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While D.I.T.P.S always encourages all its members to remain vigilant and provide medical support to the citizens of Dulston, we should never forget about decor. Everyone else is reminded to watch '''Hospital Designer Guys''', which is on at 6:00 PM every Friday.
While D.I.T.P.S always encourages all its members to remain vigilant and provide medical support to the citizens of Dulston, we should never forget about decor. Everyone else is reminded to watch '''Hospital Designer Guys''', which is on at 6:00 PM every Friday.
'''October 23rd, 2008''' - [http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=686098 Deathwire] reported, "I was hanging inside of a junkyard in [[Rhodenbank]] for about a week. I declared myself Emperor of Junkitopia and threw cans at anyone who came in. Our economy was very prosperous having been based entirely on bottle caps. At this time, I left the place in the charge of the Parliamentary Council of Junkitopia. We can only hope that the damned Nationalist Crushed Car Party is kept in check by the Greater Good Party of Junkitopia..."
For those of you who are under the impression that every D.I.T.P.S news report of late has in fact only been the unstable ramblings of Deathwire, well, you would be right. I mean, that's all we're doing. Then again, it's not like you have any better to do or you wouldn't be here reading this.

'''October 10th, 2008''' - [http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=686098 Deathwire] reported, "Pow, right in the kisser!
'''October 10th, 2008''' - [http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=686098 Deathwire] reported, "Pow, right in the kisser!

Revision as of 13:17, 24 October 2008

Dulston Infection Treatment and Prevention Squad

Front Desk - DITPS News Reports - Medical Staff - Procedures & Policies

News & Historical Events

All news posters are reminded to place the most current news items at the top so that older news items are moved downwards. Important news items require the poster to sign them in order to add validity to the claim. Unsigned urgent news posts by unknown users will be ignored and/or deleted at our discretion.

Please note that news entries are not always kept up-to-date, so inactivity here does not signify the demise of our group. Readers are instead directed to check the official DITPS forum or the member group forum section as provided within the Dulston Alliance's main forum.

Above all else, keep the new informative and interesting. Or funny. Or all of the above.

October 24th, 2008 - Deathwire reported the following from Anne General Hospital, "Business as usual for the DITPS. Both of our hospitals are back up and running. We'll break out the flight suits and 'Mission Success' banners shortly."

While D.I.T.P.S always encourages all its members to remain vigilant and provide medical support to the citizens of Dulston, we should never forget about decor. Everyone else is reminded to watch Hospital Designer Guys, which is on at 6:00 PM every Friday.

October 23rd, 2008 - Deathwire reported, "I was hanging inside of a junkyard in Rhodenbank for about a week. I declared myself Emperor of Junkitopia and threw cans at anyone who came in. Our economy was very prosperous having been based entirely on bottle caps. At this time, I left the place in the charge of the Parliamentary Council of Junkitopia. We can only hope that the damned Nationalist Crushed Car Party is kept in check by the Greater Good Party of Junkitopia..."

For those of you who are under the impression that every D.I.T.P.S news report of late has in fact only been the unstable ramblings of Deathwire, well, you would be right. I mean, that's all we're doing. Then again, it's not like you have any better to do or you wouldn't be here reading this.

October 10th, 2008 - Deathwire reported, "Pow, right in the kisser! Finished off a zombie in Anacletus with my fists."

A little known fact: Deathwire was five-time Little League state boxing champ when he was but a wee one. Later in life he abandoned his love of boxing in favour of studying medicine. No one knows why. Some say that to this day he can often be seen shadow boxing his way down hospital hallways, or when drunk, occasionally knocking out patients with his deadly left hook. Some might ask him why, but that's just the way he likes it. What do you mean that last sentence made no sense? I'll make no sense out of you! Fight! Fight!

September 29th, 2008 - In a trend of, 'Not doing what we normally do', here is a report from Dr. Martin Arrowsmith, "Today, I made my first triple kill--three zombies in Anacletus, all in a row, then all dumped. Makes me think back to when I could barely hold a gun, much less pull the trigger. Ah, I think it might have been that seminar on pistol-surgery."

This is how we like our reports. Long. Filled with unnecessary information. And awesome!

September 27th, 2008 - In D.I.T.P.S many of our staff often make reports on the status of various buildings and peoples. This helps to facilitate a stronger tactical awareness of both the medical and safehouse situation in Dulston to the entire group. Usually we don't post those reports here. Today we decided otherwise. Healer computer2slow reported, "Anne breached. 5 inside. I took out 2 and then ran away screaming like a little girl."

This is how we like our reports. Short. To the point. And funny.

September 21st, 2008 - Deathwire was witnessed at the Battle of Anne General Hospital as having, and I quote, "Fought with the strength of TEN wisps!". Truly a stunning revelation. Healer computer2slow, who was a zombie at the time, recounted the scene, "(I was intent on) standing outside and scratching the eyes out of any zombies that came by, (but when I) got there Deathwire was outside at 10 health. As a former doctor I took a look and it didn't look so good."

September 16th, 2008 - D.I.T.P.S wanted to advise its staff to keep an eye out for Whitlock WIZARD, who... unlike his name and group affiliation indicates, is not actually a member of WIZARD. This not only makes him a killer, but a liar as well. His mother must be very sad. The following report from the Inman Building reveals the crime in all its terrible glory and is therefore deemed unsuitable for young children, the elderly, and lamas. Viewer discretion is advised.

August 26th, 2008 - Through a taxing war of attrition, a mob of 24 zombies finally managed to overwhelm Anne General Hospital's defenses and finished off the remaining survivors left inside the building. This was considered by many to have been a truly gruesome fight for the control of hospital with D.I.T.P.S members in the forefront of the fighting. It rumored that Deathwire, the hospital Chief of Staff, declared in his best General Douglas MacArthur voice, "I shall return". Setting in motion plans for the eventual retaking of the hospital by our team of highly-trained professionals. Now if only that "profession" were military oriented then that would probably have meant a lot more in this case.

"These rumours about myself saying 'I shall return' hold some truth. While it's true I did say something as I left Anne General, it was less an impression General MacArthur but rather a string of profanity followed by threats and the like." -Deathwire on the subject of the General Douglas MacArthur rumour.

June 25th, 2008 - A deranged killer and ex-D.I.T.P.S member gone rogue, Perzeus, snuck into Anne General Hospital and murdered our beloved leaders, Deathwire (as seen here) and Flyte (as seen here). No doubt this disgruntled former employee needed more hugs as a child. Let that be a lesson to all parents: hug your children to prevent them from become homicidal sociopaths!

March 17th, 2008 - Anne General has, on the momentous day, achieved artistic glory. What do we mean? Well apparently so much artwork has been placed within the hospital that there is simply no more room for anything else. It's literally packed with artwork, mostly in the form of African Statues. With so much artwork here everyone inside the hospital by now must be irradiated with high levels of culture. Local science staff are curious whether this may lead to a higher consumption of fine wines and cheese by hospital staff.

February 19th, 2008 - D.I.T.P.S is fighting hard to hold onto St. Anacletus's Hospital against a zombie mob beating on our doors, which has been the case ever since the Second Big Bash came to Dulston. While most the Dulston Alliance continues efforts to reclaim northeast Malton from Pescodside, our members prefer to stay in the very heart of the conflict and provide much needed assistance to stranded survivors in zombie-infested Dulston. There is always a greater risk when working for the greater good. At this time there are 22 zombies outside the hospital, and another 2-3 zombies inside. Are we worried? Nah.

January 15th, 2008 - Defective Swarm ran off away to Pitneybank. That's right! Run away! This has led to unprecedented safety and security at DITPS hospitals across Dulston.

December 25th, 2007 - At this special time of year Deathwire showed his Christmas spirit by launching presents across Dulston, at high velocity, from his specially designed rooftop catapult. Many children woke up surprised to find various gifts lying among the broken glass of the bedroom windows or lodged firmly in the walls outside their safehouses. It was a Christmas miracle! No, not really.

November 21st, 2007 - As hard-hitting news was few and far between, this news item instead focuses on less factual news... news one might instead refer to as "tabloid rumor". The rumor mill recently uncovered a potentially scandalous romance taking place between renowned doctor and leader of the DITPS, Flyte, and Hannah Montanna, a member of Defective Swarm. Flyte denied these rumors with his standard "No comment! Are you on drugs?". We wish. Anywho, official comment aside, a past romantic scandal between Flyte and SweetHikari, a short-tempered former vandal, indicated that Flyte might be attracted to bad girls... or that bad girls are attracted to him. Either way, any romantic connection between Flyte and Hannah would no doubt be doomed as Flyte is known for healing people, while Hannah simply prefers to eat them.

When asked to comment, noted NecroTech scientist Caleb Usher had this to say, "Hmm? What? How does this have anything to do with my study into Quantum Theory and Applied Thermodynamics in the Malton Incident? Are you even supposed to be at this meeting? Security!" It's believed that Caleb may have been concealing what facts he knew in order to help protect Flyte's standing within DITPS.

November 15th, 2007 - On the topic of recent death threats made against him, Deathwire had the following to say, "Dirty Rockstar said she is going to kill me for 'being a douche'. I dare say she is the douche and should kill herself instead, but I am a gentleman and will ergo only make fun of her and call her a failure at life should I ever find her trying to kill me."

November 11th, 2007 - On this day did soberdoc, the long lost son of DITPS, return back into the fold after having departed many days ago. Actually sometime last week to be specific. With the disbandment of his friend's group, The Lone Wolves, a group whose very name implied that working together as a group was doomed to failure, he has once more rejoined DITPS. And now that he has returned he will never leave again, not because of any emotional bonds, but rather iron chains. Mmm-yes. Members only ever get one chance to escap-err leave DITPS. After that they can expect a lifetime of slavery servitude service to the community.

November 9th, 2007 - It what is being termed a "recruitment drive" 4 new survivors joined the ranks of the DITPS within the past few days. While none of the group's leadership were on hand to comment noted Necrotech scientist Caleb Usher did provide a few words, "Seriously, D.I.T.P.S? It should be D.I.T.P.S. instead. After all it's an acronym of Dulston Infection Treatment and Prevention Squad, so you would need that final period at the end. It only makes sense right? Hmmm? What? Ah yes, well, I suppose I should commend them on the great job they've done with hiring so many new medical staff and expanding to Blaise General Hospital. I'm certain that the Dulston Alliance appreciates their efforts, even if their name is spelled incorrectly."

October 31st, 2007 - Halloween at DITPS HQ was celebrated with Jack-o-lanterns, candies, and good-natured mocking of the local (failed) zombie group, Defective Swarm. Of course it's not all fun and games, as in the past week Deathwire has been killed twice by surprisingly concentrated efforts from local zombies. His reponse?: "Yeah, I think the Defectives are going to try and kill me again today. You kill me twice and try to attack my hospital twice? It's f**king go time! So I spray painted D.I.T.P.S Headquarters, Defective Swarm = Fail inside Anne General and then went outside to see all the dead bodies of the Defectives. What else could I say but, 'Failure is piling up around here'. Oh yeah, feel the rage from Deathwire. Taste the rage of the pacifist."

And here we have a photogrpah taken by Arrowsmith, as proof of the DITPS' participation in the Dulston Alliance Halloween Zombie Bash:


October 29th, 2007 - Civil unrest within DITPS has settled down as the general boredom which spawned Deathwire's revolution has instead been refocused to deal with the new threat presented by Defective Swarm. Of course the DITPS use the word "threat" figuratively. Even so, any definitive victory by Defective Swarm might set a bad precedence, like 2+2=5 or something. The very notion that they might prove successful as a zombie group defies long held beliefs and standardized logic.

October 24th, 2007 - Further reports of the uprising have indicated that there has so far been absolutely no bloodshed. In truth it appears that Arrowsmith in St. Anacletus's Hospital and Deathwire in Anne General Hospital have apparently limited their war to campaign-like rethoric which has only served to confuse non-aligned survivors staying at both hospitals.

In response to Arrowsmith's latest claims Deathwire is reported to have stated, "In my eternal wisdom I have placed a catapult on our roof. I'm not a doctor, but rather a physicist, so what else would you expect of me? Did I mention that I know how to make pipe bombs? In a matter of hours, Anacletus will be bombarded with hundreds of pipe bombs, which will cut power to Flyte's office... probably. Once Flyte's office is powerless, Anacletus will become undesirable."

"Join Deathwire for the greater good! The coming days will be tragic and filled with blood, but I am a true leader! How many times have you people worked harder just to try and prove me wrong? How many of you have used that rage I gave you towards slaying zombies? Look at Arrowsmith! He has no ability to lead! When has Arrowsmith ever fueled a rage induced zombie slaughter or had you lot perform excellent medical service out of spite? Join Deathwire for the greater good, or I'll f**king kill you."

In what has now been deemed 'pure insanity' the speeches raged onwards with Arrowsmith providing this rebuttal, "Deathwire will kill each and every one of you anyway! While I've already made my point, consider this: do you want your death slow and painful at his hands, or take a risk to destroy a monster? Do you want your children and their children to endure the tyrant you endure today? Or do we turn on him now by pushing that catapult off the roof? No more acid baths, only sandwiches and back massages from now on."

"Listen to that tyrant: the 'greater good?' And who decides what that greater good is? You? If my death be for the greater good, let Dulston decide that, not one man. I preach forgiveness, and he--he only speaks of death and suffering. Deathwire's right. I'm not a leader. I'm a hero! My life will be an example for each of you... something that he will never do. Even if I'm struck down today, my memory will inspire countless other heroes after me. You will never be free of the spirit of Arrowsmith."

October 23rd, 2007 - The belief that DITPS was governed by kind and wise leadership was forever dashed when, shortly after Flyte assigned Arrowsmith to administer over St. Anacletus's Hospital and then departed on a private mall tour, Deathwire instigated an uprising. Reports have it that he stood atop the front desk at St. Anacletus's Hospital and declared, "Flyte is gone... REVOLUTION! Marsh, join me and you will be made Head of Secret Police! Soberdoc, join me and you will be given a proper Rusty Needle mascot costume. Robicus, join me because I'm your bestest friend! I'm the Doc... you can stay on Flyte's side. Take down Arrowsmith! The crowd calls for blood! Smelt down the iron in Anacletus' hospital and use the rubble as a foundation for the statue of Deathwire! Someone start printing out posters with the phrase: Deathwire is watching, on them! REVOLUTION! My dream of taking over something using fascism and then revamping it to be socialism will finally come true damn it!"

When asked to comment on this sudden turn of events Arrowsmith stated, "Ha! Bring it! I've been predicting this! He must not have noticed the new sentry guns in the lobby. And snipers on the roof! But, perhaps the best countermeasure I've prepared are the quarantine posters asking "Have you seen this man?", with Deathwire's photo on them. The poster calls for all people to stay far away from him, as he's carrying a lethal and horrible virus. Who is going to believe Deathwire, what with my reputation as a doctor?"

October 18th, 2007 - In a surprising turn of events Flyte, the DITPS Chief Medical Officer, was murdered by a member of Defective Swarm. While this is not startling in and of itself, the fact that the kill was only achieved when the group sent in a living and breathing death cultist member indicates a certain level of ineptitude in their efforts as a zombie group. To this end, it is believed that these steps were taken by them only after previous attempts to breach the hospital's defenses as zombies had failed miserably. When asked to comment, Flyte calmly stated, "Funny how Infected Swarm resorted to assassinating me and then glorified themselves for killing a group leader, when I killed 3 of them last week in their true zombie forms..."

October 14th, 2007 - A zombie break-in at the Trood Building was (almost/practically) single-handedly countered by the notoriously stigmatized Arrowsmith. When asked about it he had this to say, "Good thing I checked in; I'd probably be dead if not for Soberdoc's warning. I had a few shotguns and pistols ready for just such an occasion. With a mighty shout of 'ARGH! DIE DIE DIE DIE!' and a blaze of slow-motion gun fire, the zombies all died. Well, I had help with one of them. It was glorious. You should all be jealous for not witnessing such an amazing event. I'm still shaking, it was so awesome. Trood NT is safe again. I'm going home to AGH for coffee. And donuts."

For those who doubt the validity of Arrowsmith's report they are asked to instead rely on the more accurate eyewitness account that can be found here.

October 7th, 2007 - Several days after the Anne General Hospital Staff and other brave survivors repelled the massive zombie horde standing outside, celebrations have finally seemed to have died down. With the Infected Swarm broadcasting on the radio lately and trying to act like they are actually worth noticing, the D.I.T.P.S are prepared to mock the Infected Swarm in their efforts to destroy our fair suburb. With D.I.T.P.S staff comments like, "The Infected Swarm have no large zombie group to support them. I doubt they'll be able to do anything noticeable..." and "Their only attack right now seems to be making threats over the radio..." it was evident there was little fear of the zombies or whatever they could throw our way. --Deathwire

September 21st, 2007 - In what many DITPS members have filed under "H" for "Hilarious", the currently understaffed Anne General Hospital has managed to hold out against a zombie mob that outnumbers them 3:1. Deathwire, who asked not to be quoted, but was anyway, had this (not) to say, "The zombies think they're all great, with their, ' look at us, we're a horde, we've killed Deathwire, and ruined his lab coat because we're bastards ', but they're nothing more than a bunch of slackers! They break in, kill a couple people and then just sit there. We took back our hospital from them in the first place because they're lazy bums! I keep telling them to get jobs, but all they do is linger around outside of buildings trying to break in. What the hell is wrong with them!?! By the way, don't quote me on this."

September 19th, 2007 - Despite previous zombie attempts to seize our recently retaken headquarters, it has remained in the hands of the survivors. A particularly vicious battle went on for several hours inside the hospital earlier today. All zombie forces were repelled however leaving the majority of the survivors wounded and causing several to rout. --Deathwire

September 15th, 2007 - D.I.T.P.S. medical staff are reminded that they are required to work two full shifts at their assigned hospital regardless of personal or medical conditions. This policy was recently underlined in the following emergency staff conversation:

M. Arrowsmith: "Help me. I'm dead at Duport. I'll be your best-friend?" (15 Sep 07, 16:41)
Deathwire: "Revive yourself you slacker!" (15 Sep 07, 16:56)

August 12th, 2007 - After a daring counterattack, Anne General Hospital has been retaken by the D.I.T.P.S. Zombie resistance was barely existent, as only one zombie managed to assault the hospital. The hour was late and the other zombies are probably still unaware of the combat situation. Whether or not the hospital will remain in our hands tomorrow is another question. --Deathwire

August 10th, 2007 - Anne General, D.I.T.P.S Headquarters, has been invaded by a large horde of zombies. Anyone inside should evacuate the building and report to St. Anacletus's Hospital for medical aid. Deathwire

June 6th, 2007 - It appears that the zombie count has increased quite a bit around the area of Anne General Hospital, causing several break-ins and many survivors to be dragged on to the streets by the zombies. The D.I.T.P.S security will do all that they can to keep the casualties to a minimum and our trained doctors will try their hardest to assist the innocents despite this time of crisis. Deathwire

May 2nd, 2007 - Tough times are ahead it seems, as the Dulston Destruction Tour seems to be coming closer and closer to causing problems. So far two members of the D.I.T.P.S were unjustly murdered while on the job by a PKer, though she failed to take a third victim out when she targeted a member of the security team. It goes without saying that she was executed in self-defense. These attacks will not demoralize us and we shall continue to do our job despite assassination attempts. We shall not surrender to these terrorists and will continue supplying Dulston will it's medical needs. Deathwire

April 24th, 2007 - While danger levels rise in Dulston, the DITPS field team is engaged in the battle for Yagoton. For the past couple weeks they have been providing medical assistance to survivors besieged in the Whatmore NT building and around Bale Mall. The mall itself has changed hands numerous times. John Harbor

April 6th, 2007 - Our ranks continue to swell as recruitment keeps going strong. The DITPS field team has deployed to Chancelwood to assist with revive operations in the neighboring suburbs. John Harbor

March 23rd, 2007 - Things are moving quickly as DITPS recruitment has spiked over the past week. Persistent hard work and outreach is paying off. As a result, we're happy to announce that we'll be staffing St. Anacletus's Hospital as well. The DITPS Field Team has be assigned to assist with the expansion, but if things keep going well the Field Team will be able to move out soon. John Harbor

March 12th, 2007 - The DITPS Wiki has been overhauled, which I must say blends the colours of purple and lighter purple nicely. Several new members have been brought in and business as usual continues. -- Deathwire

March 7th, 2007 - The DITPS has been offered to join the Dulston Alliance and we have accepted this great honor. The DITPS continues to grow, its members continue to gain experience, and our great deeds for the suburb of Dulston will be long remember by its people. -- Flyte

February 13th, 2007 - Dulston, normally being a quiet, peaceful neighborhood is now a suburb full of disaster. Zombies have plagued the northeastern corner of Dulston and many have fallen victim to their assaults. Even Treweeke Mall's entry point buildings have been overrun, bringing panic to many survivors in the greater Dulston area. The DITPS, with what living members it has left, are working hard to hold their HQ and revive those who have fallen to the scourge. -- Flyte

February 5th, 2007 - A new operation to begin recruiting new and experienced survivors of all kinds has begun in the suburb Rolt Heights. Two of our dedicated and great field team have set out to find new members and help bring medical aid to Rolt Heights. -- Flyte

January 23rd, 2007 - The DITPS is still continuing its operations in Pescodside and Dulston, but a couple field members have decided to move into Rolt Heights and check on the situation in that suburb. -- Flyte

January 12th, 2007 - After several break-ins and general havoc, Anne General Hospital has managed to regain complete control of the situation. Several set backs have hurt our Pescodside operation though, but we shall perservere. -- Deathwire

January 8th, 2007 - The DITPS has been called upon by the Pescodside Defense Alliance to assist them in reviving people and patrolling the nearby area of the Holt Building. Emergency personnel have been rallied together by Flyte in an effort to forge an alliance between the DITPS and the PDA, but most of all to help the survivors of Malton! -- Flyte

January 5th, 2007 - Our group forum is now ready and open to the public. There still may be editing going on within the forums, so bear with the Moderation crew in the meantime. The link to the forums is here. All DITPS members are asked to register so you can participate in current group discussion. When new members join the forum they will not initially have access to the DITPS main forum until I have promoted them, so please be patient. Anyone looking to join up, please follow the recruitment policy. -- Flyte

January 3rd, 2007 - Hope everyone is recovering from New Years Eve and is enjoying a great new year overall. As of right now, Anne General Hospital is being maintained at VS+2 barricades, which is a great accomplishment since over-barricading is still a problem in Dulston. So all of the survivors without free running should find safety here at the hospital, so please head over there now if you are looking for somewhere to rest. Also, the D.I.T.P.S forum will be soon be operational. So stay tuned. -- Flyte

December 31st, 2006 - Happy New Year everyone! Keep on fighting for peace in Malton! -- Flyte

December 28th, 2006 - Rumors of a zombie assault on Dulston have shaken survivors resting in the Pegrum PD of late, but so far have not amounted to anymore than common feral zombies. Even so, zombies could still sweep through our streets like a fatal dark cloud, so stay alert. -- Sycerica

December 26th, 2006 - Well, yesterday was Christmas and I hope everyone had a great day and got everything that they wanted! I am still hearing rumors of zombies coming to Dulston, but nothing has been confirmed yet. Our group is still looking to join the Dulston Alliance and find more members. Please apply if you are interested we would be happy to have you. :) -- Flyte

December 22nd, 2006 - Nott Auto Repair was broken into recently. Medical personnel, namely Flyte and Deathwire, were on-call to help the survivors inside. Deathwire healed and cured infections; while Flyte later healed the rest and barricaded the building with the little AP he had remaining. -- Flyte

December 17th, 2006 - Shacknews doesn't have plans to come to Dulston, but the RRF have made a post about peaceful suburbs and one of them that they mention is Dulston. We do not know when they will be coming, but we will certainly be prepared when they do. -- Flyte

December 14th, 2006 - Seems that the zombies are all at Giddings Mall ransacking it now, heh. We have grown in size since our beginning and we wish to grow larger, so anyone interested please let one of us know! :) We are still holding up our hospital (although no one likes keeping it at only VS+2 barricades). -- Flyte

December 11th, 2006 - Our group has just registered to protect and upkeep Anne General Hospital and we have also made it our main HQ. Any medical treatment that is needed in the area can be gained here. We will keep the barricades at VS+2 so anyone can enter. -- Flyte

December 10th, 2006 - The raid is still just a rumor and the Dulston Alliance has advised everyone to believe what they want to, but not take everything they see posted in Treweeke Mall seriously yet. -- Flyte

December 9th, 2006 - We are currently preparing for a zombie raid which has been rumored with upwards of 500+ zombies. Once this raid has ended and Dulston is in the survivor control again, we will find a main HQ to reside in. -- Flyte