UDWiki:Featured Articles/Candidates

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Featured Article Candidates
Evaluation for featured article (FA) status takes place here. Any page is eligible to be submitted for evaluation, including group pages and user pages. The only requisite is that the page follows the criteria; it doesn't need to be satisfied absolutely. Ultimately the page should be something the community wants to be placed on the main page, where it's highly visible and assumed to be exemplary; it should fulfill some notion of special.

In determining whether or not a page becomes featured, the candidate will be discussed and if there are no major concerns raised at the end of 7 days, the page will achieve featured status. During the 7 days any major concerns can be addressed, either by refuting them or improving the page to fix the problem. If discussion on the candidate goes further than 7 days, participants may continue discussing or altering the page without the submission being automatically closed.

Please note this is not a vote. When making a supporting or opposing claim, back up the claim with reasons or evidence. However, there should be at least three users commenting on a submission for the submission process to be considered valid. This is to avoid a page slipping through unnoticed.

Be aware that the criteria for different types of candidates—articles, groups, and user pages—changes to reflect different requirements; it does not make sense, for example, to have "neutrality" as a criteria for user pages. Remember these are guidelines only and candidates do not need to follow the criteria to the letter.

Articles that achieve featured article status should have the FA star (Featured Article) placed on the page.

If at sometime, after a page has achieved featured status, substantial changes are made that seem to degenerate the page past the level at which it was submitted, then the page can be resubmitted here and be re-evaluated. The same criteria and process follows; if a major concern is raised that cannot be addressed, then the page loses its featured status.


  • Submit candidates under the appropriate header (Articles, Group pages, User Pages), beneath its respective Candidates header.
  • Make a level four header with the linked name of the page you are submitting.
  • Make a level five header labelled Comments and put in brackets the name of the page your submitting (so that someone can jump to individual comment sections which otherwise would be identical and dysfunctional). The comment section is a free-for-all discussion, so there's no need for supporting or opposing headers, numbering or bullet-pointing, nor bolding anything.


  • Substitute the text in RED CAPITALS with the details of your submission.
===Article Criteria===
===Article Candidates===


These include glossary pages, event pages including historical events, locations, guides and tactics.

Article Criteria

  1. NPOV - The article must be from a neutral point of view; articles should avoid taking sides (such as emphasizing zombies over humans, or a particular group or opinion). Exceptions may be made, depending on the article and community decision.
  2. Complete - No major facts or details are neglected; it is finished as can be.
  3. Well Written - The writing is grammatically correct and clear; it communicates what it's trying to say.
  4. Generally Awesome - This is a joke criteria, hence it is very serious.

Article Candidates

Submit candidates here.

Zombie Skills/Feeding Groan

It's brief, but it's to-the-point, lists things that are a) comprehensive, b) useful and c) interesting; and it's all wonderfully illustrated by the singularly most obscure joke I could make on the subject. Bonus points to anyone who can explain it. I have a few of these so this one is really just testing the waters on the subject; as usual feel free to insult it, me and my mother when you're offering opinions. For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 21:47, 3 September 2012 (BST)

Since this is still being worked on, I'm extending discussion. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 00:06, 16 September 2012 (BST)
Comments (Zombie Skills/Feeding Groan)

Seems complete and well-written. I'd be in favor. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 00:22, 4 September 2012 (BST)

A bit too ugly in my opinion. The content is a bit limited, but ok. -- Johnny Twotoes 02:13, 4 September 2012 (BST)

I always liked where you and Trips were going with the zombie skill pages. Hope to see you continue with these. As for the obscure joke, I originally thought you were referring to The Zombeatles, who are a musical group that dress as zombies and cover Beatles songs. However, I see that the image you use is that of Blue Heart, fictional radio jock and narrarator in the film Zombi 3. I assume the obscure connection is that Blue Heart broadcasts music to the zombie population in the film and groaning zombies broadcast survivor locations in Urban Dead. Am I close? Oh and I'm for this as featured. ~Vsig.png 03:15, 4 September 2012 (UTC)

Basically, the playlist on his desk is simply a note with "Play Beatles Song" in bright red. As for continuing I'm working on Bellow at the minute but I'm really going to need some fierce-ass research for it. If this one goes through I'll probably put the effort into the full Memories of Life tree; I think I have a solid start on most if not all of them. For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 03:25, 4 September 2012 (BST)

Another very well written and informative article. My personal favorite is the in-joke that the picture represents. Not everyone will get it, but that's the point of an in-joke. If someone googles it or has seen the film, they'll get how it ties into feeding groan and the article itself. -- Goribus 04:19, 15 September 2012 (BST)

Mis still needs to sort out the format. Once they are done, we can vote again, can still be improved. --I'm not the Ross UDWiki needs, I'm the Ross it deserves. 08:14, 15 September 2012 (BST)

Sort out the format? What sorting out are you aiming for? For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 08:16, 15 September 2012 (BST)
A certain uniformity across the pages, some less ugly Icons next to the skill tree, stuff like that. --I'm not the Ross UDWiki needs, I'm the Ross it deserves. 08:49, 15 September 2012 (BST)
Uniformity is a matter for future pages; the standard set by this nom as the first among them is what they others should aspire to, surely. As for the icons, blame Kevan, I used the same ones present on the in-game skill trees. For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 14:28, 15 September 2012 (BST)
Kevans, I hate those guys. --I'm not the Ross UDWiki needs, I'm the Ross it deserves. 14:30, 15 September 2012 (BST)
Obviously it's a minor change but I felt mirroring the game was both NPOV and added a sense of this actually belonging to the game. Suggestions for what could replace them would range from any Unicode symbol through to small icon images (something zombie-ish though cause they're zombie skills). For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 14:33, 15 September 2012 (BST)
I'll have a look. That or maybe, make it look exactly like the skill tree page. maybe. --I'm not the Ross UDWiki needs, I'm the Ross it deserves. 14:35, 15 September 2012 (BST)
Could do it all in {{Udspan}} I guess. Not keen on that though. Alternate suggestion is big-wiki-style navbox at the bottom in in-game colours. For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 14:38, 15 September 2012 (BST)
Like this. Could go top or bottom. For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 14:59, 15 September 2012 (BST)
Have a look at it now. For what it's worth all the Memories skills have been similarly updated. For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 16:42, 15 September 2012 (BST)
Nav might look better at top? Looks out of place down there for some reason. ~Vsig.png 17:14, 15 September 2012 (UTC)
You think? I'm used to seeing them at the bottom but I'm open to moving it. For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 17:17, 15 September 2012 (BST)
Could just be me used to seeing group page navs at the top. Its a good addition and its position isn't all that important to feature status. Move it or leave it as you see fit. ~Vsig.png 18:27, 15 September 2012 (UTC)
Uniformity on skills pages in the past has meant bonded to a div so with a soft offset color in the background so that the green doesn't look so horrific and the icon's don't look so ugly. It is certainly possible through creative style manipulation to have this take over the whole article section, like Zombie Skills with a negative margin on all sides and then padded so that the article content doesn't move much from it's current position. That may be the best option, something that is effectively a template for "Zombie Skills" and "Class x Skills" that can generically be styled onto the appropriate pages. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 04:19, 16 September 2012 (BST)
I genuinely don't know what you mean. If you're referring to keeping the skill trees uniform across all the skill pages, they've since been replaced with a cleaner nav template instead. For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 20:54, 16 September 2012 (BST)
I'm talking about something like Items or Zombie Skills where the article is encased in a div that applies style and look for the whole thing. Particularly in making each class have a specific color and design and applying that uniformly and balancing the colors so they make the UDStyle template look less horrible and out of place. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 22:12, 16 September 2012 (BST)
In that case I'm not keen. It's a lot of extra code and effort for little net gain (I can be bothered to do it; just not on something as basic as this). I don't think it's a bad idea to let important aspects like skill pages just be displayed in a pretty standard wiki format rather than jazzed up; aside from showing new editors that they don't need to be daunted by everything here it also helps the punchier pages actually stand out when they make use of such elements. For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 22:16, 16 September 2012 (BST)

Is work still being done, or should I cycle this, and if so, how? Bob Moncrief EBDW! 05:14, 26 September 2012 (BST)

Work has been done, I had thought. Apart from Karek's suggestion to give the page a coloured background, which I've argued against, I don't see what work still needs to be done. For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 16:29, 26 September 2012 (BST)
I like it but there is a sidepanel link to all the skills available in the game, so I wonder if we need to feature any of the skill pages. -MHSstaff 16:44, 26 September 2012 (BST)

Last chance for comment or I'm closing this as unsuccessful. (Hasn't received real backing from the community.) Bob Moncrief EBDW! 20:17, 8 October 2012 (BST)

Guides:Kill Probability

Extremely useful and well-done tables. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 20:53, 23 August 2012 (BST)

Consensus seems to be positive, but I'd like to hear a couple more voices. Extending discussion. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 22:18, 2 September 2012 (BST)
I'm re-extending discussion on this one. Would like more Wikizens to comment. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 05:19, 26 September 2012 (BST)
Comments (Guides:Kill Probability)

Meh. Sure I've seen this somewhere else, done in a better way. Perhaps one of the guides? --RossWHO????ness 10:34, 24 August 2012 (BST)

Perhaps you mean Guides:Damage Per Action? I find G:DPA more comprehensive and grokkable, while the advantage of G:KP is rather detail and exhaustiveness. Not sure if either is FA material. -- Spiderzed 16:23, 24 August 2012 (BST)

Easily my favorite data-heavy presentation anywhere on the wiki. Beautifully presented in a clear manner. Definitely deserving of FA status. It needs to be seen by more people. Aichon 16:14, 24 August 2012 (BST)

As Aichon. The charts alone rock.-MHSstaff 17:28, 24 August 2012 (BST)

Clear, comprehensible and it looks good :) I'm all for! -- Johnny Twotoes 01:01, 3 September 2012 (BST)

Last chance for objections or I'm closing this as successful. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 00:13, 16 September 2012 (BST)

I will because there's no article content. It's mostly numbers with no guide on how to interpret or understand them. G:DPA is better at this but also needs improvement. Information for information's sake isn't informative, it needs context and purpose. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 07:10, 16 September 2012 (BST)
Strongly disagree. The article is about "kill probability." The opening sentence tells the reader everything they need to know about what follows in the article, and how to interpret the charts: "The following charts show the probability that a target will be killed after a certain number of attacks." The article tells the reader everything they need to know about "kill probability," in a format that is easy to understand and digest. -MHSstaff 23:14, 16 September 2012 (BST)
I am a very numerically inclined wikizen and my mind goes to goop when I try to read that. Literally, "I need a break from numbers" goop. The page needs pacing like the Search Odds pages. What do the color's represent? It's not listed anywhere. What's a reasonably safe amount of AP to not be tracked by Scent Trail? Again, not listed anywhere. A good article is a resource that doesn't assume prior knowledge and helps guide a user in what they need to know to understand the article at hand while providing direction(links) to deeper parallel and references content. Guides:Damage_Per_Action attempts to do that, Siddhant's ancient guide attempts to do that, Median Battle Rating is another good example of at least the attempt to do that. For data sets to be usable to the average person it needs to be made accessible particularly if it's meant to instruct. This article's data has a good visual presentation but no contextual one. It's like a pie chart without words. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 16:00, 18 September 2012 (BST)
I don't know man. I see the article as simple and to the point with regards to providing me a kill probability for a given weapon class. It provides exactly what I would expect it to provide. I get where you are coming from; it seems you see more potential here with the article in that it could provide more contextual information on how kill probability influences other parts of the game / tactics / decision-making with corresponding cross-linking. Like, why one should care about looking up a given kill probability. I dig that, but to me that is a different article. -MHSstaff 00:06, 19 September 2012 (BST)

Again, last chance to comment or I'm closing it as unsuccessful. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 20:19, 8 October 2012 (BST)

Tactical Resource Point

Explains an important Urban Dead concept well. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 20:53, 23 August 2012 (BST)

Comments (Tactical Resource Point)

I think this could be fleshed out more. -MHSstaff 03:55, 24 August 2012 (BST)

Cross link with Spawning, flesh it out a bit, explain how it works ingame. --RossWHO????ness 11:22, 24 August 2012 (BST)
You just want Spawning linked. :P But yes, it does need a lot more fleshing out. Perhaps some discussion regarding their importance in different situations. Aichon 17:00, 24 August 2012 (BST)
Also something about good trp clusters may be a good addition. The classic NT,Factory,Hospital set up is always a winner. --RossWHO????ness 17:03, 24 August 2012 (BST)
Exactly. That'd be a great addition. Aichon 17:35, 24 August 2012 (BST)

I might work on making these changes, so I'm leaving this one in discussion for a little bit. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 22:36, 2 September 2012 (BST)

The map needs a bit of work and fleshing out but that can be done in a busy weekend. I've already done some work on it as far as ease of use. More will probably be on the way if I have the time. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 05:14, 16 September 2012 (BST)

The map is simply impossible to read, text is very limited and I'm not a big fan of some of the lay-out (a list element in the introduction, above the TOC?). TRP-related tactics, some more fleshing out of the present content etc. would be nice as well. PB&J 06:03, 16 September 2012 (BST)

The map is still in need of follow up work but now the page has seen a massive stylistic and content overhaul. Hopefully it's closer to the Featured Articles standard of goodness and YAY. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 07:08, 16 September 2012 (BST)
Fix the map and you maybe have my vote. Fix the lay-out and minor errors (there's something odd going on around Fire Departments and Junkyards, not sure what the lay-out idea there is?) and you probably have my vote. Fix it all and you definitely have my vote ;) PB&J 16:07, 17 September 2012 (BST)
It's tabular there. Also, as a 10,000 block map there's only so much prettying up it can take and still be reasonably informative. There's Suburbizing it, there can be tweaks to the coloring but, I'm at a loss for what else could reasonably be done beyond those two and without a specific list of issues that can be an issue. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 15:48, 18 September 2012 (BST)
Is there a numerical list of coordinates for given TRP categories (like all the police stations)?-MHSstaff 00:08, 19 September 2012 (BST)
Not that I am aware of but all of the links provide them. They can be added but it'll be a massive pain as they'd have to be done by hand without a bot set up for this. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 00:27, 19 September 2012 (BST)

Will there be more work done or am I closing this as unsuccessful? Bob Moncrief EBDW! 05:23, 26 September 2012 (BST)

I would like to play with the map a little. -MHSstaff 05:41, 26 September 2012 (BST)
Knock yourself out. Extending discussion. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 00:10, 27 September 2012 (BST)
So my thought was to have one of those fancy Rooster style tab switch things (see his home page) and have a map that switches between showing all resources, weapons-based ones, FAKs, fuel and gennies, malls, and syringes. On the map, the streets will be black, the free running network grayish, and the resource buildings color-coded. Here is a mockup for two suburbs showing syringe resources. So before I start autogenerating these, thoughts and requested changes/tweaks? -MHSstaff 20:20, 30 September 2012 (BST)

Unless someone wants to respond to MHS or keep working on this, I'm going to close it as unsuccessful and ask for a resubmit later. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 20:21, 8 October 2012 (BST)

Group Pages

Any group page or group subpage, whether active, inactive, or historical, can be submitted.

Group Page Criteria

  1. NPOV - There should be an NPOV lead or introduction, which explains who the group is (e.g. group type, structure, size, creation). Since it's expected that the article is created from the group's perspective, the rest of the page need not be neutral. The NPOV lead only applies to the main group page.
  2. Presentation - An interesting and original page design, brought about by the code and any images, is a possible way to satisfy this criterion. Writing style and content can also satisfy the criteria.
  3. Well Written - The writing is grammatically correct and clear; it communicates what it's trying to say.
  4. Generally Awesome - This is a joke criteria, hence it is very serious.

Group Page Candidates

Cobra (group)/Guide

Now here's both a group and a guide page I have always been proud of. While the main design of the Cobra pages has received more praise (and is better liked by myself), this one is a more legible design, as necessary for such a long text. As for the content, it is most likely the most thorough PKer guide on the wiki. -- Spiderzed 19:29, 17 September 2012 (BST)

Okay, we really need more commenters than just me. Extending discussion. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 05:24, 26 September 2012 (BST)
Comments (Cobra (group)/Guide)

Excellently written, comprehensive, and as a (relatively) unbiased guide, I'm in favor despite the group being active. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 15:11, 18 September 2012 (BST)

I am not the biggest fan of the color scheme, but the guide is absolutely rock-solid and a good example of a group page that should be featured. -MHSstaff 16:40, 26 September 2012 (BST)

Oh, and it might be worth renaming it to Cobra PK Guide or something more descriptive. -MHSstaff 16:51, 26 September 2012 (BST)
It was originally Cobra/Guide, but that way lies A/A... As for the colour scheme, the monotype green-on-black of the main page design was hard too hard on the eye for long texts, so I looked around for something easier to read using blue and red (the standard Cobra colours). Red on blue and blue on red look ugly, as does black on light red. So black on light blue (with red page borders) it became. Mind you, if you have concrete suggestions for different fitting colors, I am all ears. -- Spiderzed 18:07, 26 September 2012 (BST)

Its a nice group page and good PK guide. I don't agree with everything in it but almost every PKer has their own opinion on these things. There are a bit too many Cobra specific things in this guide, like using "Hail Cobra!" as a backup taunt, for me to refer newbie pkers to use it. It also breaks some specific rules my group does not condone like abusing the RG. So overall while I like the guide and wouldn't ask for it to be changed, its hard for me to support it as a featured article. ~Vsig.png 00:03, 27 September 2012 (UTC)

Since it's expected that the article is created from the group's perspective, the rest of the page need not be neutral. There's reason that it is in group space. -- Spiderzed 06:45, 27 September 2012 (BST)
Oh, I know it meets NPOV criteria. I guess you could say my only complaint is the content. Since I don't reccomend newbie PKers to use this guide, I'd prefer not see it it featured on the main page. If it were just a matter of "Hey, check out this sweet group page" it'd be different but this page has the unique position of being both a guide and a group page. ~Vsig.png 15:06, 27 September 2012 (UTC)
I don't know; I kinda saw it more as a sweet group page than as the ultimate PK guide. -MHSstaff 17:43, 27 September 2012 (BST)
The page is the result of me wanting all at the same time a.) finally a good PKer guide on the wiki in general, b.) a good PKer guide for our newbie killers in particular and c.) having yet another venue to attract recruits. Obviously, it can't be everything to everyone, especially in such a diversified niche as PKing. While the general gameplay is the same, Philosophe Knights, Playing God, Profile Police, Big Coffin Hunters and Flowers of Decay follow very different policies and ground rules (just to pick a few wildly different examples). In the end, I settled for a group page, as that gave me the power to be POV and group-specific. Hence also why this is submitted to FA as a group page, rather than as a general article. -- Spiderzed 19:31, 27 September 2012 (BST)
And it does those things fantastically. Doesn't mean I think it belongs on the main page. Whether its nominated as a group page, an article or as a user page, the end result is always the same. At some point this would be on the front page. And I disagree with just enough of it that I'm not throwing in my support. ~Vsig.png 01:25, 28 September 2012 (UTC)

Oh so long ago, I suggested this idea based on the lack of good PKer guides. I don't agree with everything in it, but it's a well-written "article" and already a featured guide. For --Open the Box Org XIII Alts 23:40, 27 September 2012 (BST)

For, but then again I'm biased :P ~~ Chief Seagull ~~ talk 10:35, 28 September 2012 (BST)

My god is that page ugly. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 21:07, 8 October 2012 (BST)

Am I correct in judging this as successful? Bob Moncrief EBDW! 20:23, 8 October 2012 (BST)

I'd say so, but I am hugely biased. -- Spiderzed 22:49, 8 October 2012 (BST)

Militant Order of Barhah/Locator

I like maps and timelines, and this is one of the more detailed ones for a group.-MHSstaff 18:17, 24 August 2012 (BST)

Extending discussion. Please comment. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 19:29, 3 September 2012 (BST)
Re-extending in case someone wants to make the fixes described below. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 00:26, 16 September 2012 (BST)
Extending one more time because Aichon has made some changes. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 20:43, 29 September 2012 (BST)
Comments (MOB Locator)

Yep, good meta information. --RossWHO????ness 18:30, 24 August 2012 (BST)

Yes. Thanks for submitting these group pages, MHSstaff! Bob Moncrief EBDW! 23:17, 24 August 2012 (BST)

I'm in favor, but I'm extremely biased, so I'd love to hear other's opinions. Aichon 20:47, 3 September 2012 (BST)

What's stopping me liking this one is how the map of the current suburb isn't keyed, and it's generally hard to read where the MOB-based changes to it have been added. I know it'd be a pain in the hoop to do but a stripped down version just with names (linked) and the explicitly-given statuses (lit, ruined, etc) coloured would be a whole lot easier to grok. For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 21:10, 3 September 2012 (BST)

Good meta-info, but map of the suburb itself seems only to be partially in use and is kind of hard to read (with all the colors already present on the map etc). Bottom sources also include the Omnimap, and I do believe that one is broken? Couple of small fixes and you've got my vote ;) -- Johnny Twotoes 15:14, 9 September 2012 (BST)

The Omnimap works, it's the Scentral Intelligence Map it pulls the background from that's down. The bot that updated it and the pictures it used to do it were on urbandead.info which is no more. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 15:30, 18 September 2012 (BST)
Actually, in this discussion, it was consensused that both the SIM and Omnimap are defunct, and notes to that effect are present on the relevant pages. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 19:57, 18 September 2012 (BST)
I don't think that's what the consensus says, but if it is, we were wrong, since Karek is clearly correct if you actually check the Omnimap. That said, there are other maps that already provide the features it offers, so Omnimap has been largely abandoned, despite not being defunct. Aichon 21:07, 18 September 2012 (BST)
Pretty much. Swiers scripted the bot and I continued to host it on .info until it went offline completely. It was part of the scent submission program, was actually pretty cool functionality. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 18:30, 27 September 2012 (BST)

Can someone clarify the verdict on this one for me? Bob Moncrief EBDW! 05:26, 26 September 2012 (BST)

Mostly leaning towards "yes", it appears, with two on the fence and three in outright support. The major concerns are the suburb map, which has poor contrast and use, and the outdated links, which, while still present, will be pruned in the coming days, since I'm planning on redesigning and cleaning up the page "soon". Aichon 06:05, 26 September 2012 (BST)
Have Aichon design a real-time strike planner to integrate into the suburb map as well as implement an automatic-logging feature for past strikes into the global Malton map, and I think we would be there. -MHSstaff 16:37, 26 September 2012 (BST)
I don't even understand what those are. O_o Aichon 22:31, 26 September 2012 (BST)
I don't either but it would be pretty sweet. I sorta assumed there was a sysop button that could make those features. -MHSstaff 17:45, 27 September 2012 (BST)

Okay, did a style update to the page to bring it in line with MOB's overall theme of black and purple, then updated Iwit to Dumbwit. Other content changes will come later, though I don't know how much later. Regardless, it sounds like none of the links are actually to outright dead resources at this point, which should handle some of the concerns. Aichon 23:59, 28 September 2012 (BST)

Oh, and changed the colors for the map, which was the other primary complaint (pink -> red and cemetery green -> gray-red). They stand out quite a bit more than the old colors, without popping more than befits the tone of the page. Aichon 00:08, 29 September 2012 (BST)
That looks really nice. Don't you think the suburb map under Suburb Activities Map still looks a little out of place though? --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 20:45, 29 September 2012 (BST)
I do agree. Up until a few hours ago, both maps were a bit out of place, so it didn't stand out quite as much, but Karek replaced the Malton map with a custom one (which is awesome), so now it's kinda glaring how out of place it is. The issue with the suburb map is that because we move regularly and we don't have time to make 100 suburb maps, we rely on c/p from the publicly-used suburb maps on each suburb page. I think we may be able to get around the issue by switching to using the barricade plans instead of the suburb maps, then making a custom barricade plan map that caters more to our style, but I haven't done that just yet. I.e. It's planned to happen, but I would encourage voicing approval or disapproval here on the basis that it will not happen, just in case it doesn't end up being feasible. Aichon 20:55, 29 September 2012 (BST)

Is more work being done on this or am I closing it, and if so, how? Bob Moncrief EBDW! 20:25, 8 October 2012 (BST)

I think people are satisfied with it now and the remaining problem with it (the map under Suburb Activities Map) isn't that big of a deal. --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 22:14, 8 October 2012 (BST)

User Pages

Any user page or content can be submitted. For example, journals, works of fiction or stories related to zombies or Urban Dead. Note that user pages being submitted should have their own, dedicated page (a subpage).

User Page Criteria

  1. Presentation - An interesting and original page design, brought about by the code and any images, is a possible way to satisfy this criterion. Writing style and content can also satisfy the criteria. User pages that have content consistent with guides or wiki rantings still need to be accurate and complete, similar to the Article Criteria.
  2. Well Written - The writing is grammatically correct and clear; it communicates what it's trying to say.
  3. Generally Awesome - This is a joke criteria, hence it is very serious.

User Page Candidates

Reviewing Featured Articles

This section is for current Featured Articles for which serious objections or concerns have been raised, and are thus under review as to whether they should retain their FA status.

Older Submissions

Older submissions can be found in the archive. The archive of Featured Article reviews is located here. For even older submissions, when the good article process was used, see that archive.