NPOV Statement
The Dunell Hills Police Department is a dedicated group of survivors that operates in and around the suburb of Dunell Hills. The DHPD is heavily involved in the role-playing aspect of the game, specifically in role-playing police officers attempting to protect a civilian population from both zombies and PKers. Its role-playing ethos and internal organization means it has been one of the largest survivor groups in the game for several years. For some time its main antagonist has been The Dead zombie group. The two organizations have been locked in an almost continuous battle for control of Dunell Hills.
The DHPD motto is "Fac fortia et patere", a latin phrase meaning "Do brave deeds and endure."
How it all Started
In the early months of the outbreak, several residents of Dunell Hills found themselves huddling in the rubble of one of the hospitals. It was there that former volunteer firefighter Sharko organized the rag-tag group of survivors and started consolidating supplies and skills. A quick and dangerous raid on one of the nearby police stations yielded a box of badges which survivors began wearing to indicate membership. Thus the Dunell Hills Police Department was born, a group of survivors working together to find some way to bring stability and something approximating law and order to their zombie infested suburb.
The DHPD successfully build Dunell Hills up to be one of the safest places in Malton and began expanding their influence to the neighbouring suburbs, forming the Dunell Militarized Zone (DMZ). Then disaster struck. The Dead chose to make Dunell Hills their home. Ever since the DHPD and the Dead have fought over these few blocks of Malton.
What does the DHPD Do?
In Game
The DHPD operates in a fixed area consisting of Dunell Hills and the five suburbs that surround it (the DMZ). Our in game activities include:
- Coordinating revives, barricading and seizing buildings though the use of a squad structure including a specialised revive squad.
- Operating a legal system within the Dunell Militarized Zone (DMZ) for punishing Player Killers which is aimed at inconveniencing PKers while depriving them of a "bragging points" system.
- Offering public revive services.
- Moving rapidly around the DMZ, taking and repairing buildings and offering revives, suburb by suburb.
- Offering incentives to players via a "ribbon" system for achievements, plus a regular turn around in internal command structure providing lots of opportunities for advancement and contribution to the group.
Out of Game
The DHPD maintains an active forum encouraging members to get to know each other. While this is focused primarily on in game coordination it also includes:
- A lot of general chatter about other browser games, fun online videos and socialising. We also encourage our enemies and allies to join in, so long as enmity and banter is kept in character.
- Forum coordinated mafia and other roleplaying games.
- A fiction section for the budding writers out there, including online comic writers.
- Opportunities to make ribbons, banners, avatars and other graphics for group members, or to have them made for you.
- Opportunities to work on browser plug-ins and other tools to assist the DHPD.
Joining the DHPD
The DHPD is open to all pro-survivor living characters. If you are interested in signing up please come along to our forum and post your details in the Join the DHPD thread.
DHPD Manifesto
- Stay human.
- Protect innocent civilians.
- Consolidate survivors in the secure Dunell Military Zone.
- Tag the area to direct wandering survivors to safety.
- Maintain safehouse barricades.
- Encourage members to contribute and communicate.
- DHPD Internal Communications is the preferred method of communications for members, allies and the public.
- In-game DHPD broadcasts are on the 26.60 MHz frequency. Transmissions are irregular.
- The DHPD Newsletter is the source for news on everything DHPD.
The DHPD aims to work with all pro-survivor groups in our area of operations. Some of the organisations supported by the DHPD include the following:
- Cotty Department Irregulars
Malton Hospitals Group
This user or group supports MHG in their attempt to restore health care in Malton.
Malton Police Departments Group
This user or group supports the MPDG in their attempt at restoring law and order in Malton.