The Temple of Our Martyred Lady
Basic Information
The Temple of Our Martyred Lady is an alternate name for St Jude's Cathedral and the surrounding buildings. This phrase is used by members of The Ecclesiarchy Militant, who have claimed their area as a personal base of operations. Anyone is welcome to use the facilities of the area, however they should be advised that 'The Emperors Law' is the only one respected on the Temples grounds.
- 1: Thou shall not suffer the Mutant to live. (Slay all zombies, or revive them.)
- 2: Those who harbor or aid the Mutant shall share its fate. (Zombie spies will be killed.)
- 3: Traitors to mankind deserve nothing but a chainsword to the head. (Known Pks will also be killed.)
- 4: Let none speak ill of The God-Emperor. (Banned from temple grounds, if you return without repenting you will suffer the normal penalty. You have been forewarned, so please do not.)
- 5: "There can be no bystanders in the war for survival. Anyone who will not fight by your side is an Enemy you must crush utterly!" (Anyone else who attempts to claim our temple as their own will be met with sufficient force to dissuade them. Whatever that happens to be, hopefully only shouting.)
Each area has a separate name when being referred to by the members of The Ecclesiarchy Militant.
- Stockley Walk Police Dept. [10, 48] is the "Temple Armory"
- Stallworthy Square [12, 46] Is the "Parade Grounds"
- Jouxson Cinema [11, 46] Is the "Lesser Reliquary"
- the Hateley Arms [11, 47] Is the "Brewery"
- Maishman Bank [11, 48] Is the "Counting House"
- the Curme Building [11, 49] Is called "The Apothecary" It is also a necrotech building.
- Coffins Lane School [12, 49] Is called "The Scriptorium"
- Donnan Alley [13, 49] & Thorburn Way [14, 49] are referred to as "The Gardens"
- Copleston Library [14, 48] Is (Ironically) the "Library"
- Cape Towers [14, 47] Is called "The Monks Cells"
- the Farrant Monument [14, 46] Is referred to as "The Shrine of The Martyrs"
- a factory [13, 46] Is known as "The Adeptus Mechanicus Enclave", It also holds the Suburb phone mast.
- St Jude's Cathedral [12, 47], [13, 47], [12, 48] & [13, 48] Is simply called "The Cathedral"
Coordinates: A square area with the corners at. [11, 46], [11, 49], [14, 46], [14, 49]. Plus [10, 48]
Suburb Map
Current Status
The long awaited arrival of the CotR has hit molebank hard, many individuals have been unable to log on and the church was taken with only light resistance. However with the holidays now over the fight is beginning in earnest. Retaliatory strikes and fresh volunteers are working to drive the zombies out. Rumors of the presence of The Redeemed have started circulating. Alexei Yaruk 16:52, 27 Dec 2005 (GMT)
See also The Siege of 'The Temple of Our Martyred Lady'