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Joined: 2007-08-11 23:59:18
Character class: Scientist (Necrotech)
Favorite equipment: Revivification Syringe
Character profile: 979452
Current status: Hiding out in Santlerville.

Vkhamull's Adventures in Malton

November 2007

  • November 20- Goodbye Quarlesbank! I must move east to meet up with the NR!
  • November 15- I was so busy re-cading and looking for a toolbox that I didn't revive any zeds today.
  • November 14- I combat revived 3 zombies inside the NT today. It continues to fall under attack..
  • November 13- I found my dream NT! Actually, 2 of them. Wait, nevermind. The other NT has been recovered. Now at least I have a back-up.
  • November 10- I'd better find another NT now; my favorite one's been ruined.
  • November 9- The situation looks helpless. No one is fending off the zeds, and they keep on coming!
  • November 8- Our NT got broken into; I stabbed zombies repeatedly and re-caded. Purchased Headshot.
  • November 7- Revived 2 zombies. I'm getting in the habit of adding mrh cows to my contacts list.
  • November 6- Revived 2 zombies.
  • November 5- Got revived, then revived a zombie, returning to Quarlesbank.
  • November 4- Mrh? Mrh? Mrh?
  • November 3- Moved to West Boundwood; revived a zombie. I then stabbed a rotter a few times and purchased Tagging.
  • November 2- Revived 2 zombies.
  • November 1- I revived 2 zombies, and ran out of syringes. A perfect start to the new month.

October 2007

  • October 31- The fog didn't really bother me, since I already memorized the locations of the NT and revive point. Now I can show those Rotters a thing or two with my newly-gained knife skills.
  • October 30- Revived 3 zombies, and found a few syringes. This time I cleared up the Cemetery.
  • October 29- Revived 3 zombies. The Boait Monument is now my primary target.
  • October 28- Revived 2 zombies.
  • October 27- Revived another zombie, had more luck than yesterday since the NT was lit.
  • October 26- Revived a zombie, and found no more syringes..
  • October 25- Moved north into Quarlesbank, searching for syringes.
  • October 24- Revived another zombie, ran out of syringes. This sucks.. Gatcombeton has no NT buildings..
  • October 23- Gatcombeton appears to be no better than Shuttlebank. I revived 2 zombies, but was stopped short by another rotter. Oh, and I got Shopping so that I can exploit Calvert Mall.
  • October 22- Yay, Gatcombeton! I made a syringe, helped secure a police station, and fell asleep in a junkyard. The scientist misses his blanket he left at the Railway Station.. *sniff*
  • October 21- Revived a few zombies, even though they were not at revive points. Why? Well, I scanned and checked their profiles, revealing that they had no zombie skills whatsoever. I thought the newbs might appreciate it..
  • October 20- I can't move south into Eastonwood; too many ruined buildings and no toolbox. So it's either west into Gatcombeton, or east into Yagoton. I think "the Catacombs" would be a more exciting place to stay.. got a few more syringes, no zeds at revive points.
  • October 19- Revived 2 zeds at Drake Walk (stupid rotter at cemetery), and healed a 1 HP survivor in a hospital. I am considering moving away from Shuttlebank for awhile, this is getting boring..
  • October 18- Revived 2 zeds, searched for syringes (too lazy to make them xD).
  • October 17- Spent the whole day making syringes and looking for FAK's.
  • October 16- Revived a zed at Look Rd, but the stupid rotter kept me from reviving more. I revived another one at the cemetery, and then returned to safehouse.
  • October 15- Combat-revived a few zombies. I only do that only when I'm bored xD
  • October 13- Revived another zombie at Look Road, then searched fruitlessly for FAK's..
  • October 12- Hah, today wasn't so bad. I revived a two zombies at the Cemetery, and another one at Look Road. Then I had enough experience to buy Diagnosis, yay!
  • October 11- So here's the start of my character's blog.. Today I got revived at a Cemetery, revived a zombie myself, then ran to the safehouse. Shuttlebank is a boring place to be.

Things That Vkhamull Likes to Do

Syringe.jpg Scientist
This user is a Scientist and is probably off reviving someone.
Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)
Syringe.jpg Planned Revivification
This user or group supports
organized revivification.
Handinhanddp1.png Pay It Forward Supporter
This User or Group Pays It Forward.
Get a revive, give a revive.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.