User:Miss Elainious
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Miss Elainious | |||||||||||||||||
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The Beginning?
I remember waking up. A vague feeling that someone was with me, but when I sat up I was alone. It was early August, but even in the warm summer night I felt chilled. I wasn't sure who I was, where I was...why I was...I only knew that this was not as it should be. I began my journey, seeking that place that felt familiar and safe, searching faces for some sign of recognition. What I found terrified me...death, destruction and worse, the hordes of walking undead. What frightened me most was that I felt some kinship with these abominations and knew instinctively that their fate had been mine, and could be again. What had I done in that state? I closed my mind to those thoughts and ceased attempts to find my past, instead I sought a future. But the nightmares continued, and the past it seemed, would not forget me so easily.
I wandered west, the direction seemed right to me. As I journeyed I heard whispers of a group called The Fortress. A fortress...yes, that was what I needed. I sought them out, but as I approached I became wary...this was familiar ground...a hunting ground? Or a place from my distant past perhaps? I was no longer certain if this place would offer safety or bring me face-to-face with the past I had erased. They asked my name, shrugging, "Miscellaneous" I said, for that was how I felt. "Miss Elainious" he wrote, and let me pass. And so I became, and for better or worse, I am there. What the future brings I can not say but for now I am content.

About Miss Elainious
Miss Elainious' earliest memory is a foggy haze, drifting in and out of consciousness with a vague impression that she was not alone. A fevered dream perhaps. The clearest recollection was waking up alone in an empty building between stacks of wooden crates. A worn blanket tucked carefully around her was only evidence that someone else had been there. She had no idea were she was, what had happened to her or even who she was. Still disoriented she fled the warehouse not knowing if that presence she had sensed in her feverish dreams was benevolent or the cause of her current memory loss and state of disarray. She was not willing to take a risk to find out.
She roamed the streets looking for something or someone who looked familiar. The streets were deserted, the buildings looked dilapidated, many of them abandoned or barricaded giving the appearance of a recent war zone. She was gripped with fear, what had happened here? Finally she saw a woman walking towards her with an odd, stilted gait. Elaine had run toward her, relieved to see another living soul, but as she drew closer she had slowed, the other woman looked odd, ill, perhaps she was suffering from the same fever she herself had just awoken from. "Hello? Are you alright?" Elaine asked. A chill ran down her spine when the other woman looked at her, something was very, very wrong. The woman's skin had a grey pallor, her eyes glazed with a milky film, patches of flesh were missing but there was no bleeding, just dried blood caked to the front of her faded yellow blouse. Then there was the smell...a sweet, fetid stench of decaying flesh that caught in the back of her throat and made her gag. The woman lurched toward her, arms outstretched, fingers curled like claws, teeth gnashing. As the claws raked her arm, once, then again, Elaine turned and fled in terror. Scrambling over a makeshift barricade she gained entrance to a police station. The sick woman had followed her and was tearing at the barricades, prying off boards and emitting terrifying groans. Elaine had pushed anything she could get her hands on against the door from the inside, a desk, a chair, a coffee dispenser. Finally the noises stopped and she summoned enough courage to peak outside. The woman was swaying where she stood, eyes unfocused, arms hanging limply at her sides as if in a trance.
Elaine's relief was short lived. Perhaps attracted by the earlier groans, others were moving toward the building with that now familiar stilted gait. Searching through the PD she found pistols, a shotgun, some ammunition and surprised herself by instinctively knowing how to load and handle them even though her fingers trembled terribly. She could hear the crashing and knew she wouldn't be alone much longer. As the first...creature was all she could think to call it, lurched through the hastily constructed defenses she took aim and fired. The first shot hit his chest, her aim for his heart was true but the creature only rocked slightly and kept coming. Elaine fired again and again but he barely slowed. Finally she raised the pistol and fired a round directly between his eyes. He halted his progress, rocking on his feet before finally dropping to the floor and lying still. The sight of what she had done coupled with the terrible stench of corrupted flesh wafting toward her was overwhelming. She turned her head and heaved, dry, body-racking heaves for she had nothing in her stomach to vomit. She felt tired and weak, and when another creature shuffled in she knew she had to find an escape. Running up the stairs she found an exit onto the roof. There was an Arms next door, its roof about 5 feet from the one she stood on and a door there was slightly ajar. She only hesitated a moment before the sounds of more of them crashing into the room below spurred her on to make the leap. She surprised herself again by clearing it easily.
Creeping in through the rooftop door she found the upper level of the building darken, but light and voices were coming from below. She slipped silently into an upstairs room, too tired to go on any further but not trusting these strangers enough to make her presence known. As she curled up exhausted she listened to the voices and laugher from the pub below. An attempted break in shortly after she arrived was dealt with swiftly, there were sounds of gunshots and barricades being replaced then the conversation and laughter resumed. Intermingled with jokes and good natured teasing they made references to zombies or zeds, headshotting, beer, cheese and a place called The Fortress. She was amazed that they could laugh under the circumstances but it comforted her that they could. The Fortress, that name rolled through her mind as she drifted off, it conjured up images of somewhere heavily defended and safe.
She awoke the next day with a start in the midst of a terrifying nightmare in which she was one of those creatures and she was eating....she pushed the thought quickly from her mind. As Elaine sat up she realized that she had once again been carefully covered with a blanket, and the wound on her arm had been cleaned and professionally bandaged. Creeping cautiously down the stairs she found the building to be empty. There was however, a generous supply of cheese and tea left as well as a stack of aging, yellowed newspapers. She made tea and sat at the table for some time, leafing through the papers. The papers were for a city called Malton and dated 2005. The realization came to her with a jolt that she didn't know the date or the year either. Judging by the aging state of the newspapers she guessed they were a year, maybe two years old. She mused for a while over the complexities of memory, that she should remembered things like how to read, how to make tea and apparently how to use a gun, yet had no recollection of anything that pertained to her identity or her past. Elaine suspected then that her memory loss might be from an emotional trauma more than a physical one. The nightmare came back to her and she wondered if somehow she had been like those creatures. With a shudder she shook those thoughts from her mind and began reading.
The papers spoke of a quarantine being issued to prevent spread of an outbreak, and in one there was an account of a man reportedly being attacked by his deceased wife! Sickening realization hit her, and as the paper slipped from her fingers she raised her eyes and noticed it for the first time, written in spray paint on the wall were the directions to The Fortress. She scribbled the instructions on a scrap torn from one of the yellowed newspapers and tucked it carefully into her pocket before gathering her things together and cautiously exiting the Arms into the warmth of a sunny August day. There was a group of the creatures, she now knew them to be zombies, still outside, but they all appeared to be in that same catatonic state she had seen that first woman slip into. She hesitateed, wondering if she should go on or retreat back into the Arms. As nice as those people in the Arms had seemed she was still wary and not certain she wanted to be there should they return, and she didn't know for certain if the person or persons that had tended to her last night had been one of them. Her mission now was to find out who she was and what had happened to her.
Over the next two weeks she moved like a ghost through the city, hiding in abandoned buildings by night and traveling by day. She was still nervous being around others but she knew she would never find out any information about herself is she avoided all human contact. The zombies still terrified her and she came into contact with them again and again, however she had grown quite proficient at dispatching them with her pistols, shotguns and occasionally an ax she had found in a fire station. As she traveled she came across bulletin boards where people had posted message for loved ones or ads to join various factions. She always read these notices carefully, hoping to find someone searching for a woman matching her description, but had found nothing. Finally one day she was in Pole Mall gathering supplies and checking the notice boards when she found something, under a notice for a survivor group she saw the top of a faded picture. The auburn hair, the arch of the eyebrows, the large green eyes were unmistakably her own.
My History in The Fortress
- August 16/07: Joined
- August 17/07: Arrived in Boot Camp
- August 31/07: Graduated from Boot Camp As Freedom Fighter
- September 1/07: Assigned to Team Anaconda
- September 8/07: Promoted to Engagement Squaddie
- September 12/07: Manager Fortress BOOM Radio
- October 2/07: Promoted to Deployment Soldier
- October 18/07: Promoted to Conflict Trooper
- October 25/07: Elected to Fortress Council
- November 20/07: Promoted to Battalion Ranger
- December 25/07: Triple promoted to Campaign Warrior
- January 13/08: Promoted to LT of Team Anaconda
- March 9/08: Promoted to Campaign Master
- March 29/08: Forum Moderator
- May 3/08: Promoted to Havoc Knight
- May 30/08: Promoted to Commander of Team Anaconda
- July 2/08: Promoted to Havoc Lord
- July 25/08: Forum Administrator
- September 20/08: Promoted to Vigilance Overlord
- September 20/08: Awarded Fortress Legend status
- November 7/08: Reelected Fortress Councilor
- December 29/08: Promoted to Vigilance Legend (Highest Rank)
- January 15/09: Completed the Pitman Enigma
- March 6/09: Promoted to F3 Colonel
- April 6/12: Escaped Malton
Love in Strange Places
The last thing I expected to find in the midst of an apocalypse was love, but sometimes one finds love in strange places and so it was for me. Tommy Crowbar was a crusty, battle weary soldier who spent more time secluded in his room with his maps and Jameson’s Irish whiskey than he spent talking to his troops. Sparks flew from the first moment I was placed under his command, but not sparks of love, the man infuriated me. Not intimidated by his status as a living legend, a rebellious streak surfaced from somewhere within me and my borderline insubordinate behaviour and pranks brought his fury down upon my head on more than one occasion. As infuriating as I found him, the friction at least made me feel alive and stronger than the lost soul with no name or past that I had been. Just as I was about to leave, this battle hardened soldier suddenly confessed his love for me, and in shock I realized the feeling was mutual. Four months later he shocked me again by asking me to be his wife...I of course, said yes. I may have no past, but at least now I know there is a future.
And so it came to pass that on a warm summer evening in Malton, August 16, 2008, I was married to Tommy Crowbar.The ceremony was performed by The Fortress Head, Jensonson himself, in St Anselm's Church in Shackleville. It was attended by over 50 Fortress members, friends and allies. For one fairytale night in the hell that is Malton, time stood still for one happy couple who managed to find a small spark of happiness in this nightmare apocalypse.
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Sacred Ground Policy Supporter |
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points. |
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Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter |
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard. |
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Tommy Crowbar |
This user is Tommy’s girl. Tommy Crowbar |
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Clint Clintstone |
This user is Clint's 'Mommy'. Clint Clintstone |
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The Fortress BOOM Radio |
Fortress BOOM Radio |
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Anaconda |
Miss Elainious is a member of Team Anaconda and kicks zed butt. |
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Miss Elainious! |
... Nuff said. |