MCDU: Cadet MCDU Ribbons
{{Template:MCDU Ribbons|NAME=???|RANK=?}} (Minimally)
on whatever wikipage you want to display the merits and ribbons earned from the MCDU. The following options are available:
{{Template:MCDU Ribbons|NAME=???|DEM=???|UNIT=??|RANK=??
(Extended - See Notes!)
You can your user or character's name for the NAME variable, but the default is the page name (i.e., if added to the User:Liam_McFlear wikipage, then the badge name will be set to Liam_McFlear). The example on the first line will just display name, rank and displays an active status. The extended version will display any earned ribbons (see DEM Merits and Ribbons for a full explanation of merits and ribbons) but requires some editing, you must delete any entry that should not appear (such as PH=X| or RSM=X|). See more examples below:
Take notice - variable names are case sensitive.
- What is "DEM"?: This variable should be equal to your MCDU badge number. - this can be found on the DEM Personnel Roster. You will need a user name and a password to follow that link.
- What is "RANK"?: This variable refers to your current rank in MCDU. Ranks range from 0 to 16, with the default being 0 (Cadet).
- Rank 0: Academy Cadet
- Rank 1: Private First Class
- Rank 2: Lance Corporal
- Rank 3: Corporal
- Rank 4: Sergeant
- Rank 5: Staff Sergeant
- Rank 6: Gunnery Sergeant
- Rank 7: Master Sergeant
- Rank 8: First Sergeant
- Rank 9: Sergeant Major
- Rank 10: Second Lieutenant
- Rank 11: First Lieutenant
- Rank 12: Captian
- Rank 13: Major
- Rank 14: Lieutenant Colonel
- Rank 15: Colonel
- Rank 16: General
- Rank 99: Classified
- What is "WM"?: This variable refers to the "Weapons Master" ribbon = Advanced Pistol/Shotgun Skill
![The Weaponmaster Ribbon.jpg](/images/4/46/The_Weaponmaster_Ribbon.jpg)
- What is "HH"?: This variable refers to the "Hand to Hand Combat" ribbon = Knife Combat/Axe Prof
![Hand to Hand Specialist Ribbon.jpg](/images/b/b8/Hand_to_Hand_Specialist_Ribbon.jpg)
- What is "FR"?: This variable refers to the "Fitness Ribbon" = Body Building Skill
![Fitness Ribbon.jpg](/images/f/f3/Fitness_Ribbon.jpg)
- What is "SR"?: This variable refers to the "Sniper Ribbon" = Headshot Skill
![Sniper's Ribbon.jpg](/images/0/03/Sniper%27s_Ribbon.jpg)
- What is "CS"?: This variable refers to the "Community Support" ribbon = Tagging Skill
![Community Support Ribbon.jpg](/images/2/21/Community_Support_Ribbon.jpg)
- What is "RO"?: This variable refers to the "Radio Operator" ribbon = Radio Operation Skill
![Radio Operator Ribbon 3D.jpg](/images/b/bc/Radio_Operator_Ribbon_3D.jpg)
- What is "ER"?: This variable refers to the "Engineer's Ribbon" = Construction Skill
![Engineer's Ribbon.jpg](/images/1/1f/Engineer%27s_Ribbon.jpg)
- What is "FM"?: This variable refers to the "Field Medicine" ribbon = First Aid & Diagnosis Skills
![Field Medicine Merit.jpg](/images/c/c3/Field_Medicine_Merit.jpg)
- What is "SA"?: This variable refers to the "Scientific Achievement" ribbon = Necro Net Access Skill
![Scientific Achievement Ribbon.jpg](/images/7/73/Scientific_Achievement_Ribbon.jpg)
- What is "RSR"?: This variable refers to the "Resident Surgeon Ribbon" = Surgery Skill
![Resident Surgeon Ribbon.jpg](/images/1/13/Resident_Surgeon_Ribbon.jpg)
- What is "AR"?: This variable refers to the "Acquisition Ribbon" = Bargain Hunting Skill
![Acquisition Ribbon.jpg](/images/4/4e/Acquisition_Ribbon.jpg)
- What is "RSM"?: This variable refers to the "Recon Specialist Merit" ribbon = Free Running Skill
![Reconnissance Specialist Merit.jpg](/images/f/f1/Reconnissance_Specialist_Merit.jpg)
- What is "PH"?: This variable refers to the "Purple Heart" ribbon
- The purple heart is a special award, given in recognition of acts of self-sacrifice with the intent to save a fellow survivor. Where others would have fled to save themselves, this person stayed to save others. The Purple Heart can be awarded on recommendation of the proposed recipient's CO of suburb command rank or above and is handed over to that recipient personally by the head officer of the appropriate branch.
- What is "VR"?: This variable refers to the "Valor Ribbon"
- The Valor Ribbon is the highest award given by the DEM Command and is presented only in cases where the recipient proved himself to go above and beyond his line of duty and overcome overwhelming odds by extreme resolve, intelligence and team spirit. The Valor Ribbon can be awarded on recommendation of the proposed recipient's CO of suburb command rank or above and is handed over to that recipient personally by the head officer of the appropriate branch.
- What is "YEAR"?: This variable refers to the "DEM years of service" ribbon
-![DEM 5 year service.jpg](/images/a/ad/DEM_5_year_service.jpg)
- What is "STATUS"?: This variable is used to indicate retired or separated members. Defaults to 'Active' but can be set to any value of your choosing ('Retired', etc).
- What is "UNIT"?: This variable shows adds your unit to the template. Currently supported: units 3, 4 and 7.
- What is "AG"?: This variable refers to the MCDU "Academy Graduation" ribbon
![Academy grad.jpg](/images/1/1e/Academy_grad.jpg)
- What is "CSR"?: This variable refers to the MCDU "Command Staff" ribbon
- What is "OYS"?: This variable refers to the MCDU "One Year Service" ribbon
![1 Year Service.jpg](/images/6/63/1_Year_Service.jpg)
- What is "OV"?: This variable refers to the MCDU "Outstanding Valor" ribbon
- What is "RR"?: This variable refers to the MCDU "Recruitment Policy" ribbon
- What is "OoM"?: This variable refers to the MCDU "The Order of Malton" ribbon
![Order Of Malton.JPG](/images/1/1f/Order_Of_Malton.JPG)
Private First Class John has just graduated the academy (earning the MCDU "Academy Graduation" ribbon) and waits for his unit assignment.
{{MCDU Ribbons|NAME=John|RANK=1|AG=Y}}
MCDU: Private First Class John
Mazer Rackham (DEM Badge 842), part of unit 3, has been promoted to Gunnery Sergeant, has graduated the academy (earning the MCDU "Academy Graduation" ribbon) and also earned both the "Field Medicine" and "Scientific Achievement" ribbons as well as the MCDU "The Order of Malton" ribbon.
{{Template:MCDU Ribbons|NAME=Mazer Rackham|DEM=842|UNIT=3|RANK=6|FM=Y|SA=Y|AG=Y|OoM=Y}}
Burl Cain (Badge #838) has reached the rank of General, served five years, and earned every ribbon available before retiring.
{{MCDU Ribbons|NAME=Burl Cain|DEM=838|RANK=16
MCDU: General Burl Cain
DEM Badge 838
Of course, we can't stop you from putting ribbons on your chest that you don't deserve, but you will suffer a reprimand if caught.
Author / Creator
Created jointly by Liam McFlear and Neko.
Elements of this template taken from {{MPDRibbons}} by Marcusfilby - which is in turn based from {{MFU Ribbons}} by Atticus Rex.