I wanted to take a little space at the top of my page to make it clear that I am not here for wiki-drama. I have a full life and I am not looking for something to make it more interesting. I think that when I first started posting here, I got drawn into a few confrontations that I should've avoided. I let myself get angry at people who were probably doing the same as me -trying to do their best by the wiki. Afterwards, I realized that differences in opinion are often exacerbated by less than polite rhetoric. When people aren't nice to each other, it's easy to take offense, and then turn the original disagreement as a battlefield to war out hurt feelings. This gets us no closer to resolving the issue, and entrenches us all in an environment of prolonged personality conflicts.
I have resolved to be as polite as I can possibly be to everyone I speak with here. I will make every effort to take every issue on a case by case basis. I will evaluate policies and decisions based on merit, and give the same consideration that I want to everyone.
If we begin with civility, I think that the considerable intelligence here will prosper and flourish. I'll be doing my part to that end.
Addendum: This does not mean that I will just sit there and be anyone's punching bag because they feel emasculated.