The Burchell Arms Regulars/Medals

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The Burchell Arms Regulars

The Snug - Crumpled Up Newspaper - Staff Cleaning Rota - Broken bottles, Painkillers & the Jukey - Syzpid's Hobby Cupboard
- No! No! The beer barrels go in the cellar! - Cabbie Sam's Dartboard (AKA The Deadbeat List) - The Burchell Arms Employee Of The Month! -
Jesus Sante's Patented Drinks & Cocktail Menu

Badgers? We don't need no stinking badgers! What's all this about badgers anyway?

S'badges, you daft besoms.

Burchell Arms Regulars Badges of Valor one-up-manship against your chums

The Burchell Arms is maintained by the creative and committed actions of our brave Regulars.
As such, the management team offers these Badges to recognize their contributions and encourage courageous action, exploration, and maybe some friendly competition. Stuff that. it's all a scam so the managers can keep us all under the thumb... No, it's in recognition of your efforts towards the greater good. Now shut up and compete, damn you.

Knight Watchmen Badges are awarded for achievements in support of the BAR Deadbeat List

Revive Corps Badges are awarded to Regulars who accomplish exceptional feats during the course of providing revives.

Burchell Antics Badges are earned when a Regular gets serious about having fun at the Burch.

Goodwill Badges are given to Regulars who focus their efforts on community building.

Exploration Badges encourage our Regulars to see Malton and bring word to them about the beacon on the hill that is the Burchell Arms.

The Metagaming Badges can be earned by participating on the BAR forum and the UD wiki.

Collect the latest badge:

Applesauce6mw-1-.gif Notinhere
Kill everyone in here

Medals & Awards for BAR Regulars who're Extra-Ace


The following medals of recognition will be awarded by the BAR Management to any of the Regulars who have proven themselves and/or participated in the specified campaign(s). The medals are officially awarded after the crisis has passed or the campaign has ended, preferably to be discussed while resting at the pub and enjoying a nice, cool pint. Members awarded with any of these medals are encouraged to include them in the forum signature; so that every local patrons can bear witness the Regular's accomplishments in the line of duty. In the future new medals will be issued as enemies continue to threaten the safety of Malton and crisis after crisis is averted by us.


Black Stein of Vengeance
A special one-of-a-kind beer coaster awarded to the BAR member who holds the score for the greatest number of known murderer executions. The current title-holder is the BAR's very own "Scourge of PKers", slugger1.
Frequent Forum Formulator Award
A limited edition beer coaster which denotes a particularly active BAR forum contributor whose posts are helpful, timely, and at least moderately legible.
Knight Watchman Security Badge
A limited edition beer coaster for those who show the proper initiative when dealing with all manner of non-zombie troublemakers (murderers, vandals, douchebags, etc). This badge is also worn by the Knight Watchmen.
Triple Chevron of the Eternally-Paid Cover Charge
A limited edition beer coaster for those who demonstrate unquestionable dedication to the cause (a step above "The Barley and Hops Memorial Ribbon of Freedom").
