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I'm Tarraco, a spanish soldier and a member of Lockettside Defense Squad LDS located at Lockettside. Also i'm a founder member of the Alliance Legions of Lockettside LL

I'm a friend and ally of:

My objectives

  • Be a survivor and try don't be killed by zombies or other human bastards.
  • Kill:
    • Dangerous and declared zombies
    • Bastards, spies and Pkers who try to kill me and other survivors
  • Support to the Lockettside Barricade Police LBP
  • Frequent actions:
    • Scout and patrol buildings and streets
    • Help, heal and coordinate efforts with other survivors
    • Revivificating with previous dna scan
    • Attack and kill Zombies
    • Defend from other attacks
    • Clear and barricating buildings
    • Protect Mast cellphone
    • Tagging important messages
    • Report to members, friends, allies and other survivors
    • Analize and study survivors and zombies for better strategies.
  • Report:
    • Barricade status
    • Revive Point status
    • Group member/allies status and location
    • Actions and current situation of friend survivors.
    • Mast cellphone status
    • Building breaks, zombie infestation, ransacked buildings
    • Scout and binocs info
    • Info about other local groups and his members
    • Generator and radio status inside buildings
    • Dead population outside nearing buildings
  • To carry on after supply:
    • 5 pistols, 3 shotguns and a lot of ammo.
    • 1 generator
    • mobilphone, binoculars, portable radio and flak jacket
    • 3 FAK's, 2 Revivification syringes and DNA stractor
    • fuelcan and spraycan
    • knive, axe and crowbar

Spanish.jpg España
Tarraco es Español
Spanish.jpg Spanish
This user is Spanish.
European flag.png European
This user is European.
Gun.jpg Military
This user is in the Military and is probably off trying to control the zombie outbreak.
Syringe.jpg Planned Revivification
This user or group supports
organized revivification.
Pkdaythumb.jpg Body Count
Tarraco has killed 66 zombies
Syringe.jpg Revivification Count
Tarraco has revivificated 33 survivors
RiverlogoS.gif Supporter of River Tactics
I flow into the void.
Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.