are no longer active.

Is this group still actively using the frequency specified on the Radio page as theirs? If so simply confirm here by writing something below. If not, it's frequency will be removed from Radio pages in 14 days.

I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience or it seems relatively stupid when put into context of your group, but it is our interest to treat all groups on the same level when doing these purges. A reply within 2 weeks will be greatly appreciated. -- LEMON #1 13:02, 25 August 2010 (BST)

No response has been made in 2 weeks, and as such, your group will be removed from the list. If you come back at a later date and would like to reserve this frequency again, just place it back onto the available frequency of your choice. Thank you. -- LEMON #1 13:32, 8 September 2010 (BST)