St. Ninian's Hospital
St. Ninian's Hospital EHB, dark. AndyMatthews (talk) 04:59, 24 November 2024 (UTC)
St Ninian's Hospital
Pescodside [90,15]
Basic Info:
St. Ninian's Hospital is a hospital located in the suburb of Pescodside, along the western border with the suburb of Rolt Heights. Prior to quarantine, St. Ninian's had been a childrens hospital dedicated in name to Sister Ninian, a beloved and esteemed nun who passed away in 1952. Ever since the initial outbreak, however, the hospital has done its best to help treat the injured and provide safe harbour for the citizens of Malton, but more often then not it has come under siege from the zombie hordes. Due to this unfortunate history all attempts by the hospital's previous medical staff to find a possible cure for the pandemic have been abandoned as the doctors have long since fled or been killed during the numerous zombie attacks.
In the beginning of September 2008, a group of medics and survivors who call themselves the St. Ninian's Medical Team decided to help with the mantainance of the building. Their policy is to provide assistance to any survivor. If you want their help you can contact them through their forums
The staff at St. Ninian's Hospital try to always support the following ideals:
1) To provide medical assistance to anyone and everyone who enters.
2) To cure the infected.
3) To provide protection from the zombies.
It is asked that survivors please note whether or not there is a portable generator within the hospital, and whether it has fuel or not. As a working portable generator is required for the Surgery skill it is asked the survivors provide support by replacing either the generator when destroyed or refilling its fuel supply when its exhausted. This in turn will allow the medical staff to provide more efficient aid to the injured.
Barricade Policy
This building is to be kept EHB barricaded at all times. This is encouraged by the St. Ninian's Medical Team and the The Burchell Arms Regulars. The designed entry point for the hospital is St. Herman's Hospital located one block Northwest. Free Running skill is essential to entering and departing the St. Ninian's Hospital.
Any survivor without Free Running that need a First Aid Kit can head to St. Herman's Hospital which is used as entry point to get a heal.
During Emergencies
In case of a zombie attack, the priority is to keep the Hospital running and to provide assistance to the nearest Tactical Resource Points.
In the past assistance has been rendered by the Burchell Arms Regulars, who are based out of the Burchell Arms (89,17) just 2 blocks roughly to the southwest.
Older groups, like the Friends of the Featherstone Library and the Malton Fire Department, also assisted in the hospital's defense, but have not been seen in some time. Survivors should ask for assistance via radio to local survivors, and to the B.A.R. in particular, during an attack.
Current Events
April 4th, 2013 - The NWO reported the building was Extremely Heavily (EHB), generator running, and that the lights are on. --Chief Manclark
May 11th, 2010 - The Burchell Arms Regulars reported the building was Extremely Heavily (EHB) barricaded, and after their man killed one zombie there was still another zombie inside. The B.A.R. also placed and fueled a new generator. --Mobius
May 10th, 2010 - The Burchell Arms Regulars fought with zombies today inside the hospital as 4 zombies managed to breach the barricades. Two zombies have since been killed and the barricades have been raised to VSB. However two zombies remain inside. The generator has been destroyed. --Mobius
April 27th, 2010 - The Burchell Arms Regulars reported the hospital is Extremely Heavily (EHB) barricaded, with 0 zombies outside. The building was powered and had a working radio transmitter. --Mobius
March 30th, 2010 - The Burchell Arms Regulars reported that the hospital is Extremely Heavily (EHB) barricaded, with 2 zombies outside and no zombies inside. The hospital has no power or radio. --Mobius
March 13rd, 2010 - The hospital is still up and running, lights on, with its trauma center open. --Destroyerofminds 10:18, 13 March 2010 (UTC)
February 23rd, 2010 - The hospital is up and running, lights on, with its trauma center open. --Bruce Lee VIII 01:15, 23 February 2010 (UTC)
January 21st, 2010 - The hospital is back up and running, lights on, with its trauma center open. --Flip202f
December 29th, 2009 - Most likely ruined, based off external military reports. --~ Red Hawk One Talk | Thanks for the memories 02:43, 29 December 2009 (UTC)
November 16th, 2009 - Ruined by the Militant Order of Barhah. --Grogh 23:09, 16 November 2009 (UTC)
October 22nd, 2009 - Most likely safe, based off external military reports. --~ Red Hawk One Talk | Thanks for the memories 02:17, 22 October 2009 (BST)
August 19th, 2009 - There are 3 zombies outside. The hospital is heavily barricaded and lighted. --WildMercury: 06:31, 19 August 2009 (GMT)
June 25th, 2009 - The raging battle for the hospital has tilted to the corpses! The hospital is ruined. --Yakman 19:34, 25 June 2009 (BST)
June 24th, 2009 - The hospital is still HB, and lit, but the hordes are gathering outside... --Yakman 14:05, 24 June 2009 (BST)
May 21st, 2009 - The hospital is powered and barricaded. --Yakman 14:59, 21 May 2009 (BST)
March 25th, 2009 - The building is at EHB with approximately 15 survivors and no zombies outside. --Animere 13:30, 25 March 2009 (UTC)
February 11th, 2009 - The hospital is currently EHB with no zombies outside of the building. --Animere 14:37, 11 February 2009 (UTC)
December 21st, 2008 - The Burchell Arms Regulars reported that 6 zombies had broken into the hospital and were attacking survivors. As there are only an equal number of survivors in the hospital it's believed the fight will not last long unless reinforcements arrive... or not.
December 15th, 2008 - The hospital is Extremely Heavily barricaded, as a word of advice to any survivors passing through the area. The hospital is also still very much powered and held by survivors.
December 12th, 2008 - Not longer after word of the hospital's reclamation had spread survivors had once again started flocking to the building. Two zombies were reported outside at this time, no doubt attracted by the light from the powered building.
December 11th, 2008 - The Burchell Arms Regulars reported that the hospital was empty, of survivor and zombie alike. The building's barricades however were holding strong, but it was unclear as to whether there were any zombies outside. The hospital was powered thanks to the BAR.
November 25th, 2008 - With Tommy Monahan repairing damages and MrGomez Extremely Heavily barricading the main entrance, the Burchell Arms Regulars worked to restore the hospital to its former glory. As zombies continue to pose a threat to the area the BAR is taking no chances.
November 23rd, 2008 - It has been four days since the hospital fell to zombies, but things are looking up as the Burchell Arms Regulars informed local survivors that they have thinned the ranks of the standing zombies and there is currently only a single zombie still inside. This may be the chance survivors have been looking for with the hospital's reclamation close at hand.
November 20th, 2008 - The Burchell Arms Regulars reported that the hospitals' barricades were breached and 11 zombies were inside. Things do not look good for survivors still inside... that is if there are still any left alive.
November 19th, 2008 - The Burchell Arms Regulars reported that more survivors continue to return to the hospital and its tactical situation is improving. With every new survivor who takes up the building's defense the faster Pescodside works towards rebuilding and stabalizing once again under survivor control.
November 18th, 2008 - Tommy1504, aka "Blazin' Guns Tommy", found no zombies to kill here so instead he assisted with the rebuilding effort. Tommy reported the building was now Very Heavily barricaded. The Burchell Arms Regulars continue to patrol the area for any signs of hostile or concentrated zombie activity.
November 10th, 2008 - Okay, I took a look here and everyone's dead or undead so go someplace else because from the last recorded warning that I saw there were 45 zombies inside.
October 7th, 2008 - The Burchell Arms Regulars have assisted in reclaiming the hospital. At this time the building is zombie-free, barricaded, and powered. The B.A.R. members at the hospital are also passing out FAKs to as many of the injured as they can, at least while supplies last.
October 3rd, 2008 - St. Ninian's Hospital is in ruins. There are a couple of zombies outside of the building, there are no sight of zombies as well as survivors inside of the hospital and the doors are securely shut. Looks like the hostiles turned their attention to the nearby police station. --Izlude7980 00:49, 4 October 2008 (BST)
October 1st, 2008 - With the recent fall of the Clewett NT zombie numbers outside the hospital have grown dramatically due to the hospitals proximity to the fallen facility. At this time the Burchell Arms Regulars have reported a breach, with 2 zombies inside. Efforts are being made to hold the building.
September 30th, 2008 - In their relentless struggle, survivors have once again taken back control of the hospital from the zombies and barricaded the building. Reports have indicated there are 28 zombies outside. Not a comforting thought.
September 29th, 2008 - A recent report highlights the growing zombie problem in Pescodside that is even spilling over into Rolt Heights. With 76 zombies in the immediate area, 24 of which were standing outside the hospital, the situation looks grim.
September 28th, 2008 - With renewed bloodlust, the zombies assaulted the hospital and overran its defenses. Survivors who did not flee were eaten, and the last report placed 14 zombies inside the building. It is truly a sad day for Pescodside's health care system today.
September 26th, 2008 - The hospital has been reported clear of zombies. This is assumed to be part of a renewed assault by the Burchell Arms Regulars to reclaim the area around the Burch'.
- Update: Yet another witness reported the situation at the hospital as not being all that great. With twenty zombies standing outside and survivor numbers inside the hospital falling it was a question of not if, but when, would the hospital fall to the horde again. Among the more famous survivors killed was Kikashie of FOXHOUND, one of the more outspoken members of the Dulston Alliance.
September 24th, 2008 - An eyewitness report indicated that the zombie situation outside the hospital had grown worse over the past two days with the number of standing zombies growing from a mere handful, to now over 15. The Burchell Arms Regulars were present throughout the battle bravely defending the hospital from the horde.
September 22nd, 2008 - Witnesses reported that several survivors holed up inside the hospital launched an assault against the zombies standing outside in an effort to "thin" their numbers, especially in lue of the growing zombie horde in Pescodside.
September 19th, 2008 - As 12 zombies siege the hospital one lone survivor of no group distinction... or description for that matter... launches her assault against them. Long live the survivor!
- Update: The Electric Light Torchestra recon reported that the hospital was barricaded, powered, and with 40+ survivors inside. As most importantly, no zombies inside.
September 16th, 2008 - Pescodside is under attack from a horde of zombies, and the survivors at St Ninian's Hospital are providing assistance to the Clewett Building and the other TRPs in the suburb.
September 12th, 2008 - The building is EHB, Generator running, and many survivors inside. Only one zed outside. --Moonlight Phoenix 18:49, 12 September 2008 (BST)
May 6th, 2008 - The building is powered, EHB, and with lots of survivors inside and a dead vandal outside, this building is sitting pretty. --Pvt human 04:50, 6 May 2008 (BST)
February 6th, 2008 - The Second Big Bash dropped by and, well, it wasn't pretty. The hospital was overrun and a lot of people died. NecroNet scans from the Clewett Building indicated 52 zombies at this location. Ow! That's a lot of zombies... --Mobius187 17:46, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
August 30th, 2007 - Schreiber Drive PD is now under zombie control. If you can and are willing, please hoard up in St.Ninians next door and prepare to counter attack.
July 22nd, 2007 - The Pescodside Defense Alliance has acquired control of the hospital and now will be maintaining it daily.
- Update: Ownership of the hospital by the PDA is being contested by its previous owners, namely the Burchell Arms Regulars who claimed the hospital as a part of their group's domain back in mid-2006.
- Update: The PDA have conceeded ownership of the hospital to the BAR.
July 17th, 2007 - St. Ninian's Hospital is at VSB and inhabited by over 50 survivors. Schreiber Drive PD in Rolt Heights is well stocked with survivors as well. --Bruce Lee VIII 10:20, 18 July 2007 (BST)
February 11th, 2007 - St. Ninian's Hospital, which had been overrun by zombies the previous day, has been recovered, but at the cost of Schreiber Drive PD in Rolt Heights. Survivors are warned not to sleep overnight in resource buildings or other prime targets in either suburb.
February 10th, 2007 - St. Ninian's Hospital has been overrun by zombies from the Militant Order of Barhah. This zombie horde has been blamed for attacks throughout Rolt Heights and Pescodside.
June 21st, 2006 - Tragedy has befallen the hospital's survivors! After the longest siege in history of Dead Animals, the last two survivors left alive in the hospital are dragged out into the street and St. Ninian's falls! The zombies celebrate their belated victory with traditional Disco. Afterwards the zombies engage in a little after-party ransacking.
June 11th, 2006 - Dead Animals has returned to St. Ninian's Hospital and settled in for another siege. Survivors barricade the doors and plan to repel the zombies as they did already once before.
May 31st, 2006 - After 7 days of knocking on the doors of St. Ninian's Hospital, and at one point being defied by the brave stand of a lone survivor, Dr Shrinker, and dismayed by the flys and mounds of dead, Dead Animals has turned away and started knocking at the doors of the surrounding buildings.
Malton Department of Emergency Management Information
Pescodside is in District Three of the Northeast Division of the Department of Emergency Management.