User:Jack Keller
Jack Keller: Nothing at all like his boisterous player. A stoic pilot who was marooned in Malton after a mission gone awry. Co-created DARF and is now waiting for the perfect moment to launch their operations. Provided they HAVE any when the time comes.
To check out his daily progress read his Pilots Log, an IC journal kept by the one and only. If the writing sucks its because nothing of importance was done or he was in a bad mood. So go on and read. Don't worry, I won't tell. Probably...maybe...
Current Media Liason and Politicker for DARF
Pilots Log
Pilots Log: October 11, 2006 Its been more than a month. But you wouldn't know it looking around this hellhole that was once called a city. Time passes indiscriminantly around here. I only know the time because most of my gear survived the explosion. But now, since I have the time, and the inclination to do so I start my pilot's log once again. On the offchance it ever gets to my superiors outside of the city, they will have an accurate account of my mission. But first to reitirate my purpose here, since I know not who will find it and they at least deserve to be properly informed. We were on a lst minute supply drop in the southeast corner of Malton. It was a simple mission, unload the crates, sweep for survivors, and dust off. But it was not to be that simple. After the crate was dropped and secured in the local LZ, my team moved out on a survivor sweep, while I stayed back and kept the chopper hot. It must have been the roar of the blades that brought them. That or the smell of new flesh. I was ambushed by a large group of zombies, well organized and deadly. Some used their bodies to jam the blades of the chopper while the other beat down the door. I don't know what it was but suddenly the chopper exploded, possibly from the zed flesh stuck in the rotors, and I was thrown free. I got up and ran, leaving the zeds behind and my group nowhere to be found. Nearly a month later I had located nearly all of the group, they died defending an NT installment. And then proceeded to stand up and move on with the zeds who had overtaken them. Now one month later I find myself here, self-sufficient and holed up in what I've been told is the safest place in Malton. Caiger Mall, they say, is the site of one of the few and far between victories of the survivors against the zeds. So I feel that I can do my duty here without being afraid to fall asleep in the night. A few more days though, and I may relocate to another, more dangerous suburb. One in need of professional military assisstance.
Pilots Log: October 12, 2006
A few more zeds down, another day done. But I am sealed out from Caiger. Let's hope I can survive the night. I fear becoming one of them. Their souless eyes glaring right through you as they bite the meat from your throat and make you one of their own. A worse fate I cannot imagine. So for now I must have faith, and be on my guard, night is falling, and I spend it on the streets.
Pilots Log: October 13, 2006
I woke up this morning dead. What would be an oxymoron in anyplace other than here. Here its just a grim fate. I dared not move for fear of being hunted. Though that did not stop the harmanz...humans, sorry, from hunting me. Thank the good lord I was revivified. Now I sit back in Caiger after a quick supply check and finish my journal for the day. For tomorrow I search for ammo, and take my revenge on the zombie race.
Pilots Log: October 14/15, 2006
Ammo was gathered, zeds were killed, a party was had. Maybe now those scum will think twice before attacking me on the street. On a more pleasant note, I find myself talking more with a man named Slider. He has begun a group with me that is dedicated to relocating all zombies to someplace more favorable. The surface of the sun for instance. We are seeking out any other downed pilots like ourselves. Then we shall return to Molebank, his first home, and take revenge once again on the zed scourge. It's gonna be a fun day.
Pilots Log: October 23, 2006
After several days of gathering ammo and planned rampage across the areas around Caiger I found myself unable to re-enter Caiger. A spy had infiltrated the mall and overbarricaded all nearby entry points. Spending the night and an additional two days as a zombie I was revived by fellow DARF member Slider Striker. Now I am inside Caiger. Keeping up the barricades, healing where it is needed, and helping to dump the bodies of the Shacknews Horde from the Latrobe Building. After the fall of Ackland and Blackmore they came to us. With enough forewarning and some prudent planning we are able to hold them off. We are safe for now. The barricades have never been breached, and I'll be damned if they fall on my watch. For now though, I rest. In the morning I shall wake to hunt zombie flesh once again.
Pilots Log: October 31, 2006
Halloween descends upon Malton along with a new development. In complement with the weather a fog has fallen onto the streets, lowering the visibility outside and in to near absolute zero. After more than a week Caiger and the Latrobe building still stand. The surrounding resource buildings are holding well, though St. Isidore's Church has fallen. It is a sad moment in these already dark times. But faith within remains high that Shacknews will pull out. We will win the day. And god willing we shall take the city back from their rotted hands. I for the moment have made my way to Molebank to rally with more members before moving back toward Caiger. Coordination is the only thing making Shacknews dangerous. Let us throw their weapon back at them. If we can hit them hard, at the same time, our attacks may prove to be the stronger. We outnumber and outpower them. Let us show them why they should fear us.
Pilots Log: November 18, 2006
It's been nearly a month since the Fall of Caiger. Shacknews took us by surprise. Thought in my and other survivors opinions the Fall was due mostly to the laziness of other survivors in the are unwilling to help and even attempt to retake the Latrobe Builind next door. But if one thing has come out of this it is knowledge. We have learned much and I have as well. We know how Shacknews operates and are even now awaiting or chance for victory at the second suburb to come under their attacks. The Siege of Yagoton seems to be upon us. And I am there to help. My new knowledge in the NecroTech ways has given me a new advantage. I can see the zombies before they come, bring humans back to life, and I know many other things. My experience has grown and my will has been solidified. My guns are loaded and my axe sharp, let Shacknews come. That they may have defeat thrown back in their faces and that the whole of Malton shall know victory for the survivors once more! Viva Yagoton! Viva Caiger! Viva Blackmore, Malton, and the survivor way of life!
Some Favorite UD Quotes
"I've got your Barhah right here!" -Missed the user, if its you, edit this.
"Zombies, its the next logical stage of our evolution" -Radio Broadcast from Caiger. Evolution, ha...hahaha
"Some PKing F***tard got me outside the BWPD" -Random radio broadcast from Molebank. Reference to acclaimed series Red vs. Blue
Templates and Policies
Be Prepared | |
This user has 47 zombie plans and won't hesitate to use them. |
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No More Wiki Drama |
This user or group is fed up with never-ending wiki drama. |
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N00BS!!! |
This user recognizes the difference between a Newbie and a Noob. |
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The Ropes |
This user thinks we should show zergers and ignorant people the ropes. |
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Ban Stupidity |
This user or group does not tolerate stupid people. |
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Remember the 5th of November |
This user or group supports the vendetta against the undead of Ridleybank. |
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Planned Revivification |
This user or group supports organized revivification. |
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The Future |
This user believes that masks are the fashion of the future, everyone will be wearing one. |
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Death to RP ZK'ers |
This user maintains that people who Zedhunt at Revive Points are asshats. |
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Mr. Rogers Style! |
This user or group supports and follows the Mr. Rogers policy. |
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Revivification Requests |
Undead? Want to breathe again? Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link) |
A Rant: Why zeds should shut up about zerging
Before I say this I must put down a disclaimer: Zeds who do not zerg and play fairly have every right to whine. But to every zed who has ever been in a losing siege and said: "Screw you zergers of {Insert Building Name Here} I'm going home" without proof can bite me and the collective survivor ass. I put it to the zeds to show me a that they have never zerged. That the cooperation of zeds has never coincided with zerging. If you have proof, bring it, I'll accept it. But until you do, shut the hell up and play the game. It's not like it has some prize at the end you win for taking control of the city, which both sides have come perilously close to recently.