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Suburb of Vinetown
Edgecombe Pegton Dentonside
Crowbank Vinetown Houldenbank
Gulsonside Osmondville Penny Heights
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Vinetown's location in Malton

Resource buildings in Vinetown

Latest EMR:
z: 10-i: ***
p: BAug 06

Update EMR

Phone Mast: (83,64)

Bubcar Towers


Update Mast

Known groups in this suburb:
— Survivor Groups —
  • Only scattered survivors...
— Zombie Groups —
— Hostile Groups —
  • Only freelance killers...
— Historic Groups —

Key buildings in Vinetown:

Malls: Mitchem Mall
NecroTech Buildings: 0

No NT's

Police Departments: 4
Hospitals: 1
Fire Stations: 0
Bulletin Boards: unknown
Others: St. John's Cathedral, Schools 3, Auto Repair 2, Railway Stations 2,
Suburb Number: 69

Vinetown is a suburb of Malton, located in the southeast of the city.

One of Malton’s lower-middle, working-class neighborhoods, Vinetown had fallen on hard times in the mid-1980s, when layoffs and shutdowns at local factories pushed it into an era of extreme poverty; with crime, joblessness and poverty hitting all-time highs. A slow turnaround had begun by the early ‘90s and, prior to the outbreak, Vinetown was undergoing a massive period of urban renewal.

Vinetown was named for a small but highly-regarded winemaking operation that flourished in the region in the early 20th Century, established under the auspices of a group called the Priory of St. Armand – based at St. John's Cathedral. Colwill Grove Select was prized by wine experts and a solid money-maker for the church’s charitable efforts before production was abandoned during World War II. St. John’s was one of two buildings that dominated the landscape of Vinetown in the days before the outbreak.

To the south, Mitchem Mall, built in the late ‘70s, adapted quickly to the region’s economic downturn – filling its vacated storefronts with space for local vendors. Catering to local artisans (alongside cheap rents) helped create a thriving arts and music community despite the area’s impoverished status. (It’s rumored that singer-songwriter Tom Waits wrote much of the material for his 1980 album “Heart Attack and Vine” while staying at the The Pilyer Hotel, located on Malton’s Vine Street, during a run of shows at Club Izzard and Club Quarman – which then catered to live music audiences.)

Resource Buildings

Fire Stations

  • none


NecroTech Facilities

  • none

Police Departments


Bulletin Boards

Revive Points

Vinetown Information Resources

The Vinetown Building Information Center contains status reports and updates on key buildings in the suburb.

View zombie activity in Vinetown from External Military Reports.

Recent News

Please: recent news at the top (signed & NPOV). Old news can be archived.

July 2009

July 6th

External Military: "... can see about sixty on the streets of Vinetown ... mostly just small groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... heavy structural damage ... Mitchem Mall is looking wrecked ..." Laitaine 11:59, 6 July 2009 (BST)

Radio Frequencies

The current radio frequencies for each station of interest to the citizens of Vinetown are to be listed here. At this time the 26.34MHz band is the most commonly used across Vinetown, although some Mitchem Mall shoppers appear to like tuning in to spam radio and muzak on 28.01.

Barricade Plan

Barricade Plan for Vinetown, any feedback is welcome.

Vinetown Barricade Plan
80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
60 VSB
61 EHB
65 Mall Mall
66 Mall Mall

Unenterable Buildings
Extremely Heavily Barricaded Phone Mast
Enterable Buildings
Auto Shop Fire Station
Hospital NecroTech
Police Department School
Other VSB Buildings Unbarricaded Buildings
Other Locations
Street Monument
Cemetery Revivification Point

Suburb Map

The Malton Suburb of Vinetown
Club Threadgould Shyar Cinema Chatwin Library Gelasius General Hospital the Dinovan Monument
the Cork Building a junkyard wasteland Monck Auto Repair Standfield Towers
wasteland Goddard Way Club Atthill St. John's Cathedral St. John's Cathedral Goodford Road Police Department wasteland Pearson Road wasteland wasteland
the Godfry Museum the Buckett Building Boulter Way St. John's Cathedral St. John's Cathedral the Daniels Museum a warehouse a junkyard Copperthwaite Street wasteland
wasteland the Pearson Monument Ling Boulevard Police Department Attrill Bank Lister Alley Baker Walk the Yapp Building Cureton Lane School Pople Place School Colwill Grove Railway Station
Bickley Street Stanbury Lane Blabey Drive Bubcar Towers the Pilyer Hotel a junkyard Club Izzard Beall Boulevard Railway Station Kidner Walk Chidgey Avenue
a factory Culling Drive Waite Plaza wasteland a warehouse Mitchem Mall Mitchem Mall Ludlam Drive Loveiband Auto Repair Feldstein Place
a carpark Dudd Park the Tynte Building the Bhore Monument
Corless Bank Mitchem Mall Mitchem Mall Gregory Crescent Reason Towers Hodgkins Lane
Clitsome Square Hartland Bank Caunt Street Police Department Shaft Grove wasteland Doddington Towers Taswell Towers Club Quarman Dibsdale Avenue Whish Towers
Challenger Street Sartain Row Druce Walk Hartleys Boulevard Police Department wasteland Paul Plaza the Durand Monument Sperril Lane a warehouse a junkyard
the Shortis Building Podger Avenue School wasteland the Salisbury Museum wasteland the Kirk Building the Lees Hotel a factory Brien Place Vellacott Road

Revivication Point

Suburb Location Coords Maintainer(s) Comments Timestamp Update Link

User:RevivePointUpdate/The Bhore Monument

active slow inactive unknown