The Crimson Clan/2

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This page is preserved for historical information. For today's version, go to The Crimson Clan main page.

Kris Eikehaug Talk | The Clan 14:41, 27 October 2007 (BST)

The Crimson Clan
We have a logo contest at the moment.
Abbreviation: The Clan
Group Numbers: 40+
Leadership: Kris Eikehaug
Goals: Securing the NW area of Malton
Recruitment Policy: Read this
Contact: Clan forums

The Crimson Clan is a military and scientist based group with the goal of cleaning the North-Western area of Malton, focusing on Dakerstown, of zombies and other scum. The Clan is primarily fighting zombies, but has in recent times been forced to wage war on hostile survivors as well.

We are divided into three sections; military units, a scientist team, and the militia. The squadrons are organized to work effectively in the means of assaults, patrolling, and other military operations, both inside and outside the suburb of Dakerstown. Our scientist team is able to provide revives and heals quickly, and is running the revivification point at Leeworthy Park. Members of the militia are not that devoted to metagaming, or haven't got unit assignment yet.

Members.gif Forums
This group uses a forum for communications.
Radiotransmission.gif Short-wave Radio Info

27.62 MHz - main frequence
28.62 MHz - without Radio Operation
Transmitter coordinates:

Current Mission

We are working in the area around the Akland mall in Havercroft. Our goal at the moment is to assist the AMS (Akland Mall Security) in securing the mall, ridding it of PK'ers, and bring the zombie count down to controllable numbers. In the near future we will capture a resource building and claim it as our base of operations but for now we are busy assisting the AMS with it's duties. The Crimson Clan is always accepting recruits to join in our cause.

The Stronghold

Dakerstown is an area plagued of zombies, and torn apart by player killers. The solution to this might be to create and maintain a few strategic resource points, and leaving the rest of the suburb unbarricaded. PKers will in this way be unable to hide for long in the area. There is a cluster of resource buildings in Dakerstown, these are our base of operations.

The four buildings square HQ:

- Tag: Crimson Clan HQ - EHB;
- Tag: Crimson Clan HQ - EHB;
- Tag: Crimson Clan HQ - EHB;
- Tag: Crimson Clan HQ - EHB;

These buildings should have operative generators present.


Swearse Lane Police Department
EHB, lit.
AndyMatthews (talk) 01:56, 13 October 2024 (UTC)


St. Bartholomew's Hospital
TommyVee (talk) 22:46, 18 February 2025 (UTC)


Warehouse 2,5
EHB, dark.
AndyMatthews (talk) 11:31, 12 October 2024 (UTC)


Factory 3,6
EHB, lit.
AndyMatthews (talk) 01:56, 13 October 2024 (UTC)

The Crimson Stronghold

Dakerstown [2,5] – [3,6]

Wilmott Row Turpin Crescent the Tobit Arms
the Doyne Hotel
Buckinham Lane a warehouse
St. Bartholomew's Hospital
the Buttle Building
the Gristwood Hotel
Swearse Lane Police Department
a factory
Owsley Alley'
a junkyard
Lomas Boulevard Fire Station
Woodborne Crescent wasteland

Other buildings

In addition to the Stronghold buildings, there are a few other buildings of interest.

  • The NecroTech building Pask at 7,8
- Tag defined by PARD
  • The phone mast building Buttle at 4,5
- Tag: Clan phone mast - EHB
- Tag: Crimson Clan FS - VSB+2;
- Tag: Crimson Clan AS - EHB;

All Clan resource buildings, including Buttle, should have operative generators present.

The rest of the buildings that should be kept at EH or VSB are not of high importance, but might be useful should the main buildings fall. The general tags for these are

  • EHB building
EHB - Join the Clan;
  • VSB building
VSB+2 - Join the Clan;


The Pask Building
VHB, dark.
AndyMatthews (talk) 03:22, 18 October 2024 (UTC)

Dakerstown Barricade Plan
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
00 PD Chur Ceme Libr Rail Arms Libr
01 Buil Club H Ware Ware AS
02 AS Scho Libr Towe Arms
03 Buil Buil FS Ware Bank Cine Buil Arms
04 Club Arms Hote Junk Bank Libr
05 PD Ware H Mast Muse Rail
06 Ware Hote PD Fact Ware
07 Junk FS Junk Libr Buil
08 Chur AS Buil Hote RP NT
09 PD AS Buil Towe Rail

Unenterable Buildings
Extremely Heavily Barricaded Phone Mast
Enterable Buildings
Auto Shop Fire Station
Hospital NecroTech
Police Department School
Other VSB Buildings Unbarricaded Buildings
Other Locations
Street Monument
Cemetery Revivification Point


The Clan is by far the biggest survivor group concentrated in the extreme North Western suburbs Dakerstown, Jensentown, Roywood, and Judgewood. We have made ourselves both allies and enemies, and will have an important role in the coming War against the Machines - hopefully the final blow against the PKer group Imperial War Machine.

Allies and friends

The Clan has a few friends around. Listed here are only groups, not the individual members that are aiding us in barricading, revives etc.

DoL The DoL has joined the Clan!

The Defenders of Life is definitively the group that has been working most closely to our members. They are a relatively new group, and have been using our forums actively. Having about a dozen members, they are of great help.

Leader: St Aden - is now Sgt John St Aden of Platoon B


We are cooperating much with the Primary Armed Reconnaissance Division. They have declared the Pask building their HQ, and are effectively helping us to operate our revivification point at the Leeworthy Park. They have a total of six members.

Leader: Saint Murphy


The Urban Guerrillas is a group of about 10-12 members. They don't have any permanent base, and are thus found over most of the North Western suburbs. They have declared themselves arch enemies of the IWM. Some UG members are located in and around our HQ, and are helping us barricading, killing zeds, hunt the IWM, healing etc.

Leader: Certified=Insane


During our time here in Malton, not many people have had the "Testicular Fortitude" (as the IWM leader Duce Nauks named it), to make themselves our enemies. Nevertheless, as most other groups, the Clan has put bounties on the heads of some players. Any characters listed here are hostiles, and are to be killed on sight.


A snapshot of the IWM leader Duce Nauks outside Gerrard Place PD in Roywood, moments before he triggers a trap developed by NTa Fippe and NTa William of the Clan's Pask team.

The Imperial War Machine, with the abbreviation IWM, is a PKer group that has been in this area for more than a year. They are suggested to have about a dozen members, although other "veterans" says the IWM members generally are some of the most incompetent players in the whole Urban Dead universe. They tend to PK on random, especially low level characters tend to be targeted. IWM members are often seen as zombies, doing just the same thing as they do as survivors; destroying barricades and generators, killing at random, and telling zed mobs where to find what they call "terrorists" - everyone who don't support their PKing.

Members that have been out PKing recently:

Other players

These few players have in some way harmed members of the Clan, or our allies. Examples include GKing, PKing, or killing zedified members at revivification points. This list includes screenshots of a crime, and a link to the player's profile.

NB: The groups some of these folks are members of, are not necessarily enemies of the Clan. Most of these players will be removed from the list if they apologizes their action(s).

Supported policies

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.


Both veterans and newbies are welcome to join our ranks.

Players who would like to join the Crimson Clan are asked to post their user name, a link to their profile, and the reason why they would like to join in our forums. We are accepting most applications.

Why join us? We are a very rapidly growing group. We have an effective metagaming organizing, and we have a meaningful goal. The Clan has both newbies and veterans in its ranks. New Clan members default to the Militia, whose members aren't required to metagame. Those who would like to be more active in our forums, have more direct orders, and according to myself (Kris, Clan founder), more fun, are assigned to units like the already existing military squadrons or the scientist Pask team.

Recruit's guide

A Crimson Clan recruit carrying three shotguns, two pistols, four shells, two clips, a flare gun, a fire axe, two knives, a basebal bat, five bottles of beer, a newspaper, three books, two golf clubs, a picture of his mom and dad, a fuel can, three spray cans, binoculars, a portable generator, and his flak jacket.

All low-level members of the Clan should hang around their safehouse, getting XP with focus on getting the Free Running (important!) and Basic Firearms Training skills. Also, try get a Pistol, a Shotgun, some ammo, First Aid Kits, and hopefully a few other things.

Our HQ is located in and around Swearse Lane Police Department, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, and the NecroTech Pask building, all in the suburb of Dakerstown.

Remember to put Crimson Clan into your Urban Dead profile group box.

You are strongly advised to make an account in our forums, and check at least the News and events section on a somewhat regular basis.

New members default to the militia section of the Clan. If you wish a unit assignment, contact Kris or an officer.

We ask all recruits to find a cell phone and radio. Keep your radio tuned to 28.62 mhz at all times so you can recieve important order's and information from the Clan leadership. This is especially important for Clan member's who do not wish to metagame. This is the only good way to keep in touch with non-metagaming Militia member's.

Members of the Clan

The Clan is divided into subgroups and ranks to make meta gaming a little easier. The military and science classes are differently organized.

Kris Eikehaug

315 SgtMaj Eikehaug
Rank: Founder
Unit: none
Recruits: Many
Joined the Clan: 4 April 2007
Character profile: 827964

Originally a Norwegian Marine who came to Malton as a part of his officer education, Kris's original division was destroyed by a small zombie break in combined with poorly secured explosives. He is reported to be dead by his commanders on the outside of the quarantine border.

Kris is a typical guy you could have encountered alone in the highlands, carrying only a knife, eventually combined with a shotgun or composite crossbow. He enjoys living outdoors, practicing martial arts, as well as working with physics and fine technology.

Military units

  • Platoon - consists of up to 3 squadrons, in total 16 members including the sergeant (Sgt) in charge.
  • Squadron - One corporal (Cpl) and four Privates (Pvt or PFC), to a total of five members.
  • A player starts ranked as a Private (Pvt). When a Private has all survivor skills, more than 100 posts in the forums, and a membership that has lasted more than a month, he will be ranked as Private 1st class (PFC).


  1. Sergeant - Sgt
  2. Corporal - Cpl
  3. Private - Pvt, Private 1st class - PFC

PFC are not officers, and therefore should be treated just like Pvt. All decicions by an officer should be made in a democratic, but still effective way, although he is ranked above others. Also, please report officers abusing their ranking.

Platoon A

Sergeant Tomas Rovira, in orange waistcoat, giving instructions in a Platoon A training session in the wasteland area neighboring the Britton park on the 22nd of May 07. In the line, from left: Squadron A1 (Cpl Sword, Pvt Warbear, Pvt Darth, Pvt Seano) and Squadron A2 (Pvt Maxuja, Pvt Jude, Cpl Boya). Pvt Robot and Pvt Deuz are absent due to zombie infestation. Squ B1 members Cpl Triple Zero and PFC Birsingir are watching.

Sgt Tomas Rovira

Rank: Sergeant
Unit: Platoon A
Recruits: -
Joined the Clan: 6th of April 07
Character profile: 830637

Father Alexander has short black hair and brown eyes. He talks a lot, and is quite a pessimist. He hates cigarettes and to see people smoking.

Actually quite calm, but you better stay away from him when he gets angry.

Squ A1

Cpl Warbear

warbear 007
Rank: Corporal
Unit: Squadron A1
Recruits: -
Joined the Clan: 5th of April 07
Character profile: 828733

007 warbear is a skilled Norwegian agent. The ones who know him call him 007(blodøks)warbear. He likes zombies as dinner. He used to work for the norwegian inteligence service POT(poltiets overvåknings teneste). During his mission in Malton the zombies started to come. He fund a fellow norwegian in the caos. 007 warbear was one of the first how joined the clan. He leared to use a revive syringe, but still his main job is zombie hunting.

Pvt Seano

super seano
Rank: Private
Unit: Squadron A1
Recruits: -
Joined the Clan: 5th of April 07
Character profile: 839215


seano one clan you do not want to meet down a dark ally. He is trained in all ways of firearms and will soon make burgers out of any zed that gets in his way. Seano was one of the first members of the clan to join and since his deployment to Dakerstown has killed over 30 zeds.

Pvt Robot

Rank: Private
Unit: Squadron A1
Recruits: -
Joined the Clan: 4th of April 07
Character profile: 828112



Pvt Darth

Rank: Private
Unit: Squadron A1
Recruits: -
Joined the Clan: 16th of May 07
Character profile: 828812


Deaddarth is a fun-loving guy, but don't get in his way or annoy him too much, or you'll soon be at the wrong end of his pistol. Favourite Weapon: Fire Axe (>^_^)>

Squ A2

Cpl Boya

Rank: Corporal
Unit: Squadron A2
Recruits: -
Joined the Clan: 29th of April 07
Character profile: 818033

Northrop, a young Englishman, trained with the British Army, and joined the UN Blue Hats Army. After insertion into Malton with his squad, and deciding to go seperate ways, he was slain by a large group of zombies: the Eastonwood Ferals. As a result, Northrop forgot his past, and his name. But after he was revived, many people called him Boya, and he took up Boya as his name.

Pvt Maxuja

Rank: Private
Unit: Squadron A2
Recruits: -
Joined the Clan: 4th of April 07
Character profile: 828645

Maxime "Maxuja" Kilinuja was born the 20th may 19XX in France. His dream was to be a great surgeon but he never liked the School, so he was recruit by army in a medic squad. After Full years of event, he came with full of others Military Medics in Malton... and he will never see them alive... After he lose his team, his only choice was to rejoin others "losts" like him. Crimson Clan. Maxuja is an expert of pistol and Knife, but his speciality is of course, Healing. After Some Study in Necrotech Buldings, He can now use NT stuff as well like DNA extract and Revive. He like Sneaking between streets and can draw easily maps.

Pvt Deuz

Man of North
Rank: Private
Unit: Squadron A2
Recruits: -
Joined the Clan: 6th of April 07
Character profile: 829732

Deuz is tall, with dark hair, slim but strong. He wears a black cloak wich hides the face. Has black clothes under the cloak. Barely visible in the nightime.

Deuz comes from Norway (explanes the nickname in malton). He was originaly on a worldwide roadtrip with his friends, but during the first days of the zombie outbreak, we got attacked. Only I, Deuz, survived...

Pvt Jude

Rank: Private
Unit: Squadron A2
Recruits: -
Joined the Clan: 6th of April 07
Character profile: 830083

Jude: The psycho of the squad. He uses grenades and spam letters to spread the word of The Crimson Clan. Also an active wiki user, he crazily make templates that doesn't make sense but lovely. Also your very own typical gambler. He has lost lots of money. When the outbreak came, the psychotic Jude crazily ran into the Swearse Police Department saying, "POKEMON RULEZ!" From there, he joined the Crimson Clan. He worked for money and is seen being stupidly doing graffiti such as "Teh Great Worrier waz herez!" and "Hi, I will be the president of Malton once I bribed you guys with lollipops".

Platoon B

St Aden
Rank: Sergeant
Unit: Platoon B
Recruits: 4
Joined the Clan: 5th of June 07
Character profile: 697387

Sgt John St Aden

St Aden was working for Necrotech before the outbreak. When the outbreak occurred, he immediately began research to reverse the effects of the virus, he refers to as the ZMB. Although he was a Necrotech employee, he knows that the project's he was working on were not related to the outbreak, but he cannot help but feel responsible in some way. Like so many other Necrotech employee's, he carries a burden placed there by a company that no longer cares about the well being of the people that made it what it was before the outbreak.

More coming later!

Squ B1

Cpl Triple Zero

Rank: Corporal
Unit: Squadron B1
Recruits: -
Joined the Clan: 8th of April 07
Character profile: 542701


no description

PFC Birsingir

Rank: Private 1st class
Unit: Squadron B1
Recruits: -
Joined the Clan: 25th of April 07
Character profile: 590528


no description

Pvt ErrorMaker

Rank: Private
Unit: Squadron B1
Recruits: -
Joined the Clan: 7th of April 07
Character profile: 830114


no description

Pvt Waak

Rank: Private
Unit: Squadron B1
Recruits: -
Joined the Clan: 12th of April 07
Character profile: 835004

Waak, which original name he hasn't revealed, is a brown haired, green eyed and tall finnish Private. He wears glasses (really, he need them), a normal, black shirt and jeans and carries a shotgun on his back (his favourite weapon). When he moves between the buildings, destination is almost anytime either The Pask Building or Swearse Lane Police Department.

Waak used to be trained as Private in the grassy (summer) and snowy (winter) fields in Finland. He's first mission was to go to Malton, where the zombie outbreak is problem. He was dropped into Scarletwood, and he joined to the Crimson Clan in there too.

Squ B2

Rank: Corporal
Unit: Squadron B2
Recruits: 2
Joined the Clan: 5th of June 07
Character profile: 780380

Cpl Tarabon

Tarabon is a big fan of the shotgun and the chainsaw, and is is a military expert, "Geneva Convention? I dont do conventions." and is trained in many U.S. Army tactics. Came to Malton to find his ex-girlfriend. So far no ex, but it has not been a total loss, has found a few new friends.

"Life is what it has always been, a long sleep with a few dreams and a few nightmares."

"We judge our worst times from our greatest, and our greatest from our worst. So the next time you are having the worst day in your life, remember that it will make your better days that much better." - Cpl Tarabon

Hub bub
Rank: Private
Unit: Squadron B2
Recruits: -
Joined the Clan: 5th of June 07
Character profile: 698517

Pvt Hub bub

Hub bub

no description

Rank: Private
Unit: Squadron B2
Recruits: -
Joined the Clan: 23rd May 07
Character profile: 871539

Pvt Shallis

Shallis A woman on a mission. Currently wielding a blood-stained bat, Shallis darts through the streets of Malton bashing zombie brains, healing the wounded, and sercuring barricades. A new recruit of the Clan, she is determined to show the boys that she is more than capable in the ongoing battle.

Rank: Private
Unit: Squadron B2
Recruits: 1
Joined the Clan: 3rd of June 07
Character profile: 837035

Pvt Legend

Legend is a man devoted to ancient history of china and japan. Taught by master Hiroshima Katon he became devoted to poetry and wise sayings. He left for his studys early in this year and when he returned he came across the destruction of malton and his hometown. Using what knowledge and wisdom he decided to stay and fight instead of leaving with the evacuation unit. Walking the deserted streets of malton he came across The Crimson Clan. With the help of his fellow friends and will power of the survivours, Legend devotes his life to fight along side those who helped him there. As he says,

"A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor."

Pvt Oddjob

LK Oddjob
Rank: Private
Unit: Squadron B2
Recruits: -
Joined the Clan: 7th of June 07
Character profile: 888732

LK Oddjob

A shady gentleman in a rather shabby tuxedo wearing an only slightly suspicious bowler hat.

"We shall defend our suburbs, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight in the police departments, we shall fight in the Necrolabs, we shall fight in the hotels and in the auto-repair shops, we shall fight in the malls; we shall never surrender."

Medical Science Division

This part of the Clan are the ones that like reviving, healing, and other non-violent ways of aiding the fight for Dakerstown. The members are, like those of the military units, required to use our forums actively for metagaming.


  1. Professor - Leads a team of scientist's & Lab Tech's, including one doctor per team.
  2. Scientist - Sci (all survivor skills)
  3. Lab Technician - LbT
  4. Doctor - Dr

Scientist division

These guys are stationed in the NecroTech Pask building. They are operating our revivification point in the Leeworthy Park.

A Professor is needed. (This position requires an experienced player!)

Sci Takato

Rank: Scientist
Unit: Scientist division
Recruits: -
Joined the Clan: 7th of May 07
Character profile: 464053


no description

LbT Fippe

Rank: Lab Technician
Unit: Scientist division
Recruits: -
Joined the Clan: 8th of April 07
Character profile: 815254

Fippe, is really Finnish, but he came to Malton to do some researching with Necrotech. (Actually he was trying to steal their Zombie research plans...) Fippe is pretty insane scientist revifying others at Dakerstown. He is main revificator at Crimson Clan besides Sergeant Major Eikehaug, aka Kris.

LbT William

Rank: Lab Technician
Unit: Scientist division
Recruits: -
Joined the Clan: 8th of April 07
Character profile: 831469


no description

Rank: Lab Technician
Unit: Pask Team 1
Recruits: -
Joined the Clan: 5th of June 07
Character profile: 698555

LbT Feldstein


"FAK's and needles may heal my bones, but bullets only break them!"

"We fight with FAK's, not guns!"

The Militia

The militia members of the Clan often don't care that much about what the authorities tells them.

The members of the Militia are either not yet, or simply not active enough to be assigned to a unit. New members default here, if they wish assignment they should contact Kris or an officer.

Character list

  1. 007 warbear
  2. 315 SgtMaj Eikehaug
  3. adullmace
  4. alex the scout
  5. Arios
  6. AShinySword
  7. birsingir
  8. Boya
  9. Clayhateszeds
  10. DeadDarth
  11. ErrorMaker
  12. fatheralexander
  13. Feldstein
  14. Fippe 94
  15. flickface
  16. Gamesbond
  17. Hub bub
  18. Jimmee2
  19. legend812
  20. Leiv Eirikson
  21. LK Oddjob
  22. lowlyphe
  23. Man of North
  24. Maxuja
  25. Molli Doll
  26. Morkus the Mad
  27. MrRobot256
  28. Shallis
  29. super seano
  30. St Aden
  31. St Tomas
  32. Takato26
  33. Tarabon
  34. Tossel
  35. Tyguy17
  36. Waak
  37. william987

Active Clan Member's

  1. 007 warbear
  2. 315 SgtMaj Eikehaug
  3. birsingir
  4. Clayhateszeds
  5. DeadDarth
  6. DeadDarth3
  7. DNA Scanner
  8. fatheralexander
  9. Feldstein
  10. Gamesbond
  11. Happy 24/7 - Not sure
  12. Hub bub
  13. legend812
  14. Leiv Eirikson
  15. LK Oddjob
  16. Man of North
  17. Morkus the Mad
  18. Shallis
  19. St Aden
  20. St Tomas
  21. super seano
  22. Tarabon
  23. Tossel
  24. Trong Tran - MIA
  25. Waak
  26. william987