
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 23:31, 22 January 2009 by Rikev (talk | contribs)
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I have to use a proxy sometimes, but that won't stop me.

We'll cure the infection whether to wants to be cured or not.

Dead.gif Urban Dead
This user plays Urban Dead. Wow, what are the odds?
This user is a Jew.
Soviet.png Not One Step Back, Comrades!
This user thinks that the Soviet Union was awe-inspiring during WWII

That's weird irony, isn't it?

This user is a Democrat.
Skull n syringes.gif The Big Prick
Whittenside .
Dirtnap.gif Drive to Revive
This user goes on DIRT:NAPS.
Mpd.png Report PKers!
This user or group supports PK Reporting.
Don't let Player Killers get away with murder. Report them on the Rogues Gallery.
Bill&ted05.jpg DUDE! It's a Template!
This user has been known to say the word "Dude" from time to time.
Mrh?cow.gif Mrh?
This user is a Mrh Cow at least some of the time.
Noob.gif I'm Smarter
This user is smarter than you.
Banana.gif B-A-N-A-N-A-Z!
This user knows exactly what to do with a banana.
Fire is Pretty
This user thinks that fire is pretty.
Gun.jpg Trigger Happy
This user has guns. Do not cross them.
Fire.jpg Hell
This user is going to Hell.
Nobrain.png Ban Stupidity
This user or group does not tolerate stupid people.
Church.png Rescue
This user thinks that adding 1 AP to the revive cycle is pointless.
Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)

I'll do these whenever possible.

Syringe.jpg Planned Revivification
This user or group supports
organized revivification.
Firefox.png Firefox Template
This template looks better in Firefox.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
Handinhanddp1.png Pay It Forward Supporter
This User or Group Pays It Forward.
Get a revive, give a revive.
Medic.png Combat Reviver
This user or group supports the strategy known as 'Combat Revival'.

SnakeisDead.jpg SNAKE IS DEAD
Snake? Snake?! Snaaaaaaaaaaaaake!
Greedo.jpg Greedo
This user or group supports the theory that Greedo did not shoot first and that there must have been another shooter on the grassy knoll. This shooter was probably a Centaur.
Leiaslavegirl.jpg Jabba Fanservice
This user supports slavery.
Thursdays.png The Hitchhiker's Guide To Malton
It must be Thursday.
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Bored.jpg Sorry, what was that first part again?
This user has ADD, so don't expect them to pay much attention to anything.
RonBurgundyTemplate.jpg I'm Ron Burgundy?
This user isn't sure if he claims to be Ron Burgundy.
Nuke.jpg Just Nuke the Place!
This user thinks the military should drop the bomb on Malton so that the zombies can mutate into something more powerful and finally pose a real threat to survivors. That is, if any of the survivors make it...
ErrorUgly.png Too Many Templates
This user puts way too many templates on their page.