The Ashwin Building
the Ashwin Building
Grigg Heights [3, 56]
Basic Info:
General Information
The Ashwin Building is located at 3,56 in the suburb of Grigg Heights. This tall building has a mobile phone mast rising out from the roof and is a landmark in Grigg Heights. When the building is powered, it enables mobile phone service to be provided thoughout the suburb. To power the building, generators can be found in either of the two factories located at [8,57] and [9,54] respectively, while fuel can be found in either Mack Auto Repair at [6,54] or Kempe Auto Repair at [1,51]. All visitors are kindly reminded to keep the building powered up.
The MacGilvray Hotel (3,55) sited one block North of The Ashwin Building should be considered an entryway from which it should always be possible to access The Ashwin Building, therefore it should remain barricaded to Very Strongly+2 at all times, with the exception of a zombie attack.
In addition to the mobile phone mast, there is also the nearby Ivins Towers and Dauncey Towers which together gives Grigg Heights a distinctive skyline, visible even in the neighbouring suburbs of Malton.
The views from the uppermost floors of the Ashwin Building are spectacular and give a panoramic view of the entire suburb. If one is not careful, one can plummet to death falling out of the windows of the building.
No known history!
Additional Information
Searchable Items
No items of value can be found when searching this building, although searching the building may yield an old newspaper or two. The building is tall enough to scout using binoculars
In the event of a serious zombie attack, The Ashwin Building needs to be barricaded to Extremely Heavily in order to protect the generator powering the mobile phone mast.
Tagging this building grants no XP.
Current Status
If you know the status of the Ashwin Building's phone mast, please update it here. Thanks.
Needs Generator | |
This building requires a generator for maximum usefulness. |
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This page, The Ashwin Building, is a locations stub. Please help us to improve the wiki by contributing to this page. Be sure the following information is added to the page: coordinates, suburb, 9 block map (or 16 block map for large buildings), description, barricading policy, and history. Please refer to the Location Style Guide. |