Nerd (Yes, that IS a D&D reference)
User is a nerd, and also a geek. Don't make them roll a 20 on yo' ass!
This user is in the Military and is probably off trying to control the zombie outbreak.
Driaquer is a nerd, and also a geek. Don't make them roll a 20 on yo' ass!
BEWARE: Roundhouse Kick Master!
This user has mastered Chuck Norris' signature only move. It's deadly!
I'm Smarter
This user is smarter than you.
Driaquer is a pyro and proud of it.
Fire is Pretty
This user thinks that fire is pretty.
An Adventurer is Me!
Driaquer (aka: Dragageddon) plays The Kingdom of Loathing
This user loves pizza and eats it every chance they get.
This user only uses their powers for good, and for tipping over small babies.
*No small babies were harmed in the making of this template*
Heavy Arms
This user or group has Heavy Arms and will use them if provoked.
This user or group can mine gold, chop lumber, and construct buildings
This user has just done something stupid.
War On Sheep
This user or group is sick of survivors acting like lame sheep. Zombies are supposed to be the herd creatures, not the living!
Remember, remember the 24th of August
This user or group supports the vendetta against the villainous International Astronomical Union. On the 24th of August, we will march on Pluto and liberate it anew. Victory will be ours, and with it, vengeance! 8/24 NEVAR FORGET!
Steve Irwin
22 February 1962 – 4 September 2006
Wikipendence Day – June 9, 2006
This user honors the sacrifice of the moderators and innocent wiki citizens that led to Amazing getting banned.
This User or Group eats at McZeds™. They also support the Use of Corpses for High Quality Processed Fast Food.
No Nuclear Weapons for Zombies
This user or group believes that zombies are powerful enough already, thanks
This user is a Mrh Cow at least some of the time.
What the Hell is Wrong with you People!?
This user thinks that getting revived takes too freakin' long.
Didn't we make ourselves clear?
Remember kids: Fool me once, shame on you... Fool me twice, YOU ARE DEAD
Please use the receptacles provided.
How do you know she is a witch?
This user was turned into a Newt...
This user is frustrated by the sheer amount of stupidity and crap on the wiki.
Du Nu Nu Nu...
Driaquer can touch this.
World Domination
This user has plans for world domination.
This user thinks dolphins are better than killer whales, and would totally be a dolphin, but with wings and lasers and shit.
It's Good to be the King
This user thinks it's good to be the King.
Nerf This!
This user actually uses the word "nerf" appropriately.
This user or group knows how to lay the smack down.
The PKers got Kenny!
Oh my God! You killed Kenny! You bastard!
My Name is Inigo Montoya
You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Gangsta Rap
This user is correct that it's not the East or the West side, North or the South side, but the Dark Side.
This user flips out and kills people. Ninjas are so totally awesome!
Tusken Raider
Attack of the Clones
Attack of the Dupe Clones!
What is Love?
This user can do the bitchin' head bobbing thing.
Roses are Red...
Violets are Blue. This user can rhyme; Don't you wish you could too?
That's definitely gonna leave a mark!
Curse You Encumbrance!!!
This user carries around a lot of crap.
This user is Batman. Nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-Batman!
Don't you know who the fuck I am?!
This user is the Juggernaut, bitch!
This user or group supports the theory that Greedo did not shoot first and that there must have been another shooter on the grassy knoll. This shooter was probably a Centaur.
Han Shot First
This user or group supports the theory that Han totally shot first. Seriously, anything else is ridiculous. That Greedo dude wasn't fast enough for Han Solo.
Tremble in fear at the might of the Imperial Army!
Snake? Snake?! Snaaaaaaaaaaaaake!
Math fun
This user thinks that math is awesome.
Horse-Drawn Zeppelins FTW!
This user believes that horse-drawn zeppelins are awesome and wants to see them fill the skies of Malton.
Directions To Exit
Always follow the arrows when in doubt of where to go.
No Life
This user has nothing better to do than sit around all day and create and maintain spreadsheet games.
DUDE! It's a Template!
This user has been known to say the word "Dude" from time to time.
This user or group thinks all sockpuppets are not inherently evil.
Alt user
This user has alts but DOESN'T Zerg.
Take That Extinction!
This user puts their alts in different groups.
This user adds soylent when cooking.
It's a Joke, OK?
This user supports the use of humor, even when other people don't get it.
I hate Emo Kids!
This user believes we should give free razorblades to Emo Kids.
This user or group supports the use of proper grammar and spelling on the Wiki.
Ban Stupidity
This user or group does not tolerate stupid people.
Just Lock the Freaking Doors Already!
This user can't figure out why survivors don't just lock their doors to keep out the zombies.
"Free" Running?
This user believes that Free Running works by using that system of Ropes I spent too long repairing.
This User or Group supports the ideals of Capitalism as well as its reintegration into Malton society.
This user supports bringing the World Cup back to Malton.
Drivers Against Beeping Horns
This user or group uses the bumper.
That's what it's for.
Too Many Templates
This user puts way too many templates on their page.
This user has jumped on the template bandwagon.
Template Whore
This User includes as many templates as possible on his or her User Page. I mean, come on! Tusken Raider?!?
Why are you still reading these?
This user thinks you have way too much free time on your hands.
Have a Nice Day!
This User has enough happiness to share with everyone.
Templates make FUNFUN!
This user thinks that templates are a fun and exciting way to express your opinion!
Ugly Templates
This user supports the use of ugly templates on the wiki.
Mama Mia! Mama Mia!
This user finds thunderbolts and lightning very, very frightening.
Mmmm, cheese…
Driaquer really, really, really likes cheese.
Driaquer has >100 different templates on his page as of today.
Oh yea? Well Fuck you!
This User knows many creative and unique comebacks.
Things that Need a Template