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Members may have alternate characeters, but we ask that these characters do not have any form of direct, indirect, or third person interaction or communication with your Section 13 character at any point.
Members may have alternate characeters, but we ask that these characters do not have any form of direct, indirect, or third person interaction or communication with your Section 13 character at any point.

===No DEM===
===No [[DEM]]===

The only Law in Malton is the law of survival, that between life and undeath.  Our members are bound by only this and thier loyalty to Section 13.  We will not allow DEM to so much as sleep in our safehouses, beware.
The only Law in Malton is the law of survival, that between life and undeath.  Our members are bound by only this and thier loyalty to Section 13.  We will not allow DEM to so much as sleep in our safehouses, beware.

Revision as of 20:41, 17 June 2009

Section 13
Section 13
Abbreviation: S13
Group Numbers: 11
Leadership: Group Consensus
Goals: ----
  • Survival.
  • Establish a highly organized, large scale survivor group.
  • Disrepute the DEM.
Recruitment Policy: Direct, in-game or Our forums
Contact: 26.31MHz

Our forums

know what you are talking about Short-wave Radio Info
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.

Frequency: 26.94 MHz
Transmitter Coordinates: XX,YY

Section 13 profile

For it's members Section 13 offers Missions, Challenges, Tours, and Mini-Games (or compititions). Section 13 was created to make Urban Dead more fun, and to let group members have a say.

In addition the Command style and group goals allow flexibility, advancement, and role-play, along with the opportunity to contribute to the developement of the group.

The "Section" is made of different units or sub-groups. Each sub-group is independantly formed and run by memebers of Section 13, see The Wolfhounds, and Delta Squad as examples.

Section 13 also accepts, PK'ers, GK'ers, RK'ers, and survivors with brain rot. We let our members play how they want!


A highly organized group of Malton Survivors, who have taken their losses and learned survival is only a minor victory. Section 13 reveal their organizational structures to insiders only. Section 13 will not hesitate to eliminate persons, practices, or objects that threaten or interfere with Members, objectives, or priorities.

Our Story

"We have been here since the beginning. We all grew up from tykes, playing in the parks, racing our bikes down the street. We grew up into businessmen, artisans, bakers, butchers, house painters and plumbers. We worked in the mills, in offices, we lived and made careers and families in Malton, the whole time thinking, 'why would you ever want to leave?'. Now, no one gets out."

Since the outbreak and quarantining of Malton, We her citizens have witnessed the decay of her culture, and institutions. We have seen her community and law deteriorate completely. We have come to learn those who hold some sort of executive authority - practicing their regulations and laws - over the heads of Maltons remaining citizens are not else but fraudulent madmen, who's perverse thoughts of power stem only from the trauma they have experienced inside The Quarantine.

The police, the fire department, the military, even the hospitals and their doctors, all of the true civil servants died. They all died in the first few weeks of The Outbreak - fighting the undead, fighting to protect people they didn't know. Either spread thin or huddled all in one place, day by day the became fewer until some clown realized he could walk into a police station and no one was there to stop him from playing dress-up.

Our Mandate

Survival is our Highest priority.

We fight. We fight only for the person next to us, and only if they are Section 13. We look after our own and only our own, and this is what keeps us alive.

Although pro-survivor we do not recognize the MPD, MCDU, Malton Marshals, or the DEM as a whole and other law enforcement branches and groups. Stating that the law in Malton was destroyed at the begining of the outbreak, and said groups are imposters.

New to Malton?

Section 13 now offers commitment free training and instruction to survivors new to malton through Delta Squad. See the Delta Squad page for our goals and mission statement.


Section 13 has very few group policies, reflecting the opinion that members should be allowed to play in-character and how they like. Any group wide policies will be listed below, all others are considered subjective, and to the individuals discretion.

Alt. Zero Tolerance

Alts are NOT allowed in Section 13. Maintianing alts within the same group, organization, or alliance is considered an act of zerging, and alt abuse. This is another reason why the DEM (and offiliates) suck our ass, they are all blatant trenchy zergers!

Members may have alternate characeters, but we ask that these characters do not have any form of direct, indirect, or third person interaction or communication with your Section 13 character at any point.


The only Law in Malton is the law of survival, that between life and undeath. Our members are bound by only this and thier loyalty to Section 13. We will not allow DEM to so much as sleep in our safehouses, beware.

Their authority is false, and self imposed. Their alt policy breaks the one true law.

Bounty Hunters

S13 does not allow bounty hunters, and will not tolerate them in our safehouses. Got PK'ed? Settle your own score, or stop crying about it. find youself a revive and move on with your life.

Dual Nature Policy

Dual play? A-OK!!!! Section 13 endorses dual nature play to the fullest. Undead? go eat someone!!! There have been instances during break-ins and seiges where our members have been dragged into the street, and returned the same night to kill someone in the very building they were protecting as a human.

Membership and Recruitment


All Section 13 candidates, and external applicants must be sponsored by a current member. A Section 13 member can select the candidate, and deliver a 'pitch' to evaluate the candidates level of interest.

An external applicant is a person who has not been actively recruited by a S13 member, but has stated an interested in joining. These external applicant will need to gain the trust of a Section 13 member and gain sponsorship.

The Oath

Once deciding to join, all aplicants will be given instructions on swearing an oath of loyalty. This is preformed infront of the Section 13 Chaplain, once sworn in all members are held to their oath untill discharged.

Known imposters and deserters alike will be diciplined by the whole of Section 13.

Awards and Commendations

In an effort to recognize the time, commitment, contributions, and battle-hardiness of its members, Section 13 has developed a series of awards and commendations, or medals.

These medals are awarded in three categories to signify the different areas of performance, Service, Bravery, and Leadership. In each category medals are given a level of prestige from preliminary to elite class awards, which are given only with the greatest actions and highest praise of fellow S13 members.

Unlike other groups these are not given for the simple act of achieving a new level or learning a skill, but are awarded for singular acts, consistency, or performance in a mission or theater of operations in-game.

Honour Hall

An internal document is kept that lists all members of Section 13 who's sense of duty, and loyalty; along with singular acts and consistent demonstration of valiance, has earned them a place of distinction. These are there names, and the commendations awarded to them. Section 13 members are given the option to publicly display their commendations (adding the medals to their Urban Dead character description)

Kill On Sight List

If any of the persons listed are spotted please update their name with location (building name and co-ords)and date. If any heads are collected, please feel free to post a link under the wanted's description and charges to a screen shot of your kill. Awards will be posted later.

Adam C Moore

Wanted on charges of desertion. Moore was declared AWOL after reciveing orders for his first mission, attempts to contact him through S13 radio frequencies resulted in no response. for neglect of Duty, and cowardice, Adam C Moore is to be treated as a deserter and killed on sight.

Private Steeeve

Wanted on Charges of Murder. This member of the Malton Marshals commited the assualt against a Section 13 member with out warranted cause or explanation and is to be terminated with extreme prejudice.

toto and dorothy

Wanted on charges of Murder, toto and dorothy has commited at least a half dozen unprovoked, and recorded assaults against Section 13 members, including our Chaplin and non-combatant member Reverend Scrape. toto and dorothy are to be treated as an enemy of the Section, any persons able to provide proof of their elimination will be given special commendation, and public mention. Send screenshots to .

John Rogan

Charged with desertion, he ate our food, slept in our shelters, and swore our oath. John Rogan fought with us only a brief time before abandoning his brothers, and the bond he swore upon his name, honour, and blood. John Rogan is to be killed on sight.

Red Mage.gif Roleplaying Notice
Notice: This User or Group enjoys the RPG aspect of MMORPGs, the category of games that Urban Dead falls into. As such, there is probably quite a bit of roleplaying and/or creative writing on this page and in said User/Group's in-game actions. In other words, if you think the difference between IC and OOC is "One has an 'I' and the other has two 'O's," buzz off.

Check-Mark-Reviewed.jpg Group Confirmed.
This frequency was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply.