The Preston Arms

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the Preston Arms

East Becktown [21, 31]

the Kinsman Monument Sharland Walk Sergeant Street
Colquhoun Boulevard the Preston Arms Pikes Towers
Riglar Grove Coymer Square a warehouse

Basic Info:

  • Pubs have no internal descriptions, apart from " abandoned pub."
  • Arms can be barricaded normally.

The Preston arms.png


Well, the New Year brought its first Horde to our little piece of heaven in East Beckton so we're still tidying up the place but don't fret - the bar is already back in full operation and we're getting things back in order. Stop by just to visit or pitch in to help get the Burb back on it's feet. The locals always appreciate the help!

The Preston Arms does wish to reconfirm its status as NEUTRAL GROUND. If you are found fighting in the pub - you will be thrown out - most likely as a Dead Body.

It's nothing personal to you or your affiliated group. It's just that - well - rules are rules and we don't abide by fighting 'round these parts.

The Preston Arms

Reopened and under new management.

The Preston Arms has been acquired by Catchy [1], a Local lad that has lost everything. Sick of running away, he decided to run this boozer in a quite corner of East Becktown. With a bit of elbow grease Catchy had the place was looking quite nice in no time and decided to make it home.

As long as you don't cause trouble, you will be welcomed with open Arms.

It you want a quiet pint away from the madness and rush of Malton, The Preston Arms is the place to be, call in for a bit of banter with the bar man, he'll always greet you with a smile.

House Rules

No Biting,

No Shooting,

No Killing (especially the bar man!)

Feel free to have fist fights but thats all that is allowed.

  • The warehouse [2] located 1 click SE of the Preston Arms is the preferred boxing arena. Bouts may be scheduled with Preston HugeArms [3] whom you will most likely find inside the Preston Arms.

Special Events

Don't forget Thursday night is Ladies night - all of the lovely ladies of East Beckton get the first four drinks free!!!

Also on Thursday night is our world famous Karaoke! Sing at our open mic to the local crowd inside the pub or broadcast your performance, providing a generator, and radio transmitter are both operational, to the whole city!

Current Residents

A group known as The Preston Staff have taken up residence in the Preston Arms since June 2009. TechCom has also moved into the building as of January 2010 for an indefinite period after losing Coram.

Preston HugeArms [4] , dead man lesta [5], Leon Knight [6] and MacBryne [7] are also making The Preston Arms their home and are official Staff members.

Preston Staff.jpg

Revive Options and policy

Coymer Square is the offical Staff-supported revive location. Stop by and we'll do our best to get you on your living way...

Table for discussion

Part and full time staff needed. we are an equal opportunity employer. Contact Catchy [8]


The Preston is a large red brick building.

Barricade Policy

While the Staff envisioned an open door policy we have come to the conclusion that most Zombies can't read and therefore we are keeping the Preston Arms as heavily 'caded as possible to prevent the uninvited from ruining our good times.

Current Status

Currently at EHB.

Frequent Visitors and Other Friends

Miss Naomi [9] - we miss her and wish her well in Kempsterbank!

MacBrayne[10] - newcomer since the horde was here. He likes the dark beer by the gallon. Staff Member!

Quasianna [11]

Arthur Cottle [12]

Dan Soul [13] - Catch Soul Radio on 25.92 MHz if you are in the East Becktown area.

leezerdemon8 [14]

Lodi Redwing [15]

Palamon [16]

Scarpaccio [17] - STYX Booking Manger. Sorry if you missed the show. STYX rocked the Preston Arms...

Janos [18]

Palamon [19]

Tempus prophet [20] The Preston Arms staff has repealed the KOS tag that Tempus had garnered. Tempus is back in the fold and doing his part to help all survivors in Malton.

Leon Knight [21] - Staff Member!

Yo Dude Ya Hear [22] - Yo Dude has become a trusted Preston Arms friend after his past caught up to him once or twice. He's been great to have around.

Michael Plavatos [23] - Officially a Preston Arms regular who has been merciless on the local Z population. Michael is always up to travel. A great teammate to have when he's about.

Who do we not have much use for or consider a waste of space?

With Blackjack and Hookers


Zerg Hunters Unlimited

Columbine Kids

Batsh!t Insane

† - Zerg hunting groups known to hunt zergs in the area.

Visitor comments

Leezerdemon8- I was making my way to Ackland Mall when I saw I was running out of action points. I saw the Preston Arms pub and went in for a safehouse. Catchy there was very friendly when I went in, greeted me and offered me drinks. He also greets others so enter the pub. I am very happy with the staff too. Good work, Catchy!

MUCH APPRECIATION Thanks a million to the gang at the Preston Arms for keeping the Illuminati and friends breathing despite those dastardly Freemason types trying to keep us down. You all are the best! --Ciscokitty 00:32, 12 January 2010 (UTC)

During my runs through the ransacked Caiger Mall after my 4 year leave of absence I really enjoyed my stay at the Preston Arms. The glasses of Double Scotch were a blessing to the tongue and my troubled mind. Caiger mall owes you guys and gals a lot. I'll be popping over more often during the rebuild of the Mall. I thank you for your hospitality and sheer determination to reclaim Caiger for all the Caiger Mall Survivors out there. *salutes* --Sascha Vykos CMS-Meta 01:44, 6 February 2010 (UTC)

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