Talk:Philosophe Knights

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This page has an archive page located at Philosophe Knights/Archive. Please add comments here. If you wish to discuss the Philosophe Knights/Archive page do so on this page.

DEM Policy?

Hello, I'm Shusamchen, commonly abbreviated SSC. I'm a member of the DEM, which you guys seem to have a blanket policy on killing. I was just wondering how I and/or my affilated group managed to earn a place on your blacklist (no sarcasm or hostile intent intended). --Shusamchen 23:21, 31 October 2008 (UTC)

I am quoting our illustrious Professor DT on this brief, yet insightful list. He offers...
"- Actively promoting a third-party system of 'crime and punishment' - which openly vilifies the Philosophe Knights, and encourages their destruction - to other survivors and survivor groups. Factional Crime: Mass Slander.
- Actively employing armed personnel to track and kill Philosophe Knights, using aforementioned third-party system. Factional Crime: Mass Hindrance.
- Allowing other armed personnel to hunt and kill Philosophe Knights using that third-party system on a citywide scale and, in particular, in the traditional home of the Philosophe Knights and inside Centers of Learning. Factional Crime: Mass Hindrance.
- Engaging in activities in peaceful suburbs which are not only unrequested by the regular residents, but often entirely contrary to the residents' needs and desires. The common explanation for the DEM's member-groups engaging in such activities is the total disregard for communication with local groups. Factional Crime: Mass Ignorance.
- Lack of unified effort exhibited by individuals of DEM member-groups. Members operating alone, rather than providing strength in numbers and cooperation, has been observed to make little impact upon a given situation. DEM policy does nothing to discourage this, and is believed to implement this quite often. Factional Crime: Mass Ignorance.
- Contributing to the development of, and actively spreading awareness of, a barricade priority template which advocates the endangerment of Centers of Learning through insufficient barricades. Factional Crime: Mass Disrespect for Knowledge.
- Aiding and abetting enemies of the Philosophe Knights in times of war. Examples include: The DRRP, and the Bandit Queens. Factional Crime: Mass Aiding the Enemy.
- (Note: Crime and Verdict listed as Controversial) The display of a Problematic Attitude. Especially: regarding small, organized groups of survivors. Observations show that many DEM personnel (of all ranks and member-groups) have a tendency to regard the opinions, actions, and operations of smaller groups or non-allies as inconsequential and insignificant. Factional Crime: Mass Ignorance."
I believe that sums up quite a bit.
-- RHTinywhitemask2.pngPK | burning chiton 02:15, 3 November 2008 (UTC)
Also, your group is allied with enemies of knowledge. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 20:48, 3 November 2008 (UTC)
It's much worse than that. The DEM considers itself allied with all survivors. That would include fairly well every person the Philosphe Knights kill. A group of people they would call "ignorant" granted they are a smaller group of players but even the Philsophe Knights have to find someone to veiw as inconsequential and insignificant. Why not the people they kill? So yeah I'll say the DEM stands for a society that is inclusive rather than exclusive. We will hold the torch of civilization for all..even the ignorant. So add that to our list of crimes.--Kristi of the Dead 13:18, 4 November 2008 (UTC)
(sound of quill scratching) -- CITIZEN VI 16:25, 4 November 2008 (UTC)
Hmm... I see. Well, things sound a lot worse when you say it like that. But when you have to manage 200+ personnel over all of Malton, things get quite difficult. On points regarding to barricading and unwanted assistance, we've always tried to follow appropriate barricade plans according to the wiki; it's not really easy to agree on all of these things. On your issues with teamwork, well, 200+ people aren't easy to manage, especially with our current structure. But we're working on that. Also bear in mind that we take in a lot of new players as well, and they aren't necessarily as disciplined as we'd like. We DO try to help every player, but nowadays with all this politicking going on around us, it's not always as clear anymore, especially when no-one bothers trying to talk to us and just says "Oh, the DEM just try to ruin everything for everybody. They rush in and make a mess for us to clean up, then disappear like they've never been here". And as a last point, may I note that DEM do not and will never proactively attack survivors, unless said survivors have a confirmed record (screenshot and personal report) of Player Killing of members of the DEM. Many thanks for your answer, it has cleared up a lot of things for me. May we one day settle our differences for the greater good of everyone. --Shusamchen 21:37, 8 November 2008 (UTC)

Another Imposter?

I witnessed an intersting kill in Wybrants Museum by someone claiming membership in you group. ""

Knowing you support the centers of learning policy I felt obliged to let you know. Rocky Ford 17:09, 31 October 2008 (UTC)

Indeed not. The victim of the attack is a member of a group which is currently a declared enemy of the Philosophe Knights, and thus is not protected by the Centers of Learning policy. However, I must commend you on your sharp eye; we have had incidents which were not justified, and we appreciate others looking out for the integrity of our members. Thank you, and Praise Knowledge. --DTPraise KnowledgePK 17:20, 31 October 2008 (UTC)
Oh yes that. I was debating on that kill because Kristi was so kindly negotiating with us on the forum about CoLs being neutral zones for all parties, but the discussion turned awry and didn't seem like it would be conclusive any time soon. Additionally the victim has one of those long, annoying barcode-names that irk me. I followed my instincts. --SM 01:53, 6 November 2008 (UTC)

killed some body on youre little team =dead LOL! i may be a serial killer but dam he was the best kill at the time have fun yall --youre fellow asshole--Tomer 17:30, 20 October 2008 (BST)


Please join us in participating in Malton's First Player Killer Olympic Games!

Check out the wiki page: HERE--Squid Boy 18:32, 26 August 2008 (BST)

Temp board

Bottom of the page, chaps:

PM me for the password. I'm 'Citizen VI'.


Hacked? I am seriously confused. After we get them working again, I'm pushing for a barebones emergency forum. -- THELORDGUNSLINGER 21:15, 11 August 2008 (BST)

Yeah, I just saw it. I'm going to see about fixing it. Looks like we pissed off some script kiddies somewhere along the line. --CITIZEN VI 21:27, 11 August 2008 (BST)
I do hope so. Script kiddies.. Maybe it was Demon Hart. The page they redirect to claims that they are Islamic. Demon Hart spoke horrible English... Speculation of course. I hope this resolves quickly. The forums are my favorite hideout. -- THELORDGUNSLINGER 21:39, 11 August 2008 (BST)
Damn it all! The day I get back, our forum is hacked. If you need any help, I see what's wrong. -- KFTinywhitemask.GIFPKTalk 21:49, 11 August 2008 (BST)
Do you know how to fix it? I've got some friends form another forum who are going to help me out, but if you can fix it, shoot. --CITIZEN VI 22:13, 11 August 2008 (BST)
I'd like to report this group to the FBI Internet Crime Division. If you guys find the IP Address they used, or any information based on them, please let me know. -- THELORDGUNSLINGER 22:36, 11 August 2008 (BST)
So...what's the current temporary method of communication? --SMTinywhitemask2.pngPK 22:54, 11 August 2008 (BST)
Perhaps someone can setup a temporary temporary forum? -- THELORDGUNSLINGER 23:02, 11 August 2008 (BST)
I'm supposed to hang out with one of my hacker friends tonight, so we can take a crack at it if you want. You can still use the forum if you hit escape during the loading, as the redirect to their page takes place towards the end. It's a pain, but we can still work on the forum and on the wiki until we get it back up. -- KFTinywhitemask.GIFPKTalk 23:03, 11 August 2008 (BST)
Understood. It still would not hurt to setup an emergency forum that only the Philosophe Knights know about in the future. In case these... issues have extended stays. I have no doubt that you will resolve the problem, but it is always good to have an emergency means of communication. Until then, I guess we suffer through wiki discussion. -- THELORDGUNSLINGER 23:07, 11 August 2008 (BST)
Let us decide who will make the forum. I have experience with making such things but it kinda annoys me if like 3 people go about it and we get all confused. If someone else wants a crack at it, I recommend either phpbb or invision (BUT NOT ZETA PLEASE) --SMTinywhitemask2.png 23:17, 11 August 2008 (BST)
Um, since no one volunteers, I'll make one after I get back to my dorm (I'm at the computer labs now). Do any of you have preference for either phpbb or invision? I think vBoards is pretty good too but I forget if they are free. --SM 23:44, 11 August 2008 (BST)
I guarantee that we'll be able to get a temporary home at, just ask Murray Jay Suskind or Bisfan, they should be on the IRC, in the MOB or RRF channels. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 23:48, 11 August 2008 (BST)
If you chaps want to make a second forum, please do so. I'm just concentrating on getting the main forum back on its feet. We can communicate here for now. KF, go for it. It looks like a pretty simple fix if you know what you're about. CITIZEN VI 23:51, 11 August 2008 (BST)

Fellows, I'm going to see if I can get a quick temp board over at the PKer's Hub. It's a cool place, and shouldn't take long to set up. - VI

Ah, yes, that might be a better "temporary" solution than making a brand new forum. --SM
Let's do this temp board over at the PKA. The PKA board sounds a little more up our alley than perhaps Barhah. Damn, & I just got back today from a mini vacation to find this out. VI, your registered over at PKA right??? I think you are I just can't keep track of em all. And I'm a mod over there so we should be able to do it painlessly until our normal board is back on it's feet. --Sir WV 05:30, 12 August 2008 (BST)
Well, the CGR got hit once, now it's our turn. But I think this calls for a mass in-game 'witchhunt' (a joke witchhunt, of course) in which we kill as many possible suspects as we can. Just to show the world just how Not Amused we are. I shouldn't worry about the data-base, though. The forums just seems to have a redirect on it, and it always half-loads before it goes to the Islamic Interwebz Assault Jihad Taskforce thing. I kinda agree in terms of doing Temp board over on the PKA. It'll be easier over there. --DTPraise KnowledgePK 06:02, 12 August 2008 (BST)
Okay... The RedRum one seems okay. But I guess PKA works too. I just need to dig up my account info... -- THELORDGUNSLINGER 06:53, 12 August 2008 (BST)
I actually didn't have an account there. I registered for one just now, but if anyone can tell PKA admins that "Schizo" is me, that'd be great. Also, I looked into making a new back-up board for us. I encountered two different problems. 1)Invisionfree requires that all usernames have 3+ characters and 2)Philosophe Knights is taken. I think I know a way around #2, but #1 might be a problem, knowing our...habits. Anyways, no solid conclusion yet. I'll look into it tomorrow after I get back from Lit class. If all else fails, I can make another phpBB board under a slightly differnet name. --SM 08:28, 12 August 2008 (BST)

VI, did you get my E-mail? I sent it through the wiki. And DT, the forum fully loads before it sends you there, so with a bit of luck and OK reflexes, an admin should be able to get into it and change the 2 redirects that I see in the source. I guess I'll go make an account at the PKA... -- KFTinywhitemask.GIFPKTalk 13:23, 12 August 2008 (BST)

Good news! I fixed the forum. - VI 13:26, 12 August 2008 (BST)
Hey guys. I'll see what I can do. I guess my whole family's website got hacked... We need more bandwidth too. Thanks VI. M 20:08, 21 August 2008 (BST)
Sorry to hear about the family site M. Hope all is going well with you. --Sir WV 22:04, 21 August 2008 (BST)

I guess they got M's family website again. To the backup board we go! --Sir WV 17:04, 28 August 2008 (BST)

Midterms finally over! (finals in 2 weeks though). I'll try to get a backup board up sometime today. I'll probably post the link on our Red Rum thing. Anyone without access to it can find a mobile phone in-game and call me :P *jkjk* --SM 22:14, 28 August 2008 (BST)
Hardyharhar :) --Sir WV 22:29, 28 August 2008 (BST)
Is that sarcasm I hear? :) Forums mostly up. Link is in Red Rum. I forgot to turn off construction earlier but it should be off now. Buttons need work and banner needs work. Volunteers? --SM 04:12, 29 August 2008 (BST)


I've looked over your Wiki and the publicly viewable portion of your forum, and saw no mention of this individual in either. He and I have a bit of history between us, and I hope that he isn't trying to drag you ladies and laddies into our fight. Is he officially a Knight, or is he merely bluffing? You can look at his profile yourself here. - Subotei's Crotch 23:03, 20 April 2008 (BST)

No, he is indeed an impostor. I wish you good luck in murdering him. --User:VI/signature 03:17, 21 April 2008 (BST)

Our Forum

Am I the only one who can't get on? --VI 15:15, 11 April 2008 (BST)

It is also down for me. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 18:07, 11 April 2008 (BST)
Hm, it's up now. That's odd. --VI 18:24, 11 April 2008 (BST)

To All Knights of the Oblong Table

I require that you travel to the suburb of Detroit immediately. Further instructions have been left in a telephone box. -- Bruce Willis 19:53, 7 April 2008 (BST)

Mind if I steal your generally awesome wiki?

Seriously, it's awesome...

Mind if I steal this awesomely organized page's general layout for the AH page? --Hardcore Rockabilly 07:36, 23 May 2008 (BST)

Only if you promise to stop by your local library every now and again to borrow some books. --User:VI/signature 03:16, 24 May 2008 (BST)
And, of course, put our name in the recognition box at the bottom of the page, just as we have done with Sirens and some rather famous artists (none of the many people who have shamelessly ripped off our wiki have done anything of the sort, mind you). --DTPraise KnowledgePK 06:09, 24 May 2008 (BST)

Quartly Library

hey, uhhh, did you guys know like The Dead are totally disrupting Quartly Library? like there are hostile zombies all over, tearing books and eatin' people and... just bein' real downers man. so i made a little list of some of them so far.

i know there's more. like a lot more, but this is what, you know, i got so far.

an' like that guy, Frank N Style, whose like still totally alive man, i think is totally going to try and piñata the building. totally un-hip. anyway, thought you all might like to know, cuz you're all into books an' art an' stuff. anyway, hope you're all havin' a groovy day n stuff -- SiIIyLiIIyPiIIy 17:19, 31 May 2008 (BST)

We are aware. It is unfortunate that punishing zombies is not our forte. We do have someone there, though. --DTPraise KnowledgePK 17:43, 31 May 2008 (BST)
hey man, that's cool. cuz yeah, i know how tough dealin' with zombies are and all. and i know you're all very... ummm busy... with, uh, stuff...
and besides, well, these zombies are like waaaay tougher than most other hordes. you probably would not want to tangle with them at all. i mean i should probably leave myself, but you know how silly us Lillys are n stuff...
but thanks for listenin' man. if you could pass that little list to you person on the inside in case it would help that would be rad. -- SiIIyLiIIyPiIIy 18:14, 31 May 2008 (BST)
I would have thought that Silly Lilly Pilly would have simply strode in, passed out some 'peace' stickers and then booted out the zombies in one go. After all, you take after Pathetic Bill. But it is good to know that the Librarians have friends in even the most infamous of Malton's citizens. --DTPraise KnowledgePK 22:36, 31 May 2008 (BST)

Subpoena for Testimony

I'm sure you know about the arbitration over the Invasion of Gibsonton page. Once opening statements are completed I would like a representative from your group to come to the Arbitration and make a statement as the chosen representative of the Philosophe Knights. As soon as Ion testifies, I will make a few questions for your representative and I will allow your representative to make a statement from your group on the conflict. Your representative's comments and responses to the questions that I have will help toward ending the edit conflict and hopefully get us on the road toward having a mutually agreeable version of the Invasion of Gibsonton. --Akule Maker of fine, hand-crafted UDWiki sass since 2006 -- Akule School's back in session™ 22:35, 1 June 2008 (BST)

That means you, DT my friend; or will WV be dealing with this? --User:VI/signature 00:50, 2 June 2008 (BST)
I suppose WV and I shall probably put our heads together or somesuch, for the most accurate representation of events, if that's possible. --DTPraise KnowledgePK 04:05, 3 June 2008 (BST)

A poetry night in creedy

Hi, I am Runemasteryx from the The Streltsy. We are forming alliances with all PKer groups we can, for a massive attack on Creedy or a PKer tour for 2008. Do you wish to be our allies? Runemasteryx

Depends on the date, old chap. --User:VI/signature 16:07, 4 June 2008 (BST)
Asoon as we have got enough allies Runemasteryx
We are at war with the B-saints who are trying to greif us, ca you give us a hand? --[[User:Runemasteryx| The Strelstys deputy]] 10:55, 6 June 2008 (BST)
Sorry old chap, we're rather busy at the moment ourselves. --CITIZEN VI 16:12, 6 June 2008 (BST)
Please disregard what Runemasteryx has stated here. The Streltsy are NOT preparing for a massive attack on Creedy or any sort of PKer tour for 2008. Runemasteryx does NOT speak for The Streltsy and we are NOT forming alliances at the moment. I am the leader of The Streltsy and Runemasteryx is hereby removed as a deputy. We cannot allow our members to be getting us involved in grandiose plans and alliances without our approval or knowledge, as Runemasteryx has been doing. --PiggyInTheMiddle 17:28, 6 June 2008 (BST)
Regardless, we will not be participating. --CITIZEN VI 00:25, 8 June 2008 (BST)
Sorry every one, I shouldn't have done that and I am sorry, please forgive my fowardness --[[User:Runemasteryx| The Strelstys deputy]] 16:12, 15 June 2008 (BST)

Kill list abbreviations


Encountered a member of your group and find myself listed on your "Kill List" as... *Matasho(HB). Just curious as to the meaning of the asterisk and (HB). --Matasho

Well, the HB means that it was citizen HB who killed you. I don't know what the asterisk means, but I'd guess it means that he killed you twice. --User:VI/signature 20:46, 5 June 2008 (BST)
Doesn't the asterisk mean that he had either body building or a flak jacket, but not both? I think I remember that being on the ranking page.--KF 19:13, 6 June 2008 (BST)


Punk fest 08.PNG

Anarchy International would like to cordially invite Philosophe Knights and Friends to this year's annual Punk Fest. We will be kicking off festivities in Ackland Mall on the 18th (of July nonetheless) and will be sure to have lots of music, drugs, sex and of course blood (as advertised).

Yours faithfully,

--HighlandZHunter 14:29, 3 July 2008 (BST)


NOOOO!!! I want compensation! Preferably the sacrificing of his first born.... I might have let him off if he said something funny.... but he didn't say anything.... BAAAAWWWWW!!!!!!!--/~Rakuen~\Talk Domo.gif I Still Love Grim 19:19, 11 July 2008 (BST)

Alliance Request

Greetings Philosophe Knights I Am Rotten Zerg Leader Of The_Great_Taboo We Are Here To Join With Fellow Pkers In A Fight Against Stupid Innocent Survivors. If You Believe In Honour Amongst Thieves You Will Also Take Me Off Your Kill List For I Am Smarter Then Before And No Longer Believe Survivors Should Have It All. Please Let Me Know Your Answer Through The Discussion Page Or The Forum.

--Rotten zerg 11:11, 19 July 2008 (BST)

You are an imbecile. The answer is no. Please kill yourself so that I don't have to. --CITIZEN VI 18:56, 23 July 2008 (BST)
That was hardly polite, VI. The Great Taboo is already an ally of ours by default - they're a membergroup of the PKA. And while our friend Rotten Zerg may not be careful about his capitalization, that is hardly reason to insult him. I expect you were tapping the wine-casks a bit much last night, and your head is not happy about it this morning?
If I may turn down your request, Rotten Zerg, for a more formal group-based alliance, it is because your goals and our goals are too dissimilar to be united under anything other than the flag of the PKA. Thank you for approaching us, and Praise Knowledge. --DTPraise KnowledgePK 20:14, 23 July 2008 (BST)
I do not indulge myself in alcoholic beverages, DT. Regardless, I have no patience for death cultists, and those that assume we are the same are worthy of nothing less than outright scorn. I apologize that my frankness embarrasses you, but I hold men who speak exactly what they believe to be guilty of a high virtue indeed. --CITIZEN VI22:57, 23 July 2008 (BST)

The Great Suburb Group Massacre

Check-Mark-Reviewed.jpg Group Confirmed.
This group was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply.

Currently the suburb in question is Quarlesbank but one response to this query will be all that is needed to protect your group link on all suburb pages. I know this is a random request but its for all groups regardless of size. Thank you. --Axe Hack Talk 20:15, 24 July 2008 (BST)

I know that we don't technically need to answer, but I think that's rather rude. To the best of my knowledge, we do not have anyone in Quarlesbank. Praise Knowledge! -- KFTinywhitemask.GIFPKTalk03:12, 27 July 2008 (BST)
How about Lamport Hills? --Adavastor 18:01, 28 July 2008 (BST)
Yes, we have people in Lamport Hills.-- KFTinywhitemask.GIFPKTalk 19:13, 28 July 2008 (BST)
Lamport Hills will always be a place we live. --DTPraise KnowledgePK 20:03, 28 July 2008 (BST)

a rat's nest of ignorance

I am tempted, sorely tempted, to have a spelling bee. The losers forfeit their lives.

--WanYao 21:42, 4 August 2008 (BST)

Well ... actually...

This game needs more judges. Feel free to join the panel! --WanYao 21:48, 4 August 2008 (BST)

the irony is that i mispelled trickster myself... However, I at least have the excuse of errors made ex tempore, in the heat of "battle", typing fast before some schmuck heals my contestant... Right? Right???? ;P --WanYao 01:15, 5 August 2008 (BST)
--Shakes Head-- No. We will now dispatch a Knight to gun you down in a horrific drive-by shooting which will also claim the lives of an old woman who was passing by on the way to the grocery store and a poor, young zombie who was just standing there, thinking about a brain smoothie. Thank you for alerting us to your probable location.
But really, are you looking to join us Wan? Or was this just a tribute to our endless glory? --DTPraise KnowledgePK 00:13, 6 August 2008 (BST)

Monroeville Mall

Was this group present at The First Ruining of Monroeville Mall? We need a survivours POV on the article. It would help us sorely. Thank you for your time :) --RahrahCome join the #party!08:24, 8 August 2008 (BST)

Love your wikipage!

Yall have a wonderful page! Extremely enlightening! Your beliefs are excellent! Just thought I would share that. I'll go get me a book now. ;) ---Firetwigzed 20:44, 10 August 2008 (BST)

Ah, thank you very much from all of us. It is good to see that today's newest killers see the wisdom of our ways. Much better than the unruly upstarts of our early days who had no respect... --DTPraise KnowledgePK 20:59, 10 August 2008 (BST)

Your welcome of course. Though I do kill those desecrater's of libraries and people of stupid names... ---Firetwigzed 00:02, 11 August 2008 (BST)

Um, just quickly, I have a stupid name but it was a spur of the moment type thing and I would abandon him except I've grown to enjoy playing as my stupid little peon. --Doctorgun 07:43, 20 October 2008 (BST)

Please Explain

I was recently killed by Luis Townsend for "attacking his breathren." Can someone please enlighten me as to when I attacked his breathren? I have specifically avoided attacking the Philosophe Knights because Cobra observes the Honor Among Thieves policy, and does not kill other PK'ers unless provoked. Until this point I was not provoked. Because I am still low level, the only kill I have made in the last couple of weeks was one person I found on their own that (at least at the time) did not list a group affiliation. Starting to attack Cobra members on trumped-up charges would not exactly be the best of ideas.--Ezreal Desdinova, Cobra, 00:25 MST, August 27, 2008

I'm afraid, my dear chap, you did attack a Philosophe Knight. You did not kill him - you shot him twice while he slept in the Southwestern wing of Southall Mansion - but such an attack in the House of the Knights is not taken lightly, especially since we have been attacked by several bounty hunters in the past week. We will not harm you further, as it is clear that you did not realize he was a Knight, but next time, do make sure that your victim is not wearing a white mask in his profile, for it may well be that he or she is of our order. Thank you for your time, and Praise Knowledge. --DTPraise KnowledgePK 19:39, 26 August 2008 (BST)

Alliance Request

Gentlemen, in the name of my group SNAKEHOUND I'd like to offer you our friendship, our alliance. We currently operate in East Grayside, hunting DEM members, killing the ignorant and annonying (like this person and taking care of the Tharatt Library, Lambourn Library and the Zwanenburg Museum. Please reply on my talkpage if you are interested. Praise Knowledge. --ScouterTX 06:37, 1 October 2008 (BST)

The SKorpions

Hey there hipsters! Reading and killin' people is pretty hip in my book, so i'm lookin' for an alliance with you cats. Check us out:

Hit us up on our forums page and let us know what you think. --PFC 22:52, 12 October 2008 (BST)

hitman we changed or priorities

The top 3 in cammand have had a large discussion and desided to change our dammands to Fortress. Origonaly we told them that all people in schols would be executed util they removed all Fortress personel from all schools and enforced a no kill polocy(sp) on all hospitals. We were contacted by a member of your group. Told we had it wrong...Anyway after a large debat we desisded to change priorities. All fortress members are to remove themselves from hospitals and all schools must be no kill zones. We hope this sits well with you, the same goal for us can be acheived either way. respind via user talk--Taco man 04:22, 24 October 2008 (BST)

I would just like to say you guys are awesome.

Logical thinkers are rather hard to find in this world of ours...I support you throughly. --Shadow Kenshin 00:54, 24 November 2008 (UTC)