User talk:Sarah Silverman

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Hell Hath No Fury Tour - Summer 2008 talk!

Figured it was time to clean up all the stuff here.

Please put the newest stuff on TOP, and use a level 3 header. Thanks! Also - please space things well, and keep your indenting neat. I'm persnickety that way.


Hello Sarah. Right now, I can't say anything, but is there a place that we can talk privately away from all these... prying eyes? --/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC | P! | W! 19:39, 22 August 2008 (BST)

That sounds like something Joe Franklin tried to use on me... I think we'd better stay WAAAAAAAAAAY out in public, you with your hands on the table Mister! Or you could just email me at --Sarah Silverman 19:42, 22 August 2008 (BST)

Sent, thank you. --/\Haliman/\ T | P! | W! 20:03, 22 August 2008 (BST)
You SLUT! The bed isn't even cold yet, and here you are picking up strange men on the internet! --Jimmy Kimmel 22:28, 22 August 2008 (BST)


I noticed your inevitable death threat, and how killing you won't stop it.

Meh...its just how I roll. This unsigned comment from Ryan Quicksiver

Me too! Much more than you I think, which was really my point. This is my career, not yours right? Not a threat, just a plan that fits with my daily plans already. Get it? Also, don't forget to SIGN please, Ryan!--Sarah Silverman 23:33, 18 August 2008 (BST)
Good, then we understand each other. Ryan Quicksiver

You shameless, tabloid chasing, HUSSY!

I simply love what I'm hearing about you these days, dear! Malton is just a little more fabulous for having you here. Also this? Sheer genius! We should get together some time for a poetry night. Maybe we could even compile an anthology...Oooh we could get Oprah to plug it in her book club! She'll naturally want all the goss on you and Jimmy but hey, any press is good press, am I right? Call me! Mean it! --Amber Waves of Pain 15:28, 14 August 2008 (BST)

Oh Amber, you have no idea how much that means to me! I know that your group keeps you very, very busy with operations such small groups as our can only DREAM of pulling off, but perhaps you might come slumming with us one of these days on a visit to St. Alexander's hospital? It would be so nice to see perfection in action, I tell you whut. Thanks so much for your kind words, and if there's ever anything we, the sympathetic forces of Malton, can do for you, let us know. --Sarah Silverman 15:50, 14 August 2008 (BST)


I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Colbert- Things will be far different for you from here on out. Illusionist 16:20, 13 August 2008 (BST)

Different how? Like orgasms falling from the sky? Because that would be cool. Or different like a weird twilight zone episode where everything's exactly the same, but it really isn't? Different like “Yesterday I could fit into these jeans, and today I’m a fat shit who cheats on his girlfriend,” different?
This is all very interesting, this potential 'difference' of which you speak. Generally 'different' is good, isn't it? Way better than "'same ol' same ol'", right? Of course, then you have, "Same shit, different day," which isn't all that good, and I fear probably the reality here. I mean it's usually the case when some trenchie fucknut threatens me on my talk page. So, YAY Illusionist!
Nice poem on your user page! Here, I wrote you some poetry, too! Yours was so inspiring!
From the twilight, a whimper. A flicker of self delusion, and an eternal longing to be noticed, to increase stature by borrowing the glow of the legitimate. Curious, how only the braggarts may bluster, yet in the end it is only the dickless and the syphilitic who may quest for revives...the twilight fades now, but what comes upon your jeans? The shimmering spunk of a thousand Chihuahuas?? Nay, it is the awakening of our attention... that which will extinguish thy hope. Our gives me something to do, my weapons shine as the wings of an angel. I consume a Chinese Chicken salad as I write this. Menses is my companion every 28 days, yet my birth control keeps the flow light. I am the ticket taker. These are not your seats. I am an intrusion. I am cold fusion. I will see you around.
So is Illusionist your username in the game? Just so’s I know who I’m looking out for…or won’t your mommy let you tell me that?
OMG! How did I forget this? Illusionist is ZOOMY! I'm so thick sometimes! HI ZOOMY!! It's back on SISTAH!!--Sarah Silverman 21:56, 13 August 2008 (BST)

I look forward to it, actually. Consider this a fair warning; I am finished making easy targets of myself and my people.
By the way, you have some promise as a writer. A shame you choose to waste time acting like a jerk instead of improving on your talents. Also, what people? I don't think the Valks even register on the stats page these days, nor are they listed as a group on the Lockettside page.... Illusionist 07:07, 14 August 2008 (BST)
Improving what talents? They're all so teh awesome that I can afford to expend my excess genius here. Thanks though!--Sarah Silverman 13:29, 14 August 2008 (BST)

Thank you kindly

--The Poe Toaster

You can't keep your hands off of me

Woman, I told you it's over. Go find some puppies to torture and leave me alone already! --Jimmy Kimmel 12:30, 27 July 2008 (BST)

You were ironically missed

Has your bitch ass ever heard of Doris? Or Flowers of Disease? Talk about lame, unfunny, maximum bitch squad. No style, no gimmick, and certainly no balls. They attacked us, probably so they could follow in your footsteps. They hit the ground with the same thud as anyone else, but we don't leave piles of puke cushions for them like we did for you, Sarah.
I still max hate your stupid white bitch ass, but you definitely knew how to put up a fight and take a suplex. Please die. Sorry to hear about Jimbo... not because he broke your soul, but because now you might get to his flabby ass before we do. Balls to the Whalls! __Duke cage 23:23, 21 July 2008 (BST)

I think somewhere in there, there was a compliment from you dooky! I'm all a-flutter now. See ya 'round the playground! Kiss kiss!--Sarah Silverman 23:32, 21 July 2008 (BST)

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