User talk:Spiderzed/Alts/Sally

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A correction or two for your records (in character)

I have Come to understand that Cobra is a thorough and well organized group. I am however unsure if the strike today was isolated or a sign of things to come (I am sure this will be clarified in fairly short order). I am further unsure if Cobra is a griefing organization or a group of straightforward PKers; accordingly, in the interest of accuracy and in the event that the latter is the case, I would like to make a couple of corrections to your records.

1. The image that you use is inaccurate; it is part of Heather propaganda and is actually Henry Kissinger. For a better image, see my user page. If you wish to satirically construct one on your own I will provide some guidelines:

A.	I am slightly over 30 (35 if you count cryo-stasis time)
B.	I do wear glasses but they are small and circular
C.	I does not slouch (satiric representations of snobbery are more apropos) 

Beyond this, feel free to be creative if you wish.

2. As to your reference to the fugitive, while partly correct, I have not been all over Malton but merely in Wyke and surrounding suburbs where my help was requested with the restoration effort. We moved here for a time following our experiment on the dynamics of the fort. I am a proud man but even I must at some point recognize a fool’s errand, and that is what Whittenside is until survivors once more take an interest in it.

3. This is more of a cautionary note, you use the words “Join the conflict” in reference to the Heathers. You may wish to be careful as this word choice insinuates the Heathers and the FU are in some way working together. While I am willing to incur the ire of the Ferals with such statements, you may wish to refrain from making them if you value the friendly relations you have with the FU.

4. Finally, you seem to have two people confused; this may explain the picture you used. I am a Necrowatch technician (and a skilled one if I do say so myself) but your reference to the “panty Shoppe” and the slogan “better deviance…through science” are in error. The individual you have me confused with is Dr. Albert Schwan. The mistake is easy to make but I assure you he is actually very little like me though I believe the Heathers used a part of my genetic makeup to construct him. I believe he was last seen near Crowbank.

Should you intent be to grief me, feel free to disregard this message and carry on as usual. Should it be to keep a file on me, I respect the wish to do so and please feel free to inquire further should Cobra require any additional information.

Yours in Science,

--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  23:22, 21 August 2010 (BST)

Fair enough

Thank you for your response Ms. Summers, I do believe that answers some of my questions about Cobra, your group page is a bit cryptic on many details. As to your RG reports, I will be posting one of them soon but the other was lost owing to a record keeping error on my part. Should you wish there to be two reports, I am afraid you will have to deliver a repeat performance. I am out of the area at the moment but will return within the space of a week or two. Should you wish to meet me, I will be at one of the NTs in Wyke hills following my return: most likely the Needs Building or Wicksted. I would ask though out of courtesy to the general populace, those whom Cobra would rule, that you refrain from striking me in Wicksted as to do so will tax the rot revival effort unnecessarily and punish the rot survivors: a class of people already too much persecuted by zombies and survivors alike . Should you find me there, rest assured, I will remove to Needs within a reasonable amount of time.

As to your charge of poor fashion sense, my clothes match, are usually clean, and are standard issue for NT personnel. Even the Heathers complimented me in their first not on the appropriateness of my attire. If Cobra takes issue with the uniform, I suggest that a more direct road to a solution would be to take it up with Necrotech leadership. And as to your charge of “Douchbaggery”, I am familiar with the charge and have grown tired of combating it. Therefore, I will not. Believe of me as you will.

Finally, I must say that I find it paradoxical that I was killed for reporting to the RG in order that I might report to the RG. You will note that the people I have reported are primarily of the Heathers and, while you say that the RG “label freedom fighters as terrorists” I would argue that the Heathers are by no stretch of the imagination freedom fighters. They serve no higher cause as you do; their claim to serve fashion is laughable at best and they do not even serve the cause of chaos. They are a weapon that sometimes wields itself and harms all of Malton—zombies, survivors, and the trans-mortal. The best thing for Malton is for them to be ignored, which is generally my tactic. Still, many others find purpose in attempting to correct or Hunt them and I cannot begrudge them this. It is for them that I report and for those others who the Heathers would hold under their many sociopathic thumbs for no reason other than to do it.

Cobra operates in accordance with its convictions and I can respect that. The Heathers operate in direct opposition to any convictions they claim to hold (their charity medical aid group Team IceCream who do not actually aid any wounded being the most recent example). For these reasons and in the interest of accuracy I still request that, whatever you decide to do in reference to me or my group to further your cause, do not further theirs by including their images, information, or propaganda on any records you keep of me.

If we are in agreement on this, I will happily meet you in The Needs building to help you replace the record that I lost upon my return to the area.

Yours in science,

--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  23:32, 24 August 2010 (BST)


You misunderstand. I am well aware of the code of conduct you mention. I do not intend to incite violence against the Heathers from anyone without their own reasons for attacking them. Those who wish to attack them, I will aid if asked. I was merely attempting to articulate my distaste for anything to do with them as background information explaining my request that you remove their material from your records and refrain from using it should you plan to kill me in future.

--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  00:30, 26 August 2010 (BST)

Malton Beauty Pageant

Hello, going through the discussion page I noticed that you expressed interest in the Beauty Pageant. I am wondering if you still are if so, would you want to represent a group or just go as yourself? --Mindlessidiots 23:48, 18 October 2010 (BST)

Your Hundreth Kill

I bet you can't get me... -EstacadoTalk 01:29, 1 December 2010 (UTC)

I have already a number of high-profile heads on my short list. You don't come even close to being on it. --Sally A. Summers i Ω i 21:03, 1 December 2010 (UTC)

Yay! Sally hits her century! I hope I get my 50th soon. And I hope I get that Hello Kitty shotgun I've always wanted too. ♥ Cutey Snugglekins ♥ 16:13, 14 December 2010 (UTC)

User Page

I can haz templates in one row? --Kirsty cotton 14:50, 25 December 2010 (UTC)

I can haz new link colored red/dark red and larger font? Also, I will most likely be needing help on my second page, I'll try to steal the formatting from the main one, but not sure how that will work out. --Kirsty cotton 20:34, 25 December 2010 (UTC)

aww you fucker

you protected the page... i had my vandal pants on and everything! -- The preceding signed comment was added by these amazing looking

bitch 00:47 5 April 2011 (UTC)


I am stealing most of this page's coding for User:Axe Hack/Yuki Onna sometime in the next few days. Enough said. :P --Axe Hack Talk 06:54, 23 November 2011 (UTC)


I thanked you over at LNTVC's talk page, but thought I should here as well.--SarahSig.png 15:57, 27 March 2013 (UTC)

now that I'm back.

fix yogs page up if you feel like it. yes i'm drubnk.--User:Sexualharrison02:44, 2 August 2013 hic.

La cucaracha, la cucaracha, ya no puede programar, porque le falta, porque no tiene guaro pa' beber. --Sally A. Summers i Ω i 18:25, 2 August 2013 (BST)

Sally A Summers slapped you with a newspaper.

Oi, that hurt! How dare you disrespect a loyal soldier of King Jerden like that! I'll cut you for that, bitch! You see this axe? 10% chance it cuts that pretty face right in half. Who do you think you ar- *looks at Rouges Gallery* oh... um... forget I said anything. *backs away slowly* --Crystal HarrakLoyal soldier of Jerden 23:13, 16 October 2013 (BST)

PK thanks & screenie

Hey! Thanks for adding me to your ever-growing PK list — and how did you know 411 is one of my favorite numbers? In any case, here's a dumbwit of the PK from my perspective, if you have any use for it (or just want to relive the memories). Cheers! Bob Moncrief EBDW! 14:38, 8 May 2016 (UTC)

Thank you ^^ And I see that you already reported it. Malton will tremble again at the sound of my name! --Sally A. Summers i Ω i 15:30, 8 May 2016 (UTC)