Schreiber Drive Police Department

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Schreiber Drive Police Dept

Rolt Heights [89,16]

Land Park a junkyard St Ninian's Hospital
wasteland Schreiber Drive Police Dept a factory
a warehouse the Burchell Arms Kitchingman Street Railway Station

Basic Info:

  • Police Stations can be barricaded normally.



Malton Police Department

Schreiber Drive Police Department is a police department located in the suburb of Rolt Heights along the border with Pescodside to the east. The police officers from this precinct were among those known to have participated on the major bust against the Russian Mafia drug dealers located at Dunsdon Lane, prior to the "Malton Incident".


1) To serve and protect all survivors within a 3x3 block grid (south) of the precinct.
2) To maintain resource building barricades at Very Strongly.
3) To maintain non-resource building barricades within a 3x3 block grid at Extremely Heavily. These buildings will act as safe houses for Free Runners attacking zombie groups in the area.

Mpd.png Report PKers!
Don't let them get away with murder! Register them on the Rogues Gallery. (Dead Link)


To date police and military personnel stationed at Schreiber Drive PD commonly work with survivors located in nearby resource buildings, namely:

  1. The Burchell Arms (89,17), HQ of the Burchell Arms Regulars
  2. St. Ninian's Hospital (90,15) in Pescodside
  3. St. Herman's Hospital (89,14)

Barricade Policy

This building should be Extremely Heavily barricaded at all times. This is in accordance with the barricade plan set forth by the Burchell Arms Regulars, who routinely monitor the barricade level for this building. This building is meant to serve as a safehouse for Malton's veteran survivors, and thus requires the Free Running skill to be properly utilized.

Survivors who find the building's barricades below their assigned level are asked to assist in raising them back up in order to help ensure the safety of all the survivors staying inside the building. Any survivor found lowering the barricades may be directly "put to the question" by any member of the B.A.R. present at that time. If this happens the accused survivor must present a valid reason for their actions or be labeled a zombie spy/death cultist and be judged accordingly.

Current Events

May 6th, 2008 - Safe, well populated and powered. --Pvt human 04:56, 6 May 2008 (BST)

August 30th, 2007 - In zombie hands. A horde of 49 zombies currently occupies the police department. Survivors have planned for a counter-attack soon. --Bruce Lee VIII 09:13, 30 August 2007 (BST)

July 16th, 2007 - Very safe. The barricades kept at EHB and survivors here are healed by the BAR. There are currently few zombies in the area.

August 13th, 2006 - Zombies are sieging Schrieber PD, or at least are trying to do so. The zombies managed to break-in once, but they were disposed of promptly with a few left lingering outside.

August 10th, 2006 - Small groups of zombies (7+) were sighted outside Ayliffe and Schreiber PD with small groups of survivors inside both stations. There have been a couple of break-ins at Ayliffe PD. Be advised against staying overnight in either police station.

January 30th, 2006 - The Drunken Dead, in a desperate fight to stave off sobriety, attacked Schreiber Drive PD. Several minutes later, with desperation driving them to feats of strength unrivaled, the horde stormed the police station to find all the survivors asleep. After consuming the humans, the horde found its salvation in an untapped keg and commenced drinking themselves back into a stupor.