Talk:Cult of the Stuffed Crocodile
Newest entries at bottom please.
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Membership standards
Do we in fact have any?
- the only standard i can think of is to have faith in our lord.Arikane 18:22, 14 August 2007 (BST)
- Sounds good to me. Brarz za Grargargarah!! (Praise the Crocodile!!) --Cman yall 06:48, 21 August 2007 (BST)
Very cool group indeed, but can you follow this religion as one of the living impared as well?--Vista +1 12:48, 9 May 2007 (BST)
- as long as you dont eat the living followers, i dont see why not.Arikane 16:23, 9 May 2007 (BST)
You guys are breath of fresh air aound here...good on ya.--Kristi of the Dead 07:54, 15 July 2007 (BST)
Things to do
Feel free to add to the list with your own ideas. Arikane 16:57, 7 May 2007 (BST)
More miracles
More scriptures (maybe passages from the Croc-o-bible?)
- Well, as long as we don't actually call it the Croc-o-bible...--Mark Eaton 7 May 2007
- i'm just throwing out ideas. some will be good and some will be bad.Arikane 16:00, 8 May 2007 (BST)
Patron Saints and Prophets.
- I'm not sure that's a good idea... does the Cult of the Crocodile have to be modelled entirely on christianity? Some people might get offended, others (non-christians) might be generally uncomfortable with it --Cman yall 22:14, 7 May 2007 (BST)
- See, this is a problem I've had for a while and a theological sticking point for me. There are other stuffed crocodiles out there, one only a few buildings away, and they can be aquired more or less endlessly if we want to. Now, we obviously have the One True Crocodile, and a Patron Saint or two can't hurt as long as they're human or zed, but I agree about keeping steered away from being overly-Christian. Perhaps instead of an expanded pantheon (they get messy, and its where the Greeks and Scandanavians went wrong) we can use other stuffed crocodiles as totems or something along those lines. --Mark Eaton 7 May 2007
- Surely all stuffed crocodiles are equal? They are all but symbols of His Toothy Magnificence. --Cman yall
- The multiple stuffed crocs could be a sign of his Omnipresence. and i agree that it shouldn't be modelled completely on christianity but writers write about what they know and thats the one religion i know well enough about to parody. if you have a good understanding of other religions, please feel free to throw in some things. Arikane 16:00, 8 May 2007 (BST)
- Need to do a survey of the members, to find out what the crocodile means to them... then maybe we can divide up into various sects and sub-cults, and have a holy war or two :) --Cman yall 21:14, 8 May 2007 (BST)
- holy wars would be fun but we should probably wait until we're a bit bigger before we start splitting into sects. or how about this: what if some of us start cults following other stuffed animals? and then have a holy war between the different animal cults.Arikane 22:25, 10 May 2007 (BST)
- Can't happen... There is the crocodile, and no others... Also, right now, we don't have the membership... When we do have about 50 people or so, we'll actually be able to acomplish something... To far away from a mall to help those... But I could envision a COSC revive point... And all the zeds we could kill for our stuffed lord... Unity is necessary... 00:31, 14 May 2007 (BST)
- Need to do a survey of the members, to find out what the crocodile means to them... then maybe we can divide up into various sects and sub-cults, and have a holy war or two :) --Cman yall 21:14, 8 May 2007 (BST)
- certainly need a revive point, I've been dead for several days now :( but for some reason there are a bunch of survivors outside the entry point hospital, and Mrrrggggh is having a bagnag (picnic) with them ;) --Cman yall 07:18, 14 May 2007 (BST)
more prayers
calender of holidays
A picture of our lord Croc
One of them banner thingies maybe? "This user or group pays homage to our Scaly Lord" or something... anyone know how to make those?
Well... Miracles happen as they happen... Don't think we have any unlisted ones yet...
Does anyone else think we should have a header to our page that lists the current status of the PD and the current decorations? I think it would be a good idea. Acidical 22:38, 22 October 2007 (BST)
CoC questions
Hi, I've gotten it into my head to do a bit of a newsish type thing for fun. I thought it would be interesting to ask all the leaders of all the groups listed on the stats page a few questions. Then when I got them all together begin posting them on the big forums and the wiki just for fun. I know you're prolly busy but I'd love it if you could take a quick second and look over the questions I've written below. You don't have to answer all of them if you don't like.
In any event I just thought it would be fun to get everyone's answers and compare them and what not.
Thanks again
- First lot of answers added by Cman yall 20:28, 8 September 2007 (BST). More answers required, I am merely one more follower of our Toothy Lord. Cultists only please.
1. How long have you been in Malton?
4 months or so?
2. What is your best memory or memories of this city?
When His Temple of Taxidermy was whole, with its 12 European paintings and it's one Toothy Avatar. Before the minions of the Alligator ****ed it up for us.
3. What are some Lessons you've learned during your stay here?
Don't trust the minions of the Alligator.
4. Who's your right hand man/woman? And why do you trust them?
We are all equal in the eyes of our Scaled Protector.
5. What makes a good Human Leader? / Zombie Leader? / Pk Leader?
Green scales, a wide jaw, and many many teeth.
6. What does your group do best?
Argue about silly things until a consensus is reached, and then lay a disorganised smackdown.
7. What is your groups greatest accomplishment?
Holding together despite the evil Alligator's plots against our sanity.
8. Why are you in charge?
The Crocodile is in charge, we are but his minions.
9. If you weren't in this group which group would you be in?
No group.
10. What's the future of your group?
Only our Toothy Lord knows.
11. Who is Malton's best leader? / Who would you follow?
Er... ?
12. What group do you secretly admire? / Why?
Um... ? I expect this question to be a popular target for vandals.
13. Who is your Favorite Group in the City?
See 12.
14. What is the Future of Malton?
One day, if we are sufficiently worthy, the Taxidermied Terror will return, and smite the evil doers, raise all the dead, and restore the city to its former glory.
15. Do you have a Favorite Suburb?
Dunningwood, our home.
16. Who is the most powerful person in the City?
Our Scaled Protector, of course.
17. What is the best UD upgrade?
18. What question should I have asked you? (answer that one).
If you could change one thing about the game, what would it be? Answer: allow survivors to change decorations, so we didn't have to zombify in order to fix the alligator minions' mischief against our temple. Of course, that would make the mischeif easier too... hmmm...
19. Who else should I ask about leadership?
Everyone should answer :)
20. What would you change about Malton if you could?
I would rid the Holy PD of stuffed alligators, and banish them all to the west side where zombies hold sway.
21. If you excaped Malton what would be the first thing you'd do?
I'm going to Disney Land!
22. Any advice for an aspiring group leader?
Don't bother, it's not worth making yourself a target. The city is full of ****in idiots who think it's funny to annoy people.
23. Anything you want to say to the people of Malton?
$%#@ you, Lynch47 you zerging @#&%$, $%#@ you very much.
24. Tell me a Joke.
A horse walks into a bar, and the bartender says "why the long face?"
--Kristi of the Dead 06:33, 8 September 2007 (BST)
Merry Christmas from the FOD!!
Greetings again Croco's! It's the first Christmas for the FOD. The season has put us in a reflective mood. We realize that without you Crocs, there would be no FOD. Please, take a moment and reflect with us on a couple of past events and take pride in the part you guys played.
As a small token of our appreciation, I give you this:
As well, it seems your group is less active these days. The fire of your wiki seems to have gone out, like some neglected flame that has been extinguished. Perhaps all you need is a change of scenery. Why not accompany us on a campaign? Ludicrous you say! Outrageous! Perhaps. But maybe not. Have you taken a good look at what you have chosen as your 'master'? Look past the 'stuffing'. It's a Crocodile. A predator. Think about it my friends.
--Hibernaculum 19:59, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
- The Crocodile is a predator, it's true, but He doesn't hunt in packs with carnivourous vegetables. So thanks, but I'll take a raincheck --Cman yall 20:33, 6 December 2007 (UTC)
- Carnivorous vegetables...we'll have to add that to the list. My friend, now is the time for you to finally come to understand our name. It seems the name has meant different things to different people. It's been passed around with the port at various meetings and never quite understood. We've been mistaken for hippies, flower children, veggies, poets and other such dregs. But alas, the name is simply lifted from a song and meant to represent the decay sweeping through Malton and our very small part in trying to counter it...of which you are already well versed in the ideology.
- As for joining us on a little hunt, the offer still stands. Perhaps his scaly, toothy grinned magnificence will reveal an alternate purpose for you and your brood in the fullness of time.
- And lastly, did you know that during our travels, we encountered a strange creature calling himself 'Lyle the Crocodile' who espoused many of your mantras? He was on tour with the QSG last I saw. We thought he was one of yours but didn't have a tag. Perhaps you have an acolyte out there you are not aware of? --Hibernaculum 00:44, 7 December 2007 (UTC)
- I would not be surprised to discover that others have independently learned the truth about Our Toothy Lord, for truly, the Crocodile moves in mysterious ways. Perhaps this Lyle fellow will be led to the Holy PD at Skarin, and join us, or perhaps he follows his own path to the Scaled One's glory. --Cman yall 07:34, 7 December 2007 (UTC)
Well Mrrgggggghh, did you's survive the March of the Dead? Does the holy temple still stand? --Hibernaculum 14:36, 2 April 2008 (BST)
- Looks like it got taken down today... by the time you read this, I'll be braarzarng za Gragrargarah --Cman yall 05:48, 3 April 2008 (BST)
Graffiti in Houldenbank
Someone has been defacing the Rotter's Relief Clinic in Houldenbank with anti-revive Crocodile Graffiti:
Somebody has spraypainted No Rotter revives per Cult of the Crocodile onto a wall.
Somebody has spraypainted No Rot revives. The Crocodile has spoken. onto a wall.
Somebody has spraypainted Skarin Rd PD crocodile is your master. onto a wall.
If this is from your group, please stop spraying over our Graffiti. If this isn't from your group, then you need to send some members down here and catch this guy.
Anti-Crocodile movements are forming all over Houldenbank, almost every building is getting repeatedly hit and most occupants are forming a serious grudge against you. The Rotter's Relief Clinic is entirely out of spray cans to fix it. If this isn't your doing, you need to intervene before your image is permanently tarnished in this suburb, these guys are really thorough... Techercizer (Food) (TSoE) 04:23, 9 August 2008 (BST)
- Given that it's not actually possible to catch anyone tagging a building, I don't think it'll do any good to send anyone down there. But let me assure you that it is the policy of the Toothy Lord that anyone who wants a revive should be blessed with His Tears of Resurection. If someone wants to go down there and tell people that, it might help. I would, but I'm vitally challenged at present. --Cman yall 07:48, 9 August 2008 (BST)
With due respect to the Cult of Crocs, as a Non-Member Associate of the Rotter's Relief, I personally offer you a revive, if it is necessary (if your survival is being challenged in this manner). Initially, I was rather taken aback as to why a Group from a Suburb 30 Steps away would come to disturb us, but now it has come to light that someone is extremely intent of destroying your group's reputation. Please do come down here to clear the dust, as we would also help clear your name. Or better, if the Administrative Team of RR is willing, there could be the possibility of striking an alliance or the sort. --Natakaasd 17:58, 9 August 2008 (BST)
- I've sent an alt in there to have a look around, and he saw some of this graffiti. I suspect it's the same person who was defacing our graffiti a couple of weeks ago, replacing the Crocodile's joyous words with those of the Alligator (aka the Master of Lies). I also noticed that in the northern of your two NTs, there's a stuffed Alligator decoration - a clue! Whoever put that there must be the minion of the Alligator who seeks to destroy our reputation. How long has it been there, and can anyone remember who placed it? --Cman yall 21:02, 9 August 2008 (BST)
- Since we don't enjoy the protection of your Toothy Lord, most of our members in the area sleep away from our open clinics to avoid zombie attacks. As such, it's highly unlikely that anyone has a person or date for it, but I do recall it being there a few weeks ago at least... Techercizer (Food) (TSoE) 21:48, 9 August 2008 (BST)
- The Graft has been around for at least 2 weeks. The Sculpture? No idea. --Natakaasd 08:06, 10 August 2008 (BST)
- Since we don't enjoy the protection of your Toothy Lord, most of our members in the area sleep away from our open clinics to avoid zombie attacks. As such, it's highly unlikely that anyone has a person or date for it, but I do recall it being there a few weeks ago at least... Techercizer (Food) (TSoE) 21:48, 9 August 2008 (BST)
Somebody has spraypainted Last chance to stop rot revives. The CROC onto a wall.
It's getting worse and worse around here, can any of you do anything to track down these miscreants? Techercizer (Food) (TSoE) 03:31, 13 August 2008 (BST)
- What can we possibly do? The game doesn't allow you to see who's tagging. If by some lucky chance you happened to be on at the exact right moment, you might be able to make a good guess (the last person in the list is the most recently active), but even then you can't rule out someone tagging and then leaving the building. If you've got any ideas, I'd love to hear them... --Cman yall 07:57, 13 August 2008 (BST)
- Send some people down to preach the word of the Crocodile, and let those who dwell in this suburb know that the evil Alligator is defacing their buildings, not the Toothy Lord. If you guys aren't busy, you could even send a couple people with Tagging to help restore the suburb? I don't know if any of these are do-able, but you asked for ideas.... Techercizer (Food) (TSoE) 18:45, 13 August 2008 (BST)
- What can we possibly do? The game doesn't allow you to see who's tagging. If by some lucky chance you happened to be on at the exact right moment, you might be able to make a good guess (the last person in the list is the most recently active), but even then you can't rule out someone tagging and then leaving the building. If you've got any ideas, I'd love to hear them... --Cman yall 07:57, 13 August 2008 (BST)
- One of my alts is already down there preaching and doing what he can to enquire into who might be defacing. He has no spray can, though, so he can't really fix your messages. I know how frustrating this is for you, it was the same way for us when this jackass was around Dunningwood. The good thing about everyone in the suburb being dead right now, is that no-one can deface our graffiti :) --Cman yall 06:27, 14 August 2008 (BST)
- Well, the other official RR Representatives and I are crushing Alligator Graffiti wherever we find it, hopefully they'll get bored of constantly re-tagging us. Techercizer (Food) (TSoE) 06:31, 14 August 2008 (BST)
- One of my alts is already down there preaching and doing what he can to enquire into who might be defacing. He has no spray can, though, so he can't really fix your messages. I know how frustrating this is for you, it was the same way for us when this jackass was around Dunningwood. The good thing about everyone in the suburb being dead right now, is that no-one can deface our graffiti :) --Cman yall 06:27, 14 August 2008 (BST)
Hello Again. I'm currently the Temporary RR Representative for Houldenbank Office. Techercizer has left for other suburbs. I am very glad to say that the Alligator Plaque has left our clinic, Greatorex NT and we (RR) would like to thank you all for your efforts, and clarification AND also to apologize for any inconvenience or harsh words or even suspicion that could have aroused. Hopefully this event has bonded both groups in a manner most unexpected. Thanks again! --Natakaasd 12:30, 19 August 2008 (BST)
I'm back again once more. With due respect and regards to the Leaders of Cult of the Stuffed Croc, The Croc Spraypaint Epidemic has hit Our Houldenbank Clinic once more. We come for some confirmation and hopefully, useful information. With reference to the following link to our Forums: Please help us confirm that this person is NOT from your Group and we can safely label him under our DNR list (And I can start hunting him down). Thanks for your cooperation.--Natakaasd 11:27, 4 September 2008 (BST)
- Oh dear... Labrat1 is indeed a Cultist, she has taken the pilgrimage, and was known to the temple at one stage. I don't know what the hell she thinks she's up to now, though... if you see her, tell her Mrrrggggh said "what would TMX Elmo do?". --Cman yall 21:02, 5 September 2008 (BST)
- Thank you for your speedy reply. I have attempted to notice other RR members, though I feel that being able to catch her red-handed AND inform her would be a very difficult task, which of course relies heavily on the luck factor. The Admins there have mentioned:
- My suggestion would be a leader of your Cult register at the forums and discuss it there, as it would be more convenient too. Thanks for your time and reply.--Natakaasd 07:42, 6 September 2008 (BST)
- Well, here's where it gets awkward.
- We don't have a leader.
- And even if we did... due to game mechanics, it is more or less futile to attempt to stop anyone doing anything in this game, and it's also often impossible to tell who's doing what. That being the case, I don't see any way for us to assist you.
- I think the only option available to you is to keep repainting your graffiti, and wait for whoever's doing it to get bored and move on. That's what we did when our graffiti was being defaced, and to be honest, I think the lack of ranting about it and hunting people down and assorted other drama is what put an end to it. These people do these things for attention, and if starved of it, will generally give up and go annoy someone else. --Cman yall 11:25, 6 September 2008 (BST)
- Sounds like one of the Admin's at RR. Looks like we have to bore them out. LOL.
- If so, can you help us contact Labrat1 instead? Chances of meeting her is very slim, as I've tried hunting her throughout Houldenbank. Thanks!--Natakaasd 19:21, 6 September 2008 (BST)
- If things were to be worst, Here are the messages that were shown in the Buildings near Greatorex NT:
- QUOTE: Mrrrgggh is a douche!
- QUOTE: Mrrrgggh says that rot revives must STOP!
- I'm very sorry but I don't think Rotter's Relief will be able to help you guys cover-up your reputation there now. Things are getting out of hand, and Labrat1 has been seriously involved in GKing. I have seen at least 3 attacks on Gennies in both Hosken and Greatorex NT. I'm very sorry, but for me, She is on my KOS and DNR List.
- Hope to hear from you soon.--Natakaasd 14:51, 8 September 2008 (BST)
Happy Anniversary
Almost done Croco's. We've had some newer members as of late who had yet to experience the rich heritage of slaying cult members! And when we were trying to think of some way to celebrate the one year anniversary of when Rob Collick first came across you guys and the FOD was born, how could we not return? To our joy, some of the old hands still exist! Mrrrghhh, Johan Todd! Bizkit and his alts!, Jockler!...sadly it seems Katie LaRue has moved on. --Hibernaculum 20:03, 19 August 2008 (BST)
Crusade 2008
To the Cult of the Stuffed Crocodile,
The Crusade of 2008 would like to cordially invite you to join us in a large-scale foray into zombie territory. I have been selling this idea to other groups as a "Survivor Big Bash" and will continue to do so as that is the concept I'm going for.
The goal: Stage an offensive into the various zombie territories of Malton, see some famous places (Blackmore, Caiger, Dakertown), fight zombies, etc. It has been discussed that the Extinction Zone could be repulsed many suburbs back.
As well, we shall be participating in the 5th of November. If we can survive in Ridleybank, the Extinction Zone should be no problem.
It is scheduled to start on the 20th of October, and I hope that you don't dismiss this out of hand because I am a member of the CGR.
Thank you for your time.
Matter on Recent Graffiti
Some of our members have sighted you putting up disrespectful graffiti in Gibsonton. Please ask them to stop, right now we're a bit busy dealing a horde.--Garviel LokenNo Pity! No Remorse! No Fear! Talk17:19, 2 October 2008 (BST)
- We've been having a lot of problems with people who claim to be our members doing that... I don't know what you think we can do about it, other than swear at them... --Cman yall 20:24, 3 October 2008 (BST)
Greetings from the Zookeepers
Hello , I bring you tidings from The Malton Zookeepers care takers of Malton city zoo, as well as a fair share of Ketchelbank. Recently one of your members(Mrrrggggh) has visted the birthplace of your Scaly Lord also known as The Reptile House. what you might not be aware of however, is that for quite awhile The reptile house has been used as a Zombie Animal Exhibit allowing poor and tired zombies a roof to hide under when the weather turns sour. in oder to fulfill this nobel goal we must maintain a no barricade policy, one which Mrrrggggh has decided to ignore. we zookeepers have no problem with you using the reptile house for worship or pilgrimages, but we must insist that the no cade policy be followed. we wish to discuss this matter with you in future and invite you to send one of your members to vist us on our forums located at I thank you for your time.--'BPTmz 02:36, 21 October 2008 (BST)
- I'm dreadfully sorry, I didn't realise that was an official Malton Zoo policy, Mrrrrgggg will stop it at once. --Cman yall 06:53, 21 October 2008 (BST)
A quick request
I need to discuss something with your COs in private, if you've got boards or something, can you let us know? It's rather important that I clear this up with you. • LtZurSee slapped your nose with a newspaper for a heal from CORAM (0 seconds ago) 09:40, 2 November 2008 (UTC)
- We don't really have any COs, and I don't see the point in privacy. None of us really takes anything that seriously :D --Cman yall 04:36, 3 November 2008 (UTC)
The Great Radio Group Massacre
![]() |
Group Confirmed. |
This frequency was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply. |
Hi there, folks. I know this may seem a rather strange request, but it's for all groups, regardless of size, to help keep the wiki up to date. Are you all still active and using the frequency? --Jen 00:48, 15 December 2008 (UTC)
- Doesn't seem strange at all, and yes, we are still active, and we'll start using 26.69 again as soon as we're alive :/ Been having some zed trouble lately, is all... --Cman yall 01:25, 16 December 2008 (UTC)
- Thanks for your reply, active. Linkthewindow Talk 01:30, 16 December 2008 (UTC)
The so called 'holy war'
I have one question, or maybe a few I don't remember. Does the majority of the cult support the attacks being conducted on those who choose to defend the Gummer bank? Because us defenders really have no idea at the moment. If you lot support the attacks then this can become a real holy war, instead of us just sitting around occasionally getting killed and killing in return. Respectively yours --Nhrn 15:23, 27 January 2009 (UTC)
- You seem to assume that we have some kind of consensus, or indeed that any single one of us knows what we're doing. Neither could be further from the truth. I can only answer for Mrrrggggh, who does not believe that holy war solves anything, and Mrrrrgggh who does. --Cman yall 03:53, 28 January 2009 (UTC)