User:Alice Gravesend/sandbox

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The Burchell Arms Regulars

The Snug - Crumpled Up Newspaper - Staff Cleaning Rota - Broken bottles, Painkillers & the Jukey - Syzpid's Hobby Cupboard
- No! No! The beer barrels go in the cellar! - Cabbie Sam's Dartboard (AKA The Deadbeat List) - The Burchell Arms Employee Of The Month! -
Jesus Sante's Patented Drinks & Cocktail Menu

Help Prevent Douchebaggery! - Crime & Punishment - Zergling List

Useful Anti-Zerg Tips

Help Prevent Douchebaggery!

The Zergling List will show all the Zergs who lower the quality of life within BAR territory. As such, these lowlifes have racked up a bill and the Regulars will see to it that sooner or later they pay what they owe. After all, no one stiffs the BAR its due.

The following are a few useful tips that you should know and actively pursue in order to assist the BAR with stamping out zergs in Rolt Heights and Pescodside around the pub. So do your part to help track down and punish these shameless losers:

Don't Revive Zergers...Seriously!
In the wake of a recent influx of murderers specifically targeting the Regulars we would ask that all veteran survivors in Rolt Heights consider assisting us by not reviving anyone on the following list of confirmed zergers, hell, you could do us one better by helping execute them. Sure, we all know that professional Zergers always have someone else (read: Zerg reviver) standing in the sidelines to revive them when they die, but that doesn't mean you should waste a revive syringe on them. Let them do it themselves. If any survivor feels that they have been unjustly placed on this list then they may petition for removal from said list on our group forum.

Reporting Crimes and/or Executions
In order to properly track and record all Zerglings and when they have been brought to "justice", please use the following list. Only members of the Regulars or those with VIP (Very Important Patron) status are granted permission to add or remove survivors from this list. Any edits done by unknown users will be reverted, especially if the edit was of questionable nature. All PKer sightings should be reported on the BAR public forum along with screenshots in order to screen out any mistaken identities.

Help Keep Our Neighborhood Clean
Before bedding down for the night in our charming part of Malton, please take a minute to peruse the Zergling list. You may have a unrepentant zerg sleeping in your building! Please report that trouble maker on our forum. We'll be happy to send a Regular by to remove the villain and we promise to leave you a six pack for your efforts!

Crime & Punishment

Crime & Punishment

It should be noted that there is only one punishment for the crime of Zerging: execution.


ZERGLINGS - Complete B.A.R List of Wanted Zergs

To date, the total number of zerglings the BAR and Knight Watchmen have executed:


Character Name ID Creation Date Group
Tony Darkgrave 688148 2006-10-20 18:59:51 RHVP
Zombie Civillian XL 688525 2006-10-21 03:28:04 RHVP