User:Maynard G Krebbs

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MCDUlogo.png Malton Civil Defense Unit
Maynard G Krebbs is a member of the MCDU.

50px-Marine Corp SGT.JPG
Name: Krebbs, Maynard G
Rank: Sergeant
Serial Number: 693939

Maynard G Krebbs is a member of the Malton Civil Defense Unit. Prior to the current crisis, he served in the Marine Corps Reserves in the early 1990s. When the dead started to rise, he knew that his skills would be needed in Malton, so he joined the MCDU on November 2, 2006.

Before the Outbreak

Forum Avatar when Alive

Krebbs was born in Malton on August 22, 1970, to Will and Linda Krebbs. His father was drafted to the US Army in December, 1969, and served in Vietnam until his discharge in 1972. He instilled in Maynard a strong sense of "duty to God and country" that never really left him.

Maynard was an unremarkable student. His teachers universally regarded him as intelligent, but he never fully applied himself in school, just barely scraping by. In high school, most regarded him as a rebellious youth. Indeed, he seemed to be on a path toward self-destruction. Will Krebbs unexpected death in 1989 from an aneurism, however, deeply affected Maynard.

Maynard enlisted with the Marine Corps Reserves in early 1990 in order to take advantage of college tuition programs. He served for four years, then left Malton to attend university, graduating in 1998 with a degree in business. While there, he met his future wife, Laura Biggs. They married in 1999 and returned to Malton, starting a successful (if unglamorous) medical claims review business.

In 2002, Maynard and Laura had their first child, a daughter they named Heather.

The Crisis Begins

Forum Avatar when Undead

On July 5, 2005, the dead began to rise. Fortunately, Maynard's contacts within the Marines were able to give advance notice of the quarantine, so he reluctantly sent Laura and three-year-old Heather to stay with her family in St. Louis. However, his sense of duty led him to place the needs of the community over his own needs, and he knew his skills would be needed in Malton.

Initially, he struck out on his own, seeking small groups of survivors and helping to defend them. After about a year of independent zombie-hunting, he signed on with the Malton Civil Defense Unit, seeking a more effective way to combat the undead plague.

MCDU Career

Recruitment Poster

Academy Experience

Maynard attended the Department of Emergency Management Academy, SE Division (aka the Kristy of the Dead Campus). While there, he submitted a revised Academy curriculum for the MCDU to Brig. Gen. Fire Marshall Bill. The new curriculum was largely approved (with minor edits) and has been submitted to Academy personnel for implementation. In reward for his work on the project, Krebbs was given a deferred promotion to Corporal, effective upon graduation.

During his time at the Academy, Krebbs was assigned to the victorious Team Alpha in the inaugural DEM Home Game. He also served as the unofficial scorekeeper in this competition.

Krebbs utilized his down time for MCDU-related tasks, including the design of recruitment posters.

He graduated from the Academy on 26 November 2006, and was assigned to MCDU Unit 4, the Shadowmen.

The Shadowmen

Krebbs connected with his unit on 8 December 2006 in the suburb of Havercroft. He participated in the thrust to liberate Caiger Mall and Darvall Heights from the zombies after Shacknews' brief occupation, codename Operation Northern Lights, which included all units of the MCDU. The first assault took place on 20 December 2006, but was not successful in recapturing the mall, mainly due to a number of safehouse break-ins the night before. After the false start, the operation was ultimately successful on Christmas Eve 2006 (in concert with several other survivor groups, primarily the Channel 4 News Team, the Malton Rangers, and the Dunell Hills Police Department.) This combined operation was officially closed on 8 January 2007, having achieved its mission and leaving the mall well-populated with survivors. Krebbs' contribution to the operation resulted in his promotion to Sergeant on 9 January.

On 5 January 2007, Krebbs received new orders with his unit to participate in Operation Full Metal (details classified).

Merits and Awards

Krebbs has distinguished himself with the following merits and awards:

Reconnissance Specialist Merit.jpg Reconnissance Specialist Merit Ribbon
Engineer's Ribbon.jpg Engineering Merit Ribbon
The Weaponmaster Ribbon.jpg Weaponmaster Merit Ribbon
Field Medicine Merit.jpg Field Medicine Merit Ribbon
Fitness Ribbon.jpg Fitness Merit Ribbon
Acquisition Ribbon.jpg Acquisition Merit Ribbon
Sniper's Ribbon.jpg Sniper's Merit Ribbon
Community Support Ribbon.jpg Community Support Merit Ribbon
Radio Operator Ribbon 3D.jpg Advanced Radio Dispatch Merit Ribbon
Resident Surgeon Ribbon.jpg Resident Surgeon Merit Ribbon
Hand to Hand Specialist Ribbon.jpg Hand-to-Hand Specialist Ribbon

Supported Policies

Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.

Dontpanic.gif DON'T PANIC!
Hey, you sass that hoopy Maynard G Krebbs? There's a frood who really knows where his towel is!

Outside Links

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