UDWiki:Administration/Arbitration/NWO vs Cobra, Aichon and RadicalWhig

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NWO vs Cobra, User:Aichon and User:RadicalWhig

Also note discussions here, here, here, here, and here. --VVV RPMBG

I'm calling this arbitration because of the endless flame war, instigations, manipulating and trolling of NWO members. Here is an example of the slander we get from these users. This page should be deleted and any that have been clearly made to defame and insult NWO. Most of the information on this page can not be edited by members of NWO and quotes are taken out of context. Anyone supporting to keep this page is openly supporting the trolling of a group on this wiki. This page wasn't originally a "Parody group", it was made to insult NWO and it's users. Does deleting This page for being too short and insulting seem logical when The_Best_of_NWO gets to stay because they recently changed the page into a "Parody" with some advice from a Sysop Here to make it into a "Group parody" and that it's a longer insult? Basically the deletion request turned into a move request during the deletion process, skipping protocol. These users have made talking with other users on the wiki hard and very unpleasant by continuously instigating us by means of vulgar name calling and foul language. Furthermore, these players have begun to edit Krinks_Power_Station with false, needless and biased information on a NPOV page. The edits to this page stating our "focus" is false if you read here; keeping a public record of NWO sightings in Krinks on the Krinks page is irrelevant and even if it was relevant, pointless because nobody is going to update the page everytime a NWO member leaves or enter Krinks; Stating how many NWO were "slain" is off topic to the entire page, especially the "inhabitants" section and should be considered biased. Users I would gladly accept to Arbitrate if User:TripleU isn't acceptable:

Many users on the wiki are not what I would consider neutral, so the list is short. -.- 06:26, 11 September 2013 (BST)

I throw my name in as potential arbitrator. My credentials? I haven't played Urban Dead since St. Patrick's Day 2013, almost half a year ago. Hell, this is my first post on the wiki since...What? Almost a year, year and a half? That should qualify me as neutral. --Axe Hack: The Legend Returns to the Wiki 07:07, 11 September 2013 (BST)
With no personal offense intended, Axe Hack, I have had a not-insignificant-not-completely-friendly past interacting with you, so I strongly doubt you could be fully neutral in this case. --RadicalWhig 07:13, 11 September 2013 (BST)
Shot down by Raddy. Back to hibernation/ninja wiki stalker mode then. Bye, UDWiki. It was fun while it lasted. The entire hour of it. --Axe Hack: The Legend Returns to the Wiki 07:54, 11 September 2013 (BST)
i had to look up what arbitration meant. as somebody who made an honest attempt to be neutral in this whole thing, i, anja arnheim, offer to be middle ground. to me, this is not about who is right and who is wrong, it is about seeing both sides and coming up with a solution to the problem. --Surgeon General of the City of MaltonAnja 07:32, 11 September 2013 (BST)
I will accept you if radical accepts axe hack. H4ppy 24 7 08:03, 11 September 2013 (BST)
That makes no sense whatsoever. Do you want the both of them arbitrating together or something? That is a no, by the way.--RadicalWhig 08:08, 11 September 2013 (BST)
Even though you have tried to be neutral, I'm afraid you're not with our past conflicts. Can't trust your opinion, sorry. H4ppy 24 7 07:36, 11 September 2013 (BST)
two things, happy. the fact that i do not have a bias in all of this would make me perfect middle ground. the fact that i was not with your past conflicts, as you say, would make me perfect arbitration. it is like a jury. each juror is cross examined during court procedure, and if they are even exposed to the news, they carry bias and are just to replace with another juror. and since when is a problem solver entitled to an opinion? you are pretty much telling me that you cannot trust me to listen to both sides to find a way to solve this thing you and new world order are going through. i can accept this, but it is logic flaw. enjoy your biased arbitration, since it is what you want. --Surgeon General of the City of MaltonAnja 07:51, 11 September 2013 (BST)
Just kidding, that won't happen. no means no. Shaving your opinion down my throat and rejecting my decision doesn't doom my arbitration to a biased ruling. I know you want to arbitrate, for god knows why. I simply don't trust you because you have been extremely flip floppy, jealous and rude in the past. Thanks, but no thanks. H4ppy 24 7 08:13, 11 September 2013 (BST)
Ahem. Let me, RadicalWhig, make a few comments.
  • "Most of the information on this page can not be edited by members of NWO and quotes are taken out of context."
Putting aside the fact that most of those quotes are quite damning regardless of any possible mitigating context, your quotes on the wiki are 100% public and thus not protected. And of course the information on BoNWO page cannot be edited, just like I can't edit the NWO page without your permission. Unless you want that to change? I wouldn't mind being able to edit the NWO page if you could edit best of NWO. :)
  • "Anyone supporting to keep this page is openly supporting the trolling of a group on this wiki"
Lord no. You mean there has been the presence of TROLLING on the UDwiki? Heavens, such outrage, how could this possibly happen.
  • "Does deleting This page for being too short and insulting seem logical "
No one cares that RadicalWhig-An analysis is too short or insulting, no one made any arguments about that. In fact, though I didn't comment on keeping/deleting it, I would have preferred it be kept. The point is that the page was clearly off topic. There's precedence for Parody groups to be kept on the wiki mainspace, and that precedent does not apply to RW-AA. Also, Paynetrain agreeing to the deletion of the RW-AA page pretty much torpedoed your chances there. You're welcome to take another swing at your retort, though, if that makes you feel better about not understanding UD wiki civics.
  • " Basically the deletion request turned into a move request during the deletion process, skipping protocol. "
Uh, no. You can vote move, delete, keep or speedy. It says that clear as day on the A/D page. Jebus, do some light reading buddy. Spiderzed voted move, and he's the only one who did. It's a perfectly valid choice.
  • " These users have made talking with other users on the wiki hard and very unpleasant by continuously instigating us by means of vulgar name calling and foul language."
I think I will just submit this:
Stfu.jpg Shut 2 idiots up
Posted by you too, no less.
  • " Krinks blah blah blah blah blah"
Not my business, so I'll avoid going into depth. But you do realize that you are also partially at fault, because it takes two to make an edit war, right?
  • "Many users on the wiki are not what I would consider neutral, so the list is short. "
Yeah, your comments on little girls being raped and flipping off random sysops has endeared the populace, I would assume.
With love, --RadicalWhig 07:04, 11 September 2013 (BST)
This is about you leaving us alone so we can leave you alone and the POV edits on krinks. With that, I stand corrected. H4ppy 24 7 07:18, 11 September 2013 (BST)
Before I dive headlong into this, I want to be certain of something.
Having read through your statement, the fact that the only apparent reference to me was as "a Sysop" suggests to me the possibility that you believe I abused my sysop powers in some way. If so, the wiki has a proper course of action for dealing with that sort of issue: you would take me to Misconduct and make your case there. If you decide to go that route, which you are quite welcome to do, the other sysops will make a judgment on whether or not I abused my powers or authority.
If, however, the issue you wish to arbitrate with me is something else entirely, you might consider simply trying to discuss it with me first, rather than going straight to arbitration with no warning at all. This arbitration case comes as a surprise to me, since I didn't think that you and I had any issues that were significant enough to warrant such action. If you believe differently, however, then so be it. Aichon 07:50, 11 September 2013 (BST)
there were two references to you. The word manipulation.have we not had conflicts with PK in the past which has sprung out of control flaming? Have you not been part of this from the start? I do recall your "in character" comments comparing me to a child and influencing many insults even after making everyone in NWO apologize to everyone who seemed to care about what happened.H4ppy 24 7 08:24, 11 September 2013 (BST)
I would like to point out Arbies here is for wiki conflicts and not in-game conflicts. Whatever Aichon has done in-game does not fall in line with a case reagrding wiki related materials... --Axe Hack: The Legend Returns to the Wiki 08:34, 11 September 2013 (BST)
H4ppy was referring to this. --VVV RPMBG 08:38, 11 September 2013 (BST)
You never actually mentioned the in-character stuff in your statement, so thank you for clearing that up. If you want to go after me for in-character comments I made, by all means, feel free to do so. As the others, however, I would suggest breaking this case up into multiple cases, since you're pursuing different people for different reasons. Aichon 16:53, 11 September 2013 (BST)

I've been paying attention to Krinks on-and-off since Cornholio. I've got a bit of a background in considering page deletion, and a significant background in editing location pages. If I were to arbitrate, my first priority would be to insure that Krinks Power Station is made accurate and informative. I don't expect that the two sides will ever reach much of an understanding, but I would at least attempt to keep them from brawling around and smashing up the wiki. Also, don't expect me to take much action against Aichon if his only offense was edit protecting Krinks Power Station. --VVV RPMBG 08:32, 11 September 2013 (BST)

No, as H4ppy just said a few lines above, Aichon also was IMPOLITE to H4ppy on a private group's talk page. Impolite, I say! Such appalling behavior. Terrible, terrible thing, when people are less than perfectly polite to CyberOpp, as he's always the most polite and gentle person, who wouldn't provoke anyone at all, or anything, nope nope nope.--RadicalWhig 08:39, 11 September 2013 (BST)
As you can see, radical constantly interpretes anything that has no reference to him, takes the liberty of commenting on things that aren't any of his business to simply make us look bad. Usually for no particular reason either. H4ppy 24 7 08:49, 11 September 2013 (BST)
It's called freedom of speech, Herr Goebbels.--RadicalWhig 08:53, 11 September 2013 (BST)
The timing was horrible. Expect me to believe we don't have issues after freezing the kinks building on a bias cobra edit and fueling insults with one past insult , then protecting an insult page by declaring it a parody.Thanks Aichon. Anyways, yes I agree with tripleU's statement. We won't be able to come to a conclusion because one side wishes to continue the flame and edit war. H4ppy 24 7 08:38, 11 September 2013 (BST)
I will accept UUU or Chief Seagull as arbitrator. Although, for... personal reasons, I would much prefer UUU. Now to see what Cobra and Aichon say. --RadicalWhig 08:41, 11 September 2013 (BST)
I would also like this Arby's case split into two, one against me and The Best of NWO page, and another about the Krinks thingy. Because I can't be arsed to wikilaw about the Krinks page, hilarious as it might be. --RadicalWhig 08:51, 11 September 2013 (BST)
I think Spiderzed or Sexualharison will have something to say about Krinks. You don't all need to cover the same points. --VVV RPMBG 09:26, 11 September 2013 (BST)
my 2 cents. you do know that chief and axe are both members of cobra right? this was too easy and going right to the script i wrote. and when did you turn into such a ninny trip? and except for calling them dumb and incompetent: i've been quite civil about the entire thing. i'm just looking for truth on the wiki. not group self promotion and horse shit. off to work where i have no access and have better things to do. --User:Sexualharrison10:49, 11 September 2013
True as that may be, my last access with anything to do with UD (minus the Facebook pages) was almost six or more months ago. So technically I am a third party at this point, as well as being maybe the only one here right now who doesn't have a clue what has been going on during my absence, which would technically make me the most neutral at the moment. But of course, Rad rejected me, so I'm pretty much done here. --Axe Hack: The Legend Returns to the Wiki 11:45, 11 September 2013 (BST)
In my opinion this guy would be a good arbitrator thingy.I would also like to point out that my edits in Krinks power station made no attempt to disgrace the COBRA or any other group, which is quite the opposite in the case of the COBRA Re-edits....--PayneTrain(NWO/FU) 14:56, 11 September 2013 (BST)
Again, if you have an issue with how and when I froze the page, that's an issue for Misconduct to decide, not for arbitration, since an arbitrator does not have the authority necessary to decide such a matter (i.e. you can't go into arbitration with me for that issue). If you're planning to pursue arbitration against me for other reasons, however, then I will accept either TripleU or Seagull. Aichon 16:53, 11 September 2013 (BST)
I will additionally accept the following individuals as arbitrators:
With all of these options, I trust that we can find at least one that will be mutually agreeable. Aichon 20:56, 11 September 2013 (BST)
I am okay with all of these, save AHLG. He's just too helpful! --RadicalWhig 20:59, 11 September 2013 (BST)
My first time back since January and nobody wants me to arbitrate. I feel s unloved. :( --Axe Hack: The Legend Returns to the Wiki 21:27, 11 September 2013 (BST)
Is this going to be the fourth time in 24 hours you say you're leaving the wiki? --RadicalWhig 21:32, 11 September 2013 (BST)
Also, I strongly recommend you trust your feeling there. --RadicalWhig 21:33, 11 September 2013 (BST)
Meaning: Piss off. --RadicalWhig 21:33, 11 September 2013 (BST)
You seem stressed. Might I suggest finding your happy drug? For me, it's gaming. Maybe gaming might be your happy drug too? ^.^ --Axe Hack: The Legend Returns to the Wiki 22:07, 11 September 2013 (BST)
I suppose I would take the case. While I am currently in a third-party group with many of the people named by Happy247 in his case, I have also had the pleasure of serving under Happy in his old group, Revenge. He may well remember me by a different name. While this would be my first arbitration case, I am very familiar with how they work and their precedents, given that I have spent a great deal of time procrastinating by soaking my head into the vat of idiocy that is the Arbitration archives. I've also made it a point to keep well out of any drama which has been stirred up in the past few months, and believe that I am fully capable of bringing an unbiased viewpoint. However, I would certainly understand if any other parties involved in this case feel uncomfortable with the idea of me as Arbitrator. --DTPraise KnowledgePK 21:42, 11 September 2013 (BST)
I offer to arbitrate NWO vs Aichon if a separate case is made. That's about all I have time or interest in right now, though. ~Vsig.png 01:02, 12 September 2013 (UTC)
It's worth pointing out that the Cobra you're currently taking to arbitration is an inactive group. Perhaps you meant Cobra instead of Cobra? Aichon 17:34, 11 September 2013 (BST)
Dux Ducis said:
It's called freedom of speech, Herr Goebbels.

its called being a smartass and a showoff,don't confuse the two.....please,i know it's hard,but try.--PayneTrain(NWO/FU) 15:22, 11 September 2013 (BST)

I am somewhat disappointed into seeing this one happening. There has been no attempt to contact me on my talk page first about the Krinks page - going straight to arbies is like cracking a nut with a sledgehammer. (I am also uncomfortable with being challenged to a duel of wits by Cyberopposition, as it is one of my iron principles to never strike an unarmed man, but I digress.) I will happily accept User:Chief Seagull. -- Spiderzed 18:41, 11 September 2013 (BST)

For those of you playing from home, note that Chief Seagull has a character in Cobra. --VVV RPMBG 19:47, 11 September 2013 (BST)
Does he? Learn something new every day. Aichon 20:00, 11 September 2013 (BST)

Ahem... as both sides agree, I humbly accept the role of arbitrot. After reviewing all of the available evidence, it is my humble opinion that Cobra is awesome. HAIL COBRA! Erm, yeah... obviously I can't do this as I'm not a neutral party - this has absolutely nothing to do with a certain young lady pointing a Hello Kitty pistol at my head. ~~ Chief Seagull ~~ talk 20:17, 11 September 2013 (BST)

I'll offer to arbitrate this case. I'm in none of the groups and have had no part in the wikidrama. --K 22:47, 11 September 2013 (BST)
not so fast missy. you are ex cobra. --User:Sexualharrison02:14, 12 September 2013
also for the time being.. there is no NWO in krinks. [1]. ta da!--User:Sexualharrison03:17, 12 September 2013
Again sexual, off-topic. Nobody cares about Krinks except cobra. How many times do I need to point this out,"The Krinks building is The Official Head Quarters of The New World Order; for strategic purposes, this does not guarantee that Krinks will be maintained." under our Williamsville Loyalty Act. So, there is no "Win" here for Cobra, there will never be a win condition for cobra either. Actually, While I do not have screenshots, I do suspect alt abuse. I have very little faith in the honesty and integrity of most PKer groups due to their cheating tendencies. -.- 04:16, 12 September 2013 (BST)
If there really is alt abuse going on, the smart thing to do would have been to keep quiet about it until you can collect solid evidence. Once an alt abuser knows you're on to them, they become extra cautious (if they care). --VVV RPMBG 05:01, 12 September 2013 (BST)
So, not to distract you too much from accusing SH of being off-topic while you make blanket generalizations based on five year old undocumented, alleged misdeeds of a single individual who has no relevance whatsoever to the current proceedings, but you do realize that the reason this case hasn't started already is because we're waiting on you to pick a new arbitrator, right? Aichon 05:24, 12 September 2013 (BST)
Now what has an ages old event where Headless Gunner was disqualified in to do with any of the persons involved here? Colour me puzzled. -- Spiderzed 06:35, 12 September 2013 (BST)

That event became riddled with cheating. I almost forgot why I quit playing UD. Silly me for thinking things got any better, on the contrary, they got worse. Now everyone is a bunch of sarcastic jerks. I do remember the wiki being much more pleasant and less condescending. It's astonishing how many of you want to relive krinks past by repeating what's happened before, where's the originality in that? I digress, I'm not going to waste my time to make cheaters public or build something on the wiki just to be attacked for it and letting new users of the wiki and NWO have fun and make their own posts and ideas public. For all I care now, you guys can stew together. I wonder what you guys will do without me to pick at. I guess you can't move on from our past mistakes and feel the need to ridicule and harass users who're mearly trying to enjoy the game and the community. Rant complain rant complain. I'm disappointed in this community. No love and no fun. H4ppy 24 7 05:28, 12 September 2013 (BST)

said the the guy with multiple alts in the same group. and it's relative to my statements that you can't claim something unless you occupy it or control it in someway. so until you can prove than i will revert any edit to that page.--User:Sexualharrison05:29, 12 September 2013
I do also believe that it was cobra that has made our claiming of krinks official. It's our HQ, not our property Mr self righteous. Try to refrain from shaving words in my or my groups mouth. Thanks H4ppy 24 7 05:42, 12 September 2013 (BST)
my alts are all posted public. Sorry man, I'm not using multiple alts in the same group. Oh how you wish I did.H4ppy 24 7 05:35, 12 September 2013 (BST)

I revoke my trust in tripleU and will no longer accept him to arb (That includes seagull, of course). H4ppy 24 7 05:31, 12 September 2013 (BST)

Then you need to accept one of the others that has been proposed or suggest your own (I provided a list of alternatives I'll accept up above). If you don't do either of those, you can either choose to withdraw the case or else have an arbitrator appointed for the case by the sysops. Aichon 05:43, 12 September 2013 (BST)
screw it, DT works. H4ppy 24 7 05:54, 12 September 2013 (BST)
Now we just need Cobra and Whig to agree. Given Spiderzed's earlier maneuver of only accepting the arbitrator who's a member of Cobra, I feel the need to state what should already be obvious. This wiki will benefit if you actually agree on an arbitrator, you reach a conclusion, and this feud cools down. This wiki will be harmed if the NWO is driven out of this wiki, disheartened and discredited, like some of you want. --VVV RPMBG 06:29, 12 September 2013 (BST)
DT is acceptable. -- Spiderzed 06:35, 12 September 2013 (BST)
Whig already agreed to DT earlier when he said he was fine with everyone on my list besides AHLG. So, at this point, we have an arbitrator who everyone agrees to and who has agreed to arbitrate. Time to get this thing started. Aichon 06:38, 12 September 2013 (BST)

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