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You bet, dude. We've got a pig on our hands. No offense, but I think it's funny. You and I, friend, we're inter-suburban superstars. We've even got some freaking assholes poking fun at us. Have you heard of "Alevins5's Chode"? I've got a "Dalton Piggs".... -DR
You bet, dude. We've got a pig on our hands. No offense, but I think it's funny. You and I, friend, we're inter-suburban superstars. We've even got some freaking assholes poking fun at us. Have you heard of "Alevins5's Chode"? I've got a "Dalton Piggs".... -DR
:Lol I actually saw Dalton Piggs just yesterday or the day before as I was coming back into Yagoton. I thought it was quite funny, but kind of a lame attempt at criticism. I have a couple of them running around myself that I know of, there's the chode one you mentioned, as well as my testes and my mom. (1728901,1728901,1728896). So far, I haven't actually had any of them do anything to my knowledge except exist, so they're not much of a problem for the time being anyways. You know what they say about imitations, they're never as good as the originals. ;) --[[User:Alevins|alevins]] 01:02, 5 May 2010 (BST)
:Lol I actually saw Dalton Piggs just yesterday or the day before as I was coming back into Yagoton. I thought it was quite funny, but kind of a lame attempt at criticism. I have a couple of them running around myself that I know of, there's the chode one you mentioned, as well as my testes and my mom. (1728901,1728901,1728896). So far, I haven't actually had any of them do anything to my knowledge except exist, so they're not much of a problem for the time being anyways. You know what they say about imitations, they're never as good as the originals. ;) --[[User:Alevins|alevins]] 01:02, 5 May 2010 (BST)
::Judging from the fact that Dalton Piggs was created two months before my Alevins ripoffs, I doubt they're by the same person. However, I'm still lost as to why all of a sudden somebody would make imitations of your character and mine... It just seems stupid. You're not behind any of this, are you Dalton? Because we sure didn't have anything to do with this Pig fellow.--[[User:Alevins|alevins]] 01:20, 5 May 2010 (BST)

==!Dalton Riggs!==
==!Dalton Riggs!==

Revision as of 00:20, 5 May 2010

Please do not create pages about your group in the main namespace. Please do so in your group space (such as Chocolate Thunder/YourPageHere). The page Chocolate Thunder:"Why Me?" has been moved to Chocolate Thunder/Why Me? Linkthewindow  Talk  09:59, 20 June 2009 (BST) This needs a link, too.--– Nubis NWO 14:32, 20 July 2009 (BST)

Off the Face of the Earth

Where have you clowns gotten off to? the 'burb massacre? -DR

Aweee, is Dalton Riggs missing the Chocolate Thunder?? Don't worry, we're nearing our return. From what I hear via the radio waves, Yagoton is dreary boring place without us. ;] --alevins 00:15, 4 May 2010 (BST)

You bet, dude. We've got a pig on our hands. No offense, but I think it's funny. You and I, friend, we're inter-suburban superstars. We've even got some freaking assholes poking fun at us. Have you heard of "Alevins5's Chode"? I've got a "Dalton Piggs".... -DR

Lol I actually saw Dalton Piggs just yesterday or the day before as I was coming back into Yagoton. I thought it was quite funny, but kind of a lame attempt at criticism. I have a couple of them running around myself that I know of, there's the chode one you mentioned, as well as my testes and my mom. (1728901,1728901,1728896). So far, I haven't actually had any of them do anything to my knowledge except exist, so they're not much of a problem for the time being anyways. You know what they say about imitations, they're never as good as the originals. ;) --alevins 01:02, 5 May 2010 (BST)
Judging from the fact that Dalton Piggs was created two months before my Alevins ripoffs, I doubt they're by the same person. However, I'm still lost as to why all of a sudden somebody would make imitations of your character and mine... It just seems stupid. You're not behind any of this, are you Dalton? Because we sure didn't have anything to do with this Pig fellow.--alevins 01:20, 5 May 2010 (BST)

!Dalton Riggs!

Hey, just want to say, in honest sincerity, you make the game a lot more interesting to me. When you actually killed me, I had just spotted rlevins as a zombie a while ago, so I knew the CT was eventually going to bring down the hammer.

And what did you mean about the text message? Did I accidentally send you one I meant for... someone else? Also, I'm interested in a brief ceasefire, so I can.... train.... a bit. I still haven't rejoining from my mind, holmes.

Yes, I believe you should tell... that someone (whom I believe to be Archangel Samael) to change his group affiliation. He is, after all, joining your group - isn't he? I'm afraid that could be the only explanation for finding him down in the mall with you and Jeremy Vandenberg. After all? What other reason could he incidentally be there, just when you happen to be there too? Anyways, I killed him too, and I'm thinking my recent encounters with him (my killing him around four times) has driven him to join your group out of revenge. You should let him know that revenge isn't a very godly thing to do! And don't worry, I'll try to keep things interesting. You can tell Jeremy Vandenberg that I'm going to go looking for him next, if you like, even though I doubt I'll find him now, with the element of surprise eliminated. And what do you need to train for? You have plenty of skills. Besides, are you seriously considering rejoining even now, after your alliance with The Streltsy? --alevins 01:26, 12 March 2010 (UTC)

Legit, Samael isn't with me, whoever he is. And you know I'm a drifter, lol. Anyways, ceasefire for now? GOSH DARNIT your freaking mindless grunts are making life particularly difficult for meeeeee. I was refreshing my page because I was talking to a friend, and suddenly Arctor appears, and in the second he's there, I can accurately prefict what went through his mind: "HOLY SHIT DALTON RIGGS ATTACK WITH SHOTGUN GRAAAAAAH", and in one second I was dead in two shotgun blasts, since I was wounded because zombies had brought the barricades to Nation down and I was repairing them. On that note, do you think that we can make Nation a DMZ? I'm tired of having a nice chat and tea and having someone come in and yell "F*CK THE POLICE! SPLAT!" and me becoming one of the undead. I'd be happy to make a bunch of buildings DMZ (de-militarized zones, if you haven't caught on), if you'd want. For now it's Nation, do you think that you can stop your reign of killing and "justice" there? Centers of Learing, much?

As you are well aware, the COL is more of a guideline than it is anything. We refrain from killing in learning centers, unless its an actual target that we're after. I realize that it would be extremely convenient for you to have Nation be a DMZ; however, since the Chocolate Thunder has no base (as you surely know) this idea wouldn't really work too well. Furthermore, if we created a base, it's whereabouts would be found and we would be slaughtered repeatedly by people like stapleballs, van zam, visto tutto, and various members of the abandoned who have personal vendettas against us. So really, the "safe house" idea would really only be "safe" for you, as you have played it pretty safe when it comes to relations with other groups. --alevins 19:18, 20 March 2010 (UTC)

But it's obvious: If I go hunting for you guys around Nation, then you obviously wouldn't be there. SO: if I wanted to hunt you guys, I would have to venture all around the burbs' of Yagoton. If I just roved around and retreated back to Nation every hunting trip, that would leave me like 7AP if I actually saw one of your guys, and henceforth only about 40damage would be possible, even with my shotguns; so it would be stupid to hunt you out of Nation. So please, reconsider just making Nation a DMZ? Even if you were out of AP or some crazy shit and bunked in Nation, I wouldn't kill ya. So please, Nation DMZ?

no duh you wont find us. theres one of you and many of us. you're just gonna have to come to terms: we're gonna kill you. why the heck will we suddenly be courteous once you are fighting a battle you are surely gonna lose (not to mention the fact that you betrayed us. that miiiight provide sooome motivation to kill you). you may kill one of us, but don't worry... we'll find you ;) we always do -rlevins94

I'm talking with your couz, the LEADER of the CT, so please don't interrupt. I wanted some free time to gain levels in 'burbs where I could kill indiscriminately, and as a result now I'm even a higher level than you, rlevins94. No sooner did I take a short break did one of your flunkies bust into a library and shoot me, so I was quite properly distressed. Was it an ordered hit? I'll never know. I stuck around, killed some of you, while if you ever believe me once in your life believe this: I cannot think of one time after the Arctor Shootings that I died by your hand, except for two times when I later returned to Yagoton. Anyways, EXACTLY, then! I'll never find you, never kill you, yada yada, so god damnit can we just please make NATION DMZ? I'd be pleased as punch. Convenient for me, whatever, I know that you guys don't hide anywhere NEAR Bale Mall, which is where Nation Library IS. And as before stated: Massive waste of AP to scour area around Nation, then retreat to Nation. And I wouldn't even find anyone. Thoughts, Alevins?

My thoughts are that your conveniences are of no importance to the Chocolate Thunder. The reason that we didn't agree to ally with the Streltsy is that they had nothing to offer us. Why would we then agree to stop killing you in your safehouse of preference, when we know quite well that you wouldn't restrain killing us if you happen to stumble upon our sleeping characters if we happen to be in Yagoton? (Which is more often than you may think). An agreement like this is supposed to be of mutual benefit, but I see no benefit in us only giving you benefit. We'll make Nation a DMZ, but only if we can receive something that helps our group from it. --alevins 21:48, 23 March 2010 (UTC)

Name anything you desire, leige. And humorously enough, Arctor alllllmost got the better of me, but apparantly ran away, and I logged on finding myself fully healed. But, still: name yer price?

You know, Dalton, sooner or later they're going to ban you for vandalizing nearly every page you and I come into contact with. You're not allowed to delete other people's posts without their permission, just FYI. So I restored Rlevin's post. Next time we won't hesitate to report you, and I'm sure the popo won't hesistate to act. This is - after all - you're third instance of vandalism, and would be your second warning, if not something more serious. --alevins 21:45, 24 March 2010 (UTC)

"haha oh sorry, dalton, you ARE talking to my cousin, not me...... yeah, your asking for him to cover your behind, and begging at his feet for your own safety, which you can't assure yourself hahaha nevermind then, i won't bother you then HAHA -rlevins94"

Yeah, yeah. Anyways, you have yet to name anything you would want out of the DMZ deal?

No, but if we think of something, we'll be sure to notify you. --alevins 22:58, 25 March 2010 (UTC)

I'm Downright Insulted

Why haven't you added me to your kill list? Your grunts kill me on sight!

This is quite true, Dalton. I apologize for any alienation this may have caused. You are a valued victim of the Chocolate Thunder, and have a right to your name on the much coveted list of kills of the Chocolate Thunder wiki page. Kindly estimate how many instances of death we have caused you, and we can place your name and kill number on the page as soon as becomes possible. Thank you for your concern and continuing participation in Malton's moral cleansing. --alevins 22:50, 18 February 2010 (UTC)

Well, the only time you've managed to KILL me is when Arctor randomly attacked me, and that was when I wasn't even hostile to the CT. So just one death. But the times you've killed me in wartime? Zipo. I got the jump on your man Arctor and got the sucker down to 5hp but had to jump ship or get eaten by zeds. I won't mess up. And come on, fix up the Mall like you all said you would. I need more ammo. -- —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Dalton_Riggs (talkcontribs) at an unknown time.

Hmm, It's just that the way you talked initially, you made it sound like more than one. For this reason, I put you down for six kills on the wiki simply for the purpose of posterity. Congratulations, you have the honor of being killed six times by the Chocolate Thunder according to our records! Thank you, for your continued participation in Malton's moral cleansing. --alevins 18:05, 21 February 2010 (UTC)

6 times? That's complete BS and you know it. But if you need those kinds of visits from Doctor Feelgood, that's your trip, man. Know that you've made attempts on my life, and rarely are they actually successful, unless of course some dumbsh*t gruntie of yours randomly lashes out at me lol. I'm a good natured guy, so, whatever. Best of luck in the sodomy- er, moral cleansing. -- Dalton Riggs

An ad hominem attack followed by a backless statement designed to give you some sort of credibility among those of lower intelligence isn't the best argument I've heard, but it's quite typical on the UD wiki. I know we've killed you more than once, so six times isn't quite as implausible as you make it out to be. And it is true, we have failed in killing you, but then again, you have failed at killing us as well - or as you call it: "jumped ship or get eaten by zeds." Calling one of Chocolate Thunder's member's actions random is hardly doing us justice, after all it was a quite calculated act. We knew sooner or later you'd kill us (or begin reporting our location to people like Walter Krenshaw, which incidentally there have been rumors circulating about) so we killed you first. But then again, what were you really expecting? You left the CT, a PKer group, in a rage of flaming swear words. What were you expecting to happen? And finally, nobody in this group is a "gruntie" of mine; you know that as well as I do. Everybody acts out of their own free will within the boundaries of our guidelines. Nobody is telling anybody to do anything. And we don't know what kind of "moral cleansing," or sodomy, or whatever you over at Nation Library are participating in, but we at the Chocolate Thunder hold ourselves above such acts of immorality. And regardless of whatever your response may be (for this will be my final answer to it in this conversation) we here at the Chocolate Thunder thank you for your continued participation in Malton's moral cleansing (or dirtying, in the case of whomever takes part in whatever takes place in between Nation Library's remotest, darkest book shelves). --alevins 06:01, 23 February 2010 (UTC)

A rage of flaming swear words? I just said that I was gonna take a break because I disliked the dictation of what I "needed" to do by people who already didn't need experience anymore. THen not two days after this, I'm chatting with Godred and some random guy jumps in a murders me. "Okay, I think, this person must be some idiot I killed before? No? Choclate Thunder? Wth?" And then the forum postings began, etc. I've killed BA once or twice, and yes Arcy got down to about 5hp. But you have never killed me after Arcy did. Not one of your members. And I mean, really, just busting into Nation to kill someone who wants to be left alone isn't my idea of a moral society. And I have NEVER spied on you guys, especially to Walter. He's a friend, but I don't even know if he's hunting you guys! You think I would waste my AP running around and then texting other people? That's a worse existence than my previous one, good sir!

While I certainly appreciate a PK group declaring they won't attack me, Dalton, I don't support your VL venture beyond what you do to annoy Chocolate Thunder. I was amused, but I'm not affiliated with any groups; I'm certainly not helping Dalton. It would be nice if you clowns helped us combat the zombie population around Bale. This is the problem with "Pro-Survivor PK" groups: they neglect assisting the suburb and spend more time entrenched in petty conflicts. Oh, but do see which of you will back down first! --WalterKrenshaw 22:16, 26 February 2010 (UTC)
I see you've never been on the receiving end of one of the CT's pro-survivor missions, but to the contrary we've been helping with the mall effort. For example, Rlevins94 recently cleared out for zombies in one day, and began rebuilding the barricades to a corner of the mall. Needless to say, his efforts were in vain, as the mall (to my knowledge) is destroyed. If you do not call that helping, I don't know what you could possibly be expecting. Regardless, it makes it much more difficult to actually be a pro-survivor PKer when you have individuals bent on fulfilling personal vendettas (such as yourself) every time they come into contact with one of our members. I'm not complaining, I'm simply stating a fact. If I were you, I would probably kill me whenever I saw myself too. --alevins 23:48, 26 February 2010 (UTC)
My (and probably everyone else's) attacks on your members stems from your group's long history of childish PKing to feed your own bloated egos. A few "good missions" doesn't magically scrub your records clean. If you want to be taken seriously, drop the annoying righteous PKer act, and you'll find people (like myself) have more important ways to spend their time than purging the area of annoying PKers. Do you already forget the long list of innocent players targeted on your wiki simply for having a noteworthy profile description? How has that campaign worked out for you? Does anyone even remember you guys? --WalterKrenshaw 14:51, 27 February 2010 (UTC)
I have a few points that I would like to make, beginning with this: First, in a game such as Urban Dead, there is nothing you can do that is more important than anything else. That is simply the way it is. It's a game, and it's all worthless fun time wasting. To claim that you are doing something more important than something anybody else is doing is nothing than more than a spineless self-justification to make yourself feel better, and attempt to trick foolish minds into thinking that you are being productive in a game where productivity is non-existent. Second, you know that pro-survivor PKer groups are never completely pro-survivor. I doubt there exists one single group that has upheld its "pro-survivor" status flawlessly. Even the philosophe knights have their shortcomings and unjustified slaughterings; this is simply the nature of Pro-Survivor PKer groups. Thirdly, your question about whether or not any of our victims "remember us" designed by you to imply our lack of consequence in the "Malton world" is invalidated by your own statements. Obviously people "remember" us. You, for one, must remember us quite a bit - as you not only somehow found your way to looking at our talk page, but also implied that there is indeed more than one aggressor to the Chocolate Thunder (thus at least more than one person not including yourself remembers us) when you stated yours "and probably everyone else's" attacks were based on our groups "long history of childish PKing." So this is what I'm getting from your own statements, that 1: You quite obviously despise us, 2:You are willing to use any number of argumentative fallacies to prove your point, and 3:You think we would be much better off if we just magically changed and all got along with the inhabitants of Yagoton.
Now, I'll agree with you. We do have our unjustified killings. My response to that would be: get over it! You find our "righteous PKer act" annoying? Fantastic! It appears as if our plan is working perfectly! Why are we Pro-survivor PKers, you ask? Quite simply put: we got bored of trying to "help survivors" in a suburb where the survivors are doing just fine. If you want somebody to do something about the zombie situation, I suggest you contact the Abandoned and ask them to do something. We're doing as much a part as anybody else, and The Abandoned, I believe, have claimed responsibility for the safety of the suburb, but as usual, they run faster and farther than anybody else when the suburb is in trouble. And I'll admit, we do have bloated egos, but justly so. In a matter of months we became one of the most infamous groups in the greater Yagoton area due to an aggressive in-game public relations campaign that spread our name as far as Heytown - perhaps farther - even though we used to be one of the smallest groups in the area, and perhaps still are. To some, this may not be much of an accomplishment, but when starting this group, my co-founder and I had no visions of grandeur in mind. Simply good-natured humor and the intent to market our own group name. In this, I believe we have succeeded, and this is why I take your's (and others') rather serious accusations very lightly. Regardless, I suppose I will see you around in game. Happy Hunting! --alevins 22:05, 28 February 2010 (UTC)
Your flippant attitude of Malton, UD, and the entire community as "just a game" is unsurprising given how you regard your fellow players. Your perception is akin to the internet troll who justifies his or her thuggish behavior because a community of persons happens to be "virtual." Don't delegitimize mine or anyone else's in-game actions simply because you're not having enough fun. And that's why we're playing right? For the fun? Now, if it's all as worthless to you as you say, why tarnish the experience for others? OH, because you can do what you want and it's just a game and we're babies if we care--not like big, tough Alevins, right? Nothing demonstrates that carefree attitude like sinking dozens of hours into this laughable group. PKing is what it is; some are deserved, most aren't, but it ultimately adds up to a minor inconvenience. My point? Pro-Survivor PK Groups are mostly assholes, but help out occasionally and add flavor to the game. Groups like CT are a blight in that their only desired outcome is to annoy people, and that's ultimately why you play. What do you even mean that not "one single group [has ever] upheld its 'pro-survivor' status"? If you mean that a group sometimes carries out a personal vendetta too far or accidentally kills someone misidentified as a PKer, so what? If you mean a pro-survivor PK group, that's exactly my point: I think the entire idea is a joke, much like your 3-4(?) man operation. You complain about The Abandoned running (which is a favorite radio spam comment, as I'm sure you're aware), but..throw up your hands? Where exactly does the Pro-survivor part come in? As far as public perception of your group, my statement stands: does anyone remember you? Is CT relevant, acknowledged, in Yagoton anymore? How's recruitment going? Surely that super awesome public relations campaign has been very successful for you. You've managed to let Dalton turn all that into a worse joke (it was already a bad one) in a matter of days. Hell, the last time anyone from CT was on the radio it was you apologizing and warning us to beware Dalton, the ominous Charlatan! --WalterKrenshaw 04:10, 1 March 2010 (UTC)
Precisely, Walter. You have captured my attitudes precisely. Now, I don't speak for the rest of my group (make sure you understand that, because I don't want to you thinking that they hold my opinions) but for me, UD is simply a game. It is nothing to get emotionally worked up about. Sure, I do engage myself in the game play; what, with making "rivals" and "enemies" as well as "friends," and carrying on meaningless conversations and arguments with people just like you on the UD wiki. Why not? I enjoy doing it. If I didn't enjoy doing it, I would quit! If Urban Dead dropped of off the world wide web tomorrow afternoon never to return, the world would go on without noticing. For this reason, I hold UD to be nothing more than meaningless yet enjoyable pastime, and I would say to you that if UD is anything more than a pastime for you, that you might want to log onto an online dating website, because you probably need it. Moreover, I would hardly call my actions that of an internet troll, though I suppose I do oftentimes illicit emotional responses from other players. But of course, this is what adds flavor to the game! What would UD be if there weren't people constantly involved and yelling at each other? For me, it would be even more boring than it was before I decided it was high time to quit the mundane YRC act do something fun for a change. And if it's all worthless (as you say I say) why not have fun the way I want to in this game? I'm not delegitimizing your actions, I'm simply saying that my actions are of no more consequence or importance than yours are, and vice versa. Besides, I'm simply playing the game as it is meant to be played - and the game is meant to be played anyway you like it. There is no instruction manual or rulebook that dictates what you can and can't do. Perhaps people like yourself should realize that people are supposed to kill zombies just as much as they are supposed to kill other survivors, simply becuase your not supposed to do anything! You're supposed to do whatever you like! If the game was supposed to be like what you want it to be, then I'm sure Kevin would have changed the rules by now, but obviously he hasn't, so I guess it's about time for all you complainers out there to realize that PKers are as justified as you are in UD existence and action. But obviously you're not going to accept that. Because that's what you people do. You think just because somebody does something you don't like or isn't conducive to your virtual existence, you can meander over to their talk page and complain about it. Now, I'm not claiming to be "big, tough Alevins" like most people try to make me out to be, and I'm not going to condemn you and call you a baby because you care, but then again, you don't see me making the conscious effort to find your talk page and complain to you because you killed me a few times successively and "made the game not fun for me," now do you? Food for thought, Walter. Food for thought.
On the subject of "pro-survivor" status, I apologize. I meant to say "pro-survivor PKer status," which is why I used the PKs as an example. As for our status as such a group, we do help out occasionally, and I would say we add flavor to the game. Whether or not you agree with me is your own problem - not mine - as you, like me, are only playing for the entertainment and enjoyment derived from the game. Sure, I may have "sunk" hours into the game. But does that mean that when my poor little Alevins5 gets killed in game, or you come on over and try invalidate my method of playing the game, that I'm going to mope on it or actually feel bad? Urban Dead to me is like a sports game: meaning that I'll root my team on, I'll wear their jersey, and I'll watch their games, but when they lose (as all teams do at sometime or another) I'll continue on with my existence like any normal human being does. Anyways, I suppose I've rambled a bit much, and I'm really beginning to realize how pointless this argument really is; after all, it's not like one of us is going to come out of it a changed man or anything. For this reason, I can only wish you the most sincerest real-world happiness, and hope that you won't be too terribly offended by my arguing in such a manner. Regardless, I'll continue doing what I've always done, and you'll do the same. We both know this is how this unproductive waste of words will end. --alevins 06:20, 1 March 2010 (UTC)

On a side note, those broadcasts are hilarious, but you have my solemn oath, that they are not of my design. I'm much better at talking than that/those idiots, wouldn't you agree? Bah. And know that this was all peaceful before your guys got the jump on me. You are the aggressor. And that's cool Krenshaw, at this point I'm just harassing the CT as much as I can, as peacefully as I can. However, in Malton there are no flipping off buttons, so I guess shooting them is as peaceful as it gets in Malton.

I see your separation from the Chocolate Thunder hasn't matured you at all, Dalton. Perhaps the idiotic slapstick Streltsy humor is rubbing off on you. Sometimes I wonder if when you vandalized my post, you were really speaking for yourself...? I guess we'll never know for sure...--alevins 22:09, 28 February 2010 (UTC)

When I said kill on sight, I meant "try to slap me on sight", because they in all honesty haven't delivered much of a blow yet. Found Arctor in West Boundwood, and convinced him that life was not worth living. And I appreciate the care you put into your big, wordy, and intelligent designs, but a one sentence summary would be appreciated. You see, I'm just too busy cruising around the Mediterranean, breaking hearts and making millions; to read all of that.

As official Streltsy representative I give you one warning. Do not drag the Streltsy name into your personal flame war Alevins, continuing to do so will result in your death in game...A LOT. -- Emot-argh.gif 02:49, 2 March 2010 (UTC)
Calm down, Colonel. (I'm assuming that's your name). Could you really deny that the Streltsy use slapstick humor quite often? A simple look at your wiki page can confirm that. --alevins 14:31, 2 March 2010 (UTC)
We don't tolerate humor in our group. Also, even if our regulations allowed for humor, it certainly wouldn't allow for vandalizing the wiki with stupid, homophobic crap. More importantly, we don't take ourselves seriously enough to write blobs of posts that include phrases like "delegitimizing your actions." --Moctezuma The Streltsy :) 19:33, 2 March 2010 (UTC)

That's actually a funny point. You're all like "We don't take this game seriously because it's just a game", with a post of about a bahgazillion lines.

@Dalton - I didn't say that I don't take the game seriously, I said that I don't get emotionally worked up about it when I am killed, greifed, or made fun of. Walter put the "just a game" words into my mouth, just as you are putting the "we don't take this game seriously" into mine as well. I actually did say that I enjoy the argument, as you can read above. I said that I would quit if the arguments kept bothering me and made me not enjoy the game.
@Moctezuma - I'm assuming your talking about Dalton when you say "homophobic crap," as I have said nothing to that effect. As for humor, well... I guess I don't see the point of the Mona Lisa with mustache, if it's not meant to be funny. Nevertheless, I suppose the beauty is in the eye of the beholder. --alevins 02:41, 3 March 2010 (UTC)
So you mock our figure head now....? I'm going to move away from the computer to breathe in for a second here (10 internets if you get that). -- Emot-argh.gif 03:29, 3 March 2010 (UTC)
If by "computer," you mean "mic," and if what you're referring to has anything to do with the title of our group, and your breathing is done awkwardly and through your nose... then yes. I know what your talking about. Otherwise... no. I'm completely lost. --alevins 04:43, 3 March 2010 (UTC)
I personally do not care what the hell we say about the Strelsky. You guys aren't even in the same suburb as us. my beef is with Dalton Riggs. I can confirm one kill on him, and I haven't found him anywhere since. He's probably around you guys doing whatever you guys do in your suburb. I really don't care what you guys are doing in your suburb, cause it isn't affecting me at all. So don't come onto our talk page and say how we're insulting you. We don't really talk much about you guys. It's Dalton that some members have beef with, and I don't blame them. But as long as he's off somewhere else, I doubt anyone cares enough to go out of their way to follow him. I'll tell you now, I'd kill him on sight if he was in Yagoton, as I assume he would do to me. And Walter, I see where you're coming from. I don't even kill you. I kill the people that pose a danger to me. And to clear this up, I did kill those zombies. I revive zombies almost everyday. I know I kill people sometimes, but it's actually out of the norm for me. The only person I AM actually searching for is stapleball's mom. She's my only real concern. -rlevins94
Chocolate Rain

Some stay dry and others feel the pain


Emot-argh.gif 00:41, 12 March 2010 (UTC)

Maybe you should pay up your ten Internets--alevins 01:03, 12 March 2010 (UTC).

Watch It

Watch who your killing. There's many of us in North Malton who don't have groups noted due to the BHer presence. A friendly heads-up. -- THELORDGUNSLINGER 20:28, 23 June 2009 (BST)

Oh, and don't graffiti over any Philosophe Knights or RDD graffiti. I see your pretty active in that department and it doesn't bode too well. -- THELORDGUNSLINGER 20:29, 23 June 2009 (BST)

To Ameliorate the Situation...

I'm here on behalf of the Philosophe Knights to offer you the chance to make amends for crimes against cultured institutions. We very strongly feel that art and knowledge, philosophy and science - however you want to divide the ideas - are worth defending in these apocalyptic circumstances. We even offered to you a warning against killing Nation Library's head librarian, Godred, siting the reasons why violence against culture is the mark of ignorance. However, you promptly killed Godred nevertheless. Therefore, you've not only insulted the institution of the Nation Library, but the Centers of Learning policy as well. We are willing to practice forgiveness of balant ignorance in rare circumstances. As you are fairly new to the murderer's game in Malton, I would say this is an educational opportunity for your organization. What we ask, in return, is the adoption of the CoL policy; not spraytagging over Philosophe, RDD, or KoSJ (Knights of St. Jude) tags; and refraining from killing in Lamport Hills, as we look over that suburb specifically. These are not outrageous demands by anonymous madmen - Malton's a big enough city with enough opportunities for your group to expand and enjoy your work and, yet, still not share any bad blood with your neighbors. These are general terms of goodwill from the Philosophes. -- RHTinywhitemask2.pngPK | burning chiton 01:16, 27 June 2009 (BST)

It's good to see that we can come to an agreement. Your defense was quite valid, and, seeing that you've consistently stood by your convictions, warrants respect. Few of the newer groups in Malton seem to understand this... We're glad to hear you'll keep Lamport Hills as a no-kill zone. (We are the most experienced and most violent of the Lamport Hills Conference members, after all, and retribution would largely land at our doorstep. This agreement does away with any possible unpleasantries in that way.) Finally, on the issue of tagging, perhaps we can come to ask that you leave buildings within a three block radius of Southall Mansion unchanged. We can understand you wish to gather more support and build a reputation for yourself, but the Mansion grounds are very specifically our grounds. We tend to assume the general surrounding blocks as our campus, as Southall houses a considerate number of allies and fellow scholars. This should give you free range throughout the vast, vast majority of northern Malton and certainly around the Bale Mall area.
Additionally, if you run into any serious confrontations with WHYTRY, let us know. -- RHTinywhitemask2.pngPK | burning chiton 06:54, 28 June 2009 (BST)
Good to hear of our agreement. Happy hunting, gentlemen. -- RHTinywhitemask2.pngPK | burning chiton 00:55, 1 July 2009 (BST)


The Browncoats have initiated a search and destroy op on WHYTRY. They assualted one of our members without provocation, and we wouldn't mind teaching them why they shouldn't EVER mess with us. However, we do not know where this group can usually can be found. Can you assist us in our endeavors to track down these nuisances? --Blanemcc 23:31, 17 August 2009 (BST)

Thanks for the help. We're en-route at the moment, should be up that way shortly. We've got experience dancing with our enemies, so we should have some luck hunting these guys. It will be a pleasure to work with you guys while we're in the area. --Blanemcc 10:00, 18 August 2009 (BST)


ORPHAN.jpg Orphaned Page
The following page(s) were orphaned, meaning they weren't linked from any other page on UDWiki. For house-keeping's sake, we are adding the link onto the relevant talk page. If you don't want the pages anymore just post them on the Deletions Page. You aren't required to do anything, but we'd appreciate if it you kept the link on any one of your pages.

Please note that the link provided below will not remove the page from Orphaned Pages, so you'll still need to manually make a link for us. Thank you.

Thanks --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 18:43, 5 October 2009 (BST)


Alevins5, I dropped you a PM on your forums...--DTPraise KnowledgePK 22:49, 23 November 2009 (UTC)

The Great Suburb Group Massacre 2010

Check-Mark-Reviewed.jpg Group Confirmed.
This group was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply.

Periodically, groups are checked for activity in order to clean the inactive groups from the suburb pages. We'd appreciate it if you could confirm your activity in the game. Aichon 23:52, 26 January 2010 (UTC)

We are still active.--Alevins 01:44, 27 January 2010 (UTC)
Thanks! Aichon 01:47, 27 January 2010 (UTC)